Mobile Business Technology Of Effective Risk Communication For Android Apps

About mobile industry, current trends, challenges and applications

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Less than half decade ago in India, the mobile phones were taken as the luxury goods. But now days the mobile telecommunication industry of the India is one of the fastest growing market. The mobile technology includes the ability of the staying connect; keep the business more productive even the employees are on the road. The mobile technology also includes the laptops, mobile application, smart phones and also the GPS devices which help the business owner to keep touch with the customers (Van Der Sluys, 2012). The mobile technology also helps in improving the communication among the business owner and the customer. Through the mobile technology the individuals also gets the ability of developing the communication on an instant basis and the respond are also on quick basis which depends on the business situations. To carry out this whole assignment here the chosen company is McDonald’s. In the first part of the assignment it tells all about the how the presence of the mobile apps via iOS or the Android apps can be more beneficial so that McDonald’s can do their promotion and also improve the selling of its products and the services. Then in the second part of the assignment it will be discussed to do the identification and also to do the comparison of the cost effective approaches which includes the ease of the use, location, product reviews, customer support, payments and also the link of the McDonald’s with the social networking site which includes the face book, twitter, LinkedIn etc (Chen, Balijepally and Sutanto, 2012).

Now days the people are getting very busy in their own life so they don’t have the time to personally go some of the place to spend some of the quality time. Due to this shortage of the time and also the improvement of the technology the many of the things of the daily life are getting more online so that time consumed can get reduced (Ereth, Lortz and Perner, 2014). Due to the presence of the mobile apps it gets beneficial for both the customers and the company also. McDonald needs to develop the android apps in such a way that they can also increase their sell via online also (Obiodu, 2012). As in now days everybody use the android phones in their life so if McDonald’s launch some of the android apps it becomes very easy for the customer to give the order to the restaurant in a very less time which becomes very useful for the large numbers of the customers and the company also can grab the more numbers of the customer towards their company which can improve their sell of the services and the products which brings more hike in the profit of the company (Effective Risk Communication for Android Apps, 2014).

With the development of the android applications of the phones, the developer implement some of the application which is specifically targeted the platform by using the frame work and the software development kit. The application of the android is mainly on the basis of the typically programmed java which accesses the functional platform of the android frame work. In contrast with the android apps, the application of the iOS also uses the programming language of the objective C and also the Apple frame works. In doing the cost benefit analysis of developing the mobile apps which does the customization of the mobile apps in doing the business so that it can streamline the customer contact and also add the conveniences for the customer and the running of the business by doing the exchange of the information and also doing the optimization of the sales (Ereth, Lortz and Perner, 2014). There are some of the reasons which are needed to be considered how the mobile android apps help in improving the business and also in the future. In the time of the developing the mobile apps the developer always needs to keep notice on the graphical interface of the apps so that it becomes more user friendly which helps the customer and also the business professional for doing their work in a good way and the interface also can guide the customer so that they can find out what they needs to do (Tilley and Dechokul, 2014). The developed apps of the android phones needs to be more convenient to do the use, the speed needs to be more maximum and also it becomes more easier to do the browsing and the developed apps gives the proper guidance to the customer in such a way that if they don’t have any knowledge about the apps then also they can use the apps in their requirements. In the developed apps there needs to have that much availability with the presence of the features of the GPRS system so that it can becomes very easy to the customer that they can gather the ideas of the location and also can do the access of the location where ever it is needed. In the developing android apps the features of doing the search needs to be more users friendly so that it can guide the customer who doesn’t have the basic knowledge about the things which are searched in the content (Juntunen, Tuunainen and Luukkainen, 2012).

Impact of mobile applications, accelerometer and the other interfaces in McDonald’s

Some of the causing impacts of the mobile applications on the basis of the business transactions in McDonald’s are described below:     

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The developer of the McDonald’s needs to provide the proper basic review of the android apps so that customer can gather the knowledge about the android apps and also give the elaborate details of the used software, versions and also basic needs which are going to be supported and the basic knowledge of the version of the software. Then the developer also needs to keep notice on the qualities of the images and the videos whether the qualities are good or bad which helps the customer to view the images and the videos (Mirzaei et al., 2012). The developed apps should be on that way specifying the types of the support the customer needed (Liao, Chou and Chao, 2014). The developer also needs to connect the apps to some of the social networking site which includes the face book, twitter, LinkedIn and the many others so that the purpose of the android apps for which the McDonald’s are developing the apps gets fulfilled by providing the basic advertisement of the products of the company so that the company can grab the more numbers of the customer towards their company because in now days about the 100% of the people are browsing the social networking site so that this site becomes the one of the good platform for doing the advertisement (Wang and Cui, 2012). So for increasing their advertisement and also the sale of the product the McDonald’s needs to make some of the tie with these social networking sites so that the people can get to know about the products of their company. By doing the proper analyze of all the mentioned criteria of the developed apps the developer needs to make the software more cost effective so that it can becomes more profitable in launching this type of android or iOS apps (Liao, Chou and Chao, 2014).

Now days the mobile application also becomes more helpful in doing the business transaction because due to the availability of this type of the android apps doing of the transaction of the money it becomes easier and also less time consuming. The mobile technology also reaches in to the existing and the new customers with the help of the direct channel which helps out with the sending ability of the tracking responses and the special offers. There also needs to have the product reviews system so that the customer can also give the required feedback about the problems what they are facing and also the suggestion what and where they needs to review and also to do the required changes so that it can makes the apps more user friendly to the customer. These are some of the above mentioned business processes which makes McDonald’s more efficient and also can get in the touch at the door steps of the customer (MacIsaac, 2012).


By concluding the above study of doing the development of the android apps and also doing the critical analyze of the all the sides of the developed apps the McDonald’s needs to developed the apps and also launch the apps so that they can earn the more profit and also can expand the business by grabbing the more numbers of the customer towards their organization. In the above mentioned parts it is also discussed about the challenges, trends etc what any of the organization are going to face at the time of launching the new android apps and also needs to analyze how it can create the impacts in today’s business world (Rahman, 2012).


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