Old Melbourne Gaol: A Historical Museum In Melbourne
History of the Old Melbourne Gaol
Discuss about the Environmental and Cultural Tourism for Old Melbourne.
The Old Melbourne Gaol is historical Museum located in the Russell Street of Melbourne and is currently one of the famous historical tourism sites of the city. The location of the site consists of bluestone building and courtyard, which is located next to the old city police Wrath house along with City Court Buildings. The construction of the Goal was started in the year 1839 and between the year 1842 and 1929 it operated as a major prison. The prison is famous for holding and executing some of the notorious criminal in the history of Australia. In total of 133 people were executed throughout the history of the prison (“Old Melbourne Gaol | Old Melbourne Gaol”, 2017).
Currently the Old Melbourne Gaol is one of the famous cultural heritage sites, which consists of three story Museum that displays detailed information and memorabilia of the past prisoners and staffs. The aim of the current report will be to discuss about various aspects of tourism at the Old Melbourne Gaol. The principles of conservation tourism will be applied along with critical analysis of the existing tourism market using the principle of Robusticity Matrix. The sustainability concepts related to the tourism will be applied along with providing recommendations that will help to improve stakeholder management in the site of tourism.
There is a strong relationship between the tourism and cultural heritage management, which is responsible for economic development of major tourist attraction sites. This relationship between tourism and cultural management is believed to be responsible for conservation and promotion of the heritage assets (Mason, 2015). It is however often believe that there is a strong conflict in the idea between the Culture and tourism management of a historical sites. Many of the historical sites have suffered damage due to exploitation of the tourism industry, which has a high level of compromisation over the local cultural values. On the other hand, Ruhanen et al., (2015), have mentioned about the fact that effective tourism management can help in the matters related to proper utilization of the historical resources. This also provides opportunity to the modern people connect themselves with a historical root and raise their level of cultural awareness.
The Old Melbourne Gaol has been listed as one of the major heritage site that is maintained by the National Trust of Australia (NTA) in the year 1957. The responsibility for the preservation of the site as one of the place of tourist attraction is also with the NTA. The Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce proposed the idea of converting the site as a museum that was later opened in the year 1972 for the public as a site for cultural tourism. The historical importance of the site is due to the fact that it is one of the oldest prison in all over of Australia that has the record of holding some of the infamous serial killers namely Ned Kelly and Ferderick Bailey Deeming (“Old Melbourne Gaol | Old Melbourne Gaol”, 2017). Currently, the prison is also the source of vast amount of historical information, most of which are preserved in the wall. There are also certain important memorabilia of the prisoners that includes the death masks. These death masks were used during the time of execution of the criminals. The place also has the record of holding the skull of Ned Kully, which was later stolen. This however, was the cause of some of the greatest controversies.
Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management
The major source of information for the prison during the time of its operation was from the diary of the governor John Castieau, who was in charge between the periods of 1869 to 1884. Beyond holding the lunatics and notorious criminals, the gaol has also the record of holding some of the youngest prisoners of the time (“Old Melbourne Gaol | Old Melbourne Gaol”, 2017).
The working staffs and historians of NTA, who are the major stakeholders of the site, are currently responsible for maintenance and promotion of the heritage site. Due to its historical importance of the site, it is currently one of the major tourist attraction sites.
According to Vila et al., (2015), the principles of conservation related to cultural heritage site include the program of raising the level of awareness of the local community. The main part of the Conservation principle is to provide protection to the cultural assets that can be source of major information for the future generation. The protection of the cultural sites from local environmental degradation is also a component of the conservation principle.
The NTA, which is the major stakeholder of the Old Melbourne Gaol, has appointed the RBA architecture to be the major responsible group for the conservation of the heritage site. The specials skills of RBA include understanding the root and base of construction of historical sites that help in proper assessment. It is important to develop and implement authentic conservation strategies for large scale of Old Melbourne Gaol that is also needed in future sustainability. The department of Heritage Victoria also plays one of the major significant roles in proper implementation of conservation plan, which will help to deal with the cases related to preservation of the local historical sites. Conservation principle also needs to include the interest of the local community, which will help in proper economic development.
Page (2014), has mentioned about the importance of Robusticity Matrix that can be implied in cases related to the tourism management marketing for the cultural sites. This method is believed to be highly effective in promoting the cultural heritage sites. The major components of the matrix include fragility robustness of the assets that are relayed with that of the product development planning. It is one of the important components to include proper education that is associated with that of tourism development.
One of the proper methods to apply in the matrix is to assess the potential tourism that is associated with that of the cultural heritages sites. With the help of the result of the assessment, it is possible to predict the business and economic development that can be expected as a part of future growth. The state of Victoria Australia, the tourism department applies the concept of gradation system, which helps in the matter related to promoting the local cultural heritage sites. The marketing plan for the cultural tourism is implemented depending upon the potential available resources. The promotional activities of the cultural department are related to historical importance of the sites. Robusticity Matrix can also help to deal with associated resource of cultural heritage sites, which can also help to promote the local economy. Proper identification of the opportunity and constraints that is associated with arrangement of the local tourists needs to be identified that can help to improvement of the associated factor of the cultural tourism.
Current State and Stakeholder Management
According to Timothy (2017), the application of Robusticity Matrix is effective to establish relationship between the tourism department and cultural heritage sites. The elements of the matrix will help to promote the historical importance of Old Melbourne Gaol that is needed to seek the attention of all historical lovers and other types of potential tourists.
There are several marketing activities that are been undertaken at The Old Melbourne Gaol and these includes a night stay in the ware house, a tour through the hangman stories and a night tour at the jail in order to experience the validity of the compelling ghost stories and the haunted rumours about the jail. The jail also includes the death masks of the executed criminals. The majority of these activities are restricted for the adults. The museum is brimmed with vintage information and is a bearer of several historical remains like iron mask, leather gloves which were designed to prevent inmates from practicing self-abusive activities, pistol and replica armour. The majority of the cultural tourists who are interested about the Australia’s political history counts for the main foot fall in this vintage museum (Mok et al., 2013).
Other people who are attracted towards this kind of fascinating marketing are the adventurous people who are curious about life after death; suffer of the jail inmates and haunted stories. Moreover, the students of psychology who are studying the psychological impact of torture or criminal psychology are also found visiting this place. Passing through the entrance building, inside the lofty cellblock of The Old Melbourne Gaol, visitors are allowed to freely explore all by themselves. People who are studying about the ancient architecture find the connected metal stairs extremely fascinating. The cells are turned into exhibition room, further providing opportunity for the people to explore the structure and history of the jail of the grass root level. Moreover, physicians also get attracted by the shapes of the preserved skulls. Experts here measure the contour of their heads in order to derive the link behind their criminal behaviour. There are also special school programs that host the school exhibition tours.
The Old Melbourne Gaol is preserved and managed by the National Trust of Australia. This trust promotes proper preservation and maintenance of the building as it holds cultural, scientific, architectural and historical significance in the State of Victoria. It is a bluestone building and courtyard. The second cell block is the oldest remaining section and it serves as a museum. It consists of a long block following three tiers of cells which are terminating in the central hall with the site of the scaffold. The north facade and bellcote of the chapel exhibit Italian architectural designs and these designs are now is the principal attention of the sustainability concept. The main chapel including the entrance building is very well maintained as it is the basic framework of the construction. They have been critically altered internally. However, most of the works done over there are reversible. The timbers floor over which are hangings are maintained with the help of the proper use of the pesticides.
Principles of Conservation Tourism
The cultural tourism creates a significant role in sustainability of all major historical sites. The main purpose of cultural tourism is to promote the historical facts that are associated with cultural sites (Prideaux et al., 2013). In order to promote the Tourism business associated with Old Melbourne Gaol, it is important to raise the level of cultural awareness. This can be achieved through detailed information that will help in raising the level of importance values that are associated with the past history of Old Melbourne Gaol.
According to Timothy, D. J., & Boyd (2014), the main purpose of the Sustainability principles that had associated with that of historical sites, includes proper preservation of the historical structure and monuments. This can be achieved with the help of advanced level of planning and engineering work, which will help in proper maintenance of the building. Due to the increased growth of international tourists in the historical sites of Australia, it is one of the major challenges of Australian department and stakeholders of cultural heritage sites to conduct proper maintenance plan for sustainability of the historical buildings. It is highly recommended to conduct proper work of maintenance work that is necessary for sustenance of the building for longer periods. The ATA will have to close the site for public in some certain fixed time of the year, for doing proper maintenance work.
It is also recommended for the stakeholders of Old Melbourne Gaol to predict the future growth of the tourism and cultural market. It is important to mention that with the rising popularity of other forms of tourism that includes adventure tourism, jungle safari tourism and others there is high level of the art for economic loss of the historical cultural tourism. Nevertheless, number people these days are also interested in witnessing the places that are associated with famous historical events. Proper tour guidance recommendations are necessary to ensure that the visitors will able to get a memorable experience after completion of the tour.
In the concluding note, it can be said that better level of cultural and tourism management is necessary to promote the historical importance of Old Melbourne Gaol. The report has also suggested proper sustainable strategies that are necessary to improve the local economic business, which is associated with that of Old Melbourne Gaol tourism. Robusticity Matrix is one of the important marketing tools that can help in the promotional activities of the cultural heritage site that will be achieved through identification of the associated threats and opportunities.
Mason, P. (2015). Tourism impacts, planning and management. Routledge.
Mok, C., Sparks, B., & Kadampully, J. (2013). Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge.
Old Melbourne Gaol | Old Melbourne Gaol. (2017). Oldmelbournegaol.com.au. Retrieved 9 October 2017, from https://www.oldmelbournegaol.com.au/old-melbourne-gaol/
Page, S. J. (2014). Tourism management. Routledge.
Prideaux, B., Timothy, D., & Chon, K. (Eds.). (2013). Cultural and heritage tourism in Asia and the Pacific. Routledge.
Ruhanen, L., Whitford, M., & McLennan, C. L. (2015). Indigenous tourism in Australia: Time for a reality check. Tourism Management, 48, 73-83.
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Vila, T. D., Darcy, S., & González, E. A. (2015). Competing for the disability tourism market–a comparative exploration of the factors of accessible tourism competitiveness in Spain and Australia. Tourism Management, 47, 261-272.