Nexus Distribution: Connecting You To The Best Media Across The World

Business Name: Nexus Distribution

Since Nexus Distribution deals primarily with film spotting, building networks in the film show business, marketing and finally distribution of the films the business profile will be as follows.

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Business Name: Nexus Distribution

Contact Information: Sydney Arcade Fourth Floor, email: [email protected]

Mission: To connect the community with the best media across the world

Vision: To be the best film and media distribution company in Australia

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Functions: spotting the best films for our clients, linking fans with their favorite actors, conducting film reviews and bringing film content from across the world to our clients.

Organizational structure. Nexus Distribution CEO is Joy Moody. The Chief Operations Office is Deane Jackson and our two spotters namely, Louise Taylor and Elizabeth Page (Broemmel 2016).

Our Products: We offer a wide variety of products in film and media. These include the best DVDs, VOD, television, film, and media. We also bring you shows featuring your favorite actors.

Our services. We acquire and distribute the best films, offer information on latest films, review the films for you and build networks to keep you entertained (Curtis & Cobham 2013).

Our Customers. Our customers include all film fans, families and television viewers across the country.

  1. List four of Nexus’s business processes. Aim to identify business processes that are related to the proposed Nexus app.
  2. Spotting the best films
  3. Acquiring exclusive distribution rights to the films
  4. Marketing the films to potential customers
  5. Communication within the company to make business decisions 
  1. Draw models for two of the business processes listed above, including events, processes, and results. Examples are available on p10 and p11 of Tilley & Rosenblatt (2017). 

Next, you define the project’s scope and constraints.

  1. Write must do, should do, could do and won’t do lists for the Nexus project.

The project Nexus Project Scope is to develop an application that enables acquiring movie distribution rights, do film marketing and distribute the films to customers within specified times and costs. The constraints include resource constraints, time constraints, costs, technological constraints, resource constraints and technical constraints (Sai 2018).

  1. Must do list
  2. Spot the best platforms showing films across the world
  3. Establish movie networking sites with the best filmmakers
  4. Develop effective communication tactics
  5. Plan and monitor project expenses for Nexus 
  1. Should do List
  2. Intuitively connect the Nexus staff with their social media accounts
  3. Connect the company to video conferencing technology for interviews and sessions with their business associates
  4. Connect Nexus to their customers for efficient marketing
  5. Offer mapping services for the company for effective scheduling
  6. Could do List
  7. Connect with the show business companies for updates on the films they are showing
  8. Offer movie scheduling service on their platform
  9. Offer currency conversion platform
  10. Connection with air travel agency platforms
  11. d) Won’t do list
  12. Connect with competitors
  13. Offer accounting platform
  14. Feature live interaction events with film spotters and their networks
  1. Write a scope statement for the Nexus project.

Nexus Distribution is committed to linking their customers with the best films from across the world. This will be achieved by only networking with movie producers outing the best films in the category of comedy, action, thriller and horror genres as well as the best DVDs, VODs, and television shows. To achieve this Nexus Distribution will only deal with companies hosting A-list Actors in their movies or those movies nominated for various awards. Nexus distribution will not feature documentaries or live shows as part of the company products. We are restricted by the human resource that we could use to cover more films worldwide. The assumption is that currency exchange rates for film distribution remain unchanged and that government regulations on the business won’t change (Shelly & Rosenblatt 2011).

  1. Prepare a constraints map for the Nexus project. There is an example of a constraints map on p60 of Tilley & Rosenblatt (2017).
  1. What approaches to fact-finding will you adopt for the Nexus project? Why?

The success of the Nexus Project is anchored on the truthfulness of the underlying facts, processes, and activities involved in the day to day running of the business. For this reason, various methods will be used to extract the most information to guide the application development. These include;

Contact Information: Sydney Arcade Fourth Floor, email: [email protected]

  1. a) Interviews. This approach will be used in identifying how the users, that is Joy, Deane, Elizabeth, and Page undertake their daily functions. This can be used to sort out their similarities and differences and incorporate them into the development. Interviews are useful because they allow the users to express themselves without holding back (Tilley & Rosenlatt 2017).
  2. b) Use of questionnaire. This will be used to pick out qualitative and quantitative data as well as the users preference in the application development. This approach is useful in getting information that the user may not give in interviews. It also guarantees secrecy hence users will be more honest (Tilley & Rosenblatt 2017).
  3. c) Observation. This will be arranged to get a live demonstration of how the users interact with the design. Its chosen as it will give ideas to develop the intuitiveness of the application
  4. d) Record view. This will be achieved by going through the historical patterns of the users particularly from websites. The approach is chosen because it can give further ideas on what to include in the application (Curtis & Cobham 2013).
  5. List four questions that will enable you to investigate the feasibility of the Nexus project.
  6. What will the nexus project cost to implement?
  7. What gaps or needs is the project fulfilling?
  8. Are there resources available to implement the client’s requirements?
  9. What alternatives can be explored to fulfill the project? 
  1. List two tangible and two intangible benefits of the planned Nexus app.


  1. There will be financial savings from implementing the project
  2. Nexus activities will be accessible on many platforms such as smartphones, tablets and computers hence allow more freedoms 


  1. It will improve the communication between the parties at Nexus Distribution
  2. It will ease marketing of products and services at Nexus 
  1. Section 4.2.1 of Tilley & Rosenblatt (2017) lists various requirements modeling tasks. Which of these tasks are likely to be applicable to the Nexus project? Why?

Beyond the fact-finding, planning of the system, and identification of requirements for the new system, these tasks are necessary for modeling. These are:

  1. Checking output and inputs of the current system
  2. Identifying the processes that transform data into information
  3. Implement the system
  4. Analyzing the performance of the system such as speed, reliability, and capacity
  5. Analyzing the security concerns of the system
  6. Factoring maintenance and support for the system (Tilley & Rosenblatt 2017). 
  1. In your previous answer, you stated which requirements modeling tasks are applicable to the Nexus project. Estimate the time required to complete each task and estimate the time required to create system models.

Table 1: Estimated time to complete the tasks


Time Required


2 weeks

Planning the system

1 week

Checking outputs and inputs for current system


Identifying processes


Implement the system

1 week

Analyzing performance


Analyzing security concerns

1 week

Maintenance and support

2 months

The estimated total time required

Approximately 3 months

IT Foundry costs your services at $80 per hour. Derive a cost estimate from your time estimates in the previous question.

Cost estimates =                                      

Finally, you present your findings to your manager and to Nexus. Your manager and clients have requested a 15-minute meeting.

  1. Prepare for this meeting. Identify and list the four most important discussion topics.
  2. The benefits the new system brings to Nexus Distribution
  3. System technologies to be implemented
  4. How security is addressed in the new system
  5. Cost of the project and maintenance and support for the system 
  1. Stage 1, perception. Identify all ethical issues suggested by the scenario above.
  2. Ability to recognize the existence of an ethical problem persists. This is by identifying that Elizabeth has been misusing company funds on questionable entertainment activities.
  3. There is some personal responsibility to respond to the problem. Elizabeth is simply responsible to respond to this ethical issue.
  4. Familiarity with the various norms of ethical conduct such as ACM code. If Nexus has a code of conduct, then Elizabeth should have known about it or she simply was not aware such a code existed.
  5. Elizabeth could simply be having a deficiency in her cognitive ability to discern moral development when compared to Louise which explains their different conduct (O’Boyle 2002). 
  1. Stage 2, discernment. Which of the ethical issues is the most significant? Why?

The second issue where the ethical problem was identified and there is hesitation in deciding whether to report. This is because Elizabeth may not be aware there was an ethical issue and may need a mentor to identify the problem whereas I know the ethical problem clearly (O’Boyle 2002) and (Oster 2018).

  1. Stage 3, resolution. Articulate your resolve with respect to the most significant ethical issue. 

In this stage, deciding whether there are complexities in resolving the ethical issue without bringing harm to Elizabeth or breaking the law presents a dilemma. However, since Elizabeth may not know of the ethical issue, approaching her to explain her expenses to arrive at a logical conclusion is the best approach since it does not harm anyone or break law(O’Boyle 2002).

  1. Stage 4, assessment. Are you qualified to act in accordance with your resolve or do you need to seek the advice of an independent expert? Why?

I am qualified to act in accordance with my resolve. This is because by asking Elizabeth to explain herself, there are no choices to be made and for this reason, I have the freedom to choose to resolve the ethical issue without jeopardizing Elizabeth’s position.

  1. Stage 5, decision. What are your professional duties in this situation? Why?

My professional duty in the situation is to first to know the ethical issue to be able to make a moral decision. For this reason, the ACM code depicts that I should inform the management of the ethical issue. This is because before taking on the job there were instructions given as per the computing profession and duty to the employers to be above board in making conflicting ethical decisions (O’Boyle 2002).

  1. Stage 6, action. Have stages 1-5 enabled you to form a commitment to action? Why?

As this depicts the free will to make the right decision and to balance moral action and ability to follow one’s intellectual capacity, I am candidly sure that I would first seek to have Elizabeth clarify the expenses and if her explanation is inadequate, bring it to the attention of my employer. This stage, therefore, allows me to form a commitment to action.

  1. With respect to the systems planning tasksyour team completed above, identify problems that may arise for the following stakeholders. The answer should have six unique problems (two per stakeholder). 
  1. Nexus

If the constraint map is incomplete, then Nexus distribution will not have an idea on the scope of the project to, for instance, monitor the cost of their activities or enable seamless marketing of their product to the customers.

  1. Nexus customers and the wider community

Mission: To connect the community with the best media across the world

The Nexus customers will not be aware of the new films that the company intends to distribute to the market. They would also not be aware of the time-frames when the films or television shows would premiere. This would lead to customer dissatisfaction and possibile migration to competitors.

  1. My own future works 

If the constraint map was incomplete, then my own future works would decrease due to negative publicity from a non-satisfied client. In marketing, a satisfied customer tells only none or two people about one’s services while dissatisfied customer tells hundreds. This would reduce the number of projects I would be invited to do and my employer at IT Foundry would be inclined to deny me future projects. 

  1. With reference to these two problems, what are your conclusions about the importance of attention to detail with respect to system planning?

Note: future assessments will ask you to reflect on the answer you give.

System planning is very critical in system design. This is because, without articulate and rigorous planning, a client may end up losing business due to customer failure to connect with their system and also dissatisfaction on the part of the customer as they are not able to get the information they seek.

  1. How do peer reviews support the development of professional skills?

Peer review support development of professional skills by highlighting new information during the discussion and also by critiquing the work done. For this reason, it becomes necessary to make improvements on identified wanting areas.

Peer reviews also act as test subjects in system development and can help to disclose any problems with applications before they are distributed to final users.

  1. Are learning outcomes meaningful if peer reviews are untruthful?

No. Learning outcomes would not be meaningful. Learning outcomes would definitely be meaningless if the peer reviews are untruthful. To begin with, one might change codes on an application that was efficient and input less efficient changes. It would also lead to loss of time and eventually lead to poor development of an application.

  1. When reviewing peers, tell them three things they did well and three things they can improve.

The three things the peers did well are

  1. Contributing information on effective plans for the project
  2. Offering comparative analysis on similar projects which gave me ideas on the best approach to implement the plan
  3. Offering help and alternative approaches to system planning helped me understand various things that were not clear before.

The three things the peers did not do well

  1. Taking Long to respond to system planning meant facing delays which could be avoided
  2. Uncoordinated criticism also led to loss of focus since I could not tell which parts really needed changing and vise-versa.
  3. Peer reviewers did not offer enough information on critical Areas such as project scope. 
  1. Name two learning outcomes.

The learning outcomes gained project planning include

  1. The importance of having a well-executed project scope
  2. How to come up with a business process model 
  1. For each of your learning outcomes, name one relevant UniSA Graduate Quality.

As noted above, my first learning outcome is a deep understanding of a well-executed project scope. This learning outcome correlates to UniSA graduate quality number 1 which depicts that “A UniSA graduate operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice.” (University of South Australia [UniSA] 2018).

My second learning outcome is coming up with a business process model. This learning outcome correlates to UniSA graduate quality number 3 which states that “A graduate is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical critical and creative thinking to a range of problems.”(UniSA 2018).

  1. In your previous answer, you correlated two learning outcomes to two Graduate Qualities. Focusing on these two Graduate Qualities, and addressing each one separately, explain how this assignment’s tasks enabled you to further develop these qualities.

On graduate quality number one which states that ” A UniSA graduate operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice” I find that the skills gained in project planning and scope are quite adequate to enable me to understand business processes well and scope them to effectively design services that professionally suit them.

On graduate quality number 3 which states that “A graduate is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical critical and creative thinking to a range of problems”, I find that effectively coming up with a business model elaborates my reasoning capacity to be able to not only think logically but also put my thoughts on a creative activity that can help businesses in their daily operations.   


Broemmel, M. (2016). Tips on Writing a Business Profile. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2018].

Curtis, G. and Cobham, D. (2013). Business information systems. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall, Financial Times, pp.24-35.

O’Boyle, E. (2002). An ethical decision-making process for computing professionals. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.270-278.

Oster, K. (2018). List of Ethical Issues in Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2018].

Sai, P. (2018). Business Process: All You Need to Know To Create Business Processes. [online] Kiss Flow. Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2018].

Shelly, G. and Rosenblatt, H. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. 9th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.12-25.

Tilley, S. and Rosenblatt, H. (2017). Systems Analysis and Design. 11th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.10-22.

University of South Australia (2018). Indicators of graduate qualities – Student life – University of South Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2018].

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