Motivation Theories, Leadership Style, Delegation, Change Management, Planning, And Control In Simunovich Olive Estate

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory for Motivation in Simunovich Olive Estate

The two different theories of motivation which have been selected for the purpose of this assignment are the theories of Herzberg’s Two factor theory and the Maslow`s Hierarchical needs theory.

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Motivation is considered to be an essential part of the organization and it is for this purpose that it is important for the firm to motivate its employees regularly which will then assist them in ensuring that the firm will prosper as the employees will work hard. Hence, in order to ensure that the different employees at the Simunovich Olive Estate are successful, the Herzberg`s Two factory theory can be taken for discussion. The theory comprises of two basic factors which are the Motivational factors and the Hygiene factors (Robbins & Judge,  2014). The absence of the hygiene factors leads to the dissatisfaction of the employees because the different employees prefer to have the basic amenities even though they do not necessarily like to appreciate it. On the other hand, Herzberg`s mentioned that there existed a set of Motivational factors which then help in increasing the morale of the employees and are known as the satisfiers(Scarborough,  Zimmerer & Naumes, 1996).  

For the Simunovich Olive Estate, this theory can be essentially employed in order to motivate the different members of the firm. The basic amenities which are present in the workplace like health and safety, proper task allocation, working hours and the other such operational factors are improved so that it does not dissatisfy the employees. In addition to this, the managers at Simunovich Olive Estate need to ensure that they perform general HRM practices like the performance appraisal, engagement of employees in the different decisions and other related factors like a good pay which will ensure that its employees are able to perform for the better image of the estate.

The second motivational theory which needs to be discussed is the Maslow`s hierarchy theory. The Maslow’s theory states that every individual has five levels of needs and it thereby stands the duty of the organization to ensure that it is successfully able to fulfill the five needs. These five needs are the needs like physiological, safety needs, social belonging needs, needs related to esteem and the self-actualization needs. These needs increase in their order and need to be fulfilled accordingly. Hence, in relation to Simunovich Olive Estate it is important to understand that it lies the duty of the firm to engage in the fulfillment of the needs of the employees and ensure that the transcend considerable. Hence, with respect to this the organization needs to ensure that the physiological needs of proper infrastructure, food and other needs are fulfilled (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 2017). Moreover with respect to the safety needs, the employees need to be provided with a sense of security which can be referred to as the job security in order to ensure long term success. Moreover, they need to be provided with social belonging needs as well whereby the employees need to provide with engagement and decision making autonomy. The esteem needs will be fulfilled when the management of Simunovich Olive Estate will be able to fulfill the status needs of the employees and engage in continuous promotion so as to ensure considerable success (Herzberg, 2017).   Lastly, the self-actualization needs of the employees can be fulfilled when all the earlier needs are fulfilled and the managers need to ensure that they are able to provide all the support to the employees.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Application in Simunovich Olive Estate

Leadership can be considered to be a crucial part of the organization and any firm which aims to ensure long term success needs to see to it that it is successfully able to implement the correct style of leadership which will then help in ensuring that the management is able to manage its employees in a manner such that it would reflect on the performance of the firm.

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The leadership style which can be used to describe the leadership which takes place at the Simunovich Olive Estate which is managed by the Simunovich family can be stated to be democratic in nature. The democratic leadership can be essentially stated to be the leadership style whereby the different employees are successfully able to engage in the discussion with the different members of the organization and allow them to take part in the different organizational decisions (Northouse, 2018). The family although controls the leadership of the firm but encourages in a healthy participation with the different employees whereby they seek to ensure that creativity can be fostered in the long run and the firm is successfully able to present a creative offering to the different customers at large.  This has reflected that the employee is able to engage in a higher quality of work and the decision making has prospered successfully whereby all the employees are made to feel a part of the organization and this can be observed from the overall success of the company in this domain.

A charismatic leadership can be described as a leadership method whereby the leader encourages a positive behavior from the different members of the firm as present. This encouraging behavior is carried out by the means of communication, persuasion as well as the force of personality. These types of leaders are successfully able to have an influence on the different employees by the means of force of their personality and by simply the way they carry themselves in an eloquent manner (Wagner III & Hollenbeck, 2014).  In addition to this, the charismatic leaders conjure the engagement of the different employees by reflecting their eagerness which thereby assists the firm in performing adequately. This leadership style can be said to be a form of heroism which influences the different organizational members to perform considerably well. The different characteristics of an effective charismatic leader are as follows:

  • Good communicators: The charismatic leaders are deemed to be good communicators who are required to essentially use their charisma and effectively communicate with the members of the organization.
  • Dissect and decipher information: In addition to this, they have the ability to dissect and decipher the information effectively. This will then ensure that they are able to engage in effective relationships with all (Zimmerer & Scarboroug, 2005). 
  • Intelligent and influential: In addition to this, the different leaders need to be intelligent and influential as will which will then assist in ensuring their long term success.

Ivan Simunovich has shown considerable charismatic leadership traits at various times. He is an eloquent speaker which proves that his communication skills are good. In addition to this, the leader is influential as well who is consistently able to engage the different employees effectively. Lastly, they have the ability to decipher information as well and use the information to their success which has gone a long way in assisting them to bring about the overall welfare of the firm.

Democratic Leadership Style in Simunovich Olive Estate

The delegation in case of the given Simunovich Olive Estate organization can be done and used when the organization receives a big contract in lieu of their products or in lieu of the particular restaurant which they own (Noe et al., 2006). In such a scenario, the different members of the firm must be given adequate autonomy and need to be allowed to take effective decisions on their own. The delegation process can be applied as follows:

  1. The needs of the situation need to be analyzed at first: This shall assist in ensuring that the organization will be successfully able to engage in the right actions.
  2. This needs will be followed by the exploration of the different options available: The different options as available to the firm need to be accessed.
  3. The entire procedure needs to be documented: The entire procedure of documentation needs to be followed.
  4. The plan needs to be formed: The delegation and assessment plan needs to be formed adequately (Nicholls, 2017).
  5. Communication by the means of technology needs to be done: Lastly, the modern means of technology needs to be used in order to effectively communicate the delegation.

Lastly, it becomes crucial to cultivate trust among the employees which will ensure success.

Change can be considered to be an essential part of the organization and in order to ensure long term success it needs to be considered that all organizations need to undergo a change which will help them in innovating their various procedures and processes (Miner, 2015).  Hence, with respect to this, the change can be brought about in the packaging of the products of Simunovich Olive Estate along with considerable changes in their supply change. The change management procedure will be done with the help of Lewin`s change model

  1. Unfreeze: In the first process, the management first needs to unfreeze the particular change which takes place in the organization and help the different members of the firm to let go of their old ways.
  2. Change: It is in this step that the different member of the organization will actually undergo the specific change procedure will will then help them to adopt the new measures (Mariotti & Glackin, 2015).
  3. Refreeze: lastly, Simunovich Olive Estate will be required to ensure that their new process is undertaken and accepted throughout the firm.

The white waters metaphor in regard to the change phenomenon can be essentially described as the procedure of change whereby the organization is often assumed as a small raft which is navigating in a river which has a rage with uninterrupted white water rapids. This aims to reflect that the change which takes place needs to be a continuous procedure and in a natural phase which means that as the external business environment is very dynamic in nature, the different managers are faced by barriers which then effect the overall performance of the firm and hence, instead of handling the change as a separate process, it needs to be considered as a continuous process (Luthans, Luthans & Luthans, 2015).  Hence, like in case of the Simunovich Olive Estate the change needs to be brought about in the process of the strategies related to the technology used, manner of communication within the firm, structure of the firm and the manner in which the employees are handled at large.

Very often the change which takes place in the organization is initiated by a set of external factors which will then help in deciding the particular change which is required to take place in the firm. The change in the organization of Simunovich Olive Estate, there have been several changes like the use of technology for communication and structure. This change has been initiated by the following external forces like:

  1. The competition present: The competition which exists in the external environment has prevailed the change to take place (Longenecker et al., 1987). In this way the estate began to give stress to the delegation of work and increased the tourist activities on the estate.
  2. The changing technological environment: The technological environment has also gone a considerable change which has had an influence on Simunovich Olive Estate. Using this, the firm has made of use of a management information system as well.

Charismatic Leadership Style in Simunovich Olive Estate

Although change is considered to be a crucial part of the organization, there are several barriers to change which might arise for Simunovich Olive Estate and then they would be requiring certain strategies in order to overcome the particular which takes place in the firm. The different strategies which the manager can adopt are given as follows:

  1. Maintenance of clear communication

Change can be considered to be a difficult procedure and it thereby becomes important that the organization ensures that it is able to engage in successful communication with the different organizational managers so as to ensure successful implementation of change.

  1. Ensuring employee engagement:

The different employees as present in the firm need to be engaged effectively which shall then ensure success (Jauch & Glueck, 1988). For instance, in lieu of bringing about a change in the workplace, the different managers at Simunovich Olive Estate ensured that the employees need to be involved in the change which was in regard to the supply chain of the firm

The area where Simunovich Olive Estate would be required to incur planning will be the Human resource management. Over some years, the firm has been experiencing a high turnover rate and with respect to this, the firm would prefer engaging in a human resource planning process (Lepper & Greene, 2015). The planning process of Human resource management for Simunovich Olive Estate can be stated to be as follows:

Assessing the current Human resource capacity

In this step, Simunovich Olive Estate will be able to assess the present capacity of the organization in this respect and will help in the identification of whether the human resource is enough for the firm or not.

Focusing on the HR requirements

The next planning process is that they focus on the HR requirements of the firm and the employees as needed (Ishikawa, 1985). 

Gap analysis

 The GAP needs to be analyzed which will then help in understanding the task in hand.

Development of strategies

  Simunovich Olive Estate would then be required to develop adequate strategies which will help in ensuring that the firm is able to solve its HRM program.

Operational Planning can be stated to be a procedure of planning for the strategic goals of the organization and forming objectives in order to achieve the tactical goals of the organization and seeing to it that in order to achieve the long term objective of the firm, the organization is able to ensure that it will be carrying out its tactical operations successfully (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014). The operational planning procedure for the Simunovich Olive Estate could be in regard to the staffing requirements, the overall stocking requirements and the general management of the estate at large.

On the other hand, strategic planning can be stated to be an organizational management activity which seeks to prioritize, focus the different resources of the firm and strengthen the resources in order to ensure that the overall goal of the organization can be achieved at large and the future of the firm becomes secure in nature (Herzberg, 2017).   The strategic planning can be considered to be an activity which is engaged in ensuring whether the organization has been successful and considerable progress can be made or not. In case of Simunovich Olive Estate, the strategic planning can be if they want to expand their operations or extend their product line offering.

The strategic planning procedure comprises of the following steps:

  1. Analysis of assessment whereby the analysis of the current and external environment is developed.
  2. The strategy needs to be formed which forms the needs of the organization
  3. The strategy is executed which assists in ensuring long term success (Davis & Frederick, 1984).
  4. Lastly, the evaluation of the strategy needs to be done.

Hence, in order to carry out the process of strategic planning, the SWOT analysis can be made use of. The SWOT analysis will assist in ensuring that the  Simunovich Olive Estate becomes aware of the different strengths as well as weaknesses associated with the business and along with this, assess the opportunities as well as threats in the external environment so that proper plans can be formulated.

The area where the business is required to ensure that it is able to improve upon its operations are as follows:

The human resource management area. When the firm wants to ensure that it would like to control the different operations, it would be required to ensure that the management of staff is controlled at large.

  1. Planning: Assessing the hrm planning process to ensure sufficient staff is present in the estate (Burns & Dewhurst, 2016). 
  2. Monitoring and assessment: The monitoring of the planning procedure needs to take place to be sure that the control process is going well.
  3. Assessment of results: Lastly, the result needs to be assessed which is the end of the HRM procedure.
  4. Revising: If any changes exist, it needs to be revised.

The concurrent control type can be described as the control type which takes place as an ongoing procedure and helps the firm to assess the performance while it is being held. This type of concurrent assessment can take place in the case of the management of the restaurant at the estate (Afuah, 2004).  On the other hand, the Feedforward assessment can be described as an assessment whereby the control is in the form of the preventive measures which have to be taken before the task is performed at large. This can be used in order to ensure that the different products as provided by the firm can be controlled and the right product is delivered at the right place and at the right time.


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