Monthly Mobile Phone Bill For Australians

Differences in Monthly Bills Based on Gender

Discuss about the Analysis of Smart Mobile Phone Usage in Australia.

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On average, Australians use 67.75 dollars on a mobile phone per month and this value deviates from the true average of monthly mobile usage by 2.55 dollars. Therefore, the average amount of money Australian might spent on mobile smart mobile phones might vary with the range of 2.55 dollars. The amounts spent by Australians on smart mobile phones are not equally distributed around the mean, hence making the median a better measure of the central value for the data. The arithmetic mean is slightly greater than the median value, showing that higher values of monthly mobiles usages are above the median amount. The highest amount spent monthly on the smart mobile phone based on the sample is 216 dollar and expenditure of 11 dollars.

I first extracted the monthly bill for tribe categories which includes the three most common – which includes Achievers, independents and Suburban Splendour. Within the dataset, 28 were Achievers, 25 independents, and 27 were Suburban Splendour. On average, the Achievers spend 71.39 dollars, 69.88 dollars for the Independents and 71.85 dollars for the Suburban Splendour. These three average are close together between the three major categories. Using an ANOVA test for equality of monthly expenditure for smart mobile phones among the three categories, it was found that the averages were significantly different. The test produced an F statistic of 365.34 which is greater than the F critical value of 3.9. As a result, we reject a hypothesis that the differences in monthly expenditure on the smart mobile phone between the three categories are not different from zero. We conclude that at least one group has a significantly different average amount spent per month on smart mobile phones. Based on the average values of the three categories, we can conclude that Independents are significantly different from the others.

All the categorical variables were used to determine the average monthly bill for the smart mobile phone owners in Australia. The male user of smart mobile phones spends less on average on their mobiles phones per month.  The females spent $70.58 and males spent $64.72 on average. Western Australia spent the highest amounts on the mobile smart mobile phone per month with an average of $80.6 followed by Australian Capital Territory ($74.40), then Victoria State with an average of $72.66. Queensland spends the least amounts per month smart mobile phones with an average of $55.67, then Tasmania with an average of $60.20. After analysing the monthly expenditure by Geo Tribes, it was found that Rokafella spends the highest amounts on average on their smart mobile phones per month. True Blue followed with an average of $75.20, then Debtstars with an average of $74.25. Slender Means spends the least amounts of money per month on their smart mobile phones with an average of $33.50, followed by Twixters with an average of $38.20. Among the three main Geo Tribes, Suburban Splendour ($71.85) spend the highest amounts on average followed by Achievers ($71.39) and then Independents ($69.88).

Location-based Differences in Monthly Bills

Individuals who own tablets spend ($72.02) more on their mobile phones compared to their counterpart who do not have a tablet ($57.44). Australians who use their smart mobile phones for payments spend $70.25, while those who do not spend an average of 59.39. Those using post-paid plans spend almost double compared to those who use pre-paid or otherwise with an average of $70.06 for the post-paid and $38 for pre-paid. Surprisingly, people using their smart mobile phones to make purchases online spend slightly lower on their phones compared to the others. Similarly, individuals using their phones for online social networking spend less ($66.23) compared to their counterparts who do not use their smart mobile phone for social networking ($72.31).  On average, individuals who listen to music, watch videos and Movies ($78.45) spend more money per month on their mobile smartphones compared to those who play games ($70.41) and those who use and read eBooks online as modes of entertainment. Individuals using checking on maps and navigation as a mode of entertainment using their mobile phone spend the least amounts ($53.17) per month followed by those who use other ($53.33) modes of entertainment on their smart mobile phones.

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Based on the satisfaction levels of the Australians on the Service Providers, those who were very satisfied ($61.89) spend less compared to those who had little satisfaction ($61.89) on average.  Unexpectedly, individuals who were most dissatisfied with their service providers spend the highest amounts on average for their smart mobile phones with an average of $88.58 followed by those with moderate satisfaction ($69.14). Those who were most dissatisfied and those with little dissatisfaction on their plans spend the highest amounts on their smart mobile phones with averages of $87.11 and $74.26 respectively. Those who were moderately and highly satisfied spend fewer amounts on the smart mobile phones per month compared to those who were dissatisfied. Therefore, we can conclude that the expenditure on mobile phones was higher for individuals who were dissatisfied with their plans compared to those who were satisfied, which is similar to the expenditure of the satisfaction levels with the service provider. Further, as the number of MMS an individual sends, the average amount of spend on the smart mobile phone per month.

72% of males and 80% of females use their smart mobile phones to make payments. 89% and 47% of those who own tablets and those who do not respectively use their phones to make payments. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a significant difference in proportions of those who make payments using their smart mobile phones between those with and without. Based on the Geo tribes, 100% of the Grey Power, Rokafella, and True blue use their smart mobile phones to make payments. Of the major Geo Tribes, 92%, 81.48% and 75% of the Suburban Splendour, Independents and Achievers use their phones to make payments. 78% and 70% of the mobile smartphone users who were using post-paid and those on other payment plans respectively were using their phones for payment. Similarly, 79.71% of those using their smartphones to make an online purchase also used them to make payments compared with 72.84% of those who were not using their phones for online purchase. 76.52% of those using their phones for social networking was used their phones to make payments compared with 74.29% those who did not.

Differences in Monthly Bills Based on Geo Tribes

100% of the residents of Australian Capital Territory used their smart mobile phones to make payments, 86%, 84% and 80% of the residents of South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia used their phones to make payments. Queensland (59%) had the least proportion of people using their smart mobile phones to make payments in entire Australia followed by Tasmania (60%) and then New South Wales (73%). 78.67% of those whose entertainment from smart mobile phones were drawn from news and weather apps used their phones to make payments. Further, 77.27% of those who listened to music, watched videos and movies paid for products and services using their phones. Individuals using maps and navigation apps as a source of entertainment using their smart mobile phones seems not to be using their phones exceedingly to make payments. Generally, individuals who were dissatisfied with their service provider were less likely to use their phones for payment compared to those who were moderately and highly satisfied. Similarly, individuals who are less satisfied with their payment plans were less likely to make payment using their smart mobile phones compared to those who were satisfied.

The proportion of female smart mobile phone who use their phones as a payment device is 0.72 compared to 0.8 for the males. There is the equal size of the male and female samples with a size of 57. After performing a test for equality of proportions, the p-value (0.322), was greater than the significance level (0.05), hence the conclusion of no difference between the proportions.

Checking the hypothesis that on less than 75% of Australians use their phones for work-related activities, one sample t-test method was used to check whether null hypothesis holds. 122 out of 150 in the sample used their phones for work-related activities which accounted for 81.33%. Using a one-sided test, the p-value was 0.0366 which his less than the significance level, hence concluding that the proportion of Australians who use their phones on work-related activities is more than 75%. Therefore, we can renounce, the hypothesis that less than 75% use their smart mobile phone on work-related activities.

The claim of the business rival about the average number of calls smart mobile phone owners in Australia being at least 27 is not acknowledged based on our data. The one-sided t-test returns a p-value of 0.1754 which is greater than the significance level (0.05), hence the conclusion of rejecting the claim.

59.7% of the variation in monthly phone bills can be explained by using a number of calls, SMS’s and data allowance. The analysis of variance output for the test of significance of the model shows returns a p-value less than 0.001, hence the conclusion that the model is statistically significant. Data allowance is the most significant predictor in the model because it has the smallest p-value. In conclusion, all the three predictors are statistically significant at 95% confidence level and they all have a positive relationship with monthly phone bills. Therefore, increasing the number of calls, SMS’s and data allowance leads to an increase in the monthly average bills for the smart mobile phone.

Sample size to the approximate proportion of smart mobile phone users that have purchased an item online to within 6%

Using the sample size calculation formula for the single proportion of 6% and a margin of error of 0.02 the most appropriate representative sample size is 542 at 95% confidence level.

Using the sample calculation formula for a single mean, with a sampling error and approximated population standard deviation of 30.18, the most appropriate sample size at 95% confidence level is 219 participants.

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