NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative – Largest Chain Of Supermarkets In Singapore

Structure and Governance of NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative


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Describe about the NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative?

NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative actually is a chain of supermarkets in Singapore also is largest in nation. The firm is in reality a co-operative of National Trades Union Congress otherwise NTUC. This group has some about 100 supermarkets all across island, with above 50 outlets of the Cheers convenience stores island-wide.

NTUC FairPrice also has partnered along with the ExxonMobil towards running many stations along with the FairPrice branding at minimarts at all their stations.  This supermarket has the slogan known like Singapore’s very own. The NTUC FairPrice actually was established in the year 1973. Around same time, some other unions like Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation plus the Pioneer Industries Employees Union even were set up by the co-operatives to properly run the supermarkets. These two firms later merged within early 1980s towards forming Singapore Employees Co-operative (SEC) (Fairprice.com.sg, 2015).

The actual structure, activities as well as remit of the governance at the FairPrice also aligns to guidance that is set out within Code of the Corporate Governance which was published in the year 2005. At the FairPrice, most senior board within firm is FairPrice Board of Directors, which is lead by Mr Bobby Chin, who is a non-executive. Actually the role of Chairman is all related to providing appropriate leadership as well as guidance at the time of Board discussions, as well as to make sure that the deliberations are fairly and objectively as well as independently conducted (Ashkenas, 1995).

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FairPrice Board actually comprises of some 12 non-executive participants, and three of these members are women. Also eleven members of Board actually are Chinese, plus one is Malay. This Board meets, very less number off times i.e. once in 3 months as well as has a quantity of main responsibilities. The fundamental responsibility as well as functions of Board is all about overseeing the work as well as performance of Management set. It even evaluates, approves as well as monitors some onward looking plans as well as budgets. Additionally, responsibilities plus tasks like determining remuneration policy as well as auditing the corporate accounts also are delegated to several Board Committees (Cavanaugh, 1977).

Source: (Fairprice.com.sg, 2015)

Arising issues of the public health as well as wellness mean that the customers’ information and data needs are larger than what is was ever before plus as some food retailer, populace looks at the firm for proper guidance. This is the reason why FairPrice has always ensured that major portion of the house brand products of food have extra nutritional labeling towards helping the shoppers in making extra informed buying decisions (CHEW, 2014). Additionally, FairPrice also has undertaken some program related to the reformulating of the house brand goods towards eliminating the trans-fats, which is major contributor towards heart disease as well as other health situations. So far the firm has above 170 house brand goods that are also trans-fat gratis and in the year 2007 the firm also was seen among frontrunners within developing the ‘trans-fat free’ labeled towards continually enhancing information that the firm supplies to its customers. 

FairPrice’s Approach to Public Health and Wellness

Though a nutritional data and information label is merely mandatory upon the products that also helps in making some specific health state, the firm has taken the decision about inclusion of the nutritional values which also is very useful for its customers as well as, they are currently on majority of the house brand goods sold by FairPrice (Dalton & Lawrence, 1970). This firm also works along with its suppliers extra broadly to make sure that all the nutritional claims upon their goods are properly approved by significant authorities as well as are never being misleading by the consumers who also seek to take healthy decisions and make god choices. Fairprice always ensures that all its products are exclusively packed and properly labeled as well as appropriately set up in the store as it believes that people must get all the information they need before taking any purchase decision (Goldner & Meyer, 1981).

Moreover, in several professional situations occurring inside the firm workers also get benefit from the mechanistic structure. This Mechanistic structure of the firm is highly organized as well as is very clearly set out, this makes it easy for the workers to understand their task and perform better in the task. Such a clear and smooth understanding makes it possible for the firm to attain its objectives and gain extra profit. This structure is of utmost use for the firm and also helps all its workers (Martin, 1984).

Source: (Jaiswal, 2008)

Because of the hierarchy that exists in the firm’s mechanistic structure, this structure is vertically oriented. Most mechanistic in case of Fairprice is functional structure of the organization, along with all its tall and very keen triangular shape. Several workers form this structure’s foundation, clustered into several departments by same actions and activities like production, making, marketing etc. All above this sits the managers. When every employee barely specializes within some limited portion of the larger whole, single manager could easily supervise several employees as well as has a very wide “width of control.” This span of the control gets lesser when people move up in the organization, which is a place where the managers manage some other managers. Here central power of firm crowns all (Neuenschwander, 2014). The major benefits of the mechanistic structure depend upon atmosphere as well as goals of workplace within which model actually implemented. In Fairprice the model is actually in accordance with the contingency theory that upholds that exist no universal model towards optimizing the production as well as relations in any of the work environment. Moreover, in the professional situations taking place in the firm workers also get extra benefit from the mechanistic structure. In the Fairprice the Mechanistic structure is highly organized as well as is very appropriately laid out. This mechanistic structure has several advantages:

  • Workers are well organized
  • People know and understand their job and particular task properly
  • Firm can attain better results through managing the staffs properly via this structure
  • The firm moves in extra organized manner and makes extra profit (Ogidi, 2013)

As this mechanistic structure in the firm has gained widespread as well as prolonged use, there are some disadvantages seen and some drawbacks also were found in the structure. The mechanization has allowed for proper productivity, economy as well as efficiency but these thing also brings in several problems. Extra production can at times lead to stock and stocks may be a waste if not consumed on time (‘Spotlight on Singapore’, 2008). The firm’s structure’s intrinsic bureaucracy also hampers efforts towards quickly responding to the outside market elements. Innovation also has to actually wait on the red tape in the structure. Also rigid control as well as job specialization even refers that the staffs are actually not free and cannot be creative and innovative and also are poor problem-solvers. This limits the role of the staffs in the firm. As mere cogs, employees’ morale may be low. Finally, grouping the staffs by the function even contributes towards the departmental isolation (TAN, 2014).

Mechanistic Structure of FairPrice Co-Operative

Mechanistic structures actually are those which resemble some bureaucracy.  In reality these structures also are greatly formalized as well as centralized. Communication even tends towards following some proper formal channels as well as employees are even given very specific job metaphors delineating all of their roles as well as responsibilities. Any fir which is a Mechanistic organization also is very rigid as well as resists change, and also makes them inappropriate for the innovativeness plus taking any quick action. The design change can also be managed properly through this structure (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015). These types have downside of the inhibiting entrepreneurial activity and also discouraging use of the individual initiative upon part of the employees. Not merely do the mechanistic structures in the Fairprice Singapore have their disadvantages for the innovativeness, yet they even limit autonomy of people and also the self-determination, that will probably lead to some lower phases of the intrinsic motivation upon job. In spite of all these downsides, nevertheless, mechanistic structures in the Fairprice also carry many advantages when environment is extra stable. Thus, when the firm that tries to maximize the efficiency plus minimize the costs, this structures supplies advantages (Tiessen & Waterhouse, 2015). For instance, Fairprice has a notably bureaucratic structure in which the staff’s jobs are greatly formalized, along with very clear communication processes and also specific job metaphors. Such structure is the proper advantage for the firm as it permits McDonald’s towards production of a uniform good all through its operating outlets. These Mechanistic structures of the firm were even be advantageous while the firm was new. Being new the businesses suffered from the lack of the structure and also proper role ambiguity, as well as uncertainty. And presence of the mechanistic structure also has been demonstrated to be actually related to the firm’s performance in the new ventures (Tosi, Aldag & Storey, 1973)

Lawrence & Lorsch have developed theory of open systems of the way in which organizations as well as sub-units of the organization adapt to the best meet demands of all of their immediate ecology (Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967). They also used the interview data through executives within the six chemical dispensation firms to support following propositions:

1. Organizations should balance the differentiation as well as integration which is to be very successful. All such firms like Fairprice who properly manage towards achievement of high differentiation among the sub-unit and still uphold high integration amid the sub-units also appear to be the best equipped towards adapting the ecological changes (Hall, Lawrence & Lorsch, 1968).

2. Groups which are organized towards performing simpler and extra certain jobs like production groups generally have extra formal structure as compared to groups that focus upon extra uncertain jobs like research as well as development.

3. The proper time direction of the sub-groups also is first and foremost dependent upon immediacy of the feedback from all of their actions. Therefore sales as well as production clusters also have less time orientations as compared to the R&D (Kiørboe, 2008).

Organization theorists actually have frequently found the potential effect of the environmental uncertainty upon the firms and also population ecologists even have asserted that ecology ultimately determines the firm’s survival. On other hand, there exist beliefs that the organizations can also design themselves towards countering impact of the ecological uncertainty. If the ecology goes negative the structure will be hampered and vice versa. An ecology of less uncertainty also exhibits some table conditions like less variable consumer demands, fewer fundamental technological innovations, as well as less competition among competitors, that also puts fewer pressure upon the organizations data processing ability . Also an ecology of very high uncertainty even features diverse as well as unstable situation like variable demands of the customer, radical technological improvement, and also fierce rivalries all among the competitors (Tsirtsis & Spatharis, 2011)

Source: (Tiessen & Waterhouse, 2015)

Source: (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015)

Source: (Tosi, Aldag & Storey, 1973)

  • To properly survive, the firm must make very sound judgment about their surroundings as well as avoid any of the costly errors.
  • Since there are several characteristics of environment, single fundamental dimension which can also affect the path of organization’s respond needs to be considered by Fairprice .
  • The firm must properly look after its structure and handle changes appropriately.
  • Fairprice needs to handle all its operations and also must avoid any future problems regarding the structure or the performance of the staffs.
  • Warehouse and also distribution Manpower must be maintained properly
  • number of the Goods Delivery coves must be optimized as well as Warehouse and distribution space within the land scarce in the Singapore must also be considered and appropriate actions are to be taken.

Though NTUC Fairprice is a firm delivering superior values and better goods it needs to improve on several parts and also needs to review some parts of its structure and amend the drawbacks that exist in the structure. The vital advantage of the mechanistic structure also is its proper efficiency. In a nutshell here are all the facts and details regarding NTUC Fairprice Singapore and its structures.


Ashkenas, R. (1995). The boundaryless organization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Cavanaugh, J. (1977). Organizational structure. [University Park, Pa.]: Pennsylvania State University.

CHEW, S. (2014). IMPACT OF TRADE UNIONS ON ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF SINGAPORE. Singapore Econ. Rev., 59(04), 1450035. doi:10.1142/s0217590814500350

Dalton, G., & Lawrence, P. (1970). Organizational structure and design. Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin.

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Goldner, F., & Meyer, M. (1981). Organizational Process vs. Structure. Contemporary Sociology, 10(1), 77. doi:10.2307/2067807

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Kiørboe, T. (2008). A mechanistic approach to plankton ecology. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Lawrence, P., & Lorsch, J. (1967). Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(1), 1. doi:10.2307/2391211

Martin, L. (1984). Organizational structure of libraries. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.

Neuenschwander, D. (2014). Resource Letter NTUC-1: Noether’s Theorem in the Undergraduate Curriculum. American Journal Of Physics, 82(3), 183-188. doi:10.1119/1.4848215

Ogidi, O. (2013). Structural Dimensions and Functions of Structure Influencing Agribusiness Enterprises: Mechanistic Vs Organic Systems Approach. IOSR Journal Of Business And Management, 6(6), 1-8. doi:10.9790/487x-0660108

Spotlight on Singapore. (2008). Njobs. doi:10.1038/nj0233

TAN, G. (2014). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS IN SINGAPORE: 1991–2012. Singapore Econ. Rev., 59(03), 1450022. doi:10.1142/s0217590814500222

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,. (2015). The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill –. Retrieved 8 February 2015, from https://www.unc.edu/

Tiessen, & Waterhouse,. (2015). Towards a descriptive theory of management accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society. Retrieved from https://maaw.info/ArticleSummaries/ArtSumTiessenWaterhouse83.htm

Tosi, H., Aldag, R., & Storey, R. (1973). On the Measurement of the Environment: An Assessment of the Lawrence and Lorsch Environmental Uncertainty Subscale. Administrative Science Quarterly, 18(1), 27. doi:10.2307/2391925

Tsirtsis, G., & Spatharis, S. (2011). Simulating the structure of natural phytoplankton assemblages: Descriptive vs. mechanistic models. Ecological Modelling, 222(12), 1922-1928. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.03.029

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