National Quality Framework: Approval Processes, Responsibilities, And Assessment Preparation
Governance of the NQF and regulatory authorities’ responsibilities
This assessment is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where I have appropriately cited the original source.
If this assessment was based on collaborative/teamwork, as authorised by the trainer, I have not submitted significantly the same final version of any assessment material as another student.
I have not previously submitted this assessment or any part of this assessment for this or any other course/unit.
I have kept a copy of my assessment.
I give permission for my assessment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism.
I have read and understood the information on plagiarism, as stated in the Student Handbook.
The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge that are required for this unit. Use the Learning Resources that the Trainer provides you and also your Trainer to assist you in completing this booklet with accuracy.
This section of the assessment incorporates the unit scope, underpinning knowledge, critical aspects and the appropriate employability skills. This assessment can be given as a self-paced written assessment, administered orally by an assessor or a combination of both. Whichever method is used, the answers to the questions will be recorded on this assessment schedule.
The Student must complete ALL questions correctly. If an answer is not correct, the Assessor must investigate the level of understanding. The Assessor will then document any discussions in the Assessor Box provided at the bottom of each page. If the Assessor asks any additional questions, these will be documented in the Assessor Box and include the Student’s answer.
If the Student does not demonstrate the required underpinning skills and knowledge, then the Student is deemed not yet competent in this unit. Some possible solutions to achieve competence are:
- Any incorrect questions may need to be completed again and re-submitted
- Additional training may be required
- Additional research may be required
To complete this task you will need to access the following readings:
- National Quality Framework Information Sheets, ACECQA.
- Governance Arrangements – Who Will Services Deal With?
- Who do I ask about the NQS?
In relation to governance of the NQF, the primary role of state/territory regulatory authorities is to administer the National Quality Framework. What are the specific responsibilities of the regulatory authorities?
- Granting all approvals, including provider approval, service approval and supervisor certificates
- Assessing and rating services against the National Quality Standard and the National Regulations
- Monitoring and enforcing compliance with the National Law and National Regulations, including receiving and investigating serious incidents and complaints
- In collaboration with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), promoting continuous quality improvement and educating the sector and the broader community about the National Quality Framework
To complete this task you will need to access the following readings:
National Quality Framework Information Sheets, ACECQA.
- Who is covered?
Which services are covered by the NQF?
- long day care services
- outside school hours care services
- preschools (or kindergartens)
- Family day care services (ACECQA, n.d)
How is an ‘education and care service’ defined by the National Law?
Any service providing or intending to provide education and care on a regular basis to children under 13
Approval processes for entities and individuals
years of age other than services specifically excluded by the National Law or National Regulations (ACECQA, n.d)
To complete this task you will need to access the following readings:
- Overview of Approvals
- Service Approvals
Describe the three interrelated approval processes for entities and individuals as determined by the National Law.
- Provider approval, which is nationally recognised and enables providers to apply for one or more service approvals
- Service approval, which authorises an Approved Provider to operate an Approved Service. Note that each Approved Service must have a Nominated Supervisor
- A supervisor certificate, which is a nationally recognised approval that allows a person to be appointed as the Nominated Supervisor for an Approved Service or to be temporarily placed in charge when the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor is absent
To complete this task you will need to access the following readings:
- National Quality Framework Information Sheets, ACECQA.
Certified Supervisors
Nominated Supervisor
a.What role can a person with a supervisor certificate undertake in an approved service?
A person with a supervisor certificate can be:
- the Nominated Supervisor of an Approved Service or
- A Certified Supervisor placed in day-to-day charge of an Approved Service in the absence of
another responsible person (ACECQA, n.d)
What is a QIP? What is the aim of the QIP?
The Quality Implementation Plan is an element that is considered by the Regulatory Authority under
the National Regulations when assessing and rating services.
QIP aims to self-assess the performance of providers in quality delivery of education and care and to
Preparing for an assessment visit
Blue Bay Early Learning Centre is preparing for its first ever assessment visit. The 66 place centre is situated in the outer suburbs of a large city. The centre is 30 years old and is due to undergo major renovations. The outdoor area has recently been completely upgraded to reflect current best practice in relation to a natural play environment.
The centre offers extend hours care for up to 22 children from 7am – 8.30am and 3 pm – 5.30 pm. The remaining children attend between 8.30am – 3pm. The families are mainly middle class, single income with stay-at-home mothers.
Over the week 140 children (2.9 years – 6 years) attend the program. There are 9 educators and 2 trainees:
- 2 EC teachers (Director and Educational Leader – 20 years’ plus experience.
- 4 Diploma ( 7 years’ experience, 5 years’ experience, 2 years’ experience, one new graduate).
- 3 Certificate III (each educator has approximately 12 months experience).
- 2 certificate III trainees.
While all of the educators have contributed to the QIP they are extremely anxious about the impending visit.
To prepare the team for the visit the Director is going to review the service practices in each Quality Area with the educators using the ‘Guide to the National Quality Standard’.
Explain how this strategy will assist in preparing educators for the assessment visit.
This strategy will help prepare the educators by making them aware of the expected standards and by having them to go through the assessment process will expel any fear that may be present in the final assessment.
Additionally, the strategy will enable the educators to spot any mistakes during the review process and make changes accordingly before the actual assessment.
Educators at Blue Bay Early Learning Centre have working hard as a team in preparation for the organisation’s assessment which is due to take place in two weeks. Kate, the Director of the centre, is aware that the team is feeling nervous and stressed. Kate however needs the team to feel confident and calm.
Over the weekend Kate works on a plan to coordinate the site visit by the assessor. Kate knows that over the last three months the team (manager, management and educators) have met regularly in various small groups to collaborate and plan for the assessment. The QIP is now complete and all evidence has been documented. Kate must now focus on assisting the team to understand their role in the assessment and ratings process.
List the strategies that Kate could now put in place to coordinate the service for the assessment site visit and reassure the team (management and educators) that they are ready.
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National
Quality Framework overview. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030565_1581624749_1NQFOverviewACECQAInformationS%20(2).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National
Quality Framework Governance Arrangements – Who Will Services Deal With? Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030566_2090957825_2GovernanceArrangementsInforma%20(2).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Who Is Covered. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030567_1382154127_3WhoisCoveredACECQAInformation%20(2).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Overview of Approvals. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030568_1687282617_4OverviewofApprovalsACECQAInfo%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Service Approval. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030569_1954667839_5ServiceApprovalACECQAInformat%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d).National Quality Framework Provider Approval. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030570_399026597_6ProviderApprovalACECQAInforma%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Nominated Supervisors. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030571_422146499_7NominatedSupervisorsACECQAInf%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Certified Supervisors. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030572_969036494_8CertifiedSupervisorsACECQAInf%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Rating System. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030573_379239449_9NQFRatingSystemACECQAInformat%20(2).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). NationalQuality Framework Assessment and Rating Process. Accessed on March 2018.
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). National Quality Framework Second Tier Review. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030574_893663496_11SecondTierReviewACECQAInform%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). Who Do I Ask About The National Quality Framework? Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Download /2030575_1603145605_12WhodoIaskabouttheNQFACECQAIn%20(1).pdf
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (n.d). Guidelines for applicants – Excellent rating. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030576_2128715955_ACECQAGuidelinesForApplicants-%20(1).pdf PSC National Alliance. (n.d). Stories of Assessment. Accessed on March 2018. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/2030580_1811128893_StoriesofassessmentNationalPSC%20(1).pdf