Online Firm Management System Development Project For Globex Corporation

Project Goals

Globex Corporation is a reliable agricultural consultancy company which provides agricultural solutions to their local clients. The company mostly operates the  firming process related data and information through utilising offline Data Base Management System. However, the company is recently experiencing various database related anomalies including data redundancy, inconsistency, data missing and many more. Therefore, Globex Corporation has decided to change their existing database system to more efficient online-based database management.

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Virtucon Consultancy is an information technology (IT) service provider company. Being a client Globex Corporation requested Virtucon Consultancy to develop a advanced online based database management system that can automatically remove the data repetition and other errors and can be accessed online in a server based platform. The following part describes the team management and reflection of work development for the software development project.

Project Name: “Online Firm Management System Development Project”

Start Date

September 18, 2018

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Team Member

Contact Number



Andrea Marcos

04 3345 4334

[email protected]

Project Manager and System analysts

Brad Morph

04 4235 6542

[email protected]

Application Developer

James Brooklyn

04 6534 3423

[email protected]


Frank Thomson

04 4353 6834

[email protected]

Tester and Quality checker

The goal of this project is to develop a online DBMS system named “Online Firm Management System” or OFMS for the client Globex Corporation to reduce their database anomalies and to incorporate online accessibility.  OFMS should be developed keeping the farming operations, parameters, operators, security factors, purpose and regulators within the process.

To develop “Online Firm Management System” for online database control and management operation

To meet the client needs and expectation

To ensure the user friendly operation and platform computability

To deliver the system within the negotiated timeline

Andrea Marcos

Brad Morph

James Brooklyn

Frank Thomson


Project Manager and System analysts

Application Developer


Tester and Quality checker


Time management

Conceptual modelling and planning

Coding the source code

Testing the source code


Aligning with client needs

User interface developing

Finding bugs

Budget planning

Technical lead

Making required changes in code

Ensuring the quality accuracy and user-friendliness  

Resource allocation


Maintaining backup and recovery

Suggesting possible solutions

Decision making

Modifying structure

Encryption of privacy and security

Runtime assessment

Skills and Knowledge

Leadership and management skill

Analytical skill

Programming skill

Application testing skill

Project planning skill


Graphical designing skill

Programming knowledge

Analytical skill and persuasion

Technical knowledge

Code optimisation skill

Problem solving skill

Risk assessment skill

Logical reasoning skill

Data Security and encryption skill

Logical Reasoning Skill

Business knowledge

System optimisation skill

Database normalisation skill

Risk identification skill

Communication skill




Ways of Communication

Documented Information

Requirement analysis meeting

11 am to 6 pm

Virtucon Office

Face-to-face meeting, Phone, email

Project plan document, Virtucon Cloud;

Assessment and challenge elimination  

11 am to 6 pm

Conference room

Phone, Email

Progress update report document, Virtucon Cloud;

Finalization meeting

11 am to 6 pm

Virtucon Office

Face-to-face meeting, Email

Virtucon Cloud;

Team Rules

· All team member should have clear idea about the mission, vision, goals and the objectives of the project

· All team members should attend all the official meetings and other form of communication

· All members should share their knowledge within the team and upper management as required

· All members should acknowledge the regulation, terms and condition of the project


· Collaborative team culture and work procedure

· Risk identification and reporting

· Information and operational integrity within the team


· All team members should convey their opinions and ideas

· All team members should give their best  performance

Code of Ethics

· All team member should abide by the data potation and confidentiality rules and regulation

· All team member should maintain the workplace culture with professional attitude.




Andrea Marcos (Project Manager and system analyst)

Andrea Marcos


Brad Morph (Application Developer)

Brad Morph


James Brooklyn (Coder)

James Brooklyn


Frank Thomson (Tester and quality checker)

Frank Thomson


Meeting 1





Andrea Marcos

Requirement analysis meeting


Andrea Marcos 

Brad Morph 

James Brooklyn 

Frank Thomson


· Requirement analysis

· Budget planning

· Resource allocation

Outcome of the meeting:

· Project aim and objectives

· Gant chart and timeline

· Budget

Meeting 2





Brad Morph

Assessment and challenge elimination  


Andrea Marcos

Brad Morph

James Brooklyn

Frank Thomson


· Identifying constrains

· Improving the quality

· Updated Client requirements and deliverables

Outcome of the meeting:

Resolved risk factors

Updated finalisation plan

Security management scheme

Meeting 3





James Brooklyn

Finalization meeting


Andrea Marcos

Brad Morph

James Brooklyn

Frank Thomson


· Installation planning

· Client support and maintenance planning

· Project closing

Outcome of the meeting:

· Installation and technical support plan

· Project closing preparation


· Andrea Marcos (Project Manager and system analyst)

· Brad Morph (Application Developer)

· James Brooklyn (Coder)

· Frank Thomson (Tester and quality checker)

· Globex Corporation representative



Information to be












Andrea Marcos (Project Manager and system analyst)

Project remodelling, Scheduling, risk report, Customer feedback, product modification

To assess and implement required changes


Virtucon Office

Face-to-face meeting, Phone, email

Brad Morph (Application Developer)

Development related issues, production delay

Leading the team, technical guidance

Once in a weak

Conference room

Face-to-face meeting, Phone, Email

James Brooklyn (Coder)

Source Code issues, run time failure

Incorporate modification


Virtucon Office

Face-to-face meeting, Phone

Frank Thomson (Tester and quality checker)

Alpha and Beta testing phase

Identify bugs and errors


Coding station

Face-to-face meeting, Phone

Globex Representative

Change and modification requirement

Acknowledgement of deliverables

Once in a weak

Globex office

Face-to-face meeting, Email

The goal of this project was to develop the “Online Farm Management System” or OFMS for the client Globex Corporation and executing a effective maintenance and evaluation process. The success factors of this project is the efficiency of developed system, the expectations of the client, satisfaction of the client and the rate of post installation errors. Keeping this in mind, I tried to clearly explain the purpose, vision and objectives of the project to the team members. Being a leader I have experienced that effective communication is the most essential part of any project management, which allow all team members to resolve their ambiguities. I also experienced that sharing the values and ethics is essential for team management. To prioritise these issues I conducted multiple meetings in several phases of system design, development and implementation. At the same time, the meeting enabled all the team member to convey their perspectives and opinions (Curran & Niedergassel, 2011).

As per my observation during the project management plan and implementation, a project manager should have detailed knowledge about the technical requirements and potential utilisation of several technological tools in order to manage the project in more cost and time efficient way (Jabbar & Malik, 2017). The project manager should have the skill of motivating and empowering the team member through assisting them with various supportive materials and models. The project manager should also has the in depth concept about the skills and abilities of individual team member. The project manager should have the skill to develop a detailed grant chart considering the potential constrains (Farr & Brazil, 2012). I have also experienced that the project manager should have enough knowledge about stakeholder analysis and communication plan as well. Project manager has to be aware of the roles and responsibilities of the team members and their deliverables (Kokkonen, 2018). 


The aim of this application development project was to develop an online DBMS system named “Online Firm Management System” or OFMS for the client Globex Corporation to reduce their database anomalies and to incorporate online accessibility.  From the above project management plan and reflection, it can be said that effective stakeholder analysis and communicational plan are essential for any project management. Apart from that, to be a strong ITC project manager administration, group development and empowerment is essential.  Throughout the application development project the acknowledgement and expectation of client was the major concern. 


Curran, C.-s., & Niedergassel, B. (2011). Project leadership skills in cooperative projects. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 39(3), pp. 23-33. doi:10.1109/EMR.2011.6019091

Farr, J. V., & Brazil, D. M. (2012). Leadership skills development for engineers. IEEE Engineering Management Review. doi:10.1109/EMR.2012.6291576

Jabbar, A., & Malik, A. A. (2017). Addressing Ambiguities in Software Team’s Roles and Responsibilities: Minimizing Accountability Problems. International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), (pp. 178-182). Islamabad. doi:10.1109/FIT.2017.00039

Kokkonen, A. (2018). Managing collaborative space in multi-partner project. Journal of Construction Management and Economics, 36(2), 83-95.

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