Mobile Cloud Computing And Aiding Dyslexic Students
Introduction to Mobile Cloud Computing and Aid of Dyslexic Students
Discuss about the Mobile Cloud Computing and Aiding Dyslexic Students.
As mobile innovations turn out to be more far reaching, mobile learning (m-learning) has turned into a prevailing, effective way to deal with instruct, educate, and prepare the world. M-learning significantly affects how individuals, particularly dyslexic understudies, learn. In spite of the fact that there is a decent measure of research covering m-learning for dyslexia, there are many holes that still should be tended to (Subramanian et al., 2014). Cloud computing is a current technology that has gotten consideration from governments and an assortment of businesses, including prescription, instruction, amusement, and other monetary areas. In cloud computing, equipment and programming give administrations to end clients in view of the clients’ needs. One extensive issue is the absence of a compelling m-learning structure that meets the genuine needs of dyslexic understudies in light of their social foundations. In this paper, the creators build up a cloud-based m-learning structure engineering and feature the rules of the compelling arrangement that ought to be met in the outline stage (Pejovic & Musolesi, 2015). The proposed system design upgrades understudies’ close to home and learning capacities by giving flexibility to meet their learning needs. Cloud computing offers many favorable circumstances, for example, sparing the cost of the underlying interests in an information technology (IT) infrastructure setup. Clients can work the product, stage, and infrastructure gave by a cloud computing supplier effortlessly. Besides, cloud computing supplies assets to clients as on-request benefits (Baccarelli et al., 2016). It offers elite and additionally quick time-to-market and catastrophe administration abilities, which takes into consideration the portability and adaptability of information.
With the quickened improvement of the previous decades, a rising insurgency in technology has caused a move from e-learning to the across the board utilization of mobile technology. Mobile technology has a broad influence on individuals’ everyday lives, and its belongings are not confined to typical individuals, but rather it likewise has opened wide limits for a significant section of mankind, incorporating students with incapacities. Henceforth, the learning procedure has moved from a dependence on conventional learning to incorporate present day types of learning and mobile innovations, for example, mobile learning (m-learning). M-learning can be characterized as “any kind of learning that happens when the student is not at a settled, foreordained area, or learning that happens when the student exploits learning openings offered by mobile advancements” (Sanaei et al., 2014). M-learning is not limited by a particular time and a particular area, rather it can be gotten to whenever and anyplace. It enables students to get to learning in a helpful adaptable manner and changes it from something they need to do to something they get a kick out of the chance to do. Cloud computing is a current technology in the market and has put on critical weight in a wide range of territories, for example, the administration, business, training, stimulation, and medication. Cloud computing will be “computing cloud is an arrangement of system empowered administrations, giving adaptable, QoS ensured, regularly customized, modest computing infrastructures on request, which could be gotten to in a basic and unavoidable way” (Dinh et al., 2013). In 2009, cloud computing was utilized as another computing technology to cover the constraints in customary m-learning frameworks that have restricted instructive assets, low system transmission rate, and high expenses. Subsequently, the idea of mobile cloud computing (MCC) rose. M-learning has turned into the overwhelming learning mode, particularly for students with unique instructive needs. One of the regular inabilities under the particular learning challenges umbrella is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a dialect based learning disability of neurological source, with deficiencies in spelling, perusing, and composing that fluctuate among various dialect orthographies. Around 15– 20% of the worldwide populace has an etymological learning disability, and 70–80% of this populace have dyslexia. Along these lines, suitable instructive help and general mindfulness are required to address this class of particular learning troubles to help the group of dyslexic understudies.
M-learning for Dyslexia
Problem Domain
Because of their constrained size, mobile gadgets will keep on having restricted assets, for example, processor speed, memory measure, show size and determination. These constrained information gadgets must be tended to painstakingly when planning a mobile UI. Thus, designers of mobile applications are confronted with a genuine test on the best way to meet these limitations while fulfilling clients request of quick responsive mobile computing condition. Some mobile gadgets may have distinctive info gadget, for example, receiver or a pen guide screen toward interface with clients. Power impediments of mobile gadgets are additionally to be tended to regarding what an application ought to do when it perceives an extremely restricted energy to utilize.
Remote systems will keep on having restricted data transmission, high idleness and continuous disconnection because of energy confinements, accessible range and portability. The most basic part of these is the data transfer capacity. Subsequently, vitality limitations of mobile gadgets will constrain the adequacy of information throughput to and from the gadget regardless of the possibility that remote systems associations convey stable high data transfer capacity. As data transfer capacity builds, control utilization additionally expands which abbreviate the battery life of mobile gadgets. In this way, information get to system must be intended for clients to beat these constraints of transmission capacity, inactivity, and detached operation and still fulfill client’s desires.
Dyslexia is a standout amongst the most widely recognized, overwhelmingly concealed learning challenges on the planet. Those with dyslexia are inventive, yet they frequently are ignored in our general public. A man, regardless of whether dyslexic or not, has the privilege to life, work, and above all, learn. For that, it is required to give steady, assistance for dyslexic individuals in instruction, and this requires particular intercessions, and in addition comprehension and mindfulness. Albeit dyslexic students have some normal center trouble; they don’t speak to an indistinguishable separate element with an indistinguishable profile. Past investigations demonstrate that there are many holes in late arrangements. It is imperative to receive an approach that looks not just at the dyslexic student’s shortcomings and qualities yet additionally at their favored learning styles. A still open inquiry is which approach might be favored by the understudy and will help expand the understudy’s inspiration in the learning procedure. In this project plan, the primary crevices and absence of a compelling m-learning system trying to address main problems and foundations for dyslexic understudies and increment their consideration and inspiration have been explored and a suitable framework has been suggested. Moreover, in this project plan, an m-learning framework is proposed to be designed specifically for the dyslexic students in order address the critical requirement for the educational requirements of these students. The real inspiration driving this exploration is to enhance dyslexic students’ perusing capacity, the fundamental mainstay of dialect, by utilizing the present overwhelming learning mode and the most recent technology, m-learning in light of the cloud.
Advantages of Cloud Computing and Mobile Cloud Computing
Purpose and Justification
The main purpose of this particular project is to develop a framework for a mobile computing platform that will help dyslexic students in their course of education. Cloud computing with mobile innovations opens roads for dyslexic understudies to learn whenever and anyplace. This proposed structure empowers specialists and instructors to educate and survey dyslexic understudies. Besides, dyslexic understudies can learn material and do works out. The most impressive element of the proposed system is adjustment to fit every understudy’s profile and favored learning style by actualizing content in various configurations (pictures, sound, and messages) and by enabling understudies to interface with the substance through pointing on the screen. In any case, there is much work that should be done around there. To enhance learning process execution and individual capacities for dyslexic understudies, the creators have built up a successful m-learning structure design in view of cloud computing technology. As a future work, the proposed structure design can be tweaked and created as a completely mobile stage that can be conveyed on Android or iOS operating systems. The arrangement ought to be versatile for dyslexic understudies’ needs and their social foundations.
The proposed framework for the mobile cloud platform consists of a number of layers that are as follows.
Presentation Layer – This layer incorporates graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that give the end users access to various administrations. The GUIs should cover the necessities of the end users, who are educational module and showing techniques specialists, specialized curriculum educators, dyslexic understudies, and their folks. The dyslexic understudies can take in the materials and do practices alloted by specialists and educators whenever and anyplace (i.e., inside different gatherings or a family setting) and their folks can track them while learning and giving them some assistance when they require it. The interfaces empower the specialists to enlist educators and assess understudies in light of their investigations. The instructors can enlist understudies and track their learning status. These interfaces can give the learning materials diverse media (e.g., pictures, messages, and sounds) and empower the understudies to associate with them (i.e., pointing on the screen). Thus, the multi-tactile approach (sound and visual) can help build up the intellectual capacities of dyslexic understudies.
Operation Layer – This layer speaks to the business rationale of the structure by deciding how information is made, put away, showed, and changed. At the end of the day, verification and approval operations ought to be done in the server farm since these information are put away in the remote database. To improve the execution, the operations ought to be separated between the mobile gadget and the cloud. For instance, showing the learning materials can be done in the mobile gadget as opposed to in the remote server farm, which will upgrade the execution and abatement the system stack. There is a correspondence between the mobile gadget and the cloud so as to synchronize information.
Problem Domain
Data Storage Layer – This is the place all the related data are put away (i.e., the learning materials, including pictures and sounds). Putting away the mobile information in the mobile nearby stockpiling improves organize execution in light of the fact that there is no compelling reason to speak with the cloud for each bring occurrence. Likewise, this layer utilizes a reserve method to give better execution by putting away information incidentally and after that sends the information to the cloud to store. In addition, synchronization is vital to keep up every understudy’s profile utilizing remote information to look after consistency.
Research and System Development Methods
In order to conduct the related research for the development of the framework, an in-depth literature review will be conducted. From the literature survey, a lot of necessary information can be gathered that will help to develop the proposed framework. For the system development, existing mobile cloud frameworks will be tested and analyzed so that the new framework can be developed.
Compliance Requirement
The proposed framework should be supported by most mobile platforms so that it can be accessed by most of the people using mobile phones. The most common mobile operating systems are Android and iOS and hence, the proposed framework should be designed compatible with these operating systems.
Project Aim
The main aim of the project is to develop a new framework for a mobile cloud platform that is mainly aimed to aid the dyslexic students in their educational process. Accordingly, a framework will be developed a part of the m-learning framework supported by the cloud platform.
Project Deliverables and Schedule
The project deliverables and the schedule are shown in the following table.
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Mobile Cloud Platform to Aid Dyslexic Students |
228 days |
Mon 28-08-17 |
Wed 11-07-18 |
Project Planning Phase |
33 days |
Mon 28-08-17 |
Wed 11-10-17 |
Meeting between developers |
1 day |
Mon 28-08-17 |
Mon 28-08-17 |
Rough Development Plan |
5 days |
Tue 29-08-17 |
Mon 04-09-17 |
Plan Analysis |
5 days |
Tue 05-09-17 |
Mon 11-09-17 |
Inclusion of Suitable Changes in the Draft |
5 days |
Tue 12-09-17 |
Mon 18-09-17 |
Meeting with supervisors |
2 days |
Tue 19-09-17 |
Wed 20-09-17 |
Development of final project plan |
5 days |
Thu 21-09-17 |
Wed 27-09-17 |
Development of time schedule |
2 days |
Thu 28-09-17 |
Fri 29-09-17 |
Development of project budget |
5 days |
Mon 02-10-17 |
Fri 06-10-17 |
Verification of the Project Plan |
2 days |
Mon 09-10-17 |
Tue 10-10-17 |
Approval of project plan |
1 day |
Wed 11-10-17 |
Wed 11-10-17 |
Project Initiation Phase |
158 days |
Thu 12-10-17 |
Mon 21-05-18 |
Literature survey |
10 days |
Thu 12-10-17 |
Wed 25-10-17 |
Collection of data from literature |
5 days |
Thu 26-10-17 |
Wed 01-11-17 |
Defining conclusions from the literature survey |
3 days |
Thu 02-11-17 |
Mon 06-11-17 |
Testing existing mobile cloud applications |
3 days |
Tue 07-11-17 |
Thu 09-11-17 |
Understanding the requirements of mobile cloud platforms |
2 days |
Fri 10-11-17 |
Mon 13-11-17 |
Understanding the needs of the dyslexic students |
15 days |
Tue 14-11-17 |
Mon 04-12-17 |
Preparation of a rough framework |
15 days |
Tue 05-12-17 |
Mon 25-12-17 |
Development of the actual framework on the cloud platform |
90 days |
Tue 26-12-17 |
Mon 30-04-18 |
Completion of the development |
15 days |
Tue 01-05-18 |
Mon 21-05-18 |
Project Completion Phase |
29 days |
Tue 22-05-18 |
Fri 29-06-18 |
Preparation of Project Report |
10 days |
Tue 22-05-18 |
Mon 04-06-18 |
Project Evaluation |
5 days |
Tue 05-06-18 |
Mon 11-06-18 |
Testing of the prepared framework |
5 days |
Tue 12-06-18 |
Mon 18-06-18 |
Development of usage guidelines |
5 days |
Tue 19-06-18 |
Mon 25-06-18 |
Approval of the Project Report |
4 days |
Tue 26-06-18 |
Fri 29-06-18 |
Project Sign Off |
8 days |
Mon 02-07-18 |
Wed 11-07-18 |
Closure of the Project |
2 days |
Mon 02-07-18 |
Tue 03-07-18 |
Project Appraisal |
5 days |
Wed 04-07-18 |
Tue 10-07-18 |
Sign off |
1 day |
Wed 11-07-18 |
Wed 11-07-18 |
The Gantt Chart of the project is as follows.
Figure 1: Project Gantt Chart
(Source: Created by Author)
Work Breakdown Structure
The work breakdown structure is as follows.
Figure 2: WBS of the Project
(Source: Created by Author)
In this project plan, the primary crevices and absence of a compelling m-learning system trying to address main problems and foundations for dyslexic understudies and increment their consideration and inspiration have been explored and a suitable framework has been suggested. Moreover, in this project plan, an m-learning framework is proposed to be designed specifically for the dyslexic students in order address the critical requirement for the educational requirements of these students. The real inspiration driving this exploration is to enhance dyslexic students’ perusing capacity, the fundamental mainstay of dialect, by utilizing the present overwhelming learning mode and the most recent technology, m-learning in light of the cloud
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Dinh, H. T., Lee, C., Niyato, D., & Wang, P. (2013). A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 13(18), 1587-1611.
Gikas, J., & Grant, M. M. (2013). Mobile computing devices in higher education: Student perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones & social media. The Internet and Higher Education, 19, 18-26.
Joorabchi, M. E., Mesbah, A., & Kruchten, P. (2013, October). Real challenges in mobile app development. In Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2013 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 15-24). IEEE.
Pejovic, V., & Musolesi, M. (2015). Anticipatory mobile computing: A survey of the state of the art and research challenges. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 47(3), 47.
Sanaei, Z., Abolfazli, S., Gani, A., & Buyya, R. (2014). Heterogeneity in mobile cloud computing: taxonomy and open challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(1), 369-392.
Subramanian, L., Biswas, S., Borriello, G., Dutta, P., Katabi, D., & Katz, R. (2014, September). Tackling societal grand challenges using mobile computing. In Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking (pp. 3-4). ACM.
Tuli, A., Hasteer, N., Sharma, M., & Bansal, A. (2013). Exploring challenges in mobile cloud computing: An overview.