Mobile Computing Technology In Business Research: Proposal For Feasible Mobile Computing Alternatives

Elements of Mobile Computing Technology

The mobile computing is based on the usage of the normal data which helps in easy transmission of the data and then involves the mobile communication. It includes the network ad hoc setup and the infrastructure which is mainly for mobile applications. The mobile computing helps in working with sufficient processing and physical capability to operate in a movable environment. The quality of service is for the network connectivity where the availability of network is maintained at a higher level and through a minimal amount of the lag or the downtime (Yadav, 2016). The interactivity and individuality are for the connection of the nodes to mobile network that helps in adapting to the new technology for catering the nodes as well. Presently, the concept of mobile technology that has taken the same place in day to day life as a part of project by different researchers. The concept of mobile computing technology can be found many machineries like wireless data association, communication, machineries presentation, smartphone and readers (Ahmed, 2017). The machines are compact, small and one can access anywhere by any human being. The change as well as effectivity of mobile computing technology that have given it with the capacity to function with business to business or consumer entity. 

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The main objective of the report is to highlight about the mobile computing factors and its importance in the organisation. The report will focus on recognizing the concept and different opportunities of mobile computing-based technology. Along with it, the report will also discuss the different elements of mobile computing technology and will evaluate the overall dimensions of the data as well as kind via mobile computing technologies.

In the current time where the competition is fierce, organizations and business are constantly exploring many alternatives that can make the process of business functions simple and further improve the overall performance. It further focuses on developing a competitive edge for the organization. The most crucial part of mobile computing technology is based on the capacity to gain access as well as share data even when people is on the mobility. Therefore, it is vital part of the study and focus on the overall effectiveness of mobile computing alternatives that will assist the students to learn better and more related to application of mobile technology as well as the business executives based on more options that will add by mobile computing technology to any form of business.

Importance of Mobile Computing Technology in Business Operations

The mobile computing technology is considered to be the technology that is mainly to be used in smartphones. Here, the study is about considering the technology that is mainly for handling the transmission of voice and set of data through portable devices with using the wireless networks (Ali, 2015). There are different sectors where the technology is used for the ecommerce sites that can use the technology for the credit card verification system. The mobile computing comes with portability, where the signification is about the devices that are connected to the system. The connectivity is other fact that comes under the consideration where quality of service is set with network connectivity. The mobile computing environment needs to have a higher network connectivity with maintaining the smoothness of processing. The nodes are connected to mobile computing environment where interactivity is about focusing on effective communication process with maintaining the data set and healthy transmission (Dahlberg et al., 2015).

Mobile computing system helps in communicating with core information structure. The range and system bandwidth require a major security standard which is other factor that needs to be taken into consideration (Chiang, 2016.). Hence, it is important to focus on mitigating the issues of security through upgrading the technology and developing the software products that will lead to improving the safety of mobile computing environment for the individuals and business organisations. The use of antivirus can directly lead to the mitigation of the major security related issues, where the vendor needs to be completely reliable enough about the privacy and issues of security (Guo, 2015.). The enhancement in the technology has been able to increase the different opportunities for the business organisations that have a competitive advantage in the globalised market. The organisations tend to make use of different web-based applications that are for maintaining the business operations. The aim is to evaluate the study and provide the scope of entire project through research designing and methodology that requires to conduct a study in a successful manner (Han, 2015)

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There are certain limitations which are:

  1. The problem with the system bandwidth and the range
  2. The security standards are considered to be another factor which needs to be considered.
  3. The power consumptions where the mobile computers are depending upon the battery power with no availability of the portable generator.
  4. Human Interfaces with devices includes the problems related to the screens and keyboards that are getting smaller day by day which is hard to use.

There are different limitations of mobile computing where VPN is directly vulnerable enough that anyone can attack the larger number of the networks which are connected to it. There are problems related to the mobile computers that depends on no availability of the portable generator. The smartphones and the computers are the target of attacks, where the security threats can also lead to exploiting the vulnerabilities. They are related to the software that are being used in the mobile devices.

Security Issues and Mitigation Strategies

The study is about the detailed descriptions about the time that is needed to complete the study Here, the focus is on the identification of the challenges and the mobile computing techniques for different firms of business (Rahimi, 2014.)

With the upgradation of technology, the mobile computing is important for the business and its improvement. The implementation is based on the enhancement of the business performance, where the focus is on how the devices can be effectively used for the business organisations. The mobile computing structure can be used via many media of communication that are improving with constant operation and can function in constant operation that decrease the airtime and related charges. Also, the system when disconnected can be used for storage, schedule, measurement maintenance and many other motives. This is why, while using wireless communication, the process of mobile computing can help the process of business in many recognized manners (Sanaei, n.d.). The project helps in providing the range of mobile computing devices that can be used for mobile computing devices along with the advantages. The focus is on allowing the business personnel to handle the amount of knowledge with the different computing factors that will help in enhancing the business performance as well, in the competitive world (Baran, 2014).

Primary research question

  1. How mobile computing can impact the efficiency of management for a specific business?

Secondary research question

  1. How mobile computing impact the small and the medium scale enterprises (SMEs)?
  2. How it impacts the efficiency of the workers and enhance the productivity?
  3. Explain the role of mobile computing in collating the information mainly for the operations for a business at international level?

The research methodology is important to help the research in getting the feasible instruction with evaluating the findings of research issue. In order to satisfy the objectives, the research is held for the small samples while the outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. The basic advantage is that it serves the basic research that offers a complete description of the analysis without limitation of the scope research and the participant response.

The aim is about the complete and detailed description where the researcher needs to understand about what he/she is looking for. There are recommendations at the early phases of the research project and the design emerges when there is an unfold of study. The data is mainly in forms of words and the pictures, which is subjective of the individual’s interpretation of events which is important. The qualitative data is rich with time consuming where the researcher tends to work with immersing in the subject matter. (Soyata, n.d.). The qualitative research is used for working on detailed questionnaire with the open and the closed ended questions.

For quantitative methods, the aim is to work on classifying the features with counting them and constructing the different statistical models. The research requires to focus on different phases of the research project, where the aspects of study are designed before the data could be collected. The data is mainly in the form of numbers and the statistics, where objectives seeks precise measurements and the analysis of the target concepts with the surveys and questionnaires etc.

Research Methodology

The method of sampling is mainly for developing the research under discussion. According to the analysis, there are categories of non-probability sampling techniques, where the sample members are selected mainly on the basis of the knowledge and the relationships with expertise on a particular research subject. The current sample members who are selected are having a special relation with the investigation and work experience, active involvement and partnership with proven research background. They are representation of the population and then being studied. The findings of the sample population could easily be used for the research in the study population. Within the context, the participants of the study include 6 people who are using the technique of mobile computing in their business.


The study will cover simple yet random sample options that will be utilised to interview respondents, reply the research queries and evaluate the hypothesis. A pilot study will be conducted right before the important study to decide the overall effectiveness of data collection techniques before the main survey (Han, 2015) 


The elements of the research will further be diversified as dependent as well as independent variables. The dependent variable will consist of age and gender of the respondents. On the other hand, the independent variables will consist of the basic nature of the organization, whether they utilise the standard mobile computing technology.

After selecting the sample for the current study, kinds of informed consent along with the study of the candidates on electronic platform and by hand delivery. The motive of the study will be well explained to the respondents and further will be promised to make it confidential and only be combined with opinions of other contestants to form more general conclusions along with various recommendation (Han, 2015). The questionnaires here will be sent to the respondents through email address while many other can deliver by research associates.  The candidate will be further asking question to submit the filled questionnaire which will go back to the researcher in just three days’ time. The participants have been asked to submit the questionnaires with the researchers, where the responses that are received from the different questionnaires and the interviews are then sent to the Microsoft excel, edited and properly coded as needed. Here, the data is then exported into SPSS version for 17 data analysis software, with proper analysis and the presentation through descriptive statistics like the means, mode percentage with the 5 Likert scale and standard deviations. The summaries are defined with tables, charts and graphs. The multilinear regression model will then be used for further details in organisations.

Sampling Techniques

The answers received from questionnaires will be entered in Microsoft excel, coded and edited rightly. The information will then be exported into a version called as SPSS along seventeen software for data analysis and presented with the use of descriptive statistics like means, standard deviations, 5-likert scale and many more (Sanaei, n.d.). All the summaries of the outcome will be presented visually in kinds of charts, tables as well as graphs. The regression model is used for the finding out of the effectiveness and then working on the controlling of effects on the independent variables, where one tends to offer the information that concerns about the effects which are relevant to the independent variables.

Rise in the field of technology has further increased the set of options for the business company to have some competitive edge in the international market. Thus, the researchers consist of business companies that are mainly moving in the direction of technological advancement to increase the productivity level. Before, the companies utilise varied web-related application to maintain the process of business (Ali, 2015). But, the rise in usage of Smartphone further brings the usage of mobile technologies into current business operations.

The usage of mixed methodology in research is related with varied threats towards the concept of validity and reliability of obtained outcome. In primary data, an evaluation for validity and reliability will be performed to actually find out whether the same outcome is reproducible or not (Ahmed, 2017). The secondary data is not needed for the test because the data will be already published and signed for the different organisations.

Some of the restrictions of methodology in the current research will be related to long time as well as efforts needed. Also, the research will need more amount of resources to gather enough data to answer the set questions of research (Soyata, n.d.). There are many sources of data and will be utilised to stay more confident with current research findings which will most probably cover data obtained that might not be very collaborative and therefore can have the possibility of the current discrepancies of the outcomes.


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