Multi Layered Psychosocial Care Package – Evaluation And Practice

Practice driven evaluation of a multi-layered psychosocial care package for children

Discuss about the Multi Layered Psychosocial Care Package.

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Different but related readings were selected and their nature and purposes explored. The authors and intended audience of all the readings were also identified. The analysis of the main themes was also don in relation to personal experiences and interests. Strengths and possible gaps of the literatures provided were also explored in relation to the issue at hand.

This is a research paper that portrays an evaluation of four conflict affected countries that are hit by a multi-layered psychosocial and mental health care delivery framework. This is achieved through various levels involving multiple filters to the arrival of the last stage(Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R., 2014). The different levels include;

Level 1- the population that I affected by violence

Level 2- children who go to school and are exposed to the consequential risk at hand

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Level 3- children with severe psychosocial problems being divided into sub groups

Level 4- training paraprofessional to take care of the affected children by administering the desired treatment to them.

Level 5- treating children with disorders

This was a technique that was used to select the children with mental and psychosocial disorders and help them out(Alisic, E., Conroy, R., Magyar, J., Babl, F. E., & O’Donnell, M. L., 2014).

This is a project report. This is due to its nature and the fact that it’s a reportshowing the implementation of a given proposal that was insinuated to enhance the improvement of that particular situation ofchildren who were exposed to mental and psychosocial disorders due to violence in their countries.

  • The author is the project manager who ensured the implementation of the project.
  • The donor-in this case it is the PLAN Netherlands since they made funds available for the implementation of the project.
  • The governments of the recipient four countries; where the project was implemented because they had to get a copy of the report afterthe implementation.


Utilization and evaluation of care package

This care package encompasses of five different levels that were used to care for children with mental and psychosocial disorders in the four countries affected by conflicts.

Selection and admittance to varying levels of care

The concerned children who are put in sub groups are examined, and the hugely affected ones are put under the necessary therapy and given the best care until they get better(Hotham, S., Hamilton-West, K. E., Hutton, E., & King, A., 2014).

Treatment related criteria

This includes the result of the treatment, perception of the treatment outcome and the treatment burden. Questionnaires and interviews are conducted for this purpose to come out with a desirable outcome(Okun, B., & Kantrowitz, R., 2014).


The main strength of this reading is that the authors have portrayed the kind of help and service that should be given to children with various disabilities and disorders. They discuss the types of initiatives that should be taken into consideration to ensure that the parties involved get all the care they need.

This is a case study in counseling psychology that tends to improve the informal and embedded ways counseling by the non-qualified practitioners like the nurses, teachers and the social workers. This is brought about by the ability of the service users to open up quickly to them. Research has proved that it is the most significant form of counseling that people receive and so critical resources should be executed so as to enhance the quality of counseling sessions by the practitioners in other fields like education, social work and other professions so as to contribute effectively in the health and well-being of the service providers(Chui, H., Ziemer, K. S., Palma, B., & Hill, C. E. . , 2014).


This is an article that has been published by counseling professionals with vast experience in counseling. It contains counseling skills and knowledge that is relevant to both the service providers and the service users (Hill, C. E., Kline, K., Bauman, V., Brent, T., Breslin, C., Calderon, M., … & Kuo, P. , 2015).The author of this article is John McLeod and Julia McLeod. John McLeod is a psychology professor who is the author of many books and articles in psychotherapy and counseling. Julia McLeod is a counseling lecturer and is co-author of counseling skills. The intended audience of this article is the psychology practitioners, trainers and researchers. The article provides important counseling skills that enhance the quality of counseling sessions and highlighting the challenges to be encountered by the service providers(Chan, F., & Thomas, K. R. (Eds.). , 2015).

Themes: Scope and extent of embedded counseling

Survey research has shown that many people seek emotional support from the non-qualified counseling practitioners like the clergy, nurses and teachers hence they deal with a broad range of emotional problems like marriage problems, stress and inability to perform tasks.

Practitioner’s perspectives on the experience of using counseling skills

The practitioners are normally faced with a variety of challenges in the course of counseling since they deal with a wide range of difficult clients. Furthermore, some clients have difficulty in controlling their tempers and emotions. For this reason it is crucial to possess the counseling skills and the need to be empathetic.

Issues associated with the challenge of responding to expression of emotions

The practitioners find difficulty in responding to the emotional communication of the service users and do not know when exactly to distract. It requires the practitioner to provide a response that will be memorable to the service user and in as much as it will be of help(Greenberg, L. S. . , 2017).

Qualities of helpful and unhelpful embedded counseling conversations

Embedded counseling has been of great importance in portraying the difference between helpful and unhelpful counseling conversations. It is determined by the effectiveness of the counseling session and how useful the client finds the conversation meaningful and helpful in the long run (Wang, 2015).


The reading portrays a major strength of the uses of numerous counseling skills provided by the non-qualified professionals like the teachers, nurses and members of the clergy. The study emphasizes that the public identifies more with the non-qualified staff as they can help them cope with social and emotional issues hence reducing stress.

This is a journal article that was generated as a result of a study involving staff members on working with people with intellectual disabilities before and after bereavement. This was arrived at due to the increased mortality rates and the ageing population. It was therefore realized that their reaction was not any special from those of others and that they did not only suffer the loss of death(Heller, T., Fisher, D., Marks, B., & Hsieh, K. , , 2014).  Consequently staff had positive attitude grieving with people who had intellectual disabilities just like other people. It was still acknowledged that they experienced different post death behavior as well.

Counseling psychology quarterly

This is a journal article that focuses on supporting adults with intellectual disorders during experiences of loss and bereavement through suggestions from staff and training activities. The author of this journal is John McEvoy. The audience includes the adults with intellectual disability as it show them how to deal with bereavements. The staffs of given organizations so that they can be able to go through the training needs and implement them when dealing with people with intellectually disabilities are also an appropriate audience.

Themes: Factors affecting post bereavement adjustment

This encompasses the type of relationship if was so close or not, the type of disability involved and the post death involvement and the pre death involvement which affects the party involved so much if at all there was either of the two.


This involves the role that the family has to play as a result of the loss like communicating to friends and other family members who may not be around, honoring the wishes of the dead if there was any and most importantly the ability to work hand in hand as a team and avoiding unnecessary conflicts that may arise(Beadle?Brown, J., Mansell, J., Ashman, B., Ockenden, J., Iles, R., & Whelton, B., 2014).

Role of staff in supporting the bereaved

Put aside the personal and professional conflicts in time of death so as to help the bereaved overcome the situation with ease and less stress. Engage the individual so that he or she can understand what has happened and give the colleaguemore support.


They have portrayed how the service users find it easy to confide in other practitioners due to their day to day interactions like a teacher and a student or a nurse and a patient other than seeking professional counseling(Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. , 2015). Some gaps can also be identified in cases of non-professional counseling whereby the practitioner is not in real sense but advising. The practitioner finding themselves sympathizing other than empathizing with the service users hence may end up being carried away with emotions especially during communication hence reducing chances of professional support.


I agree with the authors of the above readings since they have done  a significant work in the field of psychosocial counseling impacting positively on the service users at no cost and providing relevant information to the service users on how to deal with some special cases in that field. They have also given a basis of counseling skills and relevant trainings that are applicable in different mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities.

Alisic, E., Conroy, R., Magyar, J., Babl, F. E., & O’Donnell, M. L. . (2014). Psychosocial care for seriously injured children and their families: A qualitative study among Emergency Department nurses and physicians. . Injury,, 45(9), 1452-1458.

Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. . (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners. .

Beadle?Brown, J., Mansell, J., Ashman, B., Ockenden, J., Iles, R., & Whelton, B. (2014). . Practice leadership and active support in residential services for people with intellectual disabilities: an exploratory study. Journal of intellectual disability reserach, 58(9), 838-850.

Chan, F., & Thomas, K. R. (Eds.). . (2015). Counseling theories and techniques for rehabilitation and mental health professionals. .Springer Publishing Company.

Chui, H., Ziemer, K. S., Palma, B., & Hill, C. E. . . (2014). Peer relationships in counseling psychology training.,. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 27(2), 127-153.

Greenberg, L. S. . . (2017). Emotion-focused therapy of depression. . Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, , 1-12.

Heller, T., Fisher, D., Marks, B., & Hsieh, K. , . (2014). . Interventions to promote health: crossing networks of intellectual and developmental disabilities and aging. . Disability and health journal, 7(1), S24-S32.

Hill, C. E., Kline, K., Bauman, V., Brent, T., Breslin, C., Calderon, M., … & Kuo, P. . (2015). What’s it all about? A qualitative study of meaning in life for counseling psychology doctoral students. Counselling Psychology Quarterly,, 28(1), 1-26.

Hotham, S., Hamilton-West, K. E., Hutton, E., & King, A. . (2014). An evaluation of a postural care training package: Improving self-efficacy in parents and teachers who care for a physically disabled child.

Okun, B., & Kantrowitz, R. . (2014). Effective helping: Interviewing and counseling techniques. . Nelson Education.

Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. . (2014). Tough kids, cool counseling: User-friendly approaches with challenging youth. . John Wiley & Sons.

Wang, K. T. (2015). Research design in counseling. . Nelson Education.

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