Networked For The New Social Operating System
Knoppix Operating System
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The Investigator of this report investigates about the Knoppix operating system. Also the investigator analysis the Knoppix operating system and find some vulnerability of this operating system. Knoppix is the live operating system that is running on a CD, DVD, USB drives or any portable devices. The Knoppix operating system is the collection of the GNU of Linux software. It is a part of the Linux family[1]. The primary functionality of this operating system is automatically detecting hardware device, audio devices, graphics card, and also UBS drives. The Knoppix operating system is used as a product of a Linux system in school, college, for their educational purpose. One of the major facility of Knoppix operating system is no need to install this operating system in the system just plug and play system. This operating system can be used as a live demo of the Linux system. This operating system is used mainly for the tanning purpose and it is used as a platform the commercial product of software. I the live CD of this operating system contain more than 2 gigabytes of the executable file or software, and the DVDs contains about 1 gigabyte of executable file or software[2]. The Knoppix has a security system. A security tool is inbuilt in the Knoppix live CD, DVD or USB flash drive. This security device contains much vulnerable security system or tools. The most important functionality of this operating system is mechanically detect hardware device, audio devices, graphics card, and also UBS drives. The Knoppix operating system is used as a product of a Linux system in school, college, for their educational purpose. This operating system has some vulnerability[3]. These vulnerabilities are:
The Knoppix is running from a live CD, DVD or USB flash drive. It is not possible to contain more than 2 GB for CD and 10 GB for DVD executable file. Space is very limited in the Knoppix operating system.
This operating system can be used as a live demo of the Linux system.The Knoppix is running from a live CD, DVD or USB flash drive so it is very slower than any other any other Linux operating system.
This operating system is based on the command. So it is hard to remember all this command to run this operating system. This operating system is not user-friendly[4].
Vulnerabilities in Knoppix Operating System
Knoppix operating system is running on the portable devices. Sometimes the operating system doing a problem at the time of booting. The computer does not support the direct boot from the Knoppix current device. The user of the computer needs to choose a preferred boot device at the time of booting[5].
An OS or operating system is intended to go about as an interface between the PC and its client. The Windows Server operating system is a stage that the investigator can use to manufacture a base of connected application, systems, and Web administrations. Initially connected with Windows Server “Longhorn,” Windows Server 2008 that is constructed from the same code stand like Windows Vista. The Windows Server 2008 that is the second discharge applicant of the Windows Server 2008 working framework[6]. The different reasons for security vulnerabilities in Windows server incorporate the following:
One of the major issues is easy access to the files. This problem is occurred in the time of file and directory sharing in the network. Often an outside attacker can easily entrance in the communication path or access the secure information.
Firewall problem is also a big problem in the windows server OS. The windows server operating system firewall system is to reliable to prevent this type of outside access. Unreliable firewall is another cause of the windows server vulnerability[7].
The windows server operating system was unable to provide a proper security to prevent or avoid the vulnerability. The security and password encryption policy is very weak in windows server operating system.
Windows Server 2008 uses a considerable measure of security improvements to moderate the security vulnerabilities that were experienced in before adaptations of Windows Server working frameworks. On the other hand, Windows Server 2008 was discharged much later than Windows Vista, and all the security fixes and overhauls that apply to Windows Vista have been consolidated in Windows Server 2008[8]. The following security issue is resolved in the windows server 2008:
To managing the security component, a server manager is created. The Server Administrator is a segment in Windows Server 2008 that can be utilized to control and maintain an active and various server roles in an organization. It gives backing to introducing, arranging, and overseeing server parts and includes that are in a piece of Windows Server 2008.
A drive encryption process is created named BitLock. The BitLocker is an encryption process to encrypt the drive and information in the drive. The BitLocker encryption methodology in Windows Server 2008 guarantees that an outside attacker cannot access and comprehend the important information that is put away in the framework, for example, passwords or charge card information[9].
Analysis of Breach in Security
NAP or network address protection is a security policy of the Microsoft windows. NAP or network address protection is used to controlling the connection between the windows server and the client system. Just customer frameworks that adjust to the security approaches, standards, and norms that administer this connectivity can connect with the Windows Server 2008.
RODC or read only domain controller is a in-built windows server features that provide a highly improved security features. The read only domain controller has few features. These are enhanced security, access improvement to the network resource, and the faster login to the system[10].
The key distribution methods include informing, by an application supplier administration stage, a supplementary security space of an application supplier that is determined to a savvy card and relates to the application supplier administration stage to produce an open/private key pair including an open cryptographic key and a private cryptographic key[11]. The application supplier administration stage and the general population cryptographic key from the supplementary security area of the application supplier that has been scrambled by the people in general key of the application supplier acquired ahead of time and has been marked by a Controlling Power Security Area (CASD) on the shrewd card through a card backer administration stage. AES or advance encryption standard is an encryption standard that is based in symmetric key encryption. Advance encryption standard is a block chipper with a block of 128 bits length. The advance encryption standard allows mainly three type of blocks and their size is different. These block size is 128, 192, or 256. Mainly the 128 bit is used mostly[12]. The information to the AES encryption and decoding calculations is a chipper 128-block square, delineated in FIPS PUB 197, as a block network of bytes[13]. This block is replicated into the State cluster, which is adjusted at every phase of encryption or decryption. After the last stage, State is replicated to a yield.
The key is ventured into 44/52/60 stage of 32-bit words, with 4 utilized as a part of each round. Note that the requesting of bytes inside of a matrix is by segment. Thus, for instance, the initial four bytes of a 128-bit plaintext info to the encryption figure involve the first part of the in the matrix, the second four bytes possess the second section, etc. Essentially, the initial four bytes of the extended core, which shape a word, maintain the first part of the w matrix[14].
Windows Server 2008 Vulnerabilities and Security Measures
Data encryption standard is secrete key encryption process. Data Encryption is a complex encryption system and it is differ from the advance encryption standard or AES. DES is one block chipper. The size of this chipper block is 64 bit. The size 64 bits means that is encrypt the 64 bit data in a time. DES is the result of the IBM research. The chipper block name is the Feistel block chipper. The DES has two input, one is an encrypted text and another one is secret key[15]. The user encrypt the text with a secret key and send all the two keys to the receiver or client. Client use this secret key to decrypt the text.
Cisco firewall technology
The Cisco mainly offers product for the firewall system. This product are hardware based that are differed from the windows firewall and Linux firewall. Now mainly the Cisco provide four type of firewall product. These products are following:
Cisco PIX firewall system this product is the oldest firewall security product of the Cisco. This firewall product was developed year by year. This product is a leading firewall product around the all type of firewall product[16]. Cisco Adaptive security firewall is a very popular firewall with a new integrated system module bay. Cisco IOS firewall system is a division or part of the Cisco internetwork framework or operating system. Cisco firewall service module is created for a particular routing system that is catalyst 6500 chassis router.
Windows firewall system is in-built with the windows operating system. This system can be turned of or on from the windows firewall setting. Two type of firewall system are available in the windows firewall system[17]. These are packet filter firewall and the other one is proxy filter firewall. The packet filter firewall is used to filter the packet of the network. The network port addresses are configured. Some port is restricted to use. On the other hand the proxy filter firewall uses a proxy server to prevent the unauthorized access to the system or network[18].
The Linux firewall system is also in-built with the operating system. In Linux, two type of firewall are available. One is packet filter firewall and another one is proxy filter firewall. In Linux firewall system the packet filter firewall is used to filter the packet of the network. The network port addresses are configured[19].
The WEP or Wired Equivalent Privacy is the default security or authentication system is a Wi-Fi network. The WEP is the division of the IEEE 802.11 network standard of wireless. WEP has an encryption procedure thought to be the primary standard for first remote systems administration devices. Nonetheless, it has been found that Wired Equivalent Privacy is not as protected as once acknowledged[20]. Wired Equivalent Privacy is utilize at the two most minimal layers of the OSI model – the physical layers and the data link layer; in this manner the WEP does not offer uninterrupted security.
Protocol Design of AES and Data Encryption Standard
WAP2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II) and WAP (Wi-Fi Protected Access) are two security conventions and safety accreditation program created by the Wi-Fi Alliance to protected the remote PC systems[21]. The Wi-Fi Alliance proposed it as an intermediary measure in expectation of the accessibility of the more protected and composite WPA2[22]. Wired Equivalent Privacy’s real shortcoming is its utilization of fixed encryption keys. In the time of a switch is setting up with a WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption key, this only one key is utilized by each appliance on the user system to encode each packet which is transmit. However, the way that the packets are encoded does not keep them from being caught, and because of several exclusively specialized defects, it’s totally workable for a spy to capture Wired Equivalent Privacy -scrambled enough packets to in the end conclude what the key is. Enhanced the data or information encryption through the temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP). Temporal key integrity protocol scramble the keys utilize a hashing computation and, by including a trustworthiness examination highlight, guarantee that the keys have not been messed with the other. Client verification, which is a large missing in WEP, through the extensible authentication protocol (EAP)[23]. WEP directs access to a remote system in depending on the computer tools exacting MAC address that is moderately simple to be stolen and sniff out. Extensible authentication protocol is depending on a additional protected open key encryption system to assurance that presently approved the system customers can get to the system[24].
Reference List
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[1], “KNOPPIX – Live Linux Filesystem On CD” (2016) <> accessed 4 January 2016.
[2] “Networked: The New Social Operating System” (2012) 50 Choice Reviews Online.
[3] Zinnia Sultana, “Analysis And Implementation Of Cluster Computing Using Linux Operating System” (2012) 2 IOSRJCE.
[4] Francois Caen and Christopher Negus, Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (Wiley 2013).
[6] “Networked: The New Social Operating System” (2012) 50 Choice Reviews Online.
[7] Santhosh Sivarajan, Instant Migration From Windows Server 2008 And 2008 R2 To 2012 How-To (Packt Pub 2013).
[8] Ed Tittel and Justin Korelc, Windows Server 2008 For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons 2013).
[9] Santhosh Sivarajan, Instant Migration From Windows Server 2008 And 2008 R2 To 2012 How-To (Packt Pub 2013).
[10] Ed Tittel and Justin Korelc, Windows Server 2008 For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons 2013).
[11] Xiao Zhi Zhang, “Data Acquisition And Control Of Wifi Wireless Network” (2013) 347-350 AMM.
[12] Kaoru Kurosawa and Goichiro Hanaoka, Public-Key Cryptography– PKC 2013 (Springer 2013).
[13] Xiao Zhi Zhang, “Data Acquisition And Control Of Wifi Wireless Network” (2013) 347-350 AMM.
[14] William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security (Pearson Education 2012).
[15] William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security (Pearson Education 2012).
[16] William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security (Pearson Education 2012).
[17] Steve Anson and others, Mastering Windows Network Forensics And Investigation (Wiley 2012).
[18] Richard Macfarlane and others, “Formal Security Policy Implementations In Network Firewalls” (2012) 31 Computers & Security.
[19] Francois Caen and Christopher Negus, Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (Wiley 2013).
[20], “What Do WEP And WPA Mean?” (2016) <> accessed 4 January 2016.
[21] Lochan Verma, Mohammad Fakharzadeh and Sunghyun Choi, “Wifi On Steroids: 802.11AC And 802.11AD” (2013) 20 IEEE Wireless Commun.
[22] William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security (Pearson Education 2012).
[23] Wei Zhou and De Jue Luan, “The Wireless Data Transmission Of PDA Based On Web Service And WIFI” (2013) 278-280 AMM.
[24] Xiao Zhi Zhang, “Data Acquisition And Control Of Wifi Wireless Network” (2013) 347-350 AMM.