Necessary Technical Skills, Knowledge And Abilities Of A Team Manager In Software Development Project And Influence Of Communication Skills On Project Success

Importance of involving top management


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What are the necessary technical skills, knowledge, and abilities a team manager should have in a software development project? How are communication skills tied to project success?

Necessary technical skills, knowledge and abilities of a  team manager in software   development  project and  influence   of communication  skills   on  project  success:

As   the  use   of  IT technique   is  increasing,  the  organizations   are  giving   importance  on  undertaking  projects   for  software  implementation. Although the    organizations  analyze  risks  associated with   software implementation,  often these  projects   fail  due   to  lack  of    involvement   with  top management  in   the  project. However   Prinzo (2011) stated   that   often   management  team  set  unrealistic    expectations   for  the  project. As   the  software  development   projects  are    complex   in nature,   setting    unrealistic  goals   reduces   chances  for   completing   the   project  successfully.

The  research conducted by  Poole, (2002) also  indicates   that  the  chances  of  project failure  increase  if   members   of   the  project  team  do    not  have     sufficient   information   what   they have to do. The  research  conducted   by Turk, France & Rumpe (2014)   also   indicates   that   the   chances   of  project  failure also  increase   if  members   of   the team are  not  provided with   proper requirements   clearly   stating   roles   and  responsibilities  of   staffs  within   team.  Analysis   on  the  problems  faced  during  the  project  also  reflects  that  the  project teams also face problems related with timely completion  of  the  tasks. Highsmith (2013)  also  opined  that  the  approach  used   by team   management  used   for  handling  members   of   project  team   influences   success   of  the  project.  

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James (2009)  suggested that  the techniques  used  for   software  changes   are being changed  rapidly.  As  new technologies are  being introduced  for developing software, developers working  in software  development   project need to have  in depth knowledge  on  these  technologies. However the  research  conducted  by Basili et al. (2013) also indicates   that  lack  of  soft skills  among  members   of  a project team  is  also  considered  as   one  of   the   influencing  factors  which    impact  on  successful completion  of  the  project.

Analysis  on  the  problems identified  in  three  articles indicates  that   most    of  the  software  development  projects  fail  due to improper  application of project  management  techniques. Although  introduction  of  new   technologies   is  making     the  software   development   project   more  complex,   it  is  also  evident   that  the  members   of   project  team  also  need enhance  their  soft  skills  in  order to  ensure   that  the  project  will  be   completed   successfully.

Analysis on  the  issues  generated while  executing  tasks  related  with    software   development  project  indicates   that   the technologies  being  used  in   project  management  are being  innovated regularly.  James (2009)   stated   that   the    new  technologies such as  PHP, Java  and   .Net   are   being   used    widely  in  software    development  projects. Discussion on the  technological   knowledge  required   for       developing   software  indicates that  the  developers   require  possessing   in    depth knowledge on  frameworks and libraries  associated   with  these  technologies.  However James (2009)  also opined that  use of  agile methodology is  increasing  for  managing  the  projects  related  with    software  development.  It  reflects   that   the     professionals  who are  involved  with    software  development   projects   need  to   have  knowledge  on  agile  methodology. From the analysis   it  is  also  evident     that   management  and members of   the  project  team  needs to  have adequate soft skills so that    productivity  of    the   teams    increasing.

 Analysis on  the   articles  also  indicates  that    the chances for  completing  a  project   successfully  can be  increased by  using XP  methods.  Use  of  XP  methods    enables   management   of   software  development  project  team  to    complete   the entire  task   in   several iterations.  However   use  of  XP  approach  also enables  the  project team  to  use onsite customers. The  project  group  using  XP  techniques  needs  to be facilitated  for  making  a  requirement co-ordination group so  that  members   of    the  team   becomes    able   to  understand   their  roles  and    responsibilities in team. 

The  discussion  on    activities   being  conducted   in    project  teams  for software   developed   indicates   that  communication plays  an important  role  for  completing   the  project  successfully.  However  style  used   by   leaders  for managing   the  team also   impacts  on successful completion   of    projects.  Poole, (2002)  suggested  if  members  of   a team  do   not   get  sufficient opportunities  to communicate with leaders,  their   performance also degrades. Lack   of  communication  with  management   of   project team  also  indicates   that    the  staffs    fail   to    discuss   the   issues generated while   executing   the  tasks.  As  an impact,  the  leaders  also do not  get  sufficient  opportunities   for  identifying  and solving   the  issues. Analysis   on  the  problems   faced  while   completing  a project also  indicates   that  presence  of  soft skills    is   important   to   finish   the  project   successfully.   However  use  of  soft  skills  also   enables   the   project  members    to communicate   with   customers   also.    Communicating  with customers   increases   the chances   of   completing  the  project  successfully.


Basili, V. R., Heidrich, J., Lindvall, M., Münch, J., Regardie, M., Rombach, D., … & Trendowicz, A. (2013). Linking software development and business strategy through measurement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.6224

Highsmith, J. (2013). Adaptive software development: a collaborative approach to managing complex systems. Addison-Wesley.

Poole, C.(2002) Three Week Project Turnaround, Retrieved from [11 June 2015]

Prinzo, R. (2011). Project Management: 6 best practices for ensuring software implementation success. CIO Magazine. June 6. Retrieved from [11 June 2015]

James, J. (2009). 10 skills developers will need in the next five years. TechRepublic. Retrieved from[11 June 2015]

Turk, D., France, R., & Rumpe, B. (2014). Assumptions underlying agile software development processes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.6610.

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