Operations Management For Motivation And Self-Determination – A Case Study

Analysis of current situation

Discuss about the Operations Management for Motivation and Self-Determination.

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The purpose of this paper is to generate a report base on a case study of Allen J. (AJ) Lauren, executive vice president of BPO. Therefore, this report will apply various approaches such as TQM and BPR so as to critically review the case. In the context, the report will identify the key operational problems within the organization and finally offer quantitative and qualitative recommendations which when implemented will be in a position to overcome the asserted operational problems.

This current situation involves Allen J who tend to be the executive vice president of BPO. The basis of this situation was based on an email he received and there were various demands that needed to be addressed by BPO Company. Mr. Allan J was involved in a business operation with another company called HA whose CEO contacted Allan via that particular email. Allan J was fully responsible for the BPO’S operations about the Employee Benefit Outsourcing Business program. Based on the actions of Allan, there had been a reflection of old manufacturing plant just from the BPO’S office building (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Allen received an email that made him change his position. This particular email was received from the CEO of HA, Sam Regan. The CEO happened to be the main client of BPO Company where Allen had been acting as executive vice president. At that particular point in time, Allan could not respond to the email of Sam Regan although there were various options under consideration (Richard, 2013). Allen had to consult some colleagues before responding to that email. Six Sigma Black Belt candidate as well as the senior vice president of operations of BPO Company were involved by Allan so as to reflect on the message contained in the email received from Sam Regan. The executive vice president of BPO needed a meeting so as to update the company on the six-sigma project that was initiated by Jerry. The project was in progress at the time and there was a need to find out the best methods that could be applied so as to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the health as well as welfare service delivery process.

According to AJ, learning was important. This was based on a circumstance that the experience of Sam Regan was an isolated case. This also would hold if it was a common occurrence. There were various demands from the CEO of HA. Allan planned to use Jerry’s project so as to head off the process audit as demanded by Sam Regan. The email sent to Allen J was no enticing to read since it made AJ sink his stomach. This is because the email was copied to other officials such as the chairman of BPO, Jim Rogit as well the president of BPO, Lart Watts. On his email, the CEO of HA was expressing his dissatisfaction with the contract they engaged with BPO Company (Thomas, 2009). Sam Regan aimed at removing his benefits he had earlier subjected to his wife. He claimed that the services offered by BPO Company were very far below the anticipated services. This needed a conclusive audit to be conducted by audit team and BPO Company was expected to offer quality information for the audit process.

Effectiveness and efficiencies of the BPO operations

The senior management team of BPO Company had reviewed the business operations of EBO. This path was set as the main agenda in the meeting held in July. It was asserted that, every fiscal year, the company was anticipated to lose 5 to 10 million dollars. This was happening yet the company had been growing at a rate of 30% each year (McGregor, 2012). The company used simulation models in order to fully examine the Health and welfare service delivery process. In addition, Allen aimed at improving the entire business process as well as profitability.

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This company had made progress in improving the business operations for the last few years. The company had made several contracts that were very profitable in the short term and long term. The company initiated several projects such as six sigma which was headed by Jerry. The company achieved these effective and efficient operations by offering a wide range of services to many clients worldwide. This was based on risk management and insurance department that fully managed all consulting services. In addition, the effectiveness had been promoted by involving over 500 professional services organization all over the globed. Moreover, the company had expanded its market and operations to many countries. This was anticipated to be over 100 countries worldwide. They collectively promoted the operations of the business to customers and clients worldwide. Finally, the company managed to offer job opportunities to over 50,000 workers as well as owning 500 offices worldwide. This helped the company to be efficient and effective in the daily operations. This as well gave a lot of confidence to the clients excepting the case of Sam Regan, the CEO of HA.

These concepts involve approaches such as input and outputs transformation. Again, it employs lean, scheduling and customer value. The process of CI assist in connecting this report with problem issue arising from the actions of Sam Regan. Business practices of BPO is consistent with operation management. In that connection the workers of this company agreed to offer services along with other stakeholders in the Black Belt rank at BPO when terminated a training schedule for a period of three months. During that particular point in time, almost all the Black Belt candidates attained a week long (Marylene, 2014). Again, BPO created a difference among workers who were involved with Six Sigma Black. In BPO Company, certificated Black Belts needed to surpass a whole 4-hour examination and to be successfully when terminating a sigma project. This issue enabled the input as well as output transformation.

Operation management concept

For the case of customer value and lean along with scheduling, the company applied a different approach. The fact that BPO lost large amount of money when the revenues were increasing at a smaller rate of percentage annually, the customer value still remained intact. This issue indicated that the BPO Company valued the services they offered to the clients. The high variations in the processing scheduling via BA’s indicated in a distinct manner that the ways used were not appropriately standardized and were poorly automated through leaning process. The reduced consumption of BA’s and CSR’s assert that increased scheduling as well as modifications to the BPO enrolment of staff process would likely enhance the profitability level of the company operation management (Kanungo & Manuel, 2014). Nevertheless, this particular approach suggests incompetence in enhancing the ultimate support of the customer and customer values. In that connection, advanced steps as well as advanced automation process are likely to be applied in order to connect with this particular issue.

For the case of CI approach, we tend to consider the aspect of six sigma operation. Jerry was the senior vice president of operation in BPO Company. In his project initiation, he discovered the existence of various CSRs setting (Arnold, 2010). In that case, the customers were on hold, regardless of their customer value.  The main aspect was based on how to educate them as well as to offer training to perform the underlying requirements. The application of CI process is difficult since the rate increased to more than 37% (Maslow, 2013). Allen Lauren (A.J), vice president of the company BPO, in his surprising moments was sent a complaint email. This email was sent to express disappointment and disregards from the chief executive officer of HR, Sam Regan. He was a major client of BPO Company and he sent an email asserting that he become very disappointed with BPO poor services that were offered below the anticipated or rather the agreed terms of the contract. The email was as well demanding a distinct and appropriate review of audit by a team of auditors based on the company modes of operation (Heranz, 2010). In addition, the email demanded a renegotiation of terms of contract agreement between BPO Company and Sam Regan. Therefore, the operational challenges of BPO are adversely affecting and reducing the profitability. This as well lowers the customer value, affect the scheduling process along with the provider levels of the fitness. In that case, the company need to reconsider the CI process for proper transformation of input and outputs.

Application of numbers to improve operations as well as taking the CI approach. There is a lot of data and information that can be used to improve the operations of BPO Company in both short run and long run strategies (Cocca & Alberti, 2012). The data below or numbers can ce analysed statistically to indicate the customer value in improvinig the operations of BPO Company. This data or rather numbers have been collected from customers based programs and processes.






Morning Break



Afternoon Break



Team 1






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The BA8XHIBIT 4  Customer Service Rep (CSR) Information

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Team 3

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Team 4






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Team 5













Considering the audit performed by the team as well as the responses from the client towards the errors of commissions identified by the auditor concerning the vulnerability of the data after successfully loading it into the computer, the BAs started keying in these data manually so as to verify any significant shift in the database (Lee, 2016).  The data generated by Jerry asserted that the BAs could enter in the required manipulations in as little as 12 minutes. However, this took more than 5 hours.  In conclusion, this utmost takes at least 85 minutes to execute.

These procedures applied in this case correlate to processed updates that are obtained directly from the client information asserted in the email sent to Allan. Moreover, the stakeholders could have applied the TQM and BPR approaches to update the required records directly through the Web as well as via a customer service rep (CSR) who could as well update them through the Web when talking to the shareholders through the phone (Zoller, Gigmes & Guillaneuf, 2015). Hence, in the following procedure, the BA authenticated information that was obtained through the Web. In essence, BA consumed around 56 minutes. However, this ranged from about 15 minutes to 2 hours in a typical time frame.

According to the present data, the BAs later investigated the shareholders eligibility. Similarly, they worked out the data updated which they had obtained from the client (Yang, 2016). In many instances the BAs needed approximately 80 minutes to find out the eligibility of the shareholders. Nevertheless, data produced by Jerry concerning the six-sigma project asserted that a BA would be in a position to find out participant eligibility in 5 minutes or less; on a dark day, a BA needed 5 hours to terminate this activity.

If the BAs finds out the eligibility of a particular participant, accurate and appropriate reports are designed. This results to production of accurate files for the main insurance carriers as well as departments of payroll (Thabet, 2017). According to data formulated by Jerry, it consumed the BAs about 40 minutes to produce the reports along with relevant files. However, some had completed this in 5 minutes or less. In some similar cases, it took others as long as 2 hours.

  1. Ensure the forces of demand and supply exist equally in the market.
  2. Design better qualities in services that will satisfy the clients list of preference.
  3. Correct any issue that had made the demand to go down in the past.
  4. Lastly offer the best services and the capacity will increase automatically due to the demand hike.

How to fix the prices of services and other focus on capacity.

One thing to note about the demand and supply is that they correlate positively with price. When the price is high, the demand lowers (DeTombe, 2012). On the other hand, when the price increases the supply or capacity increases. Therefore, to fix the best prices for the services, the company need to design great models that will be attractive to the client. At that point in time, the demand will increase regardless of the prices charged to these services.

Setting up a task design for BPO Company is very important. This can be significant to assist in changing input and output transformation (Yadav, 2009). This will as well help the company to conduct a reflection in the required areas so as to bring the dreams and objectives into reality (Combs, Clapp-Smith & Nadkarni, 2010). An activity design indicates the way forward so as to arrive at targets via implementation of various strategies and corresponding procedures which depict mechanisms required for a particular change.

The recommendations will help in improving the existing process on the new design. These recommendations will ensure that the business remain intact as far as operations are concerned. In that connection, a six-sigma project will be focused.

  • To start with, we offer the first recommendation to the entire association. This is based on the approaches applied in the process. Therefore, we recommend the company to generate better approaches that will indicate the capability of a consistent approach in order to have proper and appropriate management of the organization of company clients (Netsch & Bach, 2015). In addition, the costs and other expenses subjected to these clients need to be reasonable. This typically means that the operation management and all the underlying working management will be exposed to a smooth flow in both short run as well as in the long run solutions of the asserted issues.
  • Next, the BPO Company need to initiate the development of customer value in a clear and distinct framework (Kumar & Gopinath, 2016). This will be helpful in reduction of versatile nature imposed by their operation system. In addition, this will make reduce the risk of uncertainty and unpredictable cases like the one asserted by CEO of HA in the encrypted email. This will help the workers in appreciating the laid down operation structure when it will be related to the entire public section organization as well as initiation of organization structure along with management of any added items in the management structure (Krishnamurthy, 2011). Typically, it is significant to assert that the fore front school of thoughts will be significant for the correlation that is being demonstrated in solving the underlying issue. This can be applied to generate the future advancements as well as points of interest in other companies faced by such problems.
  • Another important recommendation that BPO Company need to look at is appropriate and genuine reproduction of company organizational structure in terms of management team. This will offer a clear baseline for competent and skillful management team (Kang, 2010). It also assists the supervisor to measures as well as to view the framework of code of conduct and ethics. Despite of the framework being a generation line, an accurate organization as well as correspondences framework can be applied to research and review about alternative strategies as well as to determine the existing operations. By utilization of reproduction models and theories, the CEO can clearly review how a present operation may work under changed data sources. In addition, this will determine how a similar operation may work if subjected to the same data sources (Ikerionwu, Edgar & Gray, 2017). The capacity to efforts generated as well as initiated models can be used to build measurements along with various tasks regarding results and the entire principles of attractions in organizational reproductive system of new generation of leaders in management.

The gap analysis that exist in this particular case will help this organization to value the customers and achieve the competitive advantage in the operations management. According to iso 9000, Belt trained participants as well as those who were certified Six Sigma Black Belts helped the company to realize that gaps need to be filled whenever an opportunity arise. At BPO, certified Black Belts were needed to pass a comprehensive exam as well as to have finished a Six Sigma project successfully.

To forecast the future demand, there will be more demand if and only if these recommendations will be implemented fully in solving the current problem addressed by this issue (Gogu, 2017). On the other hand, maintenance of current situation will reduce the demand to a very insignificant level.


In conclusion, it is very important for a company to realize how important the operation management is towards initiation of projects and other issues. This report indicates how BPO Company face operational problems due to negligence of customer value as well as input and output transformation (Clardy, 2013). If the asserted recommendations are fully implemented in this particular case, the BPO Company and any similar company with a similar issue can be able to overcome the identified operational problems in both short run and long term.


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