Nursing Theories, Contributions Of Historical Figures, And Roles In Professional Nursing Practice
Nursing Theories
Professional nursing practice refers to the visual representation of a set of organizational structures, values and processes that are responsible for providing a unifying network that will facilitate adorning the roles and responsibilities of a nurse. Some of the major attributes of professional nursing practice encompasses safe, family centered and high quality patient care (Masters, 2018). Based on the knowledge of the needs and preferences of the patients, the interventions are usually planned and implemented in a way that assists the patients to get though their length of hospitalization, without any further complications. Furthermore, according to Friberg and Creasia (2013) the three pillars of professional nursing practice encompass leadership, clinical governance, and research. As professionals, nurses are responsible for improving the quality of care by applying new innovations and knowledge as they deliver evidence-based care. The essay will discuss in details on different nursing theories, contribution of nursing figures and apply disrete roles to professional practice.
The Nursing Need Theory developed by Virginia A. Henderson has major contributions in my life as a nursing professional. This theory focuses on the importance of increasing the interdependence of the patients, with the aim of hastening their health progress, while they are in the hospital. Henderson’s theory highlights on the elementary human requirements and how nurses can contribute in addressing those needs. Nurses utilize this theory by taking into account the fact that all patients have needs and demands that are discrete components of their health and should be provided necessary assistance for achieving a sound state of health and interdependence (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). Nurses following this theory work towards maintaining a supportive environment that is conducive for the patient’s health and also consider the psychological, social, physiological and spiritual needs of the service users to help them in their recovery journey (Smith & Parker, 2015). This theory fits my professional practice as I always intend to increase my client’s independence for enhancing their sustained healing advancement after hospitalization.
Historical nursing figures- Two historical nursing figures are Virginia Avenel Henderson and Dorothea E. Orem. Henderson was known as the “The 20th Century Florence Nightingale” and is widely known for her contribution to nursing through the Needs theory. In the words of McEwen and Wills (2017) the theory proposed by Henderson takes into account the fact that enhancing the independence of the patients and emphasizing on the basic social needs would ensure preventing any delay in progress after hospitalization. Her description of nursing practice marked the variance between nursing and medicine. She also stated that the exclusive function of a nurse is to support the individuals, who are well or sick, in presentation of certain activities that contribute to their recovery, health or peaceful death. In contrast Orem was considered as the foremost nursing theorists of America who formulated the Orem Model of Nursing or the Self-care nursing theory. She emphasized on the need of nurses to assist others in the management of self-care, with the aim of maintaining and/or improving human functioning at home level of efficiency (Berbiglia & Banfield, 2013). Hence, both the theories helped me understand that self-care management and independence of patients are crucial components of a successful nursing practice.
Historical Nursing Figures
Nursing organizations- The State Board of Nursing safeguards the health and safety of all Commonwealth of Pennsylvania citizens through the certification and licensure of practical and professional nursing and dietetics-nutrition by practical nurses, registered nurses, clinical nurse specialists, graduate nurses, and dietician-nutritionists (Pennsylvania Department of State, 2017). On the other hand, the American Nurses Association is located in Silver Spring and is a professional organization that protects and advances the nursing profession. It is responsible for protecting, promoting, and optimizing health and abilities, averting injury and illness, alleviating patient suffering through treatment and diagnosis, and advocating for the families, individuals, communities, and the wider population (ANA, 2017). These two organizations help me understand that the core duty of a nurse should involve safeguarding the patients and taking all possible efforts to enhance their health.
Annual license renewal in North Carolina is mandatory through the North Carolina State Board of Nursing by end of birth month. RN licenses renewal must occur before restitution of advanced licenses and the notices are mailed 90 days before to the address mentioned. Documents related to proof of continuing education (CE), and 50 contact hours between all yearly reviews must be submitted (, 2018). Failure to renew it prior to expiration date results in instinctive penalty to practice nursing until the license has been re-established. Nurses are required to hold separate license in every non-compact state for practicing in that state and must apply for licensure by authorization in a new compact state of residence.
Functional differences- The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) refers to a federal agency that is a part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is responsible for administering Medicare programs and works in partnership with different state governments for administration of Medicaid, health insurance portability standards, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2018). In contrast, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is another federal agency of HHS, the prime objective of which is to protect and promote public health via the control and supervision of tobacco products, food safety, prescriptions, dietary supplements, vaccinations, and blood transfusion among others (FDA, 2018). Hence, both of these regulatory agencies keep a track on the care services that are being delivered to the patients, for enhancing their health outcomes. As a patient advocate, I tried to understand the diagnosis of the patient and available treatment options, followed by assisting the patient understand about potential risks and benefits of the alternate therapy, and helping in informed decision making.
Nurse Practice Act- It controls nursing in North Carolina and directs the effort of the Board. According to the North Carolina Board of Nursing (2018) the scope of practice is comprehensive and independent and encompasses several steps as assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, collaboration, reporting, teaching and counselling. The licensed nurse delegate activities to others based on license level, client assessment status, employer policies and clinical competence.
Roles- As a scientist I am involved in conducting extensive research on different diseases and understanding the treatment options for them. I adorn the role of a detective while unravelling the different causes of illness and injury. As a manager of the healing environment, I assist the patients in their recovery and recuperation process.
Nursing Organizations
Provisions- The two provisions are (provision 1) The nurse performs with respect and compassion for intrinsic dignity, value and exclusive attributes of each person, and (provision 3) The nurse advocates for, promotes, and safeguards the health, rights, and safety of patients (ANA, 2016). These two provisions make me aware of my roles and responsibilities towards protecting the privacy, human rights and confidentiality of my patients, and establishing an effective relationship with them. One nursing error can occur if the personal and clinical information of the patients are disclosed, without prior approval from the patient and family members. This can be addressed by the provision 3 by safeguarding private and confidential patient information. Provision 1 guidelines can be followed by treating all people with dignity and respect, regardless of the cultural, linguistic and ethnic background the person belongs to, and the state of health.
Leadership qualities- Four leadership qualities are integrity, emotional intelligence, dedication to excellence, and critical thinking (Mannix, Wilkes & Daly, 2013). These qualities will help in providing support to the patients will help them cope with stressors, integrity will assist in making correct choices during critical situations, and caregiving in an appropriate manner. The work environment requires me to adorn the role of a responsible nurse leader to oversee the patients and other staff. Decision making becomes crucial during the implementation of evidence based practice. Professional nursing practice also comprises of efforts to deliver high-quality, and safe family and patient-centered care, with the aim of promoting a better regional, local, and global community. Nurse at the bedside maintains integrity by remaining consistent in her actions and the measures that are adopted for enhanced patient outcome, and also displays emotional intelligence by promoting emotional management to the service users and her families. In this process a dedication to excellence towards delivery of work is also manifested. These leadership qualities are also characteristic of the interdisciplinary team where the team members willingly adopt and apply their skills, values and knowledge to their work, promote therapeutic relationship with patient and family members, and involve family during clinical decision making.
Hence, professional nursing requires the nurses to take responsibility for nursing actions, judgments, omissions and care that is delivered to the patients. Lifelong learning, upholding the quality of care delivered and the patient outcomes, and maintaining clinical competency is crucial for a professional nurse.
Ahtisham, Y., & Jacoline, S. (2015). Integrating Nursing Theory and Process into Practice; Virginia’s Henderson Need Theory. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(2).
American Nurses Association. (2016). Code of Ethics for Nurses. Retrieved from
American Nurses Association. (2017). About Us. Retrieved from
Berbiglia, V. A., & Banfield, B. (2013). Self-care deficit theory of nursing. Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book, 30(1), 240.
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2018). We’re putting patients first.. Retrieved from
Food and Drug Administration. (2018). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from
Friberg, E. E., & Creasia, J. L. (2013). Conceptual Foundations-E-Book: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Mannix, J., Wilkes, L., & Daly, J. (2013). Attributes of clinical leadership in contemporary nursing: an integrative review. Contemporary Nurse, 45(1), 10-21.
Masters, K. (2018). Role Development Professional Nursing Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2017). Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
North Carolina Board of Nursing. (2018). Nursing Practice Act. Retrieved from (2018). North Carolina Nursing License Requirements: Become a Nurse in NC. Retrieved from
Pennsylvania Department of State. (2017). STATE BOARD OF NURSING. Retrieved from
Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.