Opportunities And Procedures For Diversity Integration In The Workplace
Estimated Time |
15-20 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to qualify and quantify the sources of diversity in the industry sector, community and workplace. |
Briefly describe the main opportunities for sourcing diversity for your industry sector. Does this exist in your community or would you need to look at other sources for suitable skills and attributes? AX media utilises tools such as Experience Kit to source diverse staffs from different backgrounds who are more than 45 years of age and this opportunity is utilised for recruiting such skilled and experienced staffs. Further AX media even uses opportunities for diverse sourcing like Corporate Champions programme to hire employees with diverse background where AX media focuses on applying best of HR practices to recruit competent staffs and offer them monetary support within this program (Kundu and Mor 2017). Moreover AX Media even utilises program like Restart programs to source competent people from different background where subsidised pays are provided to competent resources of over 45 years of age who were on sabbatical. Another program focused on aboriginal people called Indigenous Cadetship support is also utilised by AX media as method to source people from diverse background who belong to different groups like foreign students, migrants etc. All these sourcing possibilities used by AX media are present in community. |
Estimated Time |
45 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to develop and review workplace policies, procedures and planning in accordance with the scope of diversity. |
1. Develop a workplace policy containing a range of procedures in accordance with the scope of diversity for your organisation. The workplace policy of AX media can be developed to focus on wide range of procedures to adhere to possibilities of sourcing diverse resources into the firm through integration of policies focused on Diversity which can offer people from different background access of equality at work and opportunities, give then fair opportunities and treatment at workplace as well as provide them with respect and dignity at work by considering their talent and not background. 2. Review the workplace policy that you have just developed and make any changes considered necessary. The review of the workplace policy that has been created for AX media after evaluation presented that their diversity policies needed to be modified further to make the policy more aligned and detailed as well as accurate to reflect clarity of guidelines (Pegg and Caddell2016). The change that has been considered as essential for workplace policies of AX media includes changing policies meant for equipment and their requisites guidelines, change pertaining to KPI and review procedure to mark performance and appraisal assessment rules and changes reflecting guidelines for addressing workplace grievances and conflicts. |
Estimated Time |
15 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to establish where diversity integration meets the needs of the enterprise and diverse persons. |
1. How can you establish the diversity integration within the needs of business and with the diversity of your workforce? The diversity programs in accordance to business needs and diversity inclusion at workplace of AX media can be established with keen consideration on primary areas of business and making them aligned to requirement of tasks, competency and expectation of staffs (Trittinand Schoeneborn 2017). Further AX media needs to insure that adequate training programs and resources are made available to diverse workforce so that they can accommodate to establish diversity integration within specified funding so as to fulfil business needs. 2. What does diversity management include? Diversity integration and its management at workplace consist of various aspects that ranges from assessing the needs of business as well as employees, developing adequate strategies and implementing them with proper assessment and updating on timely manner about progress of diversity work plans and management schedules so that requisites of business projects as well as needs of each employee is considered during the diversity management initiatives. Also during the need evaluation process it is needed that availability of workforce, resource as well as manner the work would be executed along with time plan are detailed properly for clarity and effective diversity management. These should even include details of approaches that would be undertaken to integrate diversity of workforce within firms as well as should include approach to monitor and control the diversity management procedures and practices at workplace. |
Estimated Time |
15 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to review existing policies, plans and procedures to identify areas where diversity can achieve positive impact. |
1. Briefly describe the policy review process conducted at your place of work. The policy review procedure that is carried out at AX media consist of assessment of existing policies followed by identification of shortcoming in those procedures of review. This helps to interpret the requirement for developing new policies further at AX media that is supported with detailed feedback and review work based on existing policies and process of review at AX Media.kplace. The three areas where diversity can have positive implication within AX Media includes aspects of their workplace culture, team work and coordination and ample opportunities for learning and development (Clark and Polesello 2017) |
Estimated Time |
10 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to monitor and review workplace processes to guide implementation. |
Briefly describe how would you monitor and review your workplace processes to ensure diversity implementation is successful? In order to ensure that diversity implementation is successful at workplace of AX Media it is needed that monitoring and review of workplace process is adequately and timely executed where it is needed that overall business process of AX Media are evaluated in accordance with updated policies and process so as to maintain adequate compliance and success in correspondence to outcomes (Shimeld, Williams and Shimeld 2017). Moreover AX Media in order to ensure effective monitoring and review of their workplace procedures needs to develop a detailed process that specifies clear details that would be followed for identifying the workplace process and their systems. |
Estimated Time |
15-20 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to consult with management and teams to champion the diversity implementation. |
What ways have you, or would you, champion diversity in your workplace or business industry?eir workplace and in industry includes focus on facilitating diversity programs and integration opportunities with help of generalised practices and initiatives that can support in creating inclusive workplace at AX Media. It would also include mentoring and supporting employees at work with help of appropriate modelling and inclusive tactics to shape proper behaviour for inclusiveness culture at workplace through representation of open thinking amongst employees and different functions of business (Rhode and Packel 2014). It would also need to include choice to share feedback in context to diversity integration and management which would support AX Media in successfully transiting the change in expectations and needs of diversity. |
Estimated Time |
15 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure work teams incorporate diversity processes into work activity. |
1. How can you ensure that work teams incorporate diversity processes into work activities? In order to ensure that working team of AX Media incorporates diversity process into their routine activities it is required that employees at all level are well informed on changes and expectation of diversity so that all diversity policies and procedures are executed as desired along with maintaining and disseminating a detailed working guidelines to employees in order to inform them on respective policies of work process to be practised to maintain diversity at workplace and practice appropriate ethics or principles on diversity management with proper attention at all level during work activities (Byrtek and Dickerson 2013). Apart from this adequate information on point of contact can be developed to ensure incorporation of diversity process with complete understanding which can be further supported with open discussion and response to question or queries as well as potential concerns to ensure complete interpretation on diversity procedures and guidelines. Further adequate training and awareness can be facilitated within AX media to educate employees on diversity process and its significance so that these are properly adhered to during work activities. 2. How can you provide guidance to your work areas and department managers to assist in diversity implementation? In order to assist on diversity implementation at AX Media it is required that appropriate guidance on different area of work and departments are provided to different teams with detailed information on diversity procedure as well as their implication and relevance at work, community and for business needs are communicated to ensure proper understanding and guidance (Byrtek and Dickerson 2013). This will help to enhance diversity integration and management through understanding on its significance and benefits. Also to assist diversity implementation AX media can inform on diversity goals, execution procedures and can give support for appropriate resource materials with clear direction on strategic approach for work plans ensured for all managers across departments. |
Estimated Time |
20 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to establish and enable enterprise and individual support processes. |
1. How can you enable diversity enterprise within your workplace? In order to enable diversity enterprise within workplace of AX media it is needed that adequate communication and openness culture is practiced within workplace to ensure diversity inclusion at all levels amongst the employees (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo 2018).Also benefits and significance of diversity integration and its management should be informed and communicated to all employees so that AX media can encourage strong diversity inclusion with strong demonstration of standards that can be reflected through their perspectives and considerations. All these initiatives and practices would support diversity enterprise at AX Media. 2. What support processes could you use at your place of work for diversity integration? In order to ensure diversity integration at AX Media the support processes that would be utilised at their place of work includes focus on mentoring and awareness programs such as Buddy initiatives that will ensure that employees from different level and background engage in open discussion and interaction with others at AX media and this will support the needs of diverse workforce. Also flexibility of work can be provided to support diversity integration with arrangement of specific touchpoint like managers for employees with diverse background where they can talk and open up freely on their concerns and get useful guidance and information from buddy managers which would help to ensure adequate diversity inclusion at AX Media. Also under Buddy initiatives the managers can offer career guidance and work plans for employee belonging to diverse backgrounds as well as can arrange for networking and social activities to encourage their participation and familiarity with other at work. |
Estimated Time |
15 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to provide for training and coaching in diversity implementation and promote and model inclusive behaviours. |
1. Identify five types of diversity training that could be successfully implemented within your organisation. The diversity training that can be implemented within AX Media can include awareness training on diversity laws, procedures and programs so that associated concerns and requisites can be fulfilled. Other training forms that can be conducted at AX media includes training on new language to ease understanding of some common language terms for people with diverse background to build familiarity with others as well as at work activities with understanding of new language (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo 2018).Moreover training on culture adaptation and team work as well as training that facilitates workplace inclusivity, coaching and mentoring can be arranged for successful implementation of diversity within AX Media. 2. How can you show inclusive behaviour in the workplace? Inclusive behaviour can be demonstrated at AX Media through use of appropriate interaction process between different people at all levels along with approach meant to recognise and acknowledge efforts of others at workplace. These practices and behaviour will demonstrate mutual respect to encourage diverse workforce integration at AX media. Also it is required that people from all backgrounds need to be cautious while communicating at workplace so that sentiments of people from diverse background are respected. Moreover it is needed that AX media’s management look for capabilities and characteristics of their workforce while evaluating work performance and not consider distinctiveness of background so that all people are included equally as per talent and competency and are given proper acceptance irrespective of difference in background. Also it is needed that people demonstrate open understanding and tolerant behaviour at workplace so as to promote inclusive behaviour at AX Media. This will help to encourage people from diverse background and will inspire them to apply for potential opportunities of work at AX Media where hiring and selection would be focused on appropriate competency and expertise irrespective of difference in background and this will help to develop confidence in staffs and will ensure respecting their confidentially thus creating a safe and inclusive place at AX Media where diverse workforce can freely work and take actions. |
Estimated Time |
20 Minutes |
Objective |
To provide you with an opportunity to conduct regular reviews of diversity integration with relevant persons and evaluate workplace diversity against workplace policies, procedures and planning objectives and identify and recommended improvements to diversity integration. |
1. Why should you review diversity implementation in the workplace? Diversity implementation at AX Media should be reviewed to insure adequate diversity inclusion and management of appropriate practices and procedures that would support in meeting needs of diverse workforce as well as would help to resolve their concerns (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo 2018).These reviews will further help management of AX Media to reassess their existing work policies to ensure proper interpretation among their workforce so that they would adhere to diversity integration with expected behaviour and desired outcomes. 2. Give four examples of relevant persons who you may collaborate with when carrying out reviews of diversity integration. While conducting review for diversity integration at AX Media it is required that people from senior executive teams such as Board of Directors, Executives, Senior managers of different department, Team leaders and employees representatives are included to ensure collaboration while doing review of diversity programs. 3. How may you evaluate your diversity implementation? Diversity implementation at AX Media will be evaluated by overseeing whether their existing procedures and workplace policies are appropriately executed and met with compliance guidelines. Also Malik, Lenka and Sahoo (2018) states that employees feedback need to be collected to ensure and evaluate whether they are practising and accommodating to new policies or not and will also find out whether the policy clearly illustrates and defines correct procedures and understanding levels with visible improvement in employees and their behaviour at all levels to ensure diversity implementations. 4. How would you make your recommendations to your organisation for making further changes to diversity implementation? To make further change in to their diversity implementation procedures it is recommended that AX Media incorporates adequate evidences and documentation into their existing process so as to insure attainment of desirable outcomes during and after the review assessment of diversity procedures. |
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