Motivation And Work Efficiency For Productivity: A Study

Literature review

Discuss about the Motivation and Work Efficiency for Productivity.

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Motivational techniques have become one of the most powerful weapons of the managers in handling the productivity of the employees. A manager who is being able to correctly motivate his employee will be able to churn out better productivity from him by directly enhancing his efficiency in work. A highly efficient employee will be able to surpass the organizational objectives much more easily and with greater enthusiasm. Therefore researchers nowadays are of the opinion that managers who use motivational techniques help to develop the skills and knowledge of the workers and thereby increase their efficiency by which better quality of work is produced long with higher productivity (Trepanier, Fernet and Austin 2015). In the present article, the author had also supported the view and has given a thesis statement that managers need to use the proper motivational tool to the correct category of employee so that they can increase the efficiency and bring out the best output from the employees in the organization . The essay will first find out the strength and weakness of the study. It will then provide a personalized view of the study which will then be followed by supportive statements from other article journals provided by eminent researchers.

The main thesis statement which is identified in the present article is that motivation provides greater chance of developing the efficiency of work by the employers and mangers should also use different types of motivational tools according to the particular category of the employees so that each can bring out the best outcomes in reaching high productivity.

The main strength which is identified in the article is that the author had created a very good background for the entire study which develops clear description to the reader and also helps them to understand the main rationale behind writing the paper. Moreover the author had chosen a very interesting topic of discussion as the paper would help a large number of managers to correctly assess their employees and thereby develop motivational tools for them so that they can also increase the productivity in the organization. The author had first started the literature review with the meaning of the word efficiency and how it has been perceived over the years in workplace. They have done extensive research for this paper and the definitions given by different authors on the term of efficiency is the proof behind them. Secondly after giving information about the term efficiency to the readers, the authors have moved to linking the term of motivation with efficiency and by step by step procedure they have wonderfully linked the terms together showing the reader about how motivation can develop efficiency and productivity at work place. They have established the benefit of the motivation on development of efficiency in the employees and thereby help the budding managers to develop an understanding of the benefits they can themselves get in the organization so that they can use the right motivational perspectives. They have provided the benefits also in bullet manner for easy jotting down of the important points for benefits that the managers can get. A very good feature that had been observed in the paper is that they have provided information about the different theories that help to understand the requirements of the different employees and then establishing a connection of the importance of motivation with each of the theories so that a strong base is provided to the readers about how motivation is helping to manage the theoretical basis if the needs of employees (Olafsen et al. 2015). Moreover, it is also seen that the author had been particular in his approach and thereby had provided short description of each of the theory within brackets so that the readers do not face difficulty if they are unaware of the theories. The authors have also provided information of different types of motivational techniques which had been used over the years so that in order to make the readers understand how different techniques like intimidation, identifying with the occupation as well as institution, punishment as well as rewards, competition and reward are helping mangers over the world in increasing efficiency of the workers. Moreover this paper will extremely helpful for the mangers to develop an idea about how they should behave in a way which would help them to increase the efficiency among the workers. Different types of behaviors that are mentioned by the authors are like helping to express their concerns, listening to them with attentive ear, behaving with them with warmth and others. The budding managers will be benefitted from this discussion as they can modify their behaviors accordingly so that they can motivate the workers more for better productivity. Therefore the entire section has been the strength of the paper as it had helped the readers to gradually develop an idea about the importance of motivation and also helped them to understand the different motivation technique, helpful behaviors and others which had helped readers to understand the importance of motivation in present day workplace. 

Strengths of the study

The first weakness of the paper that has been identified is that the paper lacks a discussion part. Discussion part is very necessary after finding the results so that the author can make the readers understand the significance of the findings and how it can help them gather knowledge on a particular topic (Samnani and Singh 2014). Secondly, it is seen that the tests that they have selected for the statistical analysis have been represented in a complicated manner making it difficult for the readers to develop an idea. It I seen that they have categorized the motivation tool into three types but they have not mentioned exactly what kind of motivational is exactly made by the tools. Moreover, they have used in separate categories if employees like based on the age, income, education level and many others. They have made the calculation section extensive which is making the reader confused about what to expect from the statistical analysis. Moreover it is also seen that in the conclusion part written by the author is not serving its purpose. In the conclusion part, they had written the results of the research but they have not concluded the information obtained from the research. They have just suggested that a particular tool is having better effect on a particular category of employees but they have not discussed the rationale or the effects of the result properly or how the result could help us. They should have clearly provided a discussion part and also a concluding part in order to shape up the information collected from the study which would have helped to satisfy the knowledge of the readers who are going through the paper (Sterling and Bixall 2013). Moreover another negative aspect which was also identified that the language used by the writer while describing the results are formed of lengthy sentences and are confusing to the readers as lot of information seem to gather up together which is resulting including the clear picture of the study. Difficult statement like “Similarly, it has been observed that, the psycho-social tools motivation level of the low income segment is validly high in terms of statistics than the high income segment and the organizational & managerial tools motivation level of the middle income segment is validly high in terms of statistics than the high income segment. It is easier for the low income segment to accept and be motivated by the present motivation tools and opportunities, than of the high income segment” makes the understanding difficult. This should have been providing in a tabular part which would have helped the leaders in developing a clear scenario of the work (Njorge et al. 2014).

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Weaknesses of the study

Although the article has certain positive as well as negative points, but my personal opinion is that the article would be extremely helpful for managers who would be trying to influence his employees for better productivity. Moreover, motivation is indeed a very good method for increasing the efficiency and workplace and it is personally believed that a manger that motivates his people will always have a higher advantage not only for increasing efficiency and productivity but also in developing a wonderful work place environment (Deci and Ryan 2014). This environment will continuously urge the employees to try their best to meet the organizational goals and objectives and will also help them to maintain a teamwork among themselves which will in turn bring the best outcome (Lazaroiu 2015). So I personally feel that this article which is highlighting the different motivational tools’ importance in different categories of employees will be helpful to a wide range of budding managers.

An article which was published in the European Journal of Business and Management in the year 2014 by Shahzadi et al. also described the impact of employee motivation on employee performance. The author had stated that employee motivation is considered as a driving force which helps in driving the employees towards attaining specific goals as well as objectives of the organization. They have found significant relationship between employee motivation and employee performance by regression analysis. They have also found out that intrinsic rewards have positive relationship with employee motivation and performance. This study also suggested that employee perceived training effectiveness to have negative relation with motivation.  Osabiya and Joseph had published a paper in the year 2015, which states that workers who are motivated has a higher sense of belonging, achievement and recognition. If the workers of an organization are encouraged by motivation, they would be striving to make sure that they would identify with the organization. As they would be highly motivated, they would be performing functions which would be characterized by better sense of responsibility, efficiency and humility. Seminars, workshops, periodic performance reviews and basing recognition upon systematic evaluation all help in motivating workers. Form the publication of the work of Ackah in 2014, theories of motivation were studied in the industry of the regions of Ghana. Several theories have been discussed to understand what might affect motivation. The work showed that motivated employees are more satisfied with their jobs and are less likely to resign forms their jobs in comparison to those who are not motivated. Managers are requested to understand what form of motivation excites the employees and also learn the different need theories to understand them to increase job performance.


The paper is indeed important as it is providing a very important message to the budding mangers and enthusiastic readers. The paper suggests that managers should try tout different motivational tools to motivate employees which will in turn develop efficiency and performance of the workers. They also help to keep the workers satisfied which make them comply with the organization’s objective. All these result in higher productivity. However different tools have different motivational effect on the workers and therefore managers should develop knowledge on the categories of employees and then apply their motivational tools for the best productivity.


Ackah, D., 2015. The impact of motivation on employee performance in the manufacturing industry in Ghana. Global Journal of Management Studies and Researches, 1(5), pp.291-310.

Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M., 2014. The importance of universal psychological needs for understanding motivation in the workplace. The Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and self-determination theory, pp.13-32.

Lazaroiu, G., 2015. Employee Motivation and Job Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, p.97.

Njoroge, C.N. and Yazdanifard, R., 2014. The impact of social and emotional intelligence on employee motivation in a multigenerational workplace. Global Journal of Management And Business Research.

Olafsen, A.H., Halvari, H., Forest, J. and Deci, E.L., 2015. Show them the money? The role of pay, managerial need support, and justice in a self?determination theory model of intrinsic work motivation. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(4), pp.447-457.

Osabiya, B.J., 2015. The effect of employees motivation on organizational performance. Journal of public administration and policy research, 7(4), pp.62-75.

Samnani, A.K. and Singh, P., 2014. Performance-enhancing compensation practices and employee productivity: The role of workplace bullying. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), pp.5-16.

Shahzadi, I., Javed, A., Pirzada, S.S., Nasreen, S. and Khanam, F., 2014. Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance.

Sterling, A. and Boxall, P., 2013. Lean production, employee learning and workplace outcomes: a case analysis through the ability?motivation?opportunity framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 23(3), pp.227-240.

Trépanier, S.G., Fernet, C. and Austin, S., 2015. A longitudinal investigation of workplace bullying, basic need satisfaction, and employee functioning. Journal of occupational health psychology, 20(1), p.105.

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