Negotiation And Conflict Management For The Impact On Project Measures

Literature Review

Discuss about the Negotiation and Conflict Management for the Impact on Project Measures.

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In this paper the objective is for offering the review that is inclusive on the conflict management that is literature based. Here as per subsequent discussion, we will describe first the conflict concept; the evaluation will get trailed to the conflict of team for moments. It also experiences the conflicts for the team, and also fairness the CEO technical, the relationship among conflict both affective and conflict, sequentially. As per the conclusion for review of the conflict literature, in the end of this report, we will recommend the model of study so that it get inspired empirically in the whole report. The topic which was chosen is very vast in nature and the topic is conflicts management and we tried best for concluding deeply by just giving the review of literature and the model that are used for conflict managing.

The purpose of Hocker & Wilmot was that they want to carry out the relationships that were complicated into their workplace and thus effectively learn and managed the conflict in the personal life. Thus the stress for studying the significance the conflict for reducing the conflict cycles that is negative and would cause damage that is irreparable in both of the professional and personal lives.

Most of the conducted would determine the effect for emotions, expectations, culture and perception that have the management of conflict. Here, we would examine especially the articles under eight scholarly that were related in assessing number of topics that would contribute the design for conflict policy with resolution/management.

We will review primary the article that was created by Carver, Laurenceau and Avivi (2009) based on the relationship among progress and perceived sharing of the goal towards the objective and perceived quality of relationship in the romantic couples that were committed. Thus, the studies were conducted with 245 students who are an undergraduate who completed all the questions by addressing the goals that were undesired or desired and rate the goal maturity with their partners. This study would examine connection among overall relationship quality and share the perceived goal. The study would reveal that the conflicts in marital status were based on “goals from defensive individuals” and it also states that the couples are much more productive when the pursued goals are pursued as they both are together working.

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This study will focus mainly on mutual goals perception and towards objectives the progress perception. When the individual states that their partner will share general objectives and then they are making progress to the goals which are shared, the overall relationship is very strong and couples are much satisfied and happier. This study mainly focused on the couples who got involved romantically. It states that above assumptions will help the relationship to get happy. Thus we can conclude that team will work better in the environment when they shared the goals together.


Now, another article which we are dealing now belongs to conflict and perception management. These articles were developed by Wilson & Longaretti in the year 2006. This article, which is based on the conflict and perceptions management for setting of the primary school among teacher and students. The major disadvantages of the above study are that it consists of the samples that are small thus the findings are not able to get generalized. Total incidents that were covered in this study are 40 which splits as 10 teacher yelling cases, 14 cases were based on decisions imposed, 2 cases were based on actions taken physically and 4 cases are based on punishment and blaming. It was clear from the study that negative opinion from the teachers about the student will create conflict and thus they assume for an authoritative stance for these conflict dealing.

It was the view from the study that negative view will create conflict among both student and teachers and thus for resolving the conflict very few strategies range were used. When conflict is very constructive, then focuses of the parties are on problem-solving and this will play a significant role in the social development of the child. Thus studies state that values were taught to the children that are non-aggressive and cooperative they will build better skills of communication and higher esteem. Thus it was clear that children’s should teach by teachers on how to manage more productively the disputes and while doing such activity environment of the classroom becomes conductive to development and learning.

This whole study will translate the environment of work because the relationship among teacher-student will reflect the relationship of employer-employee where there is a relationship of superior and subordinate. There is an idea which the above study supports is that employees should get permission from an employer for managing their disputes very constructively and provide solution works jointly. Thus it will build environment of work that is very conducive to innovation and growth.

The next two articles which were examined here were based on the role of the emotions in the process of conflict. The two articles were created by Caldwell and Bain-Chekal, Schroth in the year 2005 and the names are Words and phrases that trigger emotions in negotiations and their effect: Sticks and stones may break bones and words can hurt me. These articles will analyze how words of emotion will trigger and impact the process negotiation. Schroth conducted the study that expands on the research that show that emotional state of the party would influence the behavior of other parties in any dispute, especially when the state of emotional is very negative. The first of the study were conducted by 308 students who are under-graduate from the two universities of west-coast. Then from the survey, it was concluded that what is the reason which led to an emotional response. Thus in this study, researchers recognized some of the specific words which were used for evoking the emotional response negotiation.


In the other study which we have mentioned above, in that researchers gained the information from 221 students who are undergraduate again from same universities. In this case, participants are reviewing situation of conflict among two of the financial people. Participants were split in 2 parts; one part will review the deal of dispute that as based on agreement of rent-sharing and other parts will review the case where Chris and Pat are business partners. The outcome of the research proves that two things are caused by trigger words:

More likely the observers for believing that doing negotiation will become the success.

Observers found that party perceives those are using trigger words are very unfair.

This was concluded that it’s very important to understand what are trigger for words to use which show emotions and thus help in regulating any of the conflict the process.


Not all the above articles which were reviewed here will give information that will get translated directly into the effective policy of the conflict management. But every article that were used will give insight to the effective ways in which conflict management got handled; it also has the emotions that were included and the words of the trigger that will set the emotions off. The above articles also provide insight into the impact of perception and sharing of goal in any relationship, also any impact on the conflict styles and silent conflict differences across various cultures. All the above information that is provided is important in some of the ways towards development through the plan of the conflict management. Conflict management played a key role to define a team success or failure. A project Manager needs to know what to do and how to do to resolve the conflict and this should not impact project health or impact should be on the positive side.


The team of the project is generally defined as 2 for more than people with few common purposes who undertake various tasks, contingent on each other, synchronize the activities, and understand themselves as the portion of the group. Project groups incline to contain the individuals with the dissimilar background that means; more awareness from various objects can get additional to the task. Additionally, this unavoidably originates with the project members having dissimilar viewpoints on tasks prominent to likely conflicts. Conflict management is a taught job that should get done by every individual while working on any project. There are various case studies available in the market that supports the methods to handle conflicts. Here we will try to create a model that can helpful in future to conflict management by using certain tools and techniques. The purpose of this section is to link theoretical models and research to product an effective model to manage conflicts.

Conflict Management a resolution technique is related to the dual disquiet model distributed into concern the concern and self for others. From these reasons Desivilya et al. (2005) explains following five main of the conflict management techniques:

Dominating – In this type a person is high concerns about himself rather than others

Obliging – This is the opposite of dominating where person concerns high about others and less for himself.

Avoiding – In This person don’t care concerns about himself or about others.

Integrating – In these person concerns high about himself and about others as well.

Compromising – This technique person has a reasonable concern for himself and for other.

We too often follow passive technique to resolve conflicts. This is the best method to resolve any conflict and best way for conflict management. In this newly identified technique, we need to obligate and avoid based on the situation of conflict. Before making a choice between obligate and avoid we should understand deeply when to use what.

Sometimes we may not understand when to avoid and when to oblige due to emotions. Emotions are major factor when it originates to conflicts management. Any conflicts consist of 3 key things such as attitude, behavior and contradictions. For a successful conflict management we should follow the below steps:

First, we should classify the conflict foundations, feelings, behaviors & contradictions.

After getting gall the required information we should transform by changing the alignment of the conflict and provide correct information or explain the elements to the different parties involved in conflicts.

At last providing or implementing a solution which is the result of changing the elements permits transformation of the conflict way.

We called this new technique as dynamic conflicts management in which we first remove any kind of emotions associated with this and then we need to choose obligate or avoid as a solution. To overcome the emotions from the situation we need to follow the method of perspective talking. By perspective talking sometimes both the parties come to an accepted point to resolve the conflict and emotions will less involve. If the conflicts are adapted to emotions, viewpoint taking supports that one attempts to realize the feeling of the other individual about their lookout and conflict. Perspective communication strains that one creates exertion of tapping himself in others place and to observe on conflicts from changed lookout than just his own. In conclusion, the major problem is to deal with this when it arises with perspective taking that this is only differing party to the clash that will get express if perspective communication that is doing really works.

Similar to this conflict management we can also use negations as a part of conflict management. During this, negotiator has to view the connection among the outcome and the situation. During this we should link different level of interactions with motivational source and intensity. Communication is another play a key role at the time of negotiation. Active communication is conferring to Donohue (2003, p.173) grounded on quantity, quality, relevancy and the behavior.

When negotiations become complex or result is uncertain then cognitive capability is more vital to follow.

Logical argument mapping and feedback are the 2 major tools that can used to understand and resolve the conflicts for both situations either obliged or avoid.

In logical argument mapping, we encourage reflection and develop communication to share standpoints. By using logical argument mapping tool we should get capable for generating the map where weaknesses of an argument can get visible and discovered. Hoffmann (2005, p.318) explains ,there are 2 key uses of Logical argument mapping, to win disagreement by founding an argumentation or over collaboration originate to the shared thoughts and the settlement. Logical argument mapping is on the grounded for essential knowledge that anyone would require something would get prepared to offer a cause for it which is, they should capable and prepared to express a disagreement. The main aims with Logical argument mapping are to create argumentation that is well-organized by Inspiring self-reflexivity.

Feedback is also a tool that is encountered positively in the discussions. One should however, contend that response is imperfect at the level that this can only be used as a protective measure. Feedback is a tool that can used for individual growth & likelihood to alter behavior that has an adverse influence on the group of the project. Feedback may get linked in most of the dissimilar forms such as meetings, questionnaires. The Project manager can decide which tool to get used, the imperative portion is the consequence and how this was utilized for development that eventually are founded on every person’s wish for development.

Logical argument mapping is not comprised on daily activities of a company or project. Logical argument mapping can debatably be utilized when the conflict includes the larger quantity of people, groups and possibly primarily project teams within the firms. Therefore Logical argument mapping is a tool that in the direct is suitable for greater conflicts within the project teams. Similarly, for the small size of teams feedback plays a key role while managing the conflicts. The Project manager should get neutral while providing or taking the feedback and then resolve the conflict situation.


The paper has revealed that conflicts are very different as per individual. As per this study conflicts escalation foundation is in its expressive involvement. If the conflicts focused on the person it has a greater risk of intensification and to change to becoming dysfunctional. Whereas if conflicts are related to the task then this will lead to an enhanced group working and reduced tension among people in the group of the project. Hence the manager of the project should get tangled in the task-focused clashes to the level that it paybacks to project. With this paper, this has exposed that management of conflict can get separated into 2 areas, management of conflicts and anticipation of conflicts. The feedback may be tallied as a precautionary tool to help progress project person behavior and to make sure that the thoughts and state of mind is conceded on over precise communication. The role of project manager comprises working with defensive tools like feedback.

 Addition to this, the project manager should observe the work assigned and done by project group and make sure that sensitive accused matters don’t go forward to the conflict that could mature and become dysfunctional. A project manager that are competent should get capable for understand the conflict from a self-determining perspective that was carried forward with the help of the interviews or perspective talks and underlined in the hypothetical background to solve a conflict. Apart from this, the leader of project or team leader has to get capable deciding the design of resolution for making processes, so that it can govern if the fast time-saving choice should get occupied or whether to include the individual group and inspire fairness.

At last, manager of the project would vigorously work with emerging the project group over tools such as feedback and thus for accomplishing the conflicts with involvement that are emotional. The 1st step for becoming the conflict manager that is competent is to get responsive one’s weaknesses, conduct and conflict causes. The 2nd step is to get capable to set oneself in the others place and to realize the conflicts from a self-governing perspective..

As per the future research, this would get considered as very interesting for applying the suggested techniques in the above thesis through the workshops or when the conflict would arise in the team of the project. Through the workshop with the two of the parties that are opposing, they will effects whether it is positive and negative could get revealed but that is most of the beneficial would get applied for the methods in the conflict that are real.

Moreover, various cultures of the company based on the organizational structures would appropriate more for the specific technique over other, in this report, it was difficult and diffuses for executing but it will support the further conflict management development.

Finally, the standardized for developing the process of feedback that was based on the meetings and questionnaires and perhaps straight for discussion with open with other areas that would get highlighted for the future in the research.


Schroth, H., Bain-Chekal, J., & Caldwell, D. (2005). Sticks and stones may break bones and words can hurt me: Words and phrases that trigger emotions in negotiations and their effects. International Journal of Conflict Management, 16(2), 102-127

Avivi, Y., Laurenceau, J., & Carver, C. (2009). Linking relationship quality to perceived mutuality of relationship goals and perceived goal progress. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 137-164

Wilmot, W. & Hocker, J. (2011) Interpersonal Conflict, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Longaretti, L. & Wilson, J. (2006). The impact of perceptions on conflict management. Educational Research Quarterly, 29(4), 3-15.

Hoffmann, M.H.G. (2005) „Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management?, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 16 (4), pp. 304-334 [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 1 of February 2011).

Donohue, W.A. (2003) „The promise of an interaction-based approach to negotiation?, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 14 (3), pp. 167-176 [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 7 of February 2011).

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