Netflix Employs Technology To Modify How We Eye Tapes

Key Marketing Issues

Netflix Employs Technology to Modify How We Eye Tapes

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Netflix is a creative product that was made in 1997 to compete with the then competitive movie rental giant Blockbuster (Pride & Ferrel, 2018). The case includes the reason as to why Netflix designers saw an opportunity in the movie sector. Emphasizing its techniques to emerge the best movie host in the web, Netflix is becoming more successful in the movie market. It has managed to be the best among many companies in the market.

Key Marketing Issues

Cooperate strategy- resources in the area of marketing need to be utilized effectively for an organization to attain its goals. For many years, broadcast waves have been used to distribute television. The waves can only send a single message at a moment to everybody within the range. Netflix saw this as a chance to market themselves thank you to streaming services which can allow customers to view what they want. In the Netflix portal, viewers can choose what they want to see from a selection of multiples of contents suitable for every age group.

Marketing implementation- this is the way through which an organization executes its strategies. In most of the cases, policies do not replicate their purposes of formulation. This often results from how the plans were implemented. Netflix has a lot of competitors who are determined to win it out. The portal claims its leading position due to its products affordability as well as a fast selection of data from its portal. Netflix realized that DVDs were running out of fashion due to the introduction of the instant streaming. This saw the company expand its services to online streaming in addition to the renting of DVDs (Otto, 2014).

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Personal Case Analysis

I have learned that Netflix was an innovation created to compete with the then movie rental giant Blockbuster. The product took advantage of the vast growing technology to emerge the best in the movie sector among many innovations such as YouTube. The change shows its innovative strategies that have made it compete in the competitive movie sector.

Cases Study Questions

When It First Joined The Movie Renting Industry, Was It Contesting From A Foremost Or Overdue Mover Benefit?

When Netflix joined the movie rental business, it already found the giant Blockbuster in the sector. It had to look for smart ways of winning its competitor. It was, therefore, competing from a late mover advantage.  

How Netflix Uses Its Marketing Mix to Create a Sustainable Marketing Strategy

Netflix knows that everyone regardless of their age, gender, religion or race like to watch television and films. So it gives a wide variety of films for people to select from depending on their like. This makes it able to create a sustainable marketing strategy (St. Johns, 2018).

Netflix Performance Standards Evaluation Methods

Netflix recognizes the balance betwixt responsibility and flexibility. It offers its employees opportunities for them to thrive. This in return makes them reward the company handsomely through working hard. The company is also social in a way that if an employee is not delivering, then he or she deserves to be replaced (Ortner, 2015).

Personal Case Analysis


A company that desires to thrive in the competitive market has to be innovative. It has to look for ways of winning its customers. Netflix is a huge movie rental company that has invested a lot in technology to be able to win many customers.

Week 2 Case Assignment

REI: An Ethical Consumer Cooperative

Recreational Equipment Incorporated (REI) is the most prominent consumer cooperation in the United States. During its young stages, the company was focused on carrying items for mountain climbers at a cheaper cost. Its operational values such as respect, decency, and delivery of quality work made it grow into the company it is today.  Through innovations, the company has broadened its operations to fitness, bicycling, hiking and many more others. The company extended its care for its customers through educating and offering a guarantee for faulty goods to its employees. This has maintained its competitiveness in the market.

Key Marketing Issues

Socio-cultural forces- this is organizational marketing issues which determine how, when, what and where people buy products. Some of the factors which affect marketers directly include cultural values such as trust and honesty. Consumers need to be given a right to raise questions concerning the products that they buy from an individual marketer. This increases the preference of a particular outlet by many consumers. REI provides an opportunity where various consumers can purchase quality products which suit their expectations. The company offers a maximum percentage satisfaction guarantee to their customers as well as allowing consumers to try the products while in the stores before they purchase them. They as well teach their customers how to use the various products they buy from the cooperation (floralg, Aktar, & Petit, 2016).

Social responsibility- ignorance of the societal demands of marketers destroys consumers trust. It at times warrants for governmental regulations. In most cases, the organization may lose its operational license. Balancing of the interests of various stakeholders increases the chances of achieving social responsibilities. Marketing is far much ahead of legal issues. Over the years, REI has discovered numerous ways to help it meet its customers’ needs. The cooperation addresses the socio-cultural environment through the countless social media platforms. It responds to the global desire to reduce carbon gases to manageable levels through Facebook and Twitter among many other platforms. REI also provides a good working environment for its employees by giving them time to explore their hobbies.

Personal Analysis

It has come to my realization that REI was a brilliant innovation to help in the mountain climbing activities. The companies ideas were well accepted by the community hence the growth of the company. Several competitors emerged, but REI’s strategies have kept it among the best in the market sector.

Case Questions

Stakeholder Orientation of REI

The company focuses only on how it satisfies its customers. It works hard to seek for replies from its customers through social media concerning the services and products it sold to them. It strives to keep a close bond between it and its customers (Hampton, 2018).

How It Implements Social Responsibilities

REI Company has various avenues for achieving social responsibility. It offers a lot of local programs in its places of operation. These activities revolve around recreation and the environment. They are majorly for encouraging youths.

The Relationship between REI Values and the Development of an Ethical Culture

Some of the company’s profits include respect, integrity, and balance. It has hence promoted and developed an ethical culture with its customers (Back, 2010).


Successive companies are innovative and competitive. REI has competent with different companies successfully. This has been made possible by its creative powers. Its ability to offer desired prices and benefits to its customers made it attract a large number of buyers. Through innovation, REI has maintained its space in the competitive market.


Back, L. (2010). REI: Portrait of a Responsible Company. Triple Pundit, Online.

Dixon, J.-S. (2017). This is a catalog camouflaged in brilliant content marketing. Aidan Taylor Marketing, Online.

Grewal, D., L.Roggeveen, A., RajendraSisodia, & Nordfält, J. (2017). Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Consciousness. Journal of Retailing, 55-64.

Hampton, C. (2018). Case Review “please use the format on the attachment. Homework Market, Online.

Lotz, A. (2017). The unique strategy Netflix deployed to reach 90 million worldwide subscribers. The Conversation, Online.

Ortner, M. (2015). Performance Evaluation in Result-Focused Culture. b2bsoftwaredude, Online.

Pride, W. M., & Ferrel, O. C. (2018). Chapter 4 Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing. Marketing 2018(19th Edition), 1-34.

St. Johns, U. (2018). The marketing strategy that Netflix strives to. Netflix Marketing Plan, 14-16.

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