MIMO 5G Technology: A Literature Review
MIMO in Fourth and Fifth Generation Wireless Technology
Will massive MIMO 5G be able to resolve the performance and demand of next generation which 4G is not being able to provide?
The mobile technology is going on at a great speed, and the technology of mobile network is built with two juggernauts industries known as fourth generation wireless technology and fifth generation wireless technology (Gopal & Kuppusamy 2015). The introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) into the world of 4G network and the 5G network technology makes the wireless technology stronger than ever. 5G is an upcoming technology of that is based on IEEE 802.11ac standard. The fifth generation technology provides a great speed and a coverage compared to the current 4G network.
This report highlights all the use of massive MIMO/RF path to overcome 4G network performance issues. The topic question that is addressed in this report is will MIMO 5G will be able to resolve the performance and demand of next generation that the 4G network cannot do. Many literatures are reviewed in this paper that studies the comparison of the fourth generation technologies with that of the fifth generation technologies. There is an evaluation process about the selected topic in this paper that analyze all the literature review in more depth and there is also an evaluation showing the literature gap in the reviewed articles.
According to Bogale & Le (2015) communication in multimedia is most important application that is used in different applications in the system for modern communication. Since modern communication involves a wide amount of data transfer that requires high speed of data transfer from communication system, there are many technologies that are involved with the system. Among all the technologies that are involved with the modern communication, one of the most common technology that is used in modern communication is Multiple Input Multiple Output technique (MIMO). The MIMO techniques is technique that is used for the purpose of multimedia communication because these technology produces very high cell coverage without the increase of bandwidth or the transmit power. MIMO is considered to be an upcoming technology in the system of communication.
Hossain & Hasan (2015) stated that the applications that are involved in social media, web browsing, cellular applications, or mobile banking are increasing at a high speed. So the intensive programs of this data creates more bandwidth with the operators. The expansion of wireless network that are needed to meet demands of applications and also to acquire the bandwidth that is already existing. The LTE is one of the most advanced technologies that provides increased capacity with the help of different technologies including MIMO techniques and antenna techniques optimization. The data throughput of the LTE will effected by this method. MIMO basically presents different unique challenges that are with new approaches to network measurement as well as optimization. The system’s performance will be improved with implementation of MIMO. There is a space of LTE with the ability for improving the throughput of data and also the efficiency of using the OFDM.
Comparison of Fourth and Fifth Generation Wireless Technologies
As stated by Gupta & Jha (2015) the technology of LTE helps to increase downlink speed with the implementation of MIMO technique in the fourth generation of technology. By applying MIMO in the LTE technology increases the coverage of cell and increases the throughput of the technology also. Several techniques in MIMO are used in LTE technology that includes transmit diversity with closed precoding, single as well as multi user of MIMO, and dedicated beam forming. In a single user MIMO, multiple spatial layers are configured with two or more antennas for downloading the specified equipment of user.
Yashoda & Nataraj (2015) stated that the scheme of transmit diversity is used by configuration of MIMO specifically with two antennas in the uplink and two to four antennas in downlink. The dedicated beam that forms the scheme from MIMO technology is basically used for coverage extension. Recently, in a study that is named as LTE advanced is employed to resist the competition according to IMT. According to International Conference on Emerging Research in Computer and Electronic Science of Technology, the conventional MIMO technologies that are used as single can extent the downlink up to eight antennas and downlink of four transmit antennas in LTE technology. There is also a new method of multi-cell of COMP (Coordinated Multipoint Transmission) that is introduced with this system to increase the efficiency of this method in the future (Ferreira 2016). The main advantage of this task in multi-point COMP is the carrier aggregation. The CA and the latest MIMO are considered as two important technologies of DL/UL acceleration, where the technologies helps to increase the performance of communication and expands efficacy of bandwidth and enable the speed of the downlink of up to 3BG/sec.
There are many advantages that are involved for using the MIMO system is that:
1) MIMO has capability to improve its capability with the radiated efficiency of energy by 100 times and increases capacity of order of 10 as well as more than 10 users at a time (Agiwal, Roy & Saxena 2016).
2) The MIMO systems can put together with lower power and makes the price of the component less costly.
3) The MIMO also permits substantial decrease in latency on air interface.
4) There are multiple MIMO that makes Multiple Access Layer a very simple technology.
5) The MIMO increases strength that are equally against the unintended interference that are manmade and also provides intended jamming.
Emerging Technologies in 5G Network
The LTE-advanced acts as a bridge in between the 4G technology and 5G technology. The advanced LTE is basically an evolution of original LTE technology toward high bandwidths. The LTE-A basically promises a speed that is three times greater than the traditional speed of the LTE network (Jiang et al., 2017). There are usually five building blocks that are involved in the advanced LTE network. The advanced LTE network consists of a) Carrier Aggregation, b) Increased MIMO, c) Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP), d) Relay Station, and e) Heterogeneous Network commonly known as HetNet.
The Carrier Aggregation or the channel aggregation is basically a transmission scheme which allows maximum of 20 channels from about different spectrums that are combined in a single data stream (Giri et al., 2014). The LTE-Advanced raises MIMO bar of about 8×8 antenna configuration so that the number of radio streams are increased with beam steering technique.
According to Kumar & Vardhan (2017) the CoMP or the cooperative MIMO is a process that allows the mobile devices for sending and receiving the radio signals from different cells so that they can reduce the interference from different other cells and then ensures optimum performance in all cell edges. The SK Telecom has introduced the first ever LTE advanced network that actually develops early form of CoMP.
Relay in the LTE advanced is basically a setting on a base station that uses communication of multi-hop at all cell edges (Wang & Li 2016). The LTE advanced is a weak signal and then retransmits the enhanced the quality of the network.
The most crucial of all the building block is the HetNet, which is a multilayered system that uses overlapping the small cells and the big cells to lessen the cost of bandwidth. The HetNet is an evolution of cellular architecture that has more complex nature of architecture (Peppas & Mathiopoulos 2017). This network is a vast network with small cells and hundreds and thousands of entry points in cellular system. The self-organizing network is a concept that enables technologies that are considered for the advanced-LTE applications.
So, to increase the speed of the 4G network, a bridge of LTE advanced is done between 4G and the 5G network. The HetNet is possible serving as a bridge in between LTE advanced and the 5G world.
Fifth generation of the network is a wireless network architecture that has massive technology of multiple input and multiple output of technology, NFV (Network Function Visualization) cloud and a device for the purpose of communication from device to device (Liu et al. 2017). There are certain short range technologies of communication such as Small cell, communication of Visible light, WiFi and communication technologies of millimeter wave. These short range communication promises to provide a better quality of service and promise to have an increased rate of data for inside users and reduces the pressure time for outside the base stations. There are some key of emerging technologies that are also discussed in the reviewed articles that are basically used in some of the wireless systems with performance desires such as MIMO and enhances device to device communication and there is an interference management, cognitive radio of spectrum sharing, technology of multi radio access technology, ultra dense networks, wave communication, duplex radios and cloud technologies (Yang et al., 2017). The emerging technologies that are involved in 5G network helps in radio access networks and defined software network as well.
Evaluation and Literature Gap
The gap in the literature review address that the fifth generation of network is still under process and there are certain research viability that is still going on. The speed of this technology is very difficult to achieve and there should be technological support in all the parts of the world. The literature review does not provide all such technological support (He et al., 2014). The infrastructure of 5G technology is very high and the literature review does not provide such cut costing infrastructure for the fifth generation of technology. There are also many security as well as privacy issues that the articles cannot mitigate regarding the technology of fifth generation network.
To enable an LTE connection, there are main two technologies so that there is a higher data achievement throughput compared with the 3G network. The two technologies includes MIMO technology and OFDM technology. The OFDM technology, known as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex is basically a transmission technique that use a very large number of carriers that are closely-spaced, which modulates the data rate that are low. The OFGM has a spectral efficiency scheme, which enables higher data rates and give permission to many users to use a shared common channel. On the other hand, MIMO (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) is a technique that improves the data throughout and increases the spectral efficiency by the use of multiple antennas at transmitter and the receiver end. The MIMO uses digital processing signal for setting up multiple streams of data on same channel. The LTE standard use both the duplex operation forms that includes FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) and TDD (Time Division Duplex).
This report details about the MIMO technology that are implemented in the fourth generation of the technology. The Long Term Evolution (LTE) in the 4G network adds the MIMO technology that helps to increase the speed of the 4G technology. The LTE technology with the implementation of MIMO is known as Advanced-LTE technology. This paper reviews all such literature review that describes the implementation of 4G network with that of the 5G network. Evaluation is also done related to all the literatures or articles that are taken. The evaluation is done in two ways: firstly by analyzing of all the literature review that are taken in this report, and finding any gap that the literature review addresses.
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