Object-Oriented Analysis: Identifying Classes From Use Case Diagrams

Object-oriented modeling

Object-oriented analysis is technical approach for analyzing the system using different application, such as unified modeling language (UML), Object-oriented Programming, and many more ( Oliver, 2017). It is an approach, which divide a large project in small modules for better understanding for design. It makes more useable for the project designing. UML is helping for designing different diagrams for understanding actual requirements of a project in a visual view (Bruegge, 2008).

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Use case diagrams are useful for understanding requirement in a proper format. It is also called behavior diagram. It describes use cases of system and collaboration with the external users, which is actor of use case diagram (Conallen, 2012).  In this report, section of classes from use case diagram will discuss in next parts.  

Object-oriented model is a best way for handling the project management life cycle and designing of a system. Object based approach provides dividing facility for a project. It divides complete system in small modules and provides accessing objects for them. UML is helpful for creating class diagrams and use case diagram of a project. A use case diagram is a coupling of different relations between actors and use cases (Gomaa, 2011).  

Use case diagrams are a coupling of different classes at a same place for understanding the data flow and control flow in the project. Identification of class from class diagram, and it is same as use cases in the use case diagrams. It will difficult when so many use cases are described in the same use case diagram (Siau & Lee, 2004). UML is a modeling language but so many people are thinking that it is a use case driven process. It is a way to show functional requirements of a project using use case diagram. Functional requirements are actions and services for particular situation and it is describe by the help of use case diagram (Tsang, et al., 2004).

Use cases are easier than accessing objects for users. Use care diagram are using use case model and it provides use case view. It is a process for capturing requirements and it provides all the information for analysis and design (Rumbaugh, et al., 2017). Use case-driven process use different use cases in the use case diagram and these are converted into classes in the class diagram. There are different approaches for the identification of classes from the use case diagrams (Larman, 2012).

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One approach is based on noun and noun phrases in use cases description in use case diagram and it is like a class for class diagram. Next is checking every noun in the use case description and mapping them into classes. All approaches are having identification problem, which is common in object modeling (Van Lamsweerde, 2009). Use case description is having so many nouns so different unnecessary classes are created on the bases of them. Designers may use different categories for explaining the working of a system. Sometimes classes are conflict and it is making difficult to choose classes. Sometimes actors’ role is used for making classes.

Identifying classes from use case diagrams

Goal oriented approach is very good approach for identify classes from the use case diagrams. Classes are real world entity, which is participating in achieving the goal.


                                                 Source: (Liang, 2003) Generating class diagram from use case diagram.

There are seven steps for identifying classes from the use case diagram.

Goal of each use case: use cases are having separate goals for a function in project. Therefore, on the bases of goal of use cases identification is easier.

Entities identification: to achieve the goal entities are lays a good role in the use case. Entities are bind with the actors and provide description about the system with the help of use cases.

Specification of entities: this step is providing specification of entities with their features and it is used for generating class diagrams.

Referencing between different entities: proper references are used between entities for their association with classes. There are so many associations with the classes but proper entities references are used to generate the classes.

Identification of collaboration: for identification of classes, it is necessary to identify collaboration between entities and use cases of the use case diagram of a system.

Specification of collaboration: collaboration between use cases and entities is taking as an operation for a class. It is also helpful for the achieving the use case goals.

Testing of classes: testing is necessary.  It is good for identification of classes. It is helpful for the reducing complexity of testing.

These steps are helping to found out classes from a use case diagram. Some software is used for identification of classes from the use case diagrams, such as Eiffel software. However, best way is manually doing it and at the end testing of classes is must (Larman, 2012).   

All UML diagrams are interlinked and used for better understanding of system requirements. It is a best way for designer to identify classes form the use case diagram. Use cases are like a special work for a module, and actors are the main role of that work. Use case diagrams are showing relationship between actors and use cases. Classes’ identification is the process, which required maximum classes declared in the system but only required classes. Unnecessary declaration of classes create mess-up in the code generation.         


It is concluded from the last parts of this report that, goal based approach is best way to identification of software classes for designing part of a system. UML is providing different views of a project on the bases of requirements of the system. It is also concluded that, class diagram are used for designing and coding. It is necessary to identify entities of use cases with the help of actors’ relationship and collaboration with use case. Use case-driven process is a part of UML and it is providing a description of project on the bases of requirements and functioning of the system.

Goal-oriented approach

Finally, it is concluded that identification of software classes is a tough work but the help of use case diagram and other things makes it easier. It is just like decoupling of use case diagram.  

Use case diagrams are a part of Unified modeling language (UML). UML provides different diagrams for understanding the requirements of customer for system design. It is an analysis process for taking requirement of the system and put all the information in the graphical form for better understanding and no further issues in requirements. It is a basic need of a project that they give software requirement specification. However, developer is not directly connected to the customers many times. So it is required that visualization of system requirements are in a proper way.     

Class’s identification from the use case diagram is just like decoupling of use cases. On the bases of goal, specification, collaboration, referencing, identification, and specification of use cases classes can be identify. Software testing is also required for that to check all classes are properly selected from use cases. Not all nouns can be converted in the classes. It may create a problem in the end of the project. It is also make some differences, when wrong classes are chosen at the identification step of classes. Sometimes inaccurate requirements are the biggest reason of project failure.  

UML is a best way to finding solution before design phase is started of a software development. It is also having some disadvantages, such as code generation is facing a problem because of so many classes are chosen. Sometimes UML diagrams are so complex for understanding of data and control flow. However, it is a process for understanding SRS and customer needs for that software in a graphical representation.   


Bruegge, B. a. D. A., 2008. Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns and Java-(Required) (Vol. 2004).. 4 ed. London: Prentice Hall..

Conallen, J., 2012. Building Web applications with UML.. 6 ed. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc…

Gomaa, H., 2011. Software modeling and design: UML, use cases, patterns, and software architectures.. 2 ed. New York: Cambridge University Press..

Jacobson, . I., 1993. Object-oriented software engineering: a use case driven approach.. 2 ed. New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

Larman, C., 2012. Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object oriented analysis and design and interative development.. 5 ed. New York: Pearson Education.

Larman, C., 2012. Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object oriented analysis and design and interative development.. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

Liang, Y., 2003. From use cases to classes: a way of building object model with UML. Information and Software technology, 45(2), pp. 83-93.

Liang, Y., 2003. Liang, Y. (2003). From use cases to classes: a way of building object model with UML. Information and Software technology, 45(2), pp. 83-93.

Tsang, . C. H., Leung, Y. . K. & Lau, C. S., 2004. Object-Oriented Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Van Lamsweerde, A., 2009. Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to software (Vol. 10).. 2 ed. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons..

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