Needs Of Clients With Alcohol And/or Drugs Issues
In this case study, the client, Leo has been working as a forklift driver. His workmates have raised an issue of excessive alcohol intake against him, which he has denied, however he admitted the same when asked by the authority. In order to analyse this behaviour of Leo, it can be said that he is going through the second stage of the Change Model, which is Contemplation. This stage refers to the condition when a person is aware about his or her bad behaviour or addiction, yet is not ready to change it (Prochaska, 2013). The remark made by Leo stating that he is not drinking more than his workmates, is indicative of his acknowledgement of his addition to alcohol. However, neither is he showing a concern for his addiction nor a willingness to change such behaviour.
Leo can be counselled with the technique called Brief Intervention, which is a procedure to initiate changes in a person who is addicted to an unhealthy or risky behaviour such as smoking, alcohol misuse or lack of exercise. According to Kaner et al. (2013), it is the process of “screening” to analyse the risk level in individuals prone to drinking. This process uses a tool known as the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). The work procedure of this technique can be applied in two methods such as,
- Influencing people to think differently about their alcohol consumption to change their behaviour
- Encouraging people to “drink with skills” that the beverages (alcohol) cannot affect their health and it can be used in a safer way
In this case study, Rod is addicted to the habit of smoking and has recently been diagnosed with a heart disease for which doctors have advised to give up smoking. He has tried his level best to give up the habit but he has failed to do so. This stage is considered as the fourth stage of the Change Model, referred to as the Action or Willpower stage. This stage refers to the condition of a person who is aware of the bad habit and is willingly trying to overcome it. People need to possess a firm determination to change any behaviour; otherwise they have to face the greatest risk for relapse (Zemore and Ajzen, 2014). Therefore, Rod is going through a very sensitive stage of change.
According to the case study, Tony is suffering from Alcohol Related Brain Injury or ARBI, which has made him jobless and fully unemployed. Additionally, he is also not fit physically to begin work. Therefore, he is searching for a permanent accommodation. The cognitive effects that Tony may exhibit are following (Atkins et al., 2015) –
- The disorder has made him very impulsive and reckless, therefore, he will be facing problem in controlling his behaviour
- The result of this ARBI can make his mood disorder, and it might be ended in depression
- He can feel lack of motivation.
- He can be socially isolated from others.
- He can face attention and concentration problems.
When communicating with Tony, one should try and interact more with him, so that it does not feel him isolated from the society, as he is not able to work due to his physical shortcoming. Therefore, he needs special care and affection from the people. Moreover, people should be humble with him as well as sympathetic to his condition (Brighton et al., 2015). Additionally, he should be motivated for living his future life with confidence. Moreover, Tony has to feel a sense of confidence, courage and hope, even in the light of such misfortune..
According to the case study, Fiona is suffering from addiction to alcohol and she is not able to take care of her little daughter. Therefore, she needs treatment to get rid of this addiction to lead a normal and healthy life with her daughter.
She is suffering from a problem in her relationship with her partner as her partner has blamed her about his arrest and punishment of jail. Therefore, now she needs legal help to handle this problem.
Additionally, she needs an accommodation that will be permanent in nature, as she has spent a few days in the jail and now has nothing to do. Therefore, she is need of a permanent accommodation on a long-term basis.
Interpersonal skills are necessary for understanding the problems faced by Fiona. She needs help from the General Practice Clinic to arrange an accommodation for living. In this context, she should be communicated to with a positive attitude that can give her confidence to solve her problem. Additionally, the use of a sympathetic approach should make her comfortable with the nurse when arranging accommodation for her (Koprowska, 2014). She should be treated by the organisation that can transform self-confidence to her and finally, the ability to coping with pressure can help her to fight the situation.
The four agencies that may be appropriate referrals, which can provide assistance to Fiona and meet her needs are mentioned below:
- Fiona has been suffering from alcohol addiction, therefore she has to be send to a drug rehabilitation agency to get rid of her addiction to alcohol
- A legal harassment and problem has raised with her partner, therefore, she needs a good lawyer to manage her problem with her partner.
- She needs to get a permanent accommodation for living her life peacefully with her daughter. Therefore, she needs to contact a real estate company to get a house at low cost.
- There are no source of income for her and her English is very poor, therefore she needs to take admission in a training centre where she would be able to get proper guidance and training.
In this case, the Drug Rehabilitation Centre is considered to develop the questionnaire to ask them about the client, Fiona. She will be sent to them to get treatment for her addiction to alcohol. The tele conversation would be as follows,
“Our client Fiona is suffering from intense alcohol addiction and facing many problems in her personal life as she has a little daughter. She has made futile attempts twice previously to give this up. Therefore, she will be sent to your centre so that she may be treated and show positive signs of recovery.”
The Drug Rehabilitation Centre should be asked the following questions.
Q1. What is the location of your centre?
Q2. When can I send the client to you for a conversation?
Q3. How much your treatment will be beneficial for the patient?
Atkins, S., Rackham, K., Acevedo, J., Dowman, J. K., Fowell, A. J., & Aspinall, R. J. (2015). PWE-138 Increasing burden of alcohol related brain injury is disproportionate to hospital admissions with liver disease. Gut,64(Suppl 1), A273-A273.
Brighton, R., Moxham, L., & Traynor, V. (2012). Support and services for people with alcohol-related brain injury. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 20(3), 36.
Kaner, E., Bland, M., Cassidy, P., Coulton, S., Dale, V., Deluca, P., … & Newbury-Birch, D. (2013). Effectiveness of screening and brief alcohol intervention in primary care (SIPS trial): pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Bmj, 346, e8501.
Koprowska, J. (2014). Communication and interpersonal skills in social work. Learning Matters.
Prochaska, J. O. (2013). Transtheoretical model of behavior change. In Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1997-2000). Springer New York.
Zemore, S. E., & Ajzen, I. (2014). Predicting substance abuse treatment completion using a new scale based on the theory of planned behavior.Journal of substance abuse treatment, 46(2), 174-182.