Nursing Case Study For Clinical Placement Fundamentals
Notifying, Reporting and Investigating Incidences
Describe about the Nursing Case Study for Clinicals Placement Fundamentals.
Clinical placement is fundamental to nursing students since they get to implement the theory they learn in class and at the same time, they gain experience which is very crucial in the medical profession (Bourne, 2013). As much as clinical placement is important, students on placement are sometimes bullied by their co-workers (Catanzariti & Egan, 2015). This is a behavior that should be condemned by every medical professional since it has very many negative effects hence the need to port such outdated behaviors. This paper aims at outlining the processes if notifying, reporting as well as investigating incidences that happen in the workplace. The paper will also shine more light on the working relationship between preceptors and undergraduate nurses on clinical placement and how some factors can be misconstrued to be bullying while in the real sense they are not. Communication is fundamental and professionals should learn communications skills so as to ensure that they convey the exact message that they intend. People in leadership positions should not just control those they lead but act as role models by making other members feel like they are part of the team (Glazer & Fitzpatrick, 2013).
As far as workplace bullying is concerned, the person who is affected in one way or the other by the behavior should clearly document the incident in the incident report. It is fundamental for the individual to consult the policies put in place by the institution as to the procedure for handling such sensitive matters. The human resource department is the one tasked with issues to do with workers payment and discipline, therefore, it is logical that one can liaise with them so as to access to company’s precise reporting procedure (Catanzariti & Egan, 2015). The Charles Darwin university policy on students on placement dictates that the student should advise the university or the institution of placement of any medical or health conditions that may his or her ability to do the duties assigned by the institution of placement. The student should only accept assignments which are proportionate to his or her level of skill. Furthermore, the student should inform the university as well as the agency of placement immediately he or she is involved in an accident or incident during office hours. The student must also notify the agency as well as the school if he or she is unable to attend all or part of the placement. These policies are aimed at encouraging students to voice their concerns in case they feel that the tasks they are assigned to while on placement are jeopardizing their health in one way or the other.
The individual who is the subject of bullying in the workplace should formally report the bullying behavior to pave way for investigations. Reporting ensures that the individual is able to answer relevant questions as soon as possible so that action can be taken on the person behind the bad behavior (Victoria Community Services & Health Industry Training Board Victoria, 2010).
The main aim of conducting investigations is to get to the root cause of the problem rather than finding fault and shifting blame from one person to another. Investigations should be done to try and ascertain the claims made in the incident report. Investigations also ensure that the claims made by the victim can be substantiated hence avoiding any chances of imposing disciplinary measures based on false claims. The best strategy to do that is to interview the complainant, the respondent as well as the witnesses who were at the scene of the incident. It is wise to keep records of the interview just in case one many need it as a reference in future. Relevant documents have been sort as well as additional information, for instance, the document showing that the complainant has seen the psychiatrist for the purposes of counseling among others (Ferguson, 2011). The investigator must carefully evaluate whether the behavior is corresponding to the laid out criteria of workplace bullying. For an incident to be considered to be office bullying, it must be repeated, unreasonable as well as harmful to the affected person’s health and safety (Glazer & Fitzpatrick, 2013).
First day
Workplace bullying is essentially repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more individuals by one or more culprits. However, poor personal skills, poor communication skills, poor coping skills, poor leadership skills as well as constructive criticism cannot be categorized as bullying (Baughan, Smith & Baughan, 2013).
Looking the case study, leaving a new student to do the search and find not to mention the self-directed learning modules can be categorized as social isolation. The nurse student’s skills should have been used to help out in the hospital considering the day she reported; her preceptor complained that there was a poor mix of skills. The preceptor should have returned later to check on how the student was doing considering this was her first day in a new institution (Glazer & Fitzpatrick, 2013).
Both the student and the preceptor did very little to ensure that there are rapport and foundation of their therapeutic relationship. The preceptor failed to establish a therapeutic relationship especially owing to the fact that she is the mentor and as such she should demonstrate her leadership skills by at least establishing rapport. The fact that Shannon is a passive communicator makes the situation even work because instead of articulating her dissatisfaction, she decides to avoid conflict by agreeing to what her preceptor tells her. The student is also to blame to some extent since she should have been pro-active and engages the preceptor after completing the task assigned to him to see if the preceptor could spare some time to discuss with her about scope of practice, placement as well as questions she may have had regarding the institution (Billett & Henderson, 2011).
Second day
The preceptor employs humor in a way that sounds very negative to Shannon. Humor is essentially a cognitive, emotional, behavioral, psychological and social phenomenon. The comment that the preceptor makes about being stuck with Shannon can be interpreted as try to depict the student as being a baggage to the registered nurse rather than a helper hence it cannot be considered humorous by any right thinking person (Tehrani, 2012).
The purpose of clinical placement is to reduce the gap between theory and practice as well as to enable the student to gain some needed experience which will be very important in the future and the preceptor is making the students efforts to meet this objective very hard. It is the role and responsibility of the preceptor to make the student feel welcome and mentor her throughout the placement period. Furthermore, the preceptor should offer everyday guidance to the student as well as planning his or her schedule of the day (Rothwell & Chee, 2013). To be an effective preceptor it is very crucial to have good leadership and communication skills. The preceptor and the student should always maintain a professional relationship that observes certain boundaries. Making humor that is humiliating to the student is going beyond the professional boundaries. Factors like public humiliation, belittling as well as removal of areas of work without consultation affect the relationship between the preceptor and the student. Clinical education is essentially health care education conducted in health care facilities such as a clinic, hospitals as well as emergency centers (Forrest, McKimm, & Edgar, 2013). Clinical need takes precedence over clinical education in a situation where there are patients who need immediate attention hence the medical professional has to handle the emergency first and teaching of the student on placement come much later (Safe Work Australia., 2012).
Once again the student portrays her passive communication style when she did not express his dissatisfaction of being excluded from the post-resuscitation debrief especially owing to the fact that the student was the first responder (Haugen & Musser, 2012). The student should have discussed with the preceptor about her concerns in an asserting but certainly respectful manner. Furthermore, Shannon should have initiated discussions with her preceptor regarding the resuscitation incident. A gesture of initiating a conversation would have demonstrated to the preceptor that the student is proactive as far as her learning is concerned and she would have put more effort to assist the student whenever needed. The preceptor cannot be blamed entire especially keeping in mind that preceptors do not receive the much needed organizational support, preparation as well as clarity of their role. Furthermore, they usually have very busy hours hence they constantly forced to succumb to workload pressures which interfere with their responsibility as preceptors (Mahon & Nicotera, 2011).
The preceptor did very little to engage the student and when she did, it was in a manner that was very discouraging to the student. A perfect example is when she uses words like ‘OMG’ as an expression of shock. She preceptor should have acknowledged the efforts made by the student of trying to help the patient in the best way she knew how as she waited for the doctors to come and attend to the patient. This is would have created a warm atmosphere between the student and her preceptor (Haitana & Bland, 2011).
Recommendations to Foster the Student’s Personal and Professional Development
The student should adopt an assertive style of communication. This will help in creating an individual who is confident and who is not afraid to express his or her concerns hence ensuring that there is a perfect environment for learning to take place (Boyd & Dare, 2014).
Any student who is going for clinical placement should demonstrate his or her ability to be pro-active. Clarifications should be made early enough regarding his or her clinical experience, expectations, scope of practice as well as expected learning objectives (Goetsch, 2011).
The student should learn to build rapport since it is a crucial component in the student-preceptor relationship. Rapport promotes open communication and develops trust among individuals therefore building excellent relationships (Boyd & Dare, 2014).
The student should learn conflict resolution strategies since conflicts damage professional relationships. Resolving conflicts ensures that there is there is a peaceful environment where people can learn from each other (Boyd & Dare, 2014).
All in all, clinical placement is fundamental as far as students are concerned since it bridges the gap between theory and practice. Preceptors should try their best to help the students assigned to them and make their placement period enjoyable and educational instead of bullying them by humiliating them inform of other staff. Preceptors should also possess excellent communication and leadership skills to ensure that can be able to handle the students assigned to them hence bringing out the best in individual students. Students also have a very crucial part to play as far as their clinical placement is concerned. They should try to be more assertive while ensuring that they are not disrespectful. They should also be pro-active meaning that they should try to do everything in their power to create a good relationship with their preceptors so that good communication is fostered. A therapeutic relationship between the preceptor and the student will ensure that effective learning takes place at the end of the day.
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