Models, Theories And Tactics In Public Relations For Canadian Red Cross Organization
This is a non-profit making organization in Canada that aims at bridging the gap between those who critically need help and those willing to help. It is recognized through its work of improving the lives of vulnerable people. They respond to conflict and disaster. They prevent people from drowning, abuse and injury. They also improve wellness and health not only in Canada but also in all parts of the world. Their work brings a positive difference in the lives of millions and millions of people across the street of the world (Watson, 2001).
“The Canadian Red Cross organization is the foremost organization in humanitarian where able Canadians willingly show their compassion and care for others” (Sherraden, 2006).
“The Canadian Red Cross aims at improving the lives of needy people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world” (McRae, & Hubert, 2001).
- Safety and quality
- Accountability, integrity, transparency, effectiveness, and adaptability
- Dignity, respect, and inclusiveness (McRae, & Hubert, 2001).
Fundamental Principles
- Neutrality
- Humanity
- Independence
- Unity
- Voluntary service
- Universality
- Impartiality (McRae, & Hubert, 2001).
The organization has various stakeholders who take part to ensure its goals and objectives are met. They include;
The Canadian red cross society receives donations from different organizations and individuals. The donations may be in terms of money, equipment, food, clothing or other goods that facilitate their work. These donations are used to support their activities (Klein, 2007).
The Canada government
The government of Canada supports the organization’s activities. They are among the major organizations that support the company.
The society has a team of well-trained professionals who offer services to the needy during an outbreak of a disaster or conflict. The team also trains temporary volunteers who volunteer to join the team to help them their lives. They play a major role in accomplishing the organization mission and vision.
These are individuals who join hands with the red cross workers to rescue other members of the society. They demonstrate they care by offering rescue services to those who need their help during a disaster. These people don’t expect any salary from the organization or any other party. Their work is a result of care and love to humankind (Mook, 2003).
The needy.
These are the people who benefit directly from the organization. These are the unfortunate that have been directly affected by the disaster. They are the main reason for the formation of the organization since it aims at saving their lives (Wilson, 2004).
The general public
The general public relies on red cross to come for their rescue in case of an outbreak of an emergency. They also inform the relevant authority when and where an emergency occurs. They also assist the organization by joining hands with them to support those who need help.
Communication aid workers.
These are individuals who communicate to people in case of an outbreak of an emergency. They inform the people affected by the disaster on when essential goods such as food and clothing are being distributed. They also communicate to the people at home on what is happening in the ground (Mook, & Richmond, 2007).
Communication pieces |
Communication piece |
Audience |
1. Emergency calls |
The general public |
2. Website |
The general public |
3. News and media |
The general public, donors, volunteers |
4. Emails |
Volunteers, donors, the government, |
5. Social media such as Facebook, and Twitter |
Volunteers, general public, donners |
6. |
The organization employs various communication pieces to pass information to their audience. By putting them together they are able to provide the right services to their clients in an efficient and efficient way.
The red cross website.
The red cross website is a public area where those looking for more information concerning the organization view it easily. One is able to learn more about the organization. Its mission, vision, their contacts as well as their history. This communication piece targets mostly the general public. The information is available to all members of the society who are interested in the organization (Ebrahim, 2003).
Facebook connects the organization and the general public. Once there is an emergency, pictures of what is happening on the ground are posted on the company’s website page. This attracts donator and volunteers. They are able to comment on posts and some are touched and decide to help. Donors ship in by giving money or goods to facilitate their mission of saving lives. Others volunteer to visit areas affected by the disaster to help save humanity. This communication piece may be limited in that some people may be willing to help but since they are not always on their Facebook they may not know when a disaster occurs (Harrington, 2012)
Targeted email is used to pass information to a group of specific people. These might include volunteers being informed to attend a training session before going to the disasters venue to join the red cross rescue team. Employees may be communicated using email on updates of some critical issues in the organization. The organization may as well use official email to communicate to the government. Emails as a type of communication piece may not be the appropriate means of passing urgent information as some people may take time before receiving the message if they don’t visit their email accounts (Bridge & Fedorowich, 2004).
Emergency calls
Emergency calls link the organization and those in need of help. When one needs to report an incident of an emergency or disaster, an emergency call may be most appropriate. Calls may also be used to get clarifications on a certain event. This communication piece is very essential in the red cross organization.
Just like any other social media platform like Facebook, Twitter targets at passing information to the general public on a certain disaster occurrence. It may also be used by the organization as a feedback mechanism. There are able to get what the general public wants. Social medium platforms are appropriate means of communication especially when they want (Hutchinson, 2018).
News and media
The Canadian red cross society broadcasts its news through the media. The media gathers information about the organization’s events and publishes it. The organization also use the media to pass information to the general public. This pieces of communication are very important since it passes information to a large group of audience at a short period of time. The media also reports living on what is happening at the ground. The whole world is able to know when and where an emergency has occurred.
Effective communication is essential for any business success. It is therefore important for the Canadian red cross to carry out an analysis on how they communicate to its audience and work on improving their communication.
Emails should be treated like real mails. The organization should take all emails formally and respond to them in a formal way. The workers who receive these emails should also communicate carefully when responding to them. Information passed through email is as formal as one on one communication
Social media
Facebook and Twitter should be used to pass genuine information. It is important for the organization to always clarify information and posts sent on their social media. This will help reduce confusion and rumors on information that is not real.
News and media
The organization should frequently acknowledge people of their activities. This will keep them updated to what is happening in areas of disaster. The organization should also take time to thank their donors and people of good will who offer them support (Herbert-Copley & Lambert, 2018).
Emergency call.
At times the number of calls being received by the emergency response team is higher than the number of respondents. This may delay one to pass sensitive information from reaching to the organization on time. In return delay the response time. The organization should ensure that they have enough workers to respond to emergency calls.
Red Cross website.
The organization should ensure that the website has adequate information for the general public. It should also contain a question and answer part that may enable the audience to get answers to some of the most asked question.
Fundamental Principles
The Canadian red cross society aims at linking between those who need help most and those willing to offer help to save lives. Some of their key stakeholders include the donors, volunteers, the general public, its employees, the Canada government among others. It uses various platforms to pass information to its audience. This includes the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, news and media, emergency call, email, and the organization website. Although these platforms play a major role in passing information to its audience, much need to be done to ensure that the information is effective and efficient. If the above-highlighted recommendations are implemented, the organization will be able to provide more efficient and effective information to its audience. In return, the organization will be able to serve the community in an efficient way. The organization is of great importance to the community. Special thanks to the Canadian red cross society.
Bridge, C., & Fedorowich, K. (2004). The British world: diaspora, culture and identity. Routledge.
Ebrahim, A. (2003). Accountability in practice: Mechanisms for NGOs. World development, 31(5), 813-829.
Harrington, D. W., Elliott, S. J., & Clarke, A. E. (2012). Frames, claims and audiences: Construction of food allergies in the Canadian media. Public Understanding of Science, 21(6), 724-739.
Herbert-Copley, B., Brodhead, T., & Lambert, A. M. (2018). Bridges of hope?: Canadian voluntary agencies and the Third World. North South Institute, Ottawa, Ont., CA.
Hutchinson, J. (2018). Champions of charity: war and the rise of the Red Cross. Routledge.
Klein, H. G., Anderson, D., Bernardi, M. J., Cable, R., Carey, W., Hoch, J. S., … & Smaill, F. (2007). Pathogen inactivation: making decisions about new technologies: report of a consensus conference. Transfusion, 47(12), 2338-2347.
McRae, R., & Hubert, D. (2001). Human security and the new diplomacy: Protecting people, promoting peace. McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP.
Mook, L., Quarter, J., & Richmond, B. J. (2007). What counts: Social accounting for nonprofits and cooperatives. Sigel Press.
Mook, L., Richmond, B. J., & Quarter, J. (2003). Integrated social accounting for nonprofits: A case from Canada. Voluntas: International journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations, 14(3), 283-297.
Sherraden, M. S., Stringham, J., Sow, S. C., & McBride, A. M. (2006). The forms and structure of international voluntary service. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 17(2), 156-173.
Watson, G. D. (2001). Class actions: the Canadian experience. Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L., 11, 269.
Wilson, K., Code, C., Dornan, C., Ahmad, N., Hébert, P., & Graham, I. (2004). The reporting of theoretical health risks by the media: Canadian newspaper reporting of potential blood transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. BMC public health, 4(1), 1.