NRAR: Developing Strong Internal Relationships And Effective Business Planning Processes
The Natural Resource Access Regulator (NRAR) is a sovereign regulator which has been established under the Natural Resource Access Regulator Act 2017 (Salisbury, Head, and Groom, 2017). The NRAR has been tasked with the responsibility of making sure that the regulated community attains compliance with natural resources management legislation which comprises Water Management Act 2000, the Natural Resources Access Regulator Act 2017 and Water Act 1912 together with other associated regulations. The primary purpose of the New South Wales natural resource access regulator (NRAR) is to enhance public confidence in water management measures through a strong and coordinated approach to compliance with as well as enforcement of water management regulations (Dibrell et al., 2015, p.595). Accordingly, for this project to be a success, it will have to be conducted through the building of an effective working relationship among different parties in distributing their respective duties and responsibilities which include:
- Improving the capacity and ability of the project staff
- Sharing of information as well as intelligence
- Devising of protocols for managing assertions of non-compliance by undertaking joint investigations
- Reporting of the project activities in an effective manner
- Ensuring commitment to constant improvement through the creation of novel improved systems, monitoring technologies and advocating for better regulations.
The NRAR project objectives are to:
- Make sure there are effective, efficient, accountable and transparent enforcement and compliance measures for the natural resources management law.
- To uphold public confidence in the enforcement of the natural resources management law.
The core responsibility of the NRAR board is to institute a board of governors that will establish NRAR and Board oversight of NRAR to ensure that the organisation is independent and perform its practices as the best practice regulation body (Campbell et al., 2016). This program is tasked with preparing the functional establishment of the NRAR board. Accordingly, the main project deliverables of this program include appointing of members of the board, coordinating stakeholder activities, governance documents such as Board Code of Conduct and project charter, endorsement and publication of major NRAR policies. These policies include NRAR prosecution guidelines and NRAR regulator policy.
The focus of this program is exclusively on organising administrative roles. This program will be tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that NRAR operates in an effective, transparent, efficient and accountable manner. In so doing, NRAR shall be able to win the confidence of the community in its enforcement of natural resource laws. The major deliverables include quality assurance processes, human resources strategy, budgeting, accommodation strategy, and project management.
This program shall be tasked with building the capacity and capability of the project staff. The key deliverables for this program include training strategy, conducting immediate staff introduction and training (Grafton, and Horne, 2014, p.63). Therefore, this NRAR program is mainly to equip its staff with the necessary skills and knowledge, which is required for developing competence and confidence compliance practices.
This program work to ensure that NRAR observes a consistent and transparent program, which has focused outcomes. Therefore, NRAR should operate with a risk-based approach to make sure that it has adhered to the NSW government quality regulatory service initiative.
Scope Management
The objective of this program is to provide NRAR with the best case management, automated reporting capacity and data analytics with the intent to enhance efficient and effective compliance and compliance activity.
So that to make sure NRAR runs a modern compliance line of attack which can access data, information and strategic intelligence NRAR has to put in place a strategic compliance activity. This strategic compliance activity is to ensure the enforcement of activity on high risk and allow for early determination and design of preventive compliance activity for emerging compliance risks.
The goal of this program is to improve the visibility and transparency of water laws and adherence to NSW. As a result, this will play a significant role of ensuring that the community understands the purpose of NRAR its activities, processes, as well as accomplishments in strive to protect the community’s natural resources (Coleman et al., 2016).
The NRAR regulatory standards intend to support and influence the way it performs its functions and powers as well as how it interacts with the NWS community. Therefore. The NRAR will apply principles that adhere to the NSW public sector core values of integrity, service trust as well as accountability together with the department of industry’s code of conduct.
Some of the project milestones include establishing of the NRAR, NRAR board of governance, development of NRAR strategy, engagement of NRAR stakeholders and establishing the NRAR action plan.
The project schedule involves the following stages of project initiation, design, execution, and implementation. Project control and monitoring and project closure.
The NRAR project cost management will consist of four stages of resource planning, cost estimation, cost budgeting, and cost control.
Resource planning will use the project work breakdown structure to calculate the entire expense of the resources required to accomplish the project successfully.
Cost budgeting: The budget for the project will be created after reaching satisfactory estimates.
Cost control: Cost control is carried out to ensure that the project budget reflects the estimated budget.
Some of the quality management plans for NRAR projects include:
Committing to regulatory best practices: The NRAR is dedicated to building the trust of the NSW community through fostering of mutual respect between the NRAR and the regulated community. The target of the NRAR is to understand the expectations of the community by involving the man issues. Therefore, it committed to ensuring that it achieves its expectations using the regulatory framework and the assessment of its individual and segment entity regulatory risk (Horne et al., 2018, p.350). Accordingly, the NRAR will make sure that it has the necessary skills, processes, systems, and activities in place with regard to how it has to achieve its outcome and feedback from the community.
NRAR Governance
Taking a risk-based and strategic approach to regulation and decision-making: The NRAR shall deploy a risk-based and intelligence-driven approach to regulation to make sure its resource is applied to its greatest effect. Consequently, it will concentrate proactively in areas of consequences of non-compliance are greatest and where the probability of non-compliance is highest.
Taking an outcome-focused approach to regulation: The NRAR shall clearly describe regulatory outcomes to give direction to the application of compliance, licensing, monitoring, education and enforcement practices to attain the general regulatory purpose. Regarding this, the NRAR shall invest in developing its staff to ensure they gain the necessary skills and knowledge for the desired regulatory outcomes to select an appropriate and proportionate response to non-compliance.
Acceptance accountability: the NRAR will ensure that it becomes accountable for compliance and enforcement activity. The NRAR decisions will be made within effective procedures of corporate governance to maintain integrity, objectivity, and independence.
Ensuring transparency: The NRAR project will publish its policies and priorities and provide information, which explains community regulated entities and what it should expect from the regulatory process.
The NRAR project will use a communication management matrix to make sure that it keeps all the project constituents at par to ensure there are no breakdowns in the process.
The NRAR will apply the following procedures to realise an outcome-focused and risk-based regulatory approach,
Defining the regulatory core purpose: The key purpose statement describes the reasons for the existence of the regulator. Therefore, it communicates to the community regarding the manner in which the regulator shall be working towards a clear and specific objective.
Categorise regulated entities and activities in relation to risk: The NRAR intends to apply risk-based standards to make sure its efforts are concentrated on the most important probable consequences and compliance issues. Certainly, this will be undertaken through continuous analysis and classification of regulated entities, according to the outcome of non-compliance and the possibility of non-compliance (Prosser, Morison, and Coleman, 2015, p.1189). Such risk approach will be utilised to give priority to compliance, licensing, education, monitoring as well as resource enforcement. These segments can be for instance determined by aspects like the size of water access requirement, ecological impact, and geographical location.
Definition and document intended results: The NRAR will define its expected outcomes for every category in “outcome statements” which defines things that the regulator anticipates to attain for a particular target division using a regulatory initiative. Therefore, the NRAR shall advance programs, initiatives, as well as projects to realise these outcomes. Under the NRAR regulatory framework document, it will define the reasons for choosing a specific program initiative or project together with the rationale on the way in which the program, initiative or project will facilitate to the outcome. Additionally, the NRAR will involve an outcome statement as well as the reasons for choosing the regulatory initiatives to attain the outcomes, in its regulatory framework documentation.
Capability Development
Perform regulatory operations-implement the operational plans: The NRAR shall plan the regulatory activities and allocate resources to programs and initiatives to realise the regulatory results as identified in the outcome description process. Therefore, operational plans shall be prepared on a yearly basis for classification and long-term regulatory programs in accordance with the regulatory projects addressing specific activities.
Establish measures and report on achievements of outcomes: The NRAR shall perform regulatory operations according to the NRAR operation plans. For instance, the operation plan includes the regulatory license lifecycle. On the same note, the NRAR will provide a report after a specific period against the operational achievements (Walsh et al., 2015, p.1161). The operation plans will be modified throughout the year to account for changes in priorities which arise from unforeseen events as well as novel information acquired through compliance monitoring practices.
Strategic risk review and review of the outcomes, achievements, and measures: The NRAR shall review its strategic risks as well as achievements on an annual basis to determine the relevance of its preparedness for the corporate planning cycle of the following fiscal year. As a result, the regulatory planning cycle entails strategic risk identification and evaluation process. In the process of doing this, it will enable the NRAR to realise the merging regulatory risks being identified, assessed and then incorporated into the strategic planning procedure.
Issue management will play a vital role to maintain the project stability as well as efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. This will include addressing obstacles which are likely to hinder the success of the project. Some of these obstacles include the difference in opinion, emerging responsibilities, and circumstances to be investigated. Therefore, issue management help to unmask and document these issues and solve them by carefully reviewing all relevant project information (Mir, and Pinnington, 2014, p.202).
Name and Position |
Signature |
Date |
Approving Officer: Alison Pepper, Director Tenure & Business Programs |
Endorsing Officer: Michelle Selby, Manager Spatial & Land Information Systems |
Less than high school degree
Campbell, B., Coote, E., Foster, J., Johnson, H. and Sloane, N., 2016. Decision Support Systems-assisting implementation of long-term environmental water planning. In Proceeding of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference. Townsville, Queensland Google Scholar.
Coleman, R.A., Bathgate, R., Bond, N., Bos, D., Fletcher, T.D., Lovell, B., Morison, P. and Walsh, C.J., 2016. Improving waterway management outcomes through collaborative research: insights from the Melbourne Waterway Research-Practice Partnership. 31 July< 3 August 2016 Leura, New South Wales.
Dibrell, C., Craig, J.B., Kim, J. and Johnson, A.J., 2015. Establishing how natural environmental competency, organizational social consciousness, and innovativeness relate. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(3), pp.591-605.
Grafton, R.Q. and Horne, J., 2014. Water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin. Agricultural Water Management, 145(C), pp.61-71.
Horne, A.C., Szemis, J.M., Webb, J.A., Kaur, S., Stewardson, M.J., Bond, N., and Nathan, R., 2018. Informing environmental water management decisions: using conditional probability networks to address the information needs of planning and implementation cycles. Environmental management, 61(3), pp.347-357.
Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International journal of project management, 32(2), pp.202-217.
Prosser, T., Morison, P.J. and Coleman, R.A., 2015. Integrating stormwater management to restore a stream: perspectives from a waterway management authority. Freshwater Science, 34(3), pp.1186-1194.
Salisbury, C., Head, B.W. and Groom, E., 2017. Australian Urban Water Reform Story: with Detailed Case Study on New South Wales.
Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D., Bos, D.G. and Imberger, S.J., 2015. Restoring a stream through retention of urban stormwater runoff: a catchment-scale experiment in a social-ecological system. Freshwater Science, 34(3), pp.1161-1168.