Network Security Issues And Solutions: A Discussion On IoT
Internet of Things
Discuss about the Networks Security Issues and Solutions.
Technology is a double edged sword and it has been proven from centuries. Internet of Things is a new technology, which is going to be another evolution of technology after the internet. Similar to the internet and its potential challenges faced throughout the century and throughout the world, Internet of Things has also been associated with the relative threats and security challenges.
The concept of Internet of Things is connecting many of the objects and devices through wired and wireless connections, by assigning unique addresses to the things, with unique addressing schemes (Benkler, 2011). The idea of IoT is to create a pervasive environment, in which a human would be able to interact virtually, with the gadgets and things, after digitizing them. It enables mere access to the physical world around a human through the digital technology. The concept of the Internet of Things is exciting from a tech savvy to a common man. However, for the governing bodies, it is going to be a big challenge in terms of privacy and security for the same human.
“Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress”
Ted Levitt
On an overall, the Internet of Things has the following challenges and concerns that are unresolved completely so far.
Security – New security concerns are developed with increased digitization and automation (Cave, et al.,, 2011)
Consumer Privacy – The technology has wider and plenty opportunities to result in potential breaches of privacy of the consumer
Enterprise – Enterprises will fall easily into security issues and they would eventually pose risks of safety
Server Technologies – Intensive and dense servers will be required, along with the respective technologies
Data – It is a concern to manage huge data generated from billions of devices, both for personal data and big data
Data Center Network – For the applications of human interfaces, WANS are effectively linked. IoT has the challenge to change the patterns dramatically by automatic transmission of data
Storage Management – It is still unexplored and unspecified about what to do with the data, to store and manage in cost-effective manner.
There are other issues with the following contemporary issues of technologies.
Devices that are enabled to be accessed by Wi-Fi are getting added on the LAN (Local Area Network), with no proper security.
There are numerous issues unresolved with patchability and upgradability of the endpoints of IoT.
There are many issues and challenges that have been arise with regards to protecting physical access of the things.
Governance refers to the behavior, processes and rules that would affect the powers and privileges to effect, especially, with regards to the accountability, openness, coherence, participation and effectiveness. They stand as five principles of governance. The concept of governance is applied to major technological revolution, internet, by the organizations, ICANN, ISOC, IGF, W3C, ICANN, IETF, IEEE, RIRs. These organizations extend their responsibilities and accountabilities logically to govern the concept of Internet of Things. The challenge for all these organizations by Internet of Things is that heterogeneity of devices & technologies and its massive and huge number, involved in the IoT demand more specific and deeper governance approaches and solutions, which would be complex in nature. In simple terms, the heterogeneity and size are the major aspects and components to the governance of IoT.
Other major concern and challenge of the Internet of Things is the IoT implementation, in the form of distributed ways, because of increased complexity that has got introduced by the approach of the distributed system, in the governance deployment, privacy and security solutions. The present frameworks, RBAC (Role Based Access Control) and ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) indicate problems of scalability in the distributed environments (EU IoT Task Force. 2012).
Another important aspect that has to be addressed with regards to the security concern of the Internet of Things is the evaluation of the IoT, in terms of critical services and its associated with the digital devices pervasiveness. It results in re-configurability and increasingly processing power. Hence, they easily become vulnerable to the challenges from malware, similar to the present and traditional computers. The concepts and technology of cryptography or trusted computing is not developed and penetrated, as the way the digital devices are embedded in our day to day world and life (Gjosteen, et al., 2012).
The major privacy concern and challenge for the things involved in the Internet of Things is the device authentication. The things that are directly involved and accessed through IoT have sensors and actuators that sense and communicate powerful entity, right from the view of processing to the view of storage. They establish communication and then initiates authentication, on their behalf. The sensor does nothing, except processing the request, though other than authenticated user, invokes the request, as long as the matching credentials are provided. But, the last mile is left unprotected and it stands as a barrier to guarantee the significant properties of security, like non-repudiation. The proposed lightweight for many devices still stand as an open issue (Paul, et al., 2011).
The frameworks of security and privacy demand to provide the features for adapting the information granularity and access rules to the context, dynamically, such as embedding conditions in access capability or access rules tokens that would be evaluated at the time of access (Trappeniers., 2009). Additionally, the automatics of technologies of privacy and security designed and developed for a specific context may end up in behaving strange or incorrect ways in various unplanned contexts and eventually, they would generate vulnerabilities, consequently. The direct challenges of the security eventually, are the scalability, homogeneity and harmonization.
Development and potential implementation of Internet of Things involves many other technologies. So, to make IoT viable in terms of security, privacy and governance, these technologies need to be explored. IoT has its associated technologies, such as sensor technology, networking technologies, server technologies, storage technologies, internet technologies majorly.
The Internet of Things has wider applications, much beyond the applications of the computers and laptops today. Each and every device and thing that can be accessible for any use can be digitized in our day to day life and can be accessed virtually and controlled, by operating them. So, the applications are right from a small house hold application to a large and multinational business firms (Uckelman., 2011)..
Internet of Things is a new technology that is worth and demands focusing in various and vague areas to define the harmony among all of them.
The Internet of Things has been facing complex test, because of the following.
The huge breadth of legacy applications
The multitude of the governance structures established
Varied Technologies
Associated characteristics of varied technologies
Wider variety of near-edge and edge functionalities of domain
Opaque value proposition of the stakeholders
The discussion of the Internet of Things is not new and there has been drastic and extensive research conducted, beyond its infancy level. There have been deeper discussions and analyses done, in research activities, technical reports, consultations, throughout the world. There are three basic research questions, in three aspects called security, privacy and governance. (Sørensen & Skouby, 2009). These three questions are internationally discussed and got their so priority, because of its close association and strong linkage with the ethics. Research would be potential and carries solution, only if the study is conducted, linking all three aspects. Research has been conducted also for the critical services that are conducted with IoT, such as workplace safety, health of citizens, etc. and the way they are implemented by cyber physical systems and similar automatic systems that do not demand human intervention.
Figure: Approach of research for Internet of Things
Researches are geared up many years before and considerable development of the solutions has been proposed, after discovery of many of the challenges, though this phase seems to be going sluggish. Researches have the following objectives to propose the best possible solutions.
Emphasizing the security for the customer, from the movement of access
Know your enemy
Lifecycle, updates, future-proofing
Access control
Device authentication
Preparing for the breaches of security
The security of Internet of Things cannot be a simple add-on or a patch to the existing internet access system. In fact, it should be an integral ot the reliable functioning of the device. The security controls of the software have to be introduced at the core, at the level of operating system. And building the security at the core operating system level, demands and takes the onus off the designers and developers of the devices, in order to configure those specific systems to mitigate the possible and discovered security threats, for ensuring safety of the platforms.
And the security at the level of networking cannot be underestimated or cannot be neglected, as security at both the levels of the operating system of the device as well as the levels of networking are important and critical.
Internet of Things is a new technology that has been proposed many years ago, but the vulnerabilities that it can create would be just numerous, according to the experts. The IoT technology has many challenges and concerns and the major three challenges are associated with the governance, security and privacy. The technology has the applications throughout the world that can be used from a small household to a huge and very large scale businesses. The IoT and it’s implementation and challenges are associated and interlinked with many other technologies, such as server technologies, networking technologies, storage technologies, and many. The concerns of ethics, in terms of governance, security and privacy have been considered and researches have been in full-swing, with the intent of introducing this technology to the public. However, it is going to take years, as it takes long enough time to propose and develop the solutions for numerous present challenges of Internet of Things.
The two issues discussed are the following.
Insertion of the in-text citation, which could have been done, before and need for the solutions to be addressed in the discussion.This is also an interesting question about how good it would be if IoT is realistic and secured and if people started depending on this technology.
Here, it is to be understood and analyzed there could be enough emphasis and addressing done over the solutions, equal to the various challenges of security that were addressed in the content.
These both issues have good impact over the real world, since addressing the solutions for the security problems of Internet of Things is important and it is also important to double check, whether healthier and safer Internet of Things is going to do good or not, if it has become completely dependable to the users, in the world.
The comments and discussions were very interesting and helped to learn the lessons to start thinking in other dimensions, rather than limiting the focus only on the technology and its security issues, alone. The lessons learnt would definitely be helpful, while making further postings in the blogs.
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