Object-Oriented Analysis And Design Approach For Cheltenham Football Club Information System

Use Case Title:

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 Coach, member, manager


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 User logins to access the system


 The system must be running


1. User enters username and password

2. User submits login form

3. System validates the login details are correct

4. System grants access if details are correct or prompts the user to login again if details are not correct

Primary use case 2

Use Case Title:

  Add member




 A coaches adds a new member by performing member registration


 User must be logged in


1. User opens add new member page

2. System opens page

3. User fills the member registration form and submits the form

4. System validates data entered is correct

5. System saves the member details and creates an account for the member

6. System notifies the user that the registration was successful

Primary use case 3

Use Case Title:

 Record match details




 Coach records match details for a match that has not happened


 User must be logged in and match should not have taken place


1. User opens record match details page

2. System displays record match details page

3. User fills the form with the respective match details and submits the form

4. System validates that the data entered by the user is correct

5. System saves the data and notifies the user

Primary use case 4

Use Case Title:

  Update game details




 A coach updates details of a game that has already been recorded in the system


 User must be logged in and a game to be updated should exist


1. User opens update game details page.

2. System displays the update game details page

3. System fetches all the games.

4. User selects a game to update

5. System opens update game details form.

6. User records the new game details

7. System validates that the details are correct

8. System saves the new game details

9. System generates a notification

10. System notifies user that the update was successful

Primary use case 5

Use Case Title:

  View notifications


 Coach, member , manager


 User views notifications generated by the system


 User must be logged into their accounts


1. User opens view navigation page

2. System displays the notifications page

3. User selects a notification

4. System fetches the notification.

5. System updates the status of the notification to read.

10 use cases – brief description

Use case 1:Login

This use case allows a coach, member or the manager to login into the system where by upon successful login, the system grants access or denies access to the user if the details entered are incorrect.

Use case 2:Add member

This use case allows a coach to  add a new member who does not exist in the system. The user fills a member registration form and submits it. The system validates that the details entered by the user are correct and saves the member details.

Use case 3:update member

This use case allows the coach or the member to update the member details. The coach can update member details for a certain member or the member can update the details themselves

Use case 4:record monthly contribution

This use case allows the coach to record monthly contributions for a certain player. A record is created for the monthly payment and associated with the user.

Use case 5:Search

This use case allows the coach or the manager to search for a member. The user can search using different search details for example using the member name or the member id. The system displays results for all records that match the search value submitted by the user

Use case 6:Generate report

This use case allows a manager to generate a report. The report can be generated for a certain period of time thus the user has to enter the dates between which the report should be generated

Use case 7:View notifications

This use case allows the user to view notifications by opening the notifications page. If a notification is unread and the user opens it, the status of the notification is changed to read.

Use case 8:Suspend player

This use case allows a manager to suspend a player. Only the manager has the privilege to perform this action thus no other can perform this action. When a player is suspended their status is changed.

Use case 9:Update match details

This use case allows the user to update match details for a game. After a successful update a notification is generated and sent to all users

Use case 10:Record registration fee

This use case allows the coach to record a registration fee for a member. A record is created and associated with the respective member.

3) Class diagram including conceptual classes and associations, generalization, aggregation and/or composition if applicable with a brief description

Provide brief description of all key classes and main attributes:

Class name



The manager class models the manager user. It inherits from the user class. All the methods in the manager class are private because only the manager has the privilege to perform those actions. The main attributes making the this class is name and contact


The player class models a player. It has private variables and methods that make up the class. The class inherits from the user class. The main attributes defining this class are name, contact, role, date and leavingDate


The coach class models a coach. The main properties making up this class are name and contact. The class inherits from the user class


This class is a super class . Its main attributes are username and password.


Notification class models a notification. The main attribute making up this class is message


This class models a match. The main attribute defining this class are players, date, type, location, results and prizes.

4) Interaction diagram

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram above shows the systematic flow and interaction of events for update match details use case. The use case has one actor and two objects i.e. the system and the database. The database is considered as an independent object from the system.

Collaboration Diagram


The diagram above shows the collaboration diagram for the update match details primary use case. It shows the control classes needed and the interaction between the classes for a successful execution of the use case.

Flowchart/Activity Diagram


The flow chart shown in the diagram above shows the logic flow for execution of the add member primary use case. The activity diagram has swim lanes to show the user side and the system side of the execution.


The proposed design as modelled using different stuctural and behavioral diagrams is based on the functional requirements of the proposed system. Meeting the functional requirements requires core non functional requirements to be followed for example ensuring that the system performs all tasks using the least amount of time possible.


Erikson, U., 2012. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS VS NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. reqtest. Available at: https://reqtest.com/requirements-blog/functional-vs-non-functional-requirements/ [Accessed August 25, 2017].

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