Neighbourhood, Environment And Health In Medway, South-East England

The Impact of Physical and Social Environment on Health

Neighbourhood is understood to be as the area, locality or the people that surrounds a specific region (Cambridge Dictionary, 2018). It is also understood as the region that is surrounded by particular place, community or person. Both Positive and negative effect is posed by the neighbourhood where a person works or lives. It is seen that in health of the individual socio-economic status or the physical and social environment plays a very decisive role (Friis, 2012, p: 3). As per Friis, (2012), physical environment consists of air, soil, water. These avenues are those from which communities or individuals can get chemical, physical and biological hazards. He further suggest that the social environment like transportation access, housing, agriculture, industry, urban development can also have impact on the health of the individual or community. Moreover, research concludes that a little is understood about how the environment in which a person is in can impact the well-being (Williams and Kitchen, 2012). It suggests that the single way to know the concept is to study the way in which the environment can shape the health status of population and individual. The objective of this assignment is to identify and assess assets which may either enhance health or influence well-being in a specific environment. This assignment will be taking the Medway in Kent, the South- East England. This essay also focuses on the positive and negative influence of the neighbourhood on the individual’s health as well as the interventions that are in place to confront the identified issues so as to reduce the inequalities in health and enhance individual’s health in neighbourhood.

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Medway is a part of urban area that lies in the Kent’s Medway Unitary Authority. In 2012, it is having a population of 268,218 (Medway Council, 2013a). Rainham, Gillingham, Strood, Catham, Rochester are the part of Medway town (British Towns and Villages, 2016). The towns in the Medway are bordered by Medway River and are near to the mainland of Europe (Medway Council, 2017b).

Such closeness with the rivers illustrates that these town would be subjected to environmental concerns like flooding due to surface and tidal waters most likely around Chatham waterfront and Rochester riverside (Medway Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (MSFRA), 2017). Due to flooding there are many types of health and physical damage gets caused. Chatham riverfront and Rochester riverside are understood as the most vulnerable places that may be at the flooding risk (Slingo, et al., 2014). This is due to the fact that present surface water drainage systems in these areas are not having the ability to carter new development (Medway Council, 2017c). Hence flood occurrence in these parts of the Medway can result in contaminated supply of water, disruption in transportation and even destruction of the individual’s homes. These loses are of huge scale and the injuries caused takes many years to get healed. This vulnerability does not allow people to invest a lot on the infrastructure related with the healthy life.  This may have non-positive influence on the communities and individual’s mental and physical well-being (British Medical Journal, 2000). Again the research in these area suggested that flood remains contains various kinds of infectious bacteria and viruses that may cause dysentery and cholera. Apart from this there are several injuries due to people and hence a lot of health problems gets generated (BMJ, 2000). However, the Medway council and the Environmental Agency have made strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) so as to bring alertness and bringing higher knowledge of the surface water flooding the Medway community and populations and hence guiding them in case of any flood in that region (Medway Council, 2014c).

Flood Risk and Health in Medway

Municipal waste management is another issue that is identified in Medway. Major part of the waste gets buried on landfill site gets rotten. It becomes very unpleasant and produces methane gas that may cause greenhouse effect. Direct contact with this methane gas can kill a person. This gets highly dangerous for the people that are associated with the cleanliness job. Municipal waste’s removal can cost money, wastes resources and damage the environment. According to research around 85% of the waste is dumped on the land fill sites while 8% is only recycled which after decomposition can enhance pollution in air (Friend of the Earth, 2000). Study highlights that person staying surrounded by the landfill sites have some or the other issues related to health. This is due to fact that many bacteria and viruses resides on these sites which are capable of spreading many types of diseases. For instance many types of cancers, low birth rate are a result of such gas release.

Enormous influence on the person’s health and that of environment is posed by waste management. Quality of life of many people and that of environment is threatened by toxic pollutants included in the ashes and stack gases released by all incinerators (Greenpeace, 2017). With the increasing waste materials form the household especially those which cannot be easily decomposed, the problem got intensified. In overall waste in the South East stream approx. 16% is contributed by municipal waste. Research illustrated that around 117,300 tonnes of garbage per year and 62.6% was side kerb’s waste was gathered (State of Medway Report Waste, (2009). Research highlighted that most household in Medway generates 141,237 tonnes of waste from household, 72.5 % was disposed in the landfill sites out of which only 27.5 was recycled/composed in the year 2004/2005 (Medway Council, 2006e). This was higher than the national average. In their Medway council municipal waste management 2005-2050 report suggested that there is 3% enhancement in the household waste around Medway per year. This suggested that in the coming 15 years the garbage that is utilised in this region will be twice the amount it is in the present time. This is due to regeneration of the Thames Gateway and targets by government. This means that there might be requirement of more landfill sites. New innovations in the direction of converting waste into the electricity or useful farm products can be used. Many individuals believe in disappearance of waste when it is burnt, moreover the waste that is burnt is converted into ashes. Gas which when released into the environment may cause pollution related to air which is having adverse effect on the individual’s health (Greenpeace, 2017). With the degrading life style of the people, this adds to the bad health of the society. The council need to make future waste management plan so as to reduce the release of the gas in the environment.

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Waste Management and Health in Medway

In waste strategy framework of 2005-2020 by Medway council has constructed 15 years action plan on the ways to maintain and reduce the waste amount that is generated in this region. It can be done by giving education related to waste, promoting people to reutilise and recycle items rather than purchasing new ones (Hiscock, Sparkes and Hodgson, 2011). It also generates alertness regarding unsustainable waste growth problems to the masses around neighbourhood of Medway (Medway Council, 2006). Study shows that around 9.3% of the homes in Medway neighbourhood have condensation and dampness issues (Medway Council Housing Services, no date). Door to door garbage collection system is always beneficial for the waste management program. Waste management cannot be successful without the help of the local people residing in this region and hence a common plan between the Medway council and the people must be made (Sabbion and Perini, 2016).

Other problem that is recognised in Medway is the condition of housing, which is one of the reasons for ill-health to people (Stracham, 1989). Fresh research illustrates that failure to keep a house warm can lead to non-positive health results (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2001). Insufficient heating of home results into dampness that may poses health issues on people particularly in the winter season. Accumulation of naturally occurring moisture in the building structure is known as damp and these may lead to mould, growth of which might lead to effect negatively on the environment and individual (Better Medway, 2012). Inside home dampness is thought to limit action of 71% of people living in these areas and have caused poor or fair health in 40%. It may end in Asthma like chronic diseases (British Medical Journal, 2017). In these areas like Wayfield and Luton the housing condition was understood to be poor due to absence of core heating and inferior quality of air (Medway Health Profile, 2014). Study showcased proper housing conditions is understood to add to health of a person. It is one of the neglected things when talked about improving health standards. On the other hand poor housing like bad ventilation and lack of warmth can cause chemical emission from materials of building irrespective of the fact that it is new or old. This leads to condensation of house which generates damp which may lead to ill health like respiratory issues (Medway Council Housing Services, no date). Moreover better air quality, warm and secure accommodation may lead to better wellbeing (Friis 2012). To avoid damp and condensation, the Medway Council promotes proper ventilation of home so as to avoid moisture that builds up in house. It also promotes people to install loft, crafty and windows that are draught proof in order to minimise cold surfaces from their home (Medway Council Housing Services, nd). There must be some kind of help provided by the local governmental body in order to develop the house of particular standard. This help can be in terms of guiding them at the time of building construction.

Housing Conditions and Health in Medway

Other environmental concern seen in Medway neighbourhood is pollution of water. Study in various parts of the world reflected that contaminated Water has been one of the major ways of transmission of disease especially in the regions that are surrounded by rivers. Safe and good quality water is essential part of human well-being since contacts with contaminated water, either for drinking or bathing may have higher influence on the health of information. For protecting people and health of community, chlorination of drinking water has to continue so as to minimise diseases that are waterborne like cholera and typhoid (Friis, 2012). Pollution of water is understood as the contamination of the water bodies like rivers, acquifers, ground waters, lakes, oceans etc. due to various natural and manmade activities (Medway Council, 2017d). Study reflects that reason of water pollution may be either anthropogenic or natural. Anthropogenic like improper disposition of personal care products, transportation, household chemicals, fossil fuel’s burning or deposition of materials of plastic on the water surface are generally more responsible for causing water pollution. As reported by Medway Council Environment Action Plan (2015), shows that the main reason for the water pollution in the Midway area was occurring due to leakage in the sewage system which flows into the water bodies that leads to individual’s health threats. Contamination of water can be due to many reasons and are often neglected while taking use of water (Briant, et al., 2012). Taking major plumbing work like swimming in the pool that are public or the beaches especially in the summer month is also understood as a reason for water pollution in this region (Chatham-Kent Public 2016a). Hence the Medway council have placed Chatham-Kent public health inspector’s unit. It is a department for environmental health which is accountable for safeguarding Medway’s neighbourhood from biological, chemical and physical hazards which may lead to poor health and the objective is to inspect, educate and implement activities like Drinking water Advisory (DWA) or Boil Water Advisory (BWA) so as to ensure public regarding drinking water safety (Chatham-Kent Public Health, 2016b).

After water, air is similarly very crucial part of life of human and keeping it pure is essential. Fossil fuels and automobile are understood to be as the reason for bad outdoor quality of air and smog (Friis, 2012). Human population is highly affected by air pollution like the greenhouse gases can lead to lung cancer. This is one the prime reasons of hospital admissions and mortality (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Getting exposed to various type of air pollution can pose several heath threats for any person. It also includes irritation in skin (Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2013). Getting exposed to air pollutant can result in long and short term effect on the health of the individual. For instance air pollution may lead to heart diseases, cancers and depends on the way a susceptible person is. In the Medway neighbourhood air pollution from road traffic is a major issue (Medway Council, 2017). An assessment done on the local air quality was done by Medway council in which they found that the level of nitrogen dioxide for health is higher in some areas of Medway. It is also higher than set quality objectives by government even though the major part of the Medway Council areas is understood to be good (Medway Council Air Quality Action Plan 2015). Higher transportation in the area is the major reason for high levels of nitrogen dioxide. This is expected to increase in the coming years and is most dangerous for the upcoming generations as they will not get pure air from the childhood. On average per annum nitrogen dioxide is 40ug/m3, which further gets in enhanced in some regions like Gillingham AQMA., pier road and high street, Raimham AQMA in Medway and effect around 1007 attributes (Medway Council Air Quality Action Plan (MCAQAP), 2015). Hence to take care of this problem the Medway council have placed air quality that aims at addressing the trouble that is done to people living in these regions. The major objective of this idea is to minimise the nitrogen dioxide concentration that is making air pollution in Medway by promoting people to walk or do bike riding rather than driving their car (MCAQAP, 2015).

Water Pollution and Health in Medway

A conclusion can be derived from the above study, discussing staying in a lower deprived neighbourhood that adds to good health since there is appropriate infrastructure and effective social resources under reach. Hence living in bad neighbourhood may be linked with bad health due to variations among situation of individual and those surrounding them. Research illustrates both neighbourhood and individual deprivation enhances the threats of poor mental and general well-being issues. This assignment had carefully assessed and present relationship among people and the environment where live and the way in which the surrounding can negatively influence health of a person.


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