Natural Medicine Practice: Questions And Answers On Healthcare Ethics And Workplace Safety
1) i) When the practitioner breaches the duty he will be liable to pay compensation for the affected person for the civil wrong he or she has done.
ii) The other consequence is that the practitioner can be demoted from the facility where he or she was working for breach of duty.
2) Cleaning the clinic workstation and other areas where the patients have accessed during treatment.
Providing clean water and other alcohol-based sanitizers for cleaning hands for both patients and the clinic staff
Providing tissues and boxes and ensure that they are used properly, also remove all papers, magazines and other unnecessary materials from the waiting room (Badzek, Henaghan, Turner, & Monsen, 2013)..
3) When the body comes into contact with infected food, airborne droplets of moisture that contain germs, water that has germs, touches an object or surface which contains contaminations from infected person and has not been sterilized or cleaned increases the chances of the infection to that individual.
4) Client-centered care means that the clients desired and specific health results are the motivating factors guiding the quality measurements and all health care decisions and patients are viewed as partners with caregivers.
5) Determine the scope of the project the firm is undertaking, the target goals of the firm, and the time limit for achieving the target.
Develop a benchmark in different industries within the organization and check out how they do the activities.
Conduct staff interviews on the working conditions, levels of empowerment, their strengths and weaknesses, how they view their tasks, and their views about the organization (Idris, Dollard, Coward, & Dormann, 2012).
6) Evaluate and address the negative issue that needs to be worked on find to minimize problems in workplace like absenteeism, poor working conditions and remuneration.
Set reasonable and achievable targets and motivate the employees towards achieving them (Ones, & Dilchert, 2012).
7) Ensure that guidance, diagnosis and treatment are provided to the injured worker.
Give clear instructions and restrictions on the work the injured person can do and the appropriate alternative responsibilities.
8) The drive and importance of Anti-Discrimination Legislation is to give people legal freedom and right to be equally treated irrespective of their religious views, sex, race, and other kinds of discrimination.
9) When collecting confidential information from individuals, inform them that you are doing so and the purpose of collecting it.
Make sure the collected information is used only for the purpose it was collected for and it should not be shared with anyone else.
Evaluate the procedure for collecting the information from time to time to make sure that the legal obligations are strictly followed.
10) Separate clinical waste at production point of clinic using automatic lidded unit. The clinic bag should not be overflown because it poses a risk of spreading the infections. Clinical waste should be kept out of the patient’s path and in a place where the children cannot reach. Train the staff on how to handle waste.
11) Method reporting emergencies, procedure for evacuation, procedure for escaping and assignment routes such as safe refuge and workplace maps.
Communication channels for the employees to make emergency calls and other important services to enhance employee safety and evacuation.
12) They provide employees with information about what is required of them.
Provide guidelines and rules for making decision in the workplace situations.
Provide a recognized way to deal with objections and misunderstandings that assist to shun claims of favoritism and bias in the organization.
13) Full-time staff work for a permanent position while subcontractors work for a specific period of time that is a temporary position.
Full-time staff are paid salary or wages which are set and predictable on either monthly, daily or weekly, whereas subcontractors are paid according to the agreement with the person they are working for.
Full-time staff are entitled to holiday, parental leave allowance, pension scheme and statutory sick pay while subcontractors have no holidays, parental leave or statutory sick pay because they work for a specified period of time.
14) An ethical paradox is a situation which require one to make a decision between two conceivable moral alternatives, neither of which is explicitly preferable. For instance euthanasia where the doctor has to choose between terminating life and the ethical code of conduct of saving life of the patient.
15) Mandatory reporting means legal giving information on any suspected or observed abuse of vulnerable people like senior citizens, disabled persons and children.
16) Informed consent means that medical provider must inform the patient all probable alternatives, risks, and benefits that are likely to result from medical procedure, surgical procedure, and other option of treatment, and needs to obtain a written consent from the patient to allow him to continue (Snelgrove, Jasudavisius, Rowe, Head, & Bauer, 2012).
17) Principle of autonomy states that the patient has the autonomy of intention, action and thought when making decisions concerning health care processes. While justice means that the benefits and burdens of new treatments should be disseminated equally to the groups in community.
Natural Medicine Practice
18) Right to be free from physical, mental, verbal, and sexual abuse including injuries of unidentified neglect, source and misappropriation of possessions.
Right to make claims to the facility concerning care or treatment that is provided, and disrespect for person or property by the person who is providing services on behalf of the facility.
19) Be proactive and address patient’s concerns cautiously- approach patients complains with an open mind and pay attention to their concerns specifically.
20) When my workmate breach the clinic code of ethics, I would advise him or her to correct the mistake, familiarize with the code of ethics and be careful not to repeat the same mistake.
21) Promotes the health and protection of customers of natural therapy health facilities and traditional medicine.
Acts as promoter for specialists of all disciplines recognized by the association.
22) Reflective practice helps an individual develop well-defined and specific professional plan and influences the perfection of learner achievement through the identifying of truly reliable areas of strengths.
23) The key principle of the Act is provision of nationally consistent and balanced framework to protect safety and health of workers and workplaces.
24) Maintaining knowledge of current issues affecting health care requires one to cautiously evaluate the priorities and needs by use of personal development plan.
25) Crowded housing is identified as one of the major contributing factor to the spread of communicable diseases.
Inadequate housing, higher unemployment, poor education, lack of access to infrastructure and insufficient health education (Prüss?Ustün, et al 2014).
26) Encourage healthy food choices, employees’ needs to take food that will provide natural sources of energy and nutrients that boosts the immune system.
Cultivate a beneficial and health culture in workplace, this can be done through organizing social events outside the office, and avoid harassment and discrimination (Hale, Borys, & Adams, 2015).
27) Fostering effective communication-mutual exchange of information, skills, ideas and showing respect for ones inputs and opinion.
Have an interest in social awareness by valuing customers and co-workers well-being, gaining their confidence and trust.
Transparency in workplace helps in building trust which in turn assist in winning trust from the colleagues and managers.
28) Offer personalized services to the customers. Business and financial success depends on how customers are treated by the service providers.
Know the customers interest and preferences helps to identify their needs and eventually meeting their q requirements.
Badzek, L., Henaghan, M., Turner, M., & Monsen, R. (2013). Ethical, legal, and social issues in the translation of genomics into health care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45(1), 15-24.
Hale, A., Borys, D., & Adams, M. (2015). Safety regulation: the lessons of workplace safety rule management for managing the regulatory burden. Safety science, 71, 112-122.
Idris, M. A., Dollard, M. F., Coward, J., & Dormann, C. (2012). Psychosocial safety climate: Conceptual distinctiveness and effect on job demands and worker psychological health. Safety Science, 50(1), 19-28.
Ones, D. S., & Dilchert, S. (2012). Environmental sustainability at work: A call to action. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(4), 444-466.
Prüss?Ustün, A., Bartram, J., Clasen, T., Colford Jr, J. M., Cumming, O., Curtis, V. & Freeman, M. C. (2014). Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in low?and middle?income settings: a retrospective analysis of data from 145 countries. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19(8), 894-905.
Snelgrove, J. W., Jasudavisius, A. M., Rowe, B. W., Head, E. M., & Bauer, G. R. (2012). “Completely out-at-sea” with “two-gender medicine”: A qualitative analysis of physician-side barriers to providing healthcare for transgender patients. BMC health services research, 12(1), 110.