Network Solution For Chase Grammar School: Scope, Challenges And Design
Identification of Needs and Bottleneck in the Current Network
The report is prepared for the development of a network solution for Chase Grammar School and for the development of the network the scope of the project is identified. A case study of ”Case Grammar School Accelerates Learning with BYOD” is evaluated for the identification of the needs of the school and the proposing the network solution for the school. The success of the network depends on the selection of the technology an the topology for connecting the different access point and increase the reliability of the network. The network is developed for implementing technology for the improvement of the learning procedure and provide different types of teaching and learning resources from internet sources. The mobile devices of the students are needed to be connected with the wireless school network for supporting the student learning process. Currently there is a wireless bottleneck condition and the cause of the bottleneck is investigated for the increasing the wireless speed from 20 mbps to 100 mbps for each of the user. The real world download speed limitation and the scope of improvement of the network and the risk of bandwidth hogging should be eliminated for the development of the network framework. The network is needed to be sub divided into multiple VLAN such that the problem is resolved and multiple access point should be installed in the different areas of the network such that more number of users are allowed to connect with the access point. The network is developed for handling different types of data packets and ensuring that that the response time of the network is minimum and for its peer to peer sharing is enabled and a survey is made for analysis of the coverage of the wireless signal and install the access point according to it and allowing more number of users to connect with the wireless network.
For developing the network solution for chase grammar school different challenges are faced and they are given below:
Estimating the number of users of the wireless network –
Poor performance of the network – If the performance of the network is poor the user can face congestion and the data sent between the sources and destination may get lost. The network is needed to be designed for handling spikes and select alternative routes for increasing the availability of the resources.
Security – The unauthorised data traffic is needed to be restricted for protecting the internal data of the organization. The vulnerability of the network should be identified and the tools that can be implemented for the improving the security should be identified for the development of the network.
Challenges Faced in Developing the Network Solution
Management of the configuration – The increase in the network size increases the complexity of the network and thus it becomes a challenge for the management of the firewall rules and encryption of the data traffic in the network.
Cost – The cost of the network device should be should be estimated along with the service that is needed to be implemented for increasing the efficiency of the network.
The network design is created following the needs of the user of Chase Grammar school and an iterative approach is used for the development of the network framework. The design of the network is made following the goals and objectives of the organization and the selection of appropriate tools and technology is essential for increasing the usability of the network. During the development of the network framework focus is given on its usability and the network is customized for meeting the needs of interaction.
Designed for users – The users are needed to be provided with access to different service such that their performance can be improved and enabling them to involve in interactive computing.
Maintaining consistency – The network should be developed with multiple redundant link and dynamic routing protocol such that if one of the link fails the alternative link can be selected for reaching the targeted host.
Using simple and natural dialogue – Only the needful website should be available to the user for allowing them to get relevant data from the network and improve their learning process. The firewall should be configured with proper validation message and display it to the user when they try to reach the blocked websites.
Reducing the unnecessary effort of the user – The network is designed such that it compatible with the mobile and other device used by the user to connect with the network. The wireless signal should be of 2.5 Ghz that are supported by most of the mobile devices.
Provide accurate feedback – The user should provide feedback if they face any problem while using the network and it should be eliminated for the development of the network solution.
The hardware that are required for the development of the network solution are given in the following table:
Name of the device |
Series |
Model |
Features and Ports |
Cisco 1841 Router |
18000 Series |
Cisco 1800 Series integrated service router |
Embedded Fast Ethernet port, AUXILARY port and Console Port |
Cisco 2950 Series Switch |
2900 Series |
Cisco Catalyst WS-C2950S-24TS-S 24-port 10/100/1000 switch |
24 Fast Ethernet ports Supports VLAN configuration |
Category |
Carrying capacity |
Typical uses |
Cat 6 |
Fast Ethernet and Ethernet |
Copper crossover |
Cate 5e |
Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Ethernet |
Copper straight through |
Fibre optics |
Gigabit Ethernet |
Backbone cabling and Serial connection |
The specification of the PC and server that are essential for the development of the network framework are given below:
DHCP Server
- 5 Ghz CPU
- 8 Gb for 64 bit
- Windows Server 2016 x64
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016
- 1 Tb HDD
WEB Server
- 5 Ghz CPU
- 8 Gb Ram
- Windows server 2016 x64
- 1 TB hard Disk
Specification of the PC
- 5 Ghz dual core
- Windows 10 enterprise edition
- 4 Gb memory
- 500 Gb HDD
The report developed for “Chase Grammar School”, would help then network development and the administration team to reduce the errors in the project. The limitation and the challenges are easily identified in the previous stages of development of the project such that it can be mitigated for increasing the efficiency of the network and provide better service to the user connected with it. The topology that should be used for the development of the network framework is identified and it also used for the identification of the number of network device and hardware are needed for the development of the network. The networking protocols that should be used for the development of the network is identified and its alternative option is also identified that can be applied in case of failure of the primary option. The bandwidth allocated to the user should be managed and the unnecessary broadcasting message should be reduced with the application of static routing such that maximum bandwidth is available to the user.
Designing the Network for User Needs with Focus on Usability
For the development of the network solution a network prototype is designed in Boson Netsim but it have some limitation that is some of the network device that are needed for the development of the network are not available in the simulation tool. A BYOD policy is needed to be developed according to the business rules of the school and the sites that are needed by the student is needed to be identified for allowing the user to access them and the sites that may be harmful should be restricted to be accessed by the student such that it cannot be visited and the network is kept secured. The end user device connected with the network should meet the requirement such that no virus, malware or external threats are transmitted through this devices and affect the network. The interference from the other electrical fitting and device or barriers such as walls and building structure can also reduce the coverage range and thus the wireless access points are needed to be installed in an open space to cover larger space and increase the accessibility of the proposed network structure.
The network solution proposed for Case Grammar School for improvising the learning management system and allowing the user to access different learning sources from the internet that is essential for the learning journey. For the development of the project the scope of the project is identified with the challenges that are faced for meeting the needs. An evaluation is done on the requirement of the users for aligning them with the project and develop the network solution according to the needs of the user. The bottleneck situation in the current network that is causing problem is evaluated for proposing a solution to the problem. The current network solution is developed by subnetting the network into smaller subnet and allowing the users to share their resources with the users and eliminating the clogs and traffic congestion in the network.
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