Office Relocation And Project Management: Group Formation And Development
Attributes of a Successful Project Manager
The process of the office relocation is one of the most tremendous thing that is to be done and the majority of the problem is faced by the project manager in this phase. The work to be done in a successful manner needs a very distinct type of personal attributes which helps other employees to have a faith on the project manager (Agazarian 2018). The employees in any organisation needs a constant motivation for doing a specific work, and it is the work of the project manager to show a great form of motivating skills and needs to give very precise decision in order to make the team working in a very enthusiastic way. These report focuses on the points like the forming of the group development and others. The paper also focuses in how the project managers can help the team to get motivated (Aslan 2016). Organisational theories are also a part of the paper and describes the needs of the project manager in project.
A group can be called a collection of people working for a same interest and towards a same goal. These may or may not be a group leader who looks towards the project. In order to properly reallocate an office a group needs to constantly work in a show the characteristics of management. The project manager needs to take proper decisions and hence reduce the risk that are associated with the process of the reallocation (Clinton 2018). The process the project management must ensure that the proper group is developed. The process of the group selection needs the following stages to be developed. The process of the reallocation of the office needs some of best efforts to be done by the entire team of that is present. The reallocation process all the stuffs to be picked form one place and then fix it in another place. This is one of the most tiresome task that is to be done by any project group (Gerdenitsch, Korunka and Hertel 2018). The group must keep all the things in a proper manner that nothings gets lost while the process of the reallocation. Thus the project manager needs to keep a constant eye on all the works that are done for the process of the relocation. The project manager needs to be very much active and work in the process with active working from the members of the facility of the department, the IT department (Haines 2014). Thus the project needs to be properly co- ordinate in between the all the departments of the working team and them motivated. The project manager must create the groups so that there is no any clash between what tasks is to be done by which person. The process of the group creation is explained further in the paper. Also there needs to be a proper follow up by the project manager in order to make everything work in a proper manner.
The forming stage describes the process of the formation of the group. The author describes as the process of the forming stage of the group one of the most important stage for the process of the forming of the group (Homans 2017). The forming stages briefs about the compatibility of that how people can be brought in together irrespective of the any dissimilarity in between them. There must be set strict guidelines for the process of the setting up of the meetings in the groups. According to the author there needs to be a proper a proper head of the team who can carry all the information of the group and hence who can help the team to maintain a proper decorum in the group. The process of the reallocation of the office needs some of best efforts to be done by the entire team of that is present. This person is known as the group leader or in case of a specific project a project manager (Paz and Viriyavadhan 2015). In this case the work of the project manager is to take the control of the group so that the member s of the group can properly do the task of the relocating the office.
Motivating the Team
The storming stage of the group comes into existence when the members of the group disagrees with chooses or words by other members. This is one of the most vulnerable stage in a group development as it can hamper the working of the group. According to the authors these stage needs to death with special care as it can hamper the process of the project. IN this case of the office reallocation there needs to be a proper lead taken so that the persons that are present in the group gets a constant motivation and no one gets effected by the decision of the project manager (Pinto, Lourenço and Mónico 2017). The style of the leadership plays one of the vital aspect in the storming stage. The project manager must knew there can be quarrels in any set of a group but a perfect project manager needs to look in the matter properly and reduce the problem in such a way that there are very much less chances of the project getting delayed due to the storming stage.
After the storming stage of the group there comes a norming stage in the group where the members of the group comes to better know each other and helps in the process of the understandment of the other members (Pinto, Lourenço and Mónico 2018). The project manager’s role in this process is not that much vital in this stage as members of the group by own by knowing each other. The project manager can constantly motivate the team to do a certain work and hence make the members of the group feel comfortable and motivated towards the work to be done.
The performing stage comes into play when the deadline of the project is soon and according to the author all the members of the group needs to work in a very fast and helpful manner. This is also a stage where the members of the group needs to be always active and needs to do the maximum efforts. This stage decides how much the project will be efficient at a particular process. The process of the project development is also one of the major thing that is to be done in this process (Raes et al., 2015). The orientation of the task is to be properly filled up and hence there are chances that if any member of the group is not working properly then the entire system of the group can be effected by one single decision of the group. While working in a team the chance of doing mistakes are neat about zero as if one person make any mistake then other members of the group can be point out the mistake and make it right. Also one of the disadvantage of this a single error of one person can hamper the works of all the other persons working in the group (Seck and Helton 2014). Also one of the other major problem is that the project manager can get affected if there is no any proper lead taken for working of the group.
The adjourning stage defines that the whether the work for which the group is been assigned has been completed or not. The results and the outcomes of are observed in this stage. The group after this stage may be broken or may not be, depending on if there is any other task associated with the group.
The final work that is done needs to be a successful thing that is to be done. The members of the group needs to work in the best way possible (Windlinger, Nenonen and Airo 2016). The project manager must give reward the best performing member so that in the future the member can be more motivated towards the working.
Thus concluding the topic it can be said the process of the reallocation of an office is one of the most tiresome task that is to be done by any of the project managers. This task takes a test of all the employees working in the process. The project manager must keep an eye on all the aspects of the shifting process as if there is one single error in the process then the entire process of the shifting can be hampered.
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