Orang-utan Foundation Market Segmentation In Australian Tourism

About Orang-utan Foundation


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Describe the STP plan and the literature for finding the scope of Orang-utan Foundation in Australian tourism market.

This report is basically for finding the market segmentation of the Orang-utan Foundation in Australian tourism market.  It will discuss about the Orang-utan Foundation, Literature review related to the market segmentation of the Orang-utan Foundation. The STP plan of the Orang-utan foundation will help in developing its market strategy and plan. STP plan includes the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of the organisation.

The Orang-utan foundation is a non- profit organisation, founded in 1986. It was established by DR. Birute Mary Galdikas (About Orangutanm 2014). This foundation works for saving and conserving the wild Orang-utans. This also habitats the rainforest related to Orang-utan. The Orang-utan foundation also provides its services for researching on orang-utans and forests. One of the major work of this foundation is also to provide education in local and both international. This organisation generates the knowledge and awareness concerned to the Orang-utans.

Orang-utan Foundation is committed for the welfare of Orang-utan worldwide. It is present in all over the world. It also runs an Orang-utan Care Centre and Quarantine facility. This facility is basically provided in the Dayak village of Indonesia.  This facility provides the employment opportunity for more than 200 local Indonesian people.

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Orang-utan also runs an adult male Orang-utan zoo named Rusti in New Jersey and Honolulu zoo in Hawaii. It also operates a research centre Camp Leakey. This research centre researches on the Orang-utans in Tanjung Putting National Park. (Orangutan, 2014)

The mission of Orang-utan Foundation is dedicated towards the Orang-utans. It aims to provide help in saving the populations of Orang-utans worldwide.  This mission includes the protection of Orang-utan habitat, release and rehabilitation of wild born Orang-utans. Orang-utan Foundation also missions to educate people in Indonesia, Malaysia, Lithuania, UK, Australia and United States.  

According to the report of Helen Buckland, Palm oil is threatening the apes. Thus, in the UK, according to the statistics, palm oil can be found in only 10% of the supermarkets present in the UK (Helen, 2012). There are various problems that are being faced by the Orang-utans worldwide. Thus, Orang-utan foundation works for the Orang-utan. According to a report of Orang-utan Foundation, “Orang-utan killing is dirty big secret of palm oil and pulp and paper concession world.” (Orang-utan foundation, 2012, P.3) This type of facts and figures about the Orang-utans are found by the Orang-utan Foundation. Camp Rendelle, a program by Orang-utan Foundation is dedicated to find and research these types of facts for preserving and conserving the Orang-utans worldwide.

There are also various other organizations which work in this field. According to a research report and film by IMAX, they research about the Orang-utans and find the facts like the life span of Orang-utan, which is around 60 years and they generally like to live alone (IMAX, 2011).

If we talk about the Orang-utan Foundation, it started with a clear motive of saving and caring about the Orang-utan of world. The population of the orang-utans are decreasing day by day due to various factors. Currently, the reason of the decrease in the number of orang-utans is not known.  Orang-utan foundation is working and researching on the various factors which are becoming the reason of decrease in the population of orang-utans worldwide.  

STP Plan for Orang-utan Foundation

According to Newsome Wildlife, tourism is, when people like to see wildlife. (Newsome, 2005). Wildlife is actually life of animals, environment in which they live, and other factors related to the life of animals.

There is a very wide market of wildlife tourism in Australia. A research was done by CRC tourism, wherein, the interview of 1356 people were performed out of which, nearly 440 people had visited a wildlife place. This was just a substantial proportion, in reality, 71.1% of the Australian people like to visit Wildlife (Fredline, 2007). According to a report, currently, there are nearly 600 operators of ecotourism in Australia. Nearly 85% of these operations only employ 20 people. Ecotourism in Australia is increasing significantly every year (Active Tourism, 2012). Wild life in Australia is very well known.   

In terms of Orang-utan, various projects are running in Australia for saving the Orang-utans. One of the famous programmes that are running for preserving the Orang-utan is, Adopt an Orang-utan.  The philosophy behind this programme is that by adopting an orang-utan will teach them about their self care and survival. In this project, a motherless Orang-utan is being cared by a team of programme which helps these orang-utans to learn how they can care themselves and how they can survive in this world which is full of hunters (The Orang-utan Project, 2014). Thus, this clearly indicates that the people of Australia love the wildlife. They love to preserve and care for the wild life animals.

According to the report published by the tourism corporation of Australia, the tourism in Australia is growing every year and the tourism management of Australia is aiming to increase the tourists every year. The report is basically from 2009 to 2020 (Tourism Orangutan, 2013). It clearly shows the data for 2009 to 2013 and after that the estimated data are published by the Tourism of Australia. By observing the estimated and the real data of the year 2014 it can be said clearly that Australian Tourism has worked well and accomplished its goal. In terms of wild life tourism, the Australian tourism is also running various programmes which increases the wild life tourism in Australia (Tourism Orangutan, 2014).

The Orang-utan foundation has great scope in Australia for wild life tourism as the people of Australia extremely like the wild life. As the Australian tourism is also working towards increasing the wild life, tourism in Australia will help the Orang-utan foundation to grow in Australia. The Orang-utan foundation is also running various programmes to save the wild life. This will also create the feeling and interest of Australian people towards the wild life (Cosen & Gray, 2012).

The plan of The Orang-utan Foundation includes various strategies and programmes for Australian Tourism market. Australian people are very fond of the wild life animals. Thus, there is a high scope of The Orang-utan foundation in Australian Tourism market. There is a great revolution in the people of Australia towards the wild life animals. The revolution programmes in Australia towards the wild life animals is also generating the interest of people towards the wildlife tourism in Australia.  

The STP plan of Orang-utan Foundation is as follows.

The market for wild life tourism can be divided into two parts, personal market and organisational market. Personal market, as the name indicates, it is when people personally plan to visit wildlife places. In organisational segmentation, any organisations makes a programme or event for the people. Thus, these market segments can be divided.

The Australian Wildlife Tourism Industry

The personal segmentation can also be divided into two parts, one is an individual and other can be group or family. If we consider the individual people, people alone visit some places only when they want to feel something or want to spend some time with themselves. Thus, the wildlife places can help the people in accomplishing this objective. If we talk about the group or family tour, then the main aim of the people is to enjoy and gain refreshment. Wild life tour can become a tour for great adventures and enjoyment.

Now, if we talk about the organizational segmentation then main type of organization which will take the interest in this type of visit will be School and colleges i.e. educational organizations, Orphanages, Old age homes and various other social organizations. The purpose of this organization can also be divided into two parts, enjoyment and knowledge.

Thus, the market can be segmented into personal and organizational segments.

If we talk about the wild life places then these places are appropriate for the people of all age groups, but mainly the children of age group 5 to 15 enjoy mostly in these places. Some working people also come to these types of places for getting relaxed and for refreshment (Money Control, 2014). These types of places can be a great spot for picnics and for spending weekends. The college students, mainly of the age group of 16 to 25, come at these types of places for creating their documentaries on animals and wild life. Old age people can also come here for getting peace and divinity. Thus, in terms of age groups, these types of places targets the people of all age groups but mostly it will target the children of age group 5 to 15 years.

In terms of organizations, it will target the schools, orphanages, old age homes and college. Schools and colleges can organise their tours for two purposes, one is for picnic and second is for knowledge and educational purposes. Orphanages and Old age homes can also organise their tours for the enjoyment purpose.

There are various wild life organizations and places in Australia. There is a lot of competition in Australian market for wild life tourism but as The Orang-utan Foundation is a non-profit organization, it doesn’t consider the competition so much. The Orang-utan organization specially cares only about the Orang-utans. It only provides its services in saving and preserving the Orang-utans. Thus, this only considers the market for Orang-utans specifically. When considering Orang-utans, it doesn’t compromise. The main attraction of the Orang-utan Foundation is research and study on the Orang-utans. This will help the people in gaining various types of knowledge about the Orang-utans.

Thus, by considering the overall factors it can be said that if we consider the overall wildlife tourism market then it may be back in the position but if we consider only about Orang-utans then Orang-utan Foundation can be considered on the top rank (Orangutan Foundation, 2014).

The 4P’s of the orang-utan foundations are as follows:

Adoption Program for Orang-utans

There are many people engaged in the 4P foundation. These people can be the visitors of different age groups and organizations and the employees associated with the Orang-utan Foundation. The employees who should be considered more will be the Marketing manager, employees under the marketing manager, People who will attend the guests and other management employees. Thus, there are various people associated in the process of Orang-utan foundation (Orang-utan, 2012).

Of course the place that we are considering is Australia. Moreover, if we talk about the place, the place required for this should be outside the city. Only then it can provide relaxation to the visitors. The other requirement of the place should be according to the Orang-utans so that they can live peacefully. It is necessary to consider this to make them feel calm otherwise it may be very difficult to handle them (Sharma, 2014).

If we consider the price, as Orang-utan Foundation is a non-profit organization, it does not consider the pricing so much but for running any organization, fund is a very important part (Orang-utan Foundation, 2014). Major fund for the organization comes from the donation. People of Australia can afford middle range of ticket prices for this. Thus, the prices of tickets should neither be too high nor too low.

For promotion, the Orang-utan Foundation should use the online marketing, the other ways of promotion will be the newspaper advertisement and the banners (Kotler, 2010).


The Orang-utan Foundation is basically a non-profit organization of Indonesia working worldwide. This organization can be said to be a social organization, basically working for the care and preservation of the Orang-utans. The population of the Orang-utans are decreasing continuously worldwide due to various reasons. Orang-utan foundation is researching the reason and solution to these problems (World Animal Foundation, 2014). If we talk about the Australian wild life tourism then there is a great scope in Australia for wild life tourism. People of Australia like to visit at these types places for many reasons. The main reason behind this is the various programmes being run by the Australian Tourism Corporation (Jakarta, 2014). This is creating the feeling and interest of people towards the Wild life tourism.

The market of Australia can be segmented in two parts for Orang-utan Foundation, one segment can be personal and organisational but the children of age group 5 to 15 will be most interested for wild life tourism. Thus, the Orang-utan Foundation has a great scope in Australian tourism market.


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