Occupational And Organizational Psychology System – A Comprehensive Review
HRM Models and their relevance
Discuss about the Occupational and Organizational Psychology System.
Human resource management is an effective tool which helps the organizations to achieve success by satisfying all the stakeholders of the organization. Human resource management is framework of business operation which is conducted in such a way that positive growth is reflected by the organization in the global market. the human resource models helps the management to form a procedure with the help of which the employees will initiate activities in the organization and implement them in such a way that it brings profits for the organization and eliminates the problems caused in the process (Fortney, et. al., 2013). Relating it to the organization Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Health Authority, it shall be noted that the management of the organization is aiming to change the human resource management model used in their operations so that the barriers and issues which the employees are facing currently shall be reduced. As this model is updated according to the needs of the organization concerning all the facts, so it will definitely help the organization in achieving efficiencies (Sparrow, Brewster, & Chung, 2016).
The HRM model suggested to YHRA is Harvard model of human resource management. This model aims to be comprehensive and seeks to create value from the six critical components of the human resource managerial activities of the organization. These activities are HR outcomes, situation factors, long-term consequences, HRM policy choices, stakeholder interest and lastly, feedback loop through which results are flowed directly to the organization and the people connected with it. The stakeholder’s interest is identified as the most important aspects which shall be fulfilled by the managers of the organization (Marchington, et. al., 2016). For this purpose, the model states that this factor recognizes the importance of trade offs between the interest of owners and the employee as well. Also such trade offs exists among other groups as well. But it is the duty of the manager to work according to the defined model and act in such a way that it benefits both the parties connected with the organization. Similarly, in the case of YHRA, the HR manager need to align the interest of doctors along with the interest of their patients as well so that work-life balance is created for the doctors and no patient is left operated. Due to this model, the major issue attracting the organization will reduce (Kramar, 2014).
Talent Management
Next, comes the situational factors, this factor influences the management choice to opt for the particular HR strategy. The contingent factors included in such strategy are management philosophy, labor market, work force characteristics, social values and technology and laws and task. Under this aspect, the management needs to amend and implement strategies in such a way that the barriers affecting the growth of YHRA are reduced. HRM policy choices lay great emphasis on the management’s decisions and actions which shall follow the guidelines of the organization. These actions shall be implemented in such a way that the actions provide progress to the organization. This factor includes aspects like employee influence, reward system, work system, HR flows etc. These activities of HR manager shall positively remove the barriers affecting the growth (Kavanagh, & Johnson, 2017).
Next, there are four C’s mentioned in the model which determines the outcomes of the HR model implemented. Commitment, Competence, Congruence, and cost-effectiveness are the four aspects in the basis of which the growth of the model is judged. Beer et. al. coined the long term consequences states that the benefits and costs incurred in the organization shall be evaluated on three levels which are individual, societal and organizational. And the achievement of the long-term competence shall also be marked on the basis of the above mentioned four C’s only (Carayon, et. al., 2014).
Thus, in this way, the model will suggest and the organization in amending changes according to the problems faced by YHRA.
Talent management selection refers to the strategic approach of an organization to initiate the recruitment and selection process with the aid of available resources. Recruitment and selection is an important aspect which is responsible for the growth of the organization the global market. Talent management strategy attracts the prospective talent present in the external environment and recruits them so that the organization achieves competence by using such resources (Holloway, & Galvin, 2016). Further, the approach which the organization YHRA shall use in management for the recruitment and selection process is discussed below:
- For the purpose of selection of specialist nurses and junior doctors in the organization, initially, the management shall define the job description and person description. The job description will help the organization to analyze the type of work which they want the recruit to perform. This process will provide clarity in the mind of the recruitment and selection panel and the candidates as well. The next step is the process of defining person description; this process refers to defining the appropriate skills and capabilities which is needed by YHRA while recruiting a person on post of specialist nurse and junior doctor. This process will help the organization to identify the qualified human resource required by the organization (Snell, Morris, & Bohlander, 2015).
- The next step which the management shall perform is to initiate first screening of the candidate. Under this process the selection panel defined shall take the interview of the person and shall interrogate regarding their personal information and knowledge about the company. This process will help the management to analyze the curiosity of the candidate to get to know about the company and work profile. After completion of this aspect, application shall be filled from the candidates. This will help the panel to know about the personal details of the candidates (Shuck, et. al., 2014).
- Post application, employment test shall be conducted by the management of the organization, under this test the candidates shall answer the question related to their work field and job like, what pay they expect from the company and some questions related to their job description.
- When the candidate successfully passes the test then they are eligible to give comprehensive interview or personal interview. In this interview, questions about their core business activity shall be asked from the candidate. This interview shall be taken by the super senior doctors of YHRA. The doctors shall ask questions related to ethical code of procedure of organization and work field practical issues (Kash, et. al., 2014).
Talking about the difference between oral recruitment and selection methods and the recruitment and selection methods which shall be initiated by YHRA, it shall be noted that this process adequately satisfies the requirements of the organization. This method helps the management along with the employees as well in analyzing their needs and the quality requirement of recruitment. Also, with this process, all the details related to job are mentioned on the prior basis which eliminates confusion in the organization. Lastly, as this practice have several phases before selection due to which with the adoption of this the organization will earn only skimmed and qualitative recruits for the organization (Gittell, Godfrey, & Thistlethwaite, 2013).
Furthermore talking about the process of initiation of talent management in the organization, it shall be noted that firstly the organization shall acquire talented recruits and then initiates such process. Thus, with the initiation of this, the new recruits will strategically manage the activities of the business. And the process of talent management will help the organization to identify the human resources and make them work efficiently in the organization (Padmanathan, & De Silva, 2013).
Motivation is one of the most important aspects which help the management to create output from the work of their employees. If the employees in an organization are motivated then the organization will definitely receive competence in the global market. Further totaling the healthcare organization, the field requires motivation at all levels of work. If the level of motivation among the employees will decrease then it will result in the creation of efficiency in their work and subsequently decrease in the satisfaction level of the patients (Tracey, 2016). Thus, it shall be noted that performance evaluation, motivation, and engagement helps the employees and the organization in their growth process. Further, the policies which YHRA shall define in order to motivate the employees and engage them in the business process are discussed below:
- Employer-employee relation: this is the most important factor which affects the level of motivation among the employees in the organization. If the employer and employees activities communicate and co-operate each other in their business operations, then good business environment shall be created in the workplace. Also, the employer shall support the employees in their business activities, if the employer assists the employees in completing certain task then a good long term connection will be created between the organization which will positively affect the organization and the employees as well. This will motivate them and attract them towards the activities of the organization (Bardhan, & Thouin, 2013).
- Work life balance: good organizational culture effectively supports initiation of positive environment in the organization. If there is flow of ethical practices in the organization then it will intensify the employees to work in the organization. Being placed in the health care industry, each and every employee has to face emergency under which they have to work in irregular hours. This improper work-life balance dissatisfies the employees. Thus, the managers of the organization shall aim to initiate proper work-life balance for employees. This will reduce the tension of employees in the organization and improve their health due to which they will feel the urge to wok more for the organization. Work life balance in requirement of every job in today’s world. So the managers shall initiate activities that fix the working hours of the employees present in the organization. With this process, if in case an emergency occurs then the employees will come without getting irritated also (Bloom, Sadun, & Van Reenen, 2014).
- Organizational leadership: leader is the most important person who initiates the flow of motivation among employees. If the leader of the organization positively works with the team members without ordering them to perform task, the employees will feel the sense of gratitude that the employer is also contributing to there which will automatically boost up their morale. Whereas if the employer will order the employees to perform the task then neither the employees will perform the task efficiently nor the work will be completed. Thus, the leader of the organization needs to actively understand the sentiments and emotions of the employees and then motivate them to achieve the personal goal along with organizational objective. The hospitality industry requires transformation leadership under which the leader understands and transforms the process according to the demand and requirements of the market (Ker, et. al., 2014).
- Performance appraisal: performance appraisal is the most important aspect which is directly linked with the satisfaction level of employees in the organization. The management shall effectively implement plan for the performance appraisal in such a way that the employees are benefitted and satisfied with it. Both monetary and non-monetary incentives shall be provided to the employees in the organization. Monetary incentives shall be provided to the employees in the form of rewards, bonus, incentives, and promotion as well. All these aspects help the employees in getting motivated in the organization. Promotion and incentive shall be provided to the employees on the basis of their performance. And the management shall to fairly treat the employees according to their effectiveness in the organization and their output is given to the organization. If the appraisal of the employees is fairly given to them in the organization according to their performance then there is increase in the scope of their contribution to work in the organization (Riccucci, 2017).
- Recognition: recognition refers to the non-monetary rewards given to employees in the organization. These rewards help the employees to create a differential position in the organization. Under this process, awards shall be given to employees in the organization in front of their whole team. Resulting to which it will automatically boost up the morale of employees and make them work better for the organization. Recognition in workplaces creates a different identity of the employees in the organization due to which they start to focus on their work better in order to receive the appraisal again (Marsh, et. al., 2014).
- Informal communication: information communication in the workplace is best tool which helps them in creating good workplace environment and boosting the morale of employees in the organization. Informal communication helps them in communicating with each other and creating a friendly environment. This makes the employees gain job satisfaction. Also due to communication, all the issues which the employee faces in workplaces are easily communicated, resulting to which greater satisfaction is generated among the employees. Informal communication also increases formal communication in the organization and retain the employees as well (Appelbaum, 2014).
- Counseling: the employees shall be counseled regarding the work which they perform in the organization. Counseling helps the employees to boost up their morale if they are feeling low in their professional life. Counseling helps the employees to share their views with the higher authority of the organization. Also if they face any problem then also they shall attain counseling with the higher authority who shall aim to resolve their issue and keep it confidential between two of them only. Counseling is way of training the employees on how to work efficiently in the organization (Hoyler, et. al., 2014).
Work life balance is a serious issue which needs the focus of the management of health care organizations. As the employees connected which this industry has to entertain emergency cases due to which their personal life is displaced, especially thinking the lady nurses, they face many family issues because of the demand of their profession. Thus, it is recommended to YHRA to initiate adequate work life balance policies in their management so as to keep the new recruits interested in the business and improve their efficiency as well. Talking about some of the issues which the nurses and doctors face in the organization is that the employees start to reduce interest in their professional life due to which their efficiency in the organization is decreased (Fitzgerald, et. al., 2013). Apart from that when they do not get time to take care of their health because of their irregular working hours. This results in degradation of their health as well. The doctors and nurses are unable to take time for their families due to which they bear family differences as well. All these issues are caused due to the absence of work life balance in health care organization. Considering such problem the below mentioned policies shall be applied in YHRA so as to reduce the mental and physical pressure of the employee in the organization (Tomar, & Agarwal, 2013).
Work-Life Balance Policies in Healthcare Organizations
Paid leaves: even if the employees in the health organization are working in the odd hours of their job but there are adequately provided with all the other benefits which an employee shall receive, then they will get satisfied with their job which will result in the proper implementation of work life balance among employees. Paid leaves refer to those leaves which are provided to the employees from the organization, and it is their right to attain such leaves. When an employee takes paid leaves, then their salary is not deducted, resulting to which the employee gets a relief in their job. Also, the organization shall provide vacation leaves to the employees, this helps them to relax and get motivated to work better. Thus, paid leaves are the most attractive feature for an employee in the job which will retain them in the organization and improve work life balance as well (Albertsen, et. al., 2014).
The setting of manageable goals/ appointments: even if hundreds of appointments and files come to the employee for work then only proper manageable goals shall be set by the organization which every employee shall complete per day. For instant, on analyzing all the facts the YHRA management team shall assign fifty appointments for every doctor which they shall entertain in a day, this target shall be doable and it shall not lay any kind of stress on employee. With the initiation of this process, the mental health of the employee will improve and they will also complete their given work within time. This process will also help the management to analyze that which employee is free to handle the emergency and which employee is busy on their schedule, due to which they will provide additional to the employee who is capable of accomplishing it without pressure. Thus, it increases the level of work life balance in an organization (Michel, Bosch, & Rexroth, 2014).
Flexible working hours: establishment of flexible working hours will help the employees to work according to their comfortability in the organization. Looking at the emergency conditions available in the organization, the management shall adjust the working hours of the employees according to the demand of work. This will help the employees to work according to their suitability which reduces their on job stress. Like, if an employee prefer working in night shift than they shall be provided with the night shift only and this process will also benefit the organization; as with help of it the organization will not get lack of employees in case of emergency due to which such issues will get settled easily (Groysberg, & Abrahams, 2014). Thus, this is another policy which shall be implemented by the YHRA healthcare.
Part time: part time is another flexibility which shall be provided to the employees in the organization. Suppose if an employee has operated an emergency case in late night and their shift time starts from early morning, then they shall be relieved to work for the part time that day. Part-time facility will also increase the number of employees working in the organization, as some employees have some personal work to complete, but they do need to take a day off for that, so they can work for part time as well in the organization for that day. Thus, this type of flexibility shall be given the employee in the organization. The management shall understand the sentiments of the employees and their personal needs and then initiate such policies for the betterment of their workforce (Gayathiri, et. al., 2013).
Work from home: work from home facility shall be provided to the employees. This facility acts in such a way that if the employee is not well or stuck on some issue and cannot come to the healthcare Centre, and then they shall be provided with the relief to work from home. The employees shall be working in their business time period only but they shall not be physically present in the organization. This will help the employees to maintain a work life balance as with the help of this policy the employees can perform their personal as well as professional duties at the same time without taking leaves. If the organization understands such issues of the employees and grant them work from home then the employees will automatically get motivated to work better (Fan, et. al., 2014).
Compensation for working in emergencies: the hospital faces emergency cases on a daily basis and one or other employee has to be present at that time in case of emergency. So the organization shall amend changes in such a way that the employees who work on emergencies and holidays shall be benefitted with some kind of monetary incentive and non monetary incentives as well. For overtime, they shall be benefitted with double pay. And for the next day, they shall be relaxed to have a flexible time period or work from home as per their suitability.
Short Breaks: apart from one break, the employees shall be given one lunch break and two short breaks of fifteen minutes. Such breaks will help the employees to reduce their level of stress and relax their mind and body as well. Thus, all the employees shall take such break during their job period (Berwick, 2016).
The trade union is an important part of the stakeholder group of YHRA and is one of the most important people connected with the organization. The trade union of YHRA is formation f group of employees of the organization who are working together. The main motive of formation of this type of union is to support the employees in the organization and monitor that their interest is not being hampered with business operations of the organization. Thus it is the duty of the healthcare organization to maintain a healthy relationship with the trade union in order to initiate proper flow of work in the work place (Lee, et. al., 2013). Further, the ways in which YHRA shall maintain relationship with the trade union of the organization are discussed below:
Decision making: the organization shall involve the employees in the decision-making process of the organization. They shall value the opinion of the employees as well. Employees are the most important asset of the organization, without their help no organization can competitive edge in the target market. So the management of the organization values the opinions of the employee and look after their interest while making any kind of decision in the organization. In this way, the organization will efficiently maintain the relationship with the employees. Ultimately the motive of trade union is to maximize the benefits of the employees of the organization and if the organization will maintain good terms with employees and will value their opinion then their relations with trade union become effective itself (Riccucci, 2017).
Prior notice of amendments in YHRA: also the organization shall provide the list of rights and duties of the employees and trade union of the organization. This list shall assist the organization and the trade union as well with their rights and obligation which they have to fulfill by being a part of the organization. With the acknowledgment of such information, the trade union will gain a trust on the activities of the employees and they will get to know their rights which cannot be breached by the management in any conditions. So, in case of any dispute also, the management easily resolves it as all the rules are mentioned in the organization.
Employee engagement practices: the organization shall initiate activities which shall involve the greater contribution of employees in the organization. The management shall initiate fun activities to create a friendly environment in the organization and develop positivity in the workplace. Also, communication is also enhanced with this process, and effective communication creates a strong relationship between them. Also, such practices will let the employee known better about the company which will help them to engage in good managerial practices only (Marsh, et. al., 2014).
Mutual respect: employee organization and the trade union work efficiently only if they receive respect from both the ends. Management controls the resources and works environment of the organization while the union operates activities related to employees. It shall be noted that since the organization needs happy and productive workforce to meet their business objective so, the management share a mutual bond of respect with union and avoid unnecessary issues. In this way, the organization effectively manages the activities of the business and employee relations as well.
Teamwork: the employer and employee union shall also work together in a team so as to enhance the working ability of YHRA. At the end, the employer and employee want the same thing for the organization thus collective is considered a best for the organization and it also develops the relationship with employee as well. Thus considering to that, the management shall adopt the habit of team work and improve the skills of the employees so as to maximize the efficiency of the organization (Holloway, & Galvin, 2016).
Communication: communication helps the management in resolving most of the issues of the organization. Communication is regarded as the most effective way with the help of which the management team of YHRA can initiate good terms with the trade union and formulate their business operation (Ker, et. al., 2014).
Proactive policy implementation: proactive policies shall be adopted by the management of the organization so as to seek and secure the interest of the employee connected with the organization and minimize the need for constant negotiation by adopting policies and practices that enhance employee welfare. Activities like workplace bullying and partiality shall be eliminated from the organization to maximize the satisfaction level of employees.
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