Organisational Behaviour Analysis And Recommendations For PC Solutions

Reviewing the Existing Situations of PC Solutions

a. Understand the contemporary theories and concepts in organisational behaviour,

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b. Understand human behaviour at the work place and the importance of evidence based approach to management and organisational behaviour,

c. Develop personal and interpersonal skills and knowledge to effectively manage oneself and others in an organisational context,

d. Understand the importance of team work and how to develop effective teams,

e. Identify organisational problems and apply OB theories to resolve them. 

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In this assignment, recommendations are described related to the organizational behavior of PC Solutions as per the view of the consultancy management personnel that are hired by the founder of PC Solutions. In addition, the existing situation of PC Solutions is briefly described in this assignment for understanding the existing issues that are related to the organizational behavior. Therefore, few issues are highlighted as well as recommendations for resolving that particular issues are included in this assignment for enhancing the ways of mitigation.

Moreover, strengths as well as the weaknesses of this organization are also evaluated in this assignment for understanding the scope of the future improvements. Henceforth, recommendations related to minimizing the weakness are included in this assignment. In addition, the necessity of the change of the cultural aspect is highlighted along with the resistant sources in this study. Additionally, recommendation related to the Leadership Role is also included in this assignment for increasing the significant aspects such as increasing the satisfaction of the customers.

In 2007, PC Solutions was founded by Frank Wallace, who was an Information Technology (IT) professional (Von Krogh, Nonaka and Rechsteiner 2012). Primarily, PC Solutions was a sales organization that was engaged in selling of the desktop computers to the home users. Nevertheless, PC Solutions increased their organizational growth with near about 75 employees as well as divided the entire organization into four departments that are, Software development, Administration, Customer services as well as sales (Anderson, PotoÄÂnik and Zhou 2014).

It is necessary to mention that, the sales department is maintained by Scott Punter along with near about 25 sales employees as well as near around five administrative support employees as opined by Cresswell and Sheikh (2013). On the other hand, the customer service department is maintained by Louise Machin along with near about 25 employees by divided into three teams that are Hardware Support, Training, Networking and Software Support. Additionally, the administration department is under Sylvia Chia, who is the manager of the Finance and Administration Manager. Finally, the Software development department is maintained by Ted Keating (Pinder 2014).

Recommending Changes for mitigating the existing issues

However, the founder of PC Software Frank Wallace identified that, the proper needs of the customers were not meeting appropriately related to the software development needs as stated by Fugate, Prussia and Kinicki (2012). On the other hand, after merging the software development department into PC Solutions, Frank Wallace again identified that, the customer satisfaction is decreasing whether the organizational growth was increasing in these days. It is identified that, the employees of PC Solutions are able to take a sufficient amount of salary to their home as well as the departments are also doing their best for increasing the performances. Nevertheless, few significant errors or miscommunication related to the organizational behavior is taking place within the entire organization that is able to create barriers for the satisfaction of the customers (Greenberg 2013).

The departments are managed by various highly educated and experienced personnel for completing the entire task properly in a cohesive manner. In addition, various significant designations are there within the departments as per the skills, knowledge as well as experience as opined by Wagner III and Hollenbeck (2014). It is necessary to mention that, the employment of PC Solutions is done under the observations of the department head officers; nevertheless, the customer satisfaction is decreasing as noticed by the founder of PC Solutions (Kolb 2014).

Reaching the milestone or achieving the designated target is a highly important need for any organization; nevertheless, mitigating the organizational issues is also another highly significant determinant that must have to be satisfied for engaging the customers as well as increasing the growth of the organization as commented by Cummings and Worley (2014). Therefore, successful changes are able to involve the existing employees of the organizations for enhancing the capacity for adapting the tasks or jobs efficiently as well as effectively.

Planning: As commented by Khan, Asghar and Zaheer (2014), developing the aims and objectives is not the primary task for reaching the proper target or destination for any organization, it is highly necessary to develop proper planning for reaching the designated targets. As the recommendation, it can be said that, PC Solutions has to develop appropriate planning department wise for satisfying as well as engaging the customers. On the other hand, planned job roles have to give to those employees who are able to maintain proper activities for completing the tasks successfully for increasing the organizational growth. It is necessary to mention that, planning has to be developing by identifying what is to be achieved as well as what is the future scope by determining the existing organizational situation.

Strengths and Weaknesses of PC Solutions

Clear Vision: The change vision must also align with and be seen to align with the organizations and the government’s overall vision and mission, with the desired culture and values of the change reflecting the vision and mission statements as commented by Safi et al. (2016). Henceforth, it can be recommended that, articulating a direction and desired behaviors as well as values set up a sense of the ideal culture the organization is striving to achieve with the change. On the other hand, a vision that is misaligned will bring about early resistance and a lack of support for resources and change.

Assessing Cultural Landscape: As stated by Renko et al. (2015), most of the organizations make the mistake related to assessing the cultural aspect. As the recommendation, it can be recommended that, PC Solution must have to diagnose the cultural influences that can be highly efficient for increasing the loyalty as well as rectifying the employee’s mentality. It is necessary to mention that, the cultural aspect related diagnosis is able to evaluate the behavior, attitudes, core values of the employees as well as it is also helpful in improvising the existing cultural situation of any business organization as opined by García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo and Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez (2012).

Miscommunication and Lack of Trust: As commented by Choudhary, Akhtar and Zaheer (2013), miscommunication as well as the lack of trust are a highly negative factor that is able to hinder the entire communication system as well creating barriers between the employees of any organization. Henceforth, it can be recommended that, the management of the PC Solutions has to take further improvisation ways for mitigating the miscommunication within the workplace. On the other hand, arranging various cultural events or collaborative job roles also able to helping in increasing the trust between the employees, between employees and managers.

The strengths and the weaknesses of the PC Solutions are mentioned in a tabular form below:



·         PC Solutions has monopoly in the Australian Information Technology (IT) market.

·         PC Solutions has efficient numbers of employees.

·         Various departments are divided into the designated job roles.

·         Highly Educated personnel are managing the departments of PC Solutions.

·         The online delivery system is also available on the official website of PC Solutions.

·         Efficient and effective home delivery system is also available for the home users.

·         PC Solutions is concentrated on the better quality products as well as their provided services.

·         Enough advanced technological equipment and tools for software developing.

·         Employment is taking by the efficient employees under observations of the managers.

·         PC Solutions is increasing their organizational growth.

·         Various employees are from various cultures as well as have different knowledge in different subjects.

·         Most of the employees have all the religion aspect of the Oceania region.

·         Suitable employees are able to communicate with the same religious customers.

·         Customer satisfaction is decreasing.

·         The waiting time span is high according to the customers.

·         No mention about the delivery time in the official website of PC Solutions.

·         Miscommunication and lack of trust are creating hindrances within the workplace.

·         The rate of employment is decreasing.

·         Communication with the customers is not done in a suitable manner.

·         Require Human Resource (HR) managers.

·         Offering discounts to the customers is in very low rate.

·         Need skilled and experienced employees in the software development department.

·         The training topics are not meeting is not sufficient for reaching proper goals.

·         Need more skilled and experienced trainers for providing training to the employees who work in the customer service department.

·         Need more skilled and experienced hardware support technicians for providing better service quality to the customers.

·         The collision of the religious aspect between the employees.

·         Customer services employees don’t have a real chance to communicate with the same religious customers.

·         Organizing of religious holidays is tough due to various religious aspects of the employees

Table 1: Strengths and Weaknesses of PC Solutions

(Source: As created by the Author)

It is identified that, the cultural aspects are hindering the organizational ways for satisfying the customers of PC Solutions. It is necessary to mention that, all the cultures are inherited as well as predisposed for changing to resist the changes within the organization as opined by Daft (2012). Henceforth, the dynamic procedures for changing the cultures are able to encourage the employees with implementing innovative ideas. As a recommendation, it can be recommended to PC Solutions for changing the cultural aspects that are highly needed for increasing the customer’s satisfaction.

Communicate with the society: As commented by Dunn, Dastoor and Sims (2012), few significant procedures are there that are able to lead the changes for communicating the organization with the societies that are: Diffusion, Transculturation, and Acculturation. It is necessary to mention that, diffusion is the procedure for moving the innovative ideas from one culture to another. At the time while diffusion occurs the form of the trait is able to move from one society to another. As the various culture of the employees are there in PC Solutions; hence, the employees have to understand all the cultural aspect that are important to the other employees. Apart from that, the employees have to understand the cultural mentalities of the customers as well as provide them a better quality of services as per their need as well as perspectives.

On the other hand, acculturation means what happened while an entire organizational culture facing alien traits diffuse in on a high scale as well as substantially replacing the existing cultural pattern as opined by Patiar and Wang (2016). Therefore, the employees of PC Solutions have to get ready for facing the new employees who are from the different culture. It is necessary to keep all the cultural aspects in same priority for avoiding the collision between the employees of PC Solutions. Moreover, transculturation is highly necessity aspect that has to present between the employees of PC Solutions because the employees can be hired from another organization. That means an employee who will come from another organization may face few cultural issues because different organizations have different cultural aspects as commented by Noruzy et al. (2013).

Source of Resistance

Recommendation for change

Time Frame


Assuring the employees by providing good rewards as well as increase the salary of the employees who are very effective with their activities for increasing the organizational growth.

Economic Losses

Assuring the employees who think that they will terminate due to the economic losses of the organization by providing them proper training with experienced trainers.

Threats for influencing

Influence the employees who are confused about the newly implemented system by providing appropriate and relevant information.

Possibility of Social Loss

Assuring the employees who though negative about the social activities by summarizing all the organizational cultural aspects under the same roof.

Poor Communication and Trust

Removing the communication issues by maintaining good communication training as well as provide the significant task to a group for the collaborative job for increasing the trust.

Implementing new technology

Providing proper training to the employees who don’t have sufficient knowledge about the “to be implemented” system for minimizing their fears.

Fear of termination

Assure all the employees to reduce their fear who are efficient with their designated job roles by promoting them as well as provide important tasks to do.

Table 2: Sources of Resistance and Recommendation for Change

(Source: As created by the Author)

The major objective of Leadership is to help in maximizing the organizational efficiency for achieving the designated targets as well as goals of the organization as commented by Ertureten, Cemalcilar and Aycan (2013). There are five important types of leadership are:

  • Transformational
  • Transactional
  • Participative
  • Laissez-Faire
  • Autocratic

As per the identified issues by Frank Wallace, Transformational Leadership is recommended to him for resolving as well as changing existing organizational facilities. It is necessary to mention that, Frank can be helped by adopting transformational leadership because transformational leadership is very helpful in:

Figure 1: Transformational Leadership

(Source: Dunn, Dastoor and Sims 2012)

Creating impressive organizational vision: The vision of PC Solution can be improvised if the founder of PC Solution adopts the transformational leadership style because this type of leadership style is very helpful for clarify the designated vision with the existing market situation. It is necessary to mention that, the visions that are developed after adopting the transformational leadership style is more effective for increasing the organizational growth along with satisfying the customers.

Motivating the employees: Frank can motivate the employees by adopting transformational leadership because this type of leadership is able to create a positive impact on the employees for concentrating on their designated job responsibilities. On the other hand, Frank can handle the situations that occur due to the collision of cultural aspects

Building a strong relationship between the employees: Transformational Leadership style is highly helpful for focusing the attention on the employees of the organization as well as helping them for achieving the designated organizational targets and goals as opined by Khan, Asghar and Zaheer (2014). Therefore, Frank Wallace can be helpful for building a strong relationship between the employees as well as the trust will be increased. On the other hand, the confidence level will also increase, and that is very helpful for satisfy the customers according to their needs.


As conclusion, it can be said that, the existing organizational situation of PC Solutions is highly effective for increasing the organizational growth. However, the customer satisfaction is decreasing in these days. The major issue of PC Solution is the cultural variation of the working employees. Therefore, the recommendations are briefly discussed for mitigating the cultural aspect issues. On the other hand, the strengths as well as the weaknesses are identified in this assignment for comparing the existing situation with the future scope of PC Solutions.

Lastly, the sources of resistance are also disclosed in this assignment as well as the major reasons for the raising of the sources of resistances are also figured out in this assignment for recommending the way of implementation of the recommended changes within the organization. Moreover, the transformational leadership style is suggested to the founder of PC Solutions for increasing the satisfaction of the customers with the growth of the organization.

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