Organic Products For Hain Celestial Organization
Hain Celestial Organization
Describe about the Organic Products for Hain Celestial organization.
Organic is a labeling expression that indicates product. Organic agriculture stands for reducing the application of outer input and further avoiding the utilization of synthetic or artificial fertilizer and pesticides. The main target is to reduce the pollution of water, air and soil. Organic food agents, actionists and retailers try to pay attention to maintain the probity and quality of organic agricultural product. The main target of organic agriculture is to improve efficiency of health processing and interdependent groups in a living organism such as animals, plants, human beings and soil. Codex Alimentarius, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Food Standard CAC/GL 32 1999: Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labeling and Marketing of Organically developed products (Cahan, 2003)
Hain Celestial organization was established in 1993 and further known as ‘Hain food group’. Its present name comes from merging two groups and hence it is named as ‘Hain Food Group’ in May 2000. Now it is one of the best leading brands in America relating to the food sector. Its few countless food related brands are as follows
Health Valley vi. Walnut Acres organic
Terra vii. Imagine foods
iii. Hollywood viii. Ethnic Gourmet
Iv. Free bird xi. Natural Skin care
Yves Veggie .cuisine
It is a powerful supplementary and profitable Celestial group in Europe. Currently brands like Rice Dream, Terra and Soy dream would be inaugurated with other franchises of the company and further non diary producer under Natumi brand will be included with this company
In the year 2013 organization came in the news not for good reasons. At that time for selling their products on a large scale; company was trying to mislead the customers by falsely marking their products as organic (Floyd & Fowler, 2009)
For falsely marking a legal case was filed against the company under the state of California law. Ultimately company was able to settle its case and return its reputation within few years again. Nowadays it is known as one of the trusted brand in America as well as across the world and currently it has near about 43.1 million hectares of land committed to organic cultivation throughout the world. Globally organic product is too powerful than other product. According to a FiBL-IFOAM report land devoted for agricultural purpose in Australia is 17.2 million hectares, United States with 2.2 million hectares and Argentina with 3.2 million. Actually position of organic market is very healthy across the world( Green et al., 2011)
Recommendation of Different Brand Strategies:
In this case study different types of strategies will be discussed of Hain Celestial organization to develop and extent its marketing. Moreover different methods are described here which will help to improve the company’s marketing strategy as well as to develop its sales policy also.
Generally strategy plan of various companies depend on standard and lifestyle of the people. In Behavioral Segmentation policy Hain Celestial depends on basic purchaser’s requirement. Under this segmentation policy malls and grocery shops are suitable places where customers can easily purchase the products. In Demographic Segmentation it is needed for the company to study about the requirement of various products in a specific market according to their standard, age, place and so on. The entire segmentation strategy of this company depends on dividing the market under various segments and further distributing the products according to the customer’s need. (Helfat, & Martin, 2014)
Targeting Strategy:
The policy of target marketing is to form a specific group of people those who are fascinated about buying their products and services. Target marketing in this case basically consists of particular group of people who are interested to buy Hain Celestial products and services. It is needed to decide the target to know the correct promotion of the products so that they can reach the customers easily. The company tries to sell their products exclusively in various shops according to the huge demand of products through retailers. . Hain Celestial has provided various attractive offers for the exclusive shop keepers or businessmen including customers for marketing their product (Jones, 2001)
The basic strategy of Hain Celestial groups is to observe the mentality, position and culture of the upper poor class people and upper middle class or rich segment of people. To attract these customers the products are categorized according to their quality and cost among different groups of people. The organization further has obtained various policies such as reduction policy of specific day in a week, attractive gift offers on the basis of selling amount and giving some discount using credit card etc. Easily to reach their products to the customers; the company has started to sell their products in various small shops or grocery shops in each and every locality of the town. They also started marketing through various groups of people those who used to visit market personally. (Lislie, 2011)
The word marketing mix strategy indicates the business activities market space for this product. Four P’s of marketing are as follows 🙁 Metcalfe, 2002)
- Product
- Promotion
- Price
- Place
Hain Celestial groups manufacture various types and categories of product in favor of the customers. Their main target is to capture the market and further to increase the profit structure. Moreover the strategy of Hain celestial is to attract the upper class segment people in America (Grünig & Gaggl, 2005) But latter on the organization changed its policies and started to work for all middle class families. For especially middle class people they started to sell their products not only in malls and luxury shops but also in all grocery stores and regular class shops also (Purdue University, 2016).
Hain Celestial started working on various promotional strategies like web base promotion and sampling promotion. The main target of web base promotional strategy is to develop the database of specific types of customers those who are very much eager to purchase their products. Secondly in sampling promotion they used to go to parties, corporate get together and various types of seminars to distribute their product without any cost or free samples for propaganda of newly launched (Carter & Rogers, 2008)
The pricing strategy of all products should be in range so that all types of people are able to purchase their products in all situations or environment especially there will be no effect even in recession times also. The organization should follow or maintain all taxation policies of United States and further apply the rules and regulations of the Government (Randolf, 2009).To increase their sales and stable their profitable condition company should apply the following steps :-
The MRP price should be maintained to the middle class people in United States.
The packaging of Hain Celestial shows that they promote their products in personal styles.
Company should maintain the quality of the product.
Company is using various modern technologies to make their products unique as compared to the other brands.
Place is a very important matter which is targeted by the company to market their product. Final decision is taken after market research that which market should be targeted for the specific segment of customers in United States (Beard, R. 2014) .After this company started selling its products in malls, hyper market, general shops, grocery stores and super markets where people mostly visit. As a result increasing sells, outstanding profit help Hain Celestial to become one of the best companies in the world (Griffith, 2004)
Micro and Macro Environmental Factors:-
Targeting Strategy
Customer is not a prime factor to the supplier’s business but supplier’s product is a main factor for the customers. It has happened like this way when organizations manufactures the product further third person or retailers, whole sellers are marketing the product and this marketing success completely depends on those third person retailers (Mc Devitt & Van Hise, 2002) For example a retailer who has a reputation in market then his position would be leveraged in the marketing of the product. It is a vital issue for the customers how a marketer approaches their product and services to them. An organization has a specific responsibility to satisfy their customers. A company when takes any decision should be considered favorable to the general public. Only public can help them to achieve their goals (Paulraj, A. 2011) .
Demographic forces: Various business segments are completely affected by regular demographic forces including age of the person, education, country or region, lifestyle of household, characteristic of various cultures etc.
Economic factors: The economic environment effects the organization production and processing of consumer’s decision.
Natural/physical forces: The world resumptions of its natural resources are forests, agricultural
Products, marine products, etc and the natural nonrenewable resources are oil, coal, minerals, etc are also effected by organization’s product.
Technological factors: It is true that the skill and knowledge are introduced to the production and production needs technology and materials which can effect on smooth running of the business.
Political factors: Generally in organic environment includes central government which sets the frame of legislative and government settle various types of law for its need in actual situation. Under the state government’s agreement exploitation can be controlled. Moreover some special taxes law already has raised issues and laid huge impact on energy department including resources unit also .Every Company should follow the state government’s agreement (ICAEW, 2011 )
United states always taken care and introduced various laws for the protection of environment. Air pollution is controlled by applying all laws on favor of the environment
Brand Image and Consumer Behavior-
The study of brand image was done itself in the 20 th century because it had a vast scope and importance in studying brand equity. Particularly in this competitive market place, companies should educate their employees regarding behavior of consumers and simultaneously should also let their customer know about the brand. For this process the organization should have a perfect marketing strategy. Brand equity is actually related to the image of the brand and its awareness among the public. (Austin & Seitanidi 2012).
Positioning of Brand
From past few years emotional branding is one of best branding techniques and is laying a huge impact on the customers itself. Brand emotion is a highly tricky and cultural method through which one can promote a brand through cultural implications, embodied in a brand, further it is a highly effective way to cause customer reaction, sentiments and moods, ultimately forming connection and loyalty with the brand. This assignment has further described different scenarios to market a new product through various strategies including segmentation, target position and then following certain new marketing mix strategies. A through research is been conducted on the organic company named Hain Celestial .This company is holding a giant market of organic products in United States. The company is very much focused towards it quality. It is currently trying to launch a new brand of organic products for the lower middle class people so that they can also get an opportunity to enjoy the organic products which will also help the customer reach the consumers from end to end.
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