Object-Oriented Modelling And Software Development: Understanding The Role Of Systems Analyst/Designer


Business process can be defined as a wide variety and range of products which are structure, chained along with list of activities or even task (Chopra, 2017). It is mainly conducted by large number of people or even equipment for consumers. Business process needs to be implemented in such a way that they can easily accomplish cultural goals (Bolognani and Dörfler 2015). Business process is mainly implemented in such level of organization, some visibility of customers. Object-Oriented Modelling focus on certain number of things in the application by making use of models.

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In the coming pages of the report an idea has been provided regarding advantages to make use of business process for identifying analysis classes. After that, advantages of using software classes in object-oriented System has been provided in details. The last section of the report mainly deals with identifying software classes.

Object-Oriented Modelling (OOM) method is mainly used for visualizing large number of application. It mainly makes use of modeling for organizing around the various objects (Larsen et al. 2014). Any kind of software development mainly goes through three stages like analysis, design and lastly implementation. In object-oriented software engineering, software developer mainly focusses identifying and organizing large number of application. There is mainly four phase of software development by making use of object-oriented methodology (Wiegmann and Shappell 2017). Apart from this, there are some other phases of software development like object-oriented implementation.

Business process is mainly intended for accomplishing the goals or objective of any organization (Shappell et al. 2017). Business process tends occur at the different level of the organization. Some of the given levels are mainly visible to large number of customers while much of it is not visible to others. There are mainly three types of business process like management process, operation process and lastly supporting process. Management process helps in understanding clear view for design of system classes. Operation process mainly comprises of some core business of the given organization and can easily create a proper value of stream (Daddis and Brunell, 2015). Process aims to create some core system for support like accounting and technical support. Some of the examples of business process like invoicing, receiving orders, updating some personal data and lastly checking marketing and checking of budget.

In object-oriented stage, there is large number of issues which has been encountered and various user needs to be checked (Strohsal, Proaño, and Wolters, 2015). After that, a particular model has been built on some of the real world objects. The given analysis helps in formulating objects on how the given system needs to function and its methods of development (Strohsal, Proaño, and Wolters, 2015). The given model is not inclusive of any kind of implementation details so that the thing can be understood and examined by any non-technical expert.

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Object-oriented design focus on two kinds of stages like system design and object design. In the first stage that system design, the complete idea of interacting with subsystem is needed (Schuster et al.  2015). For the all the given things a hierarchy of objects interaction is needed. It needs to be grouped in various kind of classes. The overall design of object is mainly done by understanding the system analysis model and required architecture. So, the ultimate pressure is given on the objects that comprise of system instead of process in the given system.

Other Methods of Identifying Classes

In the object design phase, a particular design model has been developed which is totally depended on various kind of models in the system design phases (Schreiner, 2015). The overall architecture is mainly based on design in the phase of design phase. All the required classes need to be identified. The designer mainly aims to design new classes which are needed for creating scratch. It can be done for any kind existence classes which can be used in the original form (Chopra, 2017). After that new class needs to be inherited from the existing classes. There is proper association between the identified classes and hierarchies of the classes which have been identified. It is mainly the duty of the developer for understanding the design of various audits and their association. The data structure mainly comes up with each kind of attribute and proper algorithm which is needed for operation.

In the phase of implementation and Testing of Object Oriented, a particular model needs to be developed in the object design which is properly changed into code (Bolognani and Dörfler 2015). It is generally changed into proper programming language or software tool. A proper database is created and a hardware is needed for understanding the hardware requirements. As soon as the given code is shaped, it needs to be tested by making use of some special techniques which is needed for analyzing and identifying large number of tools.

Some other methods of identifying software classes are application analysis, domain analysis and lastly noun extraction (Wiegmann and Shappell 2017). Apart from business process, the above-said process can be considered to understanding any problem. A proper analysis of the given issue is all about having a proper understanding with respect to various kind of problem. Proper development of the given use case mainly falls under this particular category. This particular section will highlight the use of various software. The specification of initial based function test mainly falls in this particular category (Larsen et al. 2014). It mainly helps in getting a proper understanding how the required software is needed for the software. The specification of initial function mainly aims to test on the likewise into the given category.

Domain analysis is mainly concerned with proper kind of understanding for specific problem. If the given system needs to be developed with the registration of the specific problem which is taken to be an important part (Shappell et al. 2017). If an individual is developing system with student registration for various courses. The required domain which needs to be familiar with various classes like Student, courses, course offering and lastly enrollment. Apart from all these, they need to establish proper relationship between them. There are some instances where students can easily register for large number of works. It is mainly the section that checks that checks the roster and particular professor is mainly responsible for assigning the required grade (Daddis and Brunell, 2015). In the given environment of solving problem, the same used concepts can be used for both objects and classes. It is mainly used for developing a possible solution to the given problem in the given domain. It mainly tends to create sharp contrast in the given approach which is considered to be very different and developing a possible solution for the given problem in the given domain.

At the time of any approach, the main focus is all about solving a problem which requires huge amount of decomposition. A particular object-oriented approach is needed for the given software development and the method of approaching it (Strohsal, Proaño, and Wolters, 2015). Any software system can be view from two perspectives that are data being manipulated and functionality which tends to manipulate the given data. The last method of noun extraction can be used for identifying the classes which are simple in nature. It is considered to be very much useful in nature. This particular method can be stated as noun extraction (Bracha and Ungar, 2015). The most basic idea is all about having an idea regarding the software requirement/ use case flow of events and various noun that appear.


From the above pages of the report, it can be easily stated that this report is all about various advantages of business process. It can be stated as the method for analysis classes and various software classes in the Object-Oriented Classes. A proper identification and comparison have been done with respect to method of identifying classes of software. In the above pages, three method of identifying classes like application analysis, domain analysis, and noun extraction has been discussed in details.


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