My Learning Experience Challenges From Childhood To Adulthood

Learning Challenges in School

This is directly based on the issues of my old time when I was a child. I learned to reflect some of the key issues which I had passed in life. They are some of the learning experience challenges which I have gone in the life of experience. I tried to out figure some of a hard time and the soft time I used to pass when I was a child. Some of the challenges are congruently based on some of the issues challenges which I underwent when I was a child to age man. I was introduced to the hard time of my life when I was taken to the school of life. It was all but nothing to think out of it negatively. This is due to some of the facts that, it was the oldest time of the decades and the tenure when no one was ready to think something like school. The school was a form of the punishment to the majority of the things which one could imagined with, when faced with some of the lots of the problems (Jordi, 2011). I grew up to have some of the positive minds about the school and it was like huge dreams which were laid in front of me. Just like the son of the rich folks around us by then, I was taken to school after completion of my grade one. It was a norm for me be taken to the next level so that I could pursue my next level of the grade. Everything was like a dream to me being I thought it would never come to dawn on me one day that I could step up so boldly to the next level after grade one. Due to the uncertainty that I had and some of the ill notion about the school bullying system, I had to try to be a bit hardy in the appearance and in the facial expression. We were introduced and directed to the place to be with the guardian. Just within a half a day, my parent directed me to my colleagues and she had to part away with me. I found the place to be so familiar contrary to what I was being told my co-mates about some of the tricky life as well as cases bullying system which predominated my mind. Little did I know there were several forms of It. The first lesson we had, I had to readjust being no one else could be able to comprehend the exact thing which was being dictated in the class. I took it to be normal since I was not a lone who was complaining about a hard time straining over the notes which wasn’t at the correct form of the dedication. It was true that sometimes life can be hard for those who are not a go-getter (Zubizarreta, 2009).  I learned some of a hard time we had passed with the family together. I used some of these philosophies of my parents as the motivator to gives me real hopes. However, some of the tough moments I do pass. Just within a week, the majority of mates decides to drop due to some of the unconcealed factors. Due to these unrelated issues. I decided to find the escape roots of life. After, it all over my first session of the day which was marked by some of the doubtful events gone as we think of the different situations.

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Perseverance and Endurance in Life

Just like any other grade two students, my mind was tortured fully beyond recognition (Chou, & Chang, 2011).  This was due to some of the issues of the dictations as well as constant threats of pinching here and there. I was almost giving up on the way because of the hardship, I had to persevere so that I could be in apposition to handle some of the stressful. Just a day before my admission in the school I was thinking of the joyriding not expecting some of the difficulties I was preoccupied with just a barely a day on the eve of the admission. I felt like life was a story to me being I did not know this is just some of the simple concepts one had to go through life. I had to swallow most of my pride of not knowing some of the things which I totally presumed to be hard to me so that I could to join some of the hippie generations who had just departed school. Some of those scenarios pain me a lot since the best tribute I opt to pay was to be focused and thorough forget some of the comforts anyone could think out me.

However, I, later on, I learned that I could produce my best. I learned some of my simple abilities. Some of these abilities were comprehension of the topic. This made me be in my own world (Deeley, S. J. (2010). The worst day of my life when I was pursuing my grade one, when I was whipped by my teacher in demand for his assignment which for sure I did not have at that moment. I had to painfully endure for the risk of not calling my parents for some of the misconducts cases of not doing the assignment. Just like before it was not me alone being showed the direct way of life but it was the whole class expect only one guy who later on turns to be a great thief ever. The guy was exceptional in terms of the class work and some of the little activities of the saying the oral poem only off head. Most of the students did so but failed thus we had to nickname the boy the late successor of the Chinua Achebe.  Many of us were thinking of some of the great titles with the boy, later on, he decided to be a great thief ever in some of the countries beyond. The news of his deeds was like as a story within a play of the mind. That is the time I knew the world was not friendly to the human being (Bourke, 2014). Were it not for the desired for the guy to join some of the admirable things which he did not deserve, we could have made a history of the generation lot of the class which made it without making any attempts of dropping out of the school. However, the majority of the classmates made it and certainly we are proud that of all the class, except the boy who made us ashamed of joining some of the gangster due to the last of the money and woes of the world, none of us failed to get the job.

The Role of Teachers in Shaping Lives

Some of the instances of life within a school made me to be weird. This was due consistency of going to school every day as well as trying to make in class hundred per cent. This was some of my worst times and some of the difficult moment of thinking nothing but just chain of the sequential scheduled of the class which I did to come to enjoy despite some of the uncertainty I felt on the way (Black, & Plowright, 2010). Just more routinely, I used to put with some of the situations by putting up some mask of sadness by frowning every day. This was one of the survival techniques of giving out of the fear. More importantly, I learned to be patients with life and apparently to give the best when the exact time comes especially during the eve of the examination. Being it was a do or die situations. Some of these expressions made me have some little bit desired to give back more especially to my teachers (Black, & Plowright, 2010).

As it concludes some of the eventful moment I had passed, most of the important events in my life which sometimes is sparked by a lot of the doubtful moods, I later learned that some of the misfortunes which befell on someone way are the motivators of the real life. Similarly, I also learned that there is nothing like punishment. In the world of life is full of the endurance. That is, one must be ready to persevere and endured in all the cost of the life. More importantly, most of the teacher who constantly making feel weird are the best people sometimes I do celebrate in my life. I have to get rid of some of the world imagination as well as the fantastical situations of the life-based experience on having some of the strong beef towards harsh moments if it bends in my way life I whatever manner.  Back to I learned to respects as well giving back to the respective individuals who have a strong desire to make be someone important in the future (Bourke, 2014).

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