Methods And Tools For Organizational Behavior Management – MNGT5272

Selection of a leadership style

There are different types of leadership styles discussed within the case provided and I would like to adopt transformational leadership style for managing the project team. The reason is that the transformational leadership builds a high-performance team which is vital for the project and I would be able to motivate the other members of the team as a project manager. The transformational leaders work with the groups and recognize the required changes, forms a vision to monitor the changes by motivation and execute the moves with the team members of the project (Brandon-Lai, Armstrong & Ferris, 2016). The transformational leaders are defined to provide positive energy to the team members with the belief that they would give their best performance. The motivation, empowerment, and impulse from the transformational leaders make the team members to perform beyond their level and make the project successful.

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As the project manager, I might utilize the wastewater management system which is environment-friendly. This system is improved with the secondary levels of sewage discharge treatment and these are the facilities delivered by Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd. (EWS). The benefits provided by methods reveals that it has no power-driven parts, electricity is not required, and the chemicals are not added. The plans are also low priced, and no or little maintenance is needed (Bieling, Stock & Dorozalla, (2015).  As a project manager of EWS, I have to make strategic planning to incorporate the targets, visions, and the values of EWS to build a successful project.  Marketing is an essential element of leadership in EWS, and they have the benefit of utilizing the social networking sites for their marketing planning.

Social media sites are appropriate and can be utilized to communicate with the team members outside the project teams. The social media has become an active and efficient means for communication and stay connected with the critical stakeholders and clients (Wu & Chu, 2015). It is more than about marketing and production. It has become a vital part to reach the clients. The social media is changing the communication systems of the company, as the current social networking sites are very cost-efficient in comparison to traditional means of communication like the email and online promotion (Sonnentag & Pundt, 2016). Blogging and Twitter helps EWS to build groups, provide instant feedback or support and advertise their goods and services. Observing and evaluating the success of social media communication is critical to recognize whether my communication plan is on the right track or not.

Tools and techniques required for influencing the project team

The following powers are the five types of power I will use to motivate the team members for working in a collaborative way and make a successful project. I have to utilize each of these powers according to the situations and status of the project so that the team members of the project work collaboratively and make the project successful.  

Coercive Power – This power can be utilized while discussing the topic of the project.  If the project faces some sort of threat, unsafety or fear, then as a project manager I will use this power.

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Legitimate Power – It can be used when orders and requests come directly from EWS, and as a PM I have to use this power.

Reward Power – It is associated with money or some positive value like the praise. I can also be an incentive to inspire the team members to carry on the project smoothly. Reward power is usually required to improve the behavior of the team members (Mittal & Dhar, 2015). But if this power is over utilized then, it takes the form of a bribe.

Referent Power – The team members will perceive me as their role model through this power. I have to lead the project with patience, form relations on the basis of trust and provide them the example of a good manager (Srivastava & Dhar, 2016). So that the team members work together in the project and make a successful project.

Expert Power – This power is based on high professional skills, a broad base of information, or years of leadership experience. If I am perceived as a capable manager, then I will be provided with more opportunities for taking decisions regarding the project.

The need to self-manage a team has increased due to the existence of agile teams, team alliance and online tools of cooperation. Usually, groups are controlled from top to bottom. But that is not the case of self-controlled teams. They are more flexible, independent and advanced in their approaches (Shen & Benson, 2016).  The methods required for developing self-manage teams for the project of EWS are as follows.

Communication – Efficient communication is vital for managing the project teams to make a successful project. In a project, almost 90% of the time is spent in interaction by the project manager. It involves feedback between the team members and the project manager (Nicolin & Monteiro, 2016).

Tools and techniques appropriate for managing communication outside the project group

Metrics – Metrics will allow the project manager of EWS to control the success of the project and help the project manager to analyze the status of the project, predict the risks and evaluate the productivity of the team and their quality of effort.

Current Outcomes – The current outcomes have to be evaluated regularly to find the loopholes of the project and the shortcomings of the teams (Coccia, 2016).

Power of Success – The power of success is one of the primary methods of project planning to save money and make the successful project.

The reason for adopting the approaches as mentioned above are as follows:

Communication – In order to receive the confidence of the teams, I have to interact openly and seek feedback from them. I have to use proper techniques which will increase the cooperation and communication among the groups.

Metrics – I have to permit the team to describe their metric rates of success by themselves. If they do this, then they would become more responsible for meeting their aims. In order to track the metric rates of success, software with real-time dashboards is very helpful (Rode, Huang & Flynn, 2016).

Current Outcomes – If the current outcomes of the teams are analyzed regularly then, I can find out the loopholes of the feedback and discuss with the teams to find the solutions for it.  

Power of Success – The power of success is good for projects, as it would be beneficial for the teams, projects as well as the company that is EWS.

As a project manager, the steps that could be adopted by me to reduce the challenges faced by my project team are as follows:

  1. The management of wastewater in the countries of West Africa is a big issue, which had increased due to installation expenses, maintenance costs and present complex systems of the market (Decramer et al., 2015). With the capability of supplying easy and cost-efficient systems of wastewater management, as a project manager of EWS, I have to take the benefits of this market to expand the project in these nations and reduce the issues of projects and their members.  
  2. As a project manager of EWS, I have to find particular skillsets of the employees from all over the locations that are presently working in the project. Moreover, the project has to assess and update the present structure of the company, strategies, methods, and systems so that the members of the project does not have to face any issues regarding the project in future (Lozano, Nummert & Ceulemans, 2016).
  3. I also have to analyze the procedures implemented by other companies in the same projects in order to avoid the revenue loss at the time of the projects.


Bieling, G., Stock, R. M., & Dorozalla, F. (2015). Coping with demographic change in job markets: How age diversity management contributes to organisational performance. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 5-30.

Brandon-Lai, S. A., Armstrong, C. G., & Ferris, G. R. (2016). Organisational impression congruence: A conceptual model of multi-level impression management operation in sports service organisations. Sport Management Review, 19(5), 492-505.

Coccia, M. (2016). Radical innovations as drivers of breakthroughs: characteristics and properties of the management of technology leading to superior organisational performance in the discovery process of R&D labs. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(4), 381-395.

Decramer, A., Audenaert, M., Van Waeyenberg, T., Claeys, T., Claes, C., Vandevelde, S., … & Crucke, S. (2015). Does performance management affect nurses’ well-being?. Evaluation and program planning, 49, 98-105.

Lozano, R., Nummert, B., & Ceulemans, K. (2016). Elucidating the relationship between sustainability reporting and organisational change management for sustainability. Journal of cleaner production, 125, 168-188.

Mittal, S., & Dhar, R. L. (2015). Transformational leadership and employee creativity: mediating role of creative self-efficacy and moderating role of knowledge sharing. Management Decision, 53(5), 894-910.

Nicolini, D., & Monteiro, P. (2016). The practice approach: for a praxeology of organisational and management studies. The Sage handbook of process organization studies. London: SAGE, 110-126.

Rode, J. C., Huang, X., & Flynn, B. (2016). A cross?cultural examination of the relationships among human resource management practices and organisational commitment: an institutional collectivism perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(4), 471-489.

Shen, J., & Benson, J. (2016). When CSR is a social norm: How socially responsible human resource management affects employee work behavior. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1723-1746.

Sonnentag, S., & Pundt, A. (2016). Organisational health behavior climate: Organisations can encourage healthy eating and physical exercise. Applied Psychology, 65(2), 259-286.

Srivastava, A. P., & Dhar, R. L. (2016). Impact of Leader member exchange, human resource management practices and psychological empowerment on extra role performances: the mediating role of organisational commitment. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(3), 351-377.

Wu, Y. K., & Chu, N. F. (2015). Introduction of the transtheoretical model and organisational development theory in weight management: A narrative review. Obesity research & clinical practice, 9(3), 2

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