Mitigating Risks In Multicultural Teams: An Annotated Bibliography
Collaboration capability in virtual teams: examining the influence on diversity and innovation
The cultural diversity that exists among the concerned members of the organization helps in the creation of the innovativeness within the concerned company. This in turn is known to help in the matters that are related to the creativity as well as the performance of the concerned organization in the given market. However, the diversity within the organization is known to have been leading to a number of conflicts within the organization due to the communication issues that are prevalent within a multicultural team.
The organizations are often observed to have been working towards the mitigation of the issues that might have risen within the organizational workforce. The following paper presents an annotated bibliography on the prevention of the risks that might arise within the concerned team of the organization. The paper aims to present the views that are presented in 5 different articles that are annotated.
Batarseh, F. S., Usher, J. M., & Daspit, J. J. (2017). Collaboration capability in virtual teams: examining the influence on diversity and innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(04), 1750034.
Batarseh, Usher and Daspit (2017) in the article entitled “Collaboration capability in virtual teams: examining the influence on diversity and innovation” attempts a discussion on the issues that are related to the increase in the number of the virtual teams within the multitude of organizations that have been functional in the international market. The article discusses the fact that the collaboration among the members of the team is necessary in order to put forth an improvement in the performance of the concerned company.
The article is based upon the responses of nearly 375 participants who had responded to the survey. The concerned article aims to deal with the validation of the collaboration capacity measure within the concerned business organization ((Gibbs, Kim & Boyraz, 2017)). The article further aims to deal with the issues that are related to the beneficial effects of the diversity that exists within the virtual teams serving the organization. The major limitation of the study lay in the fact that the study focusses on the diversity that exists at the functional level within the industry. The study helps the future researchers to gain knowledge on the ways in which the rifts within the various team members might be prevented.
Gibbs, J. L., Sivunen, A., & Boyraz, M. (2017). Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes. Human Resource Management Review, 27(4), 590-603.
Gibbs, Sivunen and Boyraz (2017) in the article entitled “Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes” attempts a discussion on the types and the configurations of the teams that are functional within the given organization. The research that have been undertaken aims to discuss the implementation of the technologies within the organization. The authors of the article had undertaken the study of almost 265 articles that have been composed in the past.
The concerned article is based on the research that have been undertaken in the last 15 years and undertakes a qualitative approach to the review of the given articles. The article majorly focusses on the factors that are related to the three major areas that need to be focused on within the given business organization (Pozin, Nawi & Romle, 2016). The limitations of the study lie in the fact that the concerned research has not covered all the researches that were undertaken in the past. The article in discussion helps in understanding the importance of the technology in the organization as well as the prevention of the rifts that occur due to the cultural diversity that is existent within the organization.
Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes
Liao, C. (2017). Leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel perspective. Human Resource Management Review, 27(4), 648-659.
Liao, C. (2017). “Leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel perspective” attempts a discussion on the matters that are related to the leadership that should be maintained within the organization that employs the virtual teams. The article suggests that the leadership of the virtual team might be a challenging task in itself due to the increase in the number of the members who have been serving the organization through their involvement in the virtual teams. The virtual teams within the given organization are composed of people who are generally known to have diverse cultural backgrounds. This might lead to the conditions wherein the concerned employees might face rifts within themselves (Alsharo, Gregg & Ramirez, 2017).
The article was composed with the help of reviewing the existing literature on the given topic. The major limitation of the study lies in the fact that the fact that the concerned research has not covered all the researches that were undertaken in the past. The article might help in the discussion on the correct implementation of the leadership within the given organization.
Miller, D. W., Ngunjiri, F. W., & LoRusso, J. D. (2017). Human resources perceptions of corporate chaplains: enhancing positive organizational culture. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 14(3), 196-215.
Miller, Ngunjiri and LoRusso, (2017) in the article entitled “Human resources perceptions of corporate chaplains: enhancing positive organizational culture” discusses the religious chaplaincy that is prevalent in many business organizations that are operational all over the world. The article is known to have undertaken the processes of qualitative research through the interviews conducted among the human resource personnel as well as the staff of the concerned organization. The article states that the employment of the chaplains lead to the incorporation of the psychosocial as well as the pastoral care within the given organization.
According to the human resource personnel, the chaplain led to the implementation of the positivity within the given organization (Miller & Ngunjiri, 2015). The article discusses the fact that the collaboration among the members of the team is necessary in order to put forth an improvement in the performance of the concerned company. The major limitation of the study lies in the fact that the fact that the concerned research has not covered all the researches that were undertaken in the past. The concerned article further states the work culture within the given organization might face proper upliftment with the lowering down of the chances of conflict within the given workforce.
Hofhuis, J., van der Rijt, P. G., & Vlug, M. (2016). Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 714.
Hofhuis, J., van der Rijt, P. G., & Vlug, M. (2016). “Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication” discusses the factors that are related to the diversity climate that is existent within the given organization. The article discusses the fact that the collaboration among the members of the team is necessary in order to put forth an improvement in the performance of the concerned company. The article is based upon two different studies that are both conducted using the quantitative methods (Zijlstra et al., 2017).
The article attempts to study the various factors that might affect the diversity as well as the performance of the organization at large. The article was composed with the data that was collected from both the studies. The first study involved a survey study on 91 people while the second study comprising of 264 members deals majorly with the issues related to the diversity within the organization.
The concerned article aims to deal with the validation of the collaboration capacity measure within the concerned business organization. The article further aims to deal with the issues that are related to the beneficial effects of the diversity that exists within the virtual teams serving the organization. the major limitation of the study includes the reliance of the authors of the article on the measures undertaken at the individual levels and the implementation of the measures at the organizational levels.
Thus, from the above discussion, it might be pointed out that there are several ways to tackle the rifts that might result from the diversity that is existent within the given teams. The diversity within the organization is known to have been leading to a number of conflicts within the organization due to the communication issues that are prevalent within a multicultural team.
Alsharo, M., Gregg, D., & Ramirez, R. (2017). Virtual team effectiveness: The role of knowledge sharing and trust. Information & Management, 54(4), 479-490.
Batarseh, F. S., Usher, J. M., & Daspit, J. J. (2017). Collaboration capability in virtual teams: examining the influence on diversity and innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(04), 1750034.
Gibbs, J. L., Kim, H., & Boyraz, M. (2017). Virtual teams. The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, 1-14.
Gibbs, J. L., Sivunen, A., & Boyraz, M. (2017). Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes. Human Resource Management Review, 27(4), 590-603.
Hofhuis, J., van der Rijt, P. G., & Vlug, M. (2016). Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 714.
Liao, C. (2017). Leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel perspective. Human Resource Management Review, 27(4), 648-659.
Miller, D. W., & Ngunjiri, F. W. (2015). Leadership views on corporate chaplains: Business, sociocultural, and spiritual justifications. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 12(2), 129-155.
Miller, D. W., Ngunjiri, F. W., & LoRusso, J. D. (2017). Human resources perceptions of corporate chaplains: enhancing positive organizational culture. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 14(3), 196-215.
Pozin, M. A. A., Nawi, M. N. M., & Romle, A. R. (2016). Effectiveness of virtual team for improving communication breakdown in IBS project delivery process. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 5(4), 121-130.
Zijlstra, F., van Ruitenbeek, G., Mulders, H., & van Lierop, B. (2017). Designing work for inclusiveness. In Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue (pp. 121-137). Springer, Cham.