Motivating Individuals And Teams To Meet Organisational Objectives – Importance Of Work Motivation, Effective Leadership, And Team Development – Examples From Google
Importance of work motivation in the work team
From years motivation has played a very important role right from war situations to the establishment of business administrations. Motivation is actually a kind of energy which can trigger positive energy in even difficult situations where an individual has almost lost any hope to succeed (Wright and Pandey, 2008, 502-521). For suppose if 50% of the employees have decided to work extra for one day without extra pay, can any organization even imagine about this. This has happened in the Google organization only by considering motivation as a trigger tool. It shows the significance of motivation in this dynamic business world. For any organization, employees are always considered as one of the most critical assets and so it becomes very important for any organization to keep them always in motivating work environment (Christensen and Wright, 2011, 723-743).
Work motivation is actually a process that helps the organization in imitating and maintaining a positive direction goal through energizing the mindset of employees and by offering a work environment which is free from negative vibes. According to the Google organization work team is actually a cluster of employees that work together on a task ineffective as well as efficient manner (Johnson, Chang and Yang, 2010, 226-245). They usually support each other through their different skills which are present in each member of the group. Every group or team and even an individual has to face up and downs in their professional life which can create an environment of negativity when a failure situation comes. Hence, it becomes very important for Google organization to keep motivating their employees in order to make them think positively which helps the employees in reshaping their decision in order to attain success and keep themselves away from all the negative vibes which can impact their work efficiency (Wong, Gardiner, Lang and Coulon, 2008, 878-890).
In an organization like Google, every single process of leadership is being connected to the factors that help in motivating, guiding and inspiring at each level of the organization. It has been found that employees seek motivation from their leader usually in two forms either related to their position or due to the respect which they have earned during their stay with the company. Effective leadership is considered as the lifeline of any business because it offers the necessary direction to the organization in this dynamic world (Yukl, 2012, 66-85). In the case of Google organization, it not only performs the role of guider but also carry out many important roles which ensure the sustainability of their Business operation. In Google organization, every leader shares various attributes which makes them very successful in their business decisions.
Leader in the Google organization are always ready to play the role of the leader because this role helps in providing necessary direction to the performance of the employees by offering them necessary mentoring in case of any problem both in professional as well as personal life in order to provide the employees home-like environment (Anderson, Krajewski, Goffin and Jackson, 2008, 595-608). Leaders in Google organization believes that it not only important to just distribute work among the team but it is also important to empower the team by offering them the authority to take the necessary decision by their own without taking permission from the leader. This actually helps the team to boot self-confidence and helps in forming a trustable relation with the organization which decreases the employee turnover ratio.
Attributes of effective leadership
As per Google Leadership, no employee wants to work for a lazy boss, so the leader must act as a proactive employee of the organization by displaying her/him as one of the role models of the organization in the eyes of the employees because a leader can only expect the best output from their employees only if their own performance is outstanding.
Leaders of this organization believe that a leader must be a good communicator because this business world actually works on the right delivery of messages (Jansen, George, Van den Bosch, and Volberda, 2008, 982-1007). If a leader is not able to communicate what is in his/her mind, then the leader will not be able to convince their employees to work in a particular pattern in order to increase its performance.
Another important attribute in leaders of this organization is that they fully support employee’s career development because they believe that these are the important assets of the organization and it is not easy to copy them (Riggio and Reichard, 2008, 169-185). Every person working in any kind of organization always looks for their career growth and if the person does not found enough exposure related to their growth then they will surely leave the organization which will impact the sustainability of the organization because organization spends a lot of money and time for the training of these employees and if they will leave the organization then it will be the loss of the organization in both the forms.
This organization believes that team development actually is a mean of building connections among the employees by supporting diversity; it helps in forming a trusted environment by getting aware of the strength and weakness of each other. The team has the necessary potential to complete any challenging task on time by utilizing the multi-skill capability of the team members.
The group helps in offering the fulfillment of the gap which managers lack. Groups help in solving all the complex problems which are not possible for any individual to solve while team provides the necessary motivation by offering positive energy and energize the team members to work on the particular direction (Schyns and Schilling, 2011, 141-150). The team helps the employee to understand each other’s shortcomings so that they can work on it and transform it into the strength of the organization.
In order to perform effectively every team member must be aware about their role in order to avoid any kind of confusion regarding the distribution of work because it saves a lot of time and as per the study it has been seen that many organization failed in forming an effective team because team members were not aware of their particular role and got confused related to the objectives.
Google is an organization where every employee plays important role in the cultural formation but at the last, it is the leader that can maintain it or can break it because their choices have a great impact on staff recruitment, appointment, and outcome that can alter the performance of the whole organization (Yukl, 2008, 708-722). It is believed that every human being is the difference and so their way of motivation should be also different. Hence it becomes very important for any leader to understand the ways of motivating their employees like some may get motivated through money, some may be through recognition and some may through gifts. Also, the leader must focus on the satisfaction level of the employees from the task because many time employees will not speak up about their dissatisfaction regarding the job due to their situation. Hence, it becomes the duty of the leader to find out the level of dissatisfaction in their employees time to time before this will reach to heights through understanding their behavior change because an individual has a capability of hiding every expect their behavior which is not easy to control (Huey Yiing and Zaman Bin Ahmad, 2009, 53-86). In Google, leaders maintain one-directional behavioral culture which helps them to understand stand any kind of change within this framework and a leader can take necessary actions before it is too late. There are many issues related to employee motivation but Google put their full efforts to avoid these kinds of issues like Google always maintain a positive environment around their workplace so that employee will not lose confidence because of challenges in their work. Leaders always maintain a structure pattern by which employee may not feel that they do not have a leadership culture by offering various opportunities to achieve a higher position through their performance.
Influence of leadership on an organization’s culture
Here, leaders try to maintain a cooperative culture to avoid the evil thinking of every person for himself, in fact, they believe in working together winning together. In Google, leaders try to maintain open culture in which there is no formation of in-group and out-group in the organization which actually impacts the motivation of the employees because employees believes that the employees which are in in-group have more opportunities than in outer-group and are more close to leaders as compared to inner group (Voon, Lo, Ngui and Ayob, 2011, 24-32). As per LMX theory, every organization operating in this business world includes these two groups and the person in the inner group shares more benefits as compared to those in the outer group and even leaders feel that people in inner group shares same character and are more convenient to participant in decision making. In Google, leaders from the structure the pattern of the task in such a way that it will not impact the balance between employees personal and professional life which happen to be one of the most important factors which result in creating a barrier in the motivation factor of the employees.
Leaders in this organization help in creating a believe culture by which they convey a purpose in which each employee of the organization has a motive of increasing their performance which will be helpful for both organizations as well as for employees. For the organization, it will help in creating positive output and for employees, it provides the opportunity to explore their capability in full potential and transform them into future competency (Oke, Munshi and Walumbwa, 2009, 64-72). Leaders of this organization always try to maintain a learning culture because they believe that a person learns throughout their lifetime and must keep on learning in order to gain future expertise along with cross-cultural learning because the organization is working on global operations and have employees from all over the world. Hence, it becomes essential to understand the culture, values, believes the body languages of foreign countries.
Due to globalization, the present business world has totally changed and it is becoming more and more competitive to operate in this environment. Hence, the organization must put their full efforts in the form of group and team formation to keep on developing necessary competency which will help the organization in gaining the necessary advantage over other organization in the market. It has been found out that employees form the most important asset of any organization and hence it becomes important for organizations to keep their employees motivated in terms of job, work culture, employee-employee relation and avoid the happens of conflicts inside the team or group. The employees are always searching for that leadership that can provide them the challenging task which helps them in exploring their full potential to attain necessary future competency and career growth.
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