Mental Health Policy Of Australia: Overview, Impacts, And Recommendations
Mental illness is a disease which causes the disturbance in thought and behaviour that results is an inability to survive with the demands and routines of life. Mental health problem is related to the excessive stress due to some reasons such as personal issues and many others. Cancer, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, depression and the others diseases are also a reason mental illness. There are many other factors which the mind of a person and cause the mental illness such as genetic factors, biochemical imbalance, and environmental stress. There are 200 types of mental illness from which some types are very common disorders such as, dementia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders and many others (Biringer, Davidson, Sundfør, Lier, and Borg, 2016). The main reason of mental illness is the environmental stress which affects the mind of people. Changing in mood, personality and personal habits are the symptoms of mental issue which also affect the mental health conditions. The government make the policies which helps to resolve or reduce this issues. Mental health policy is the policy which is made by the government to reduce these issues. In this report, the discussion will be made on the topic of Mental Health policy of Australia.
Mental health Policy is a step which is taken by the Australian government to promote the mental health and prevent the people from mental illness. The main aim is to develop this policy is to prevent the people from mental illness or to recover the patient from mental illness. It also promote desegregation, destigmatization and ensure socio-economic and other factors from which the people affected such as providing affordable quality of health and social care to all the person and patients through within a right based framework (Kageyama, Nakamura, Kobayashi, and Yokoyama, 2016). The main objective of Australian government is to provide the universal access to mental health care. It helps the people in stable there mind. It has been seen that the people take wrong step in this type of mental issues such as suicide and attempted suicide. It is a biggest reason of increasing the death rate of the country and to reduce this government of Australia take steps towards this issue (Ducat, Rubenstein, Philipson, and Anderson, 2015). The government of Australia set the goal of this policy is to improve the understanding of the mental health in the country. Government of Australia identify the social, biological and psychological determinents which affects the mental health problems to provide the appropriate intervention. The death rate of Australia is 71 %of male and 76% of Female. It probably increasing that is why the government of Australia take the initiative to reduce the death rate of the country (Hooper, Foster, Knuiman, and Giles-Corti, 2018).
The fifth national mental health plan is currently being developed by the Australian Health Minister Advisory Council. In this plan the government promote the mental health drug and Alcohol Principal Committee to reduce these issues. the main objecrive and main goal of Australan government to made this mental health policy is to promote the mental heal of Australains.
As the government of Australia takes steps towards this mental health issue which directly impact on the people health. The fifth plan of Australian government articulates was built on the bases of four previous National Mental Health Plans, and the existing states and territory of mental health and suicide prevention plan and national and mental health reform (Semrau, et al., 2015).
From the last decade, the number of people participates in mental health setting by 51 % rate. The step of Australia government has a positive impact on the people which is shown by the caring of people towards their health and it also impact on the environment (Einarsen, and Nielsen, 2015). Care is the primarily objective of the communities as compared to the previous impatient services and this primary setting of communities is increased which results shown in the Medicare Benefits Schedules. After built this policy, Australian government developed the 1.3 million treatment plan and 4.9 million services which are provided by the Psychologists and other health professionals through the various sources and Medicare subsidised services (Johnson, et al., 2016). This step of Australian government is not only helps the Australain but it also helps the other countries. The other areas and sectors also develop the programs for people with the mental illness. These achievements become Australia as a world leader in mental health system due to its quality of services and primary objectives (Corrigan, Druss, and Perlick, 2014).
It has been observed that the impact of mental health programs also have some issues. According to the National Survey of Mental and wellbeing, it is observed that the only one-third of mental illness patient receives the mental health services each year. Demand for mental health care is not appropriate and meet in the emergency periods which is a biggest issue. Challenges in recruiting, retaining and supporting workforces helps in appropriate competency start compromising the quantity and quality of care.
It has been seen that there are many issues which a patient face at the time of emergency. The delivery of medicines and care is delay due to which the causes of death rate is increases and the policy following is not appropriate. The government should take step to resolve this issue. It is responsibility of the communities to analyse the process of delivering which helps in delivering the medicines. To deliver the services at the appropriate time has been measure by the communities. So that the patients get the services in an appropriate time and get the recovery the recovery quickly before any un-happening incidents (Fazel, Geddes, and Kushel, 2014).
From the above analysis, it is founded that the one-third of patients receives the care and medicines which shows that the policy is not accept in many areas of the country. The government of Australia has to measure the outcomes from which it can easily estimate that how many of people get the services and care. It also has to measure the quality which is delivered to the patient so that the people get the services with the high quality. High quality of services is helps the people in quick recovery of the patient. It also has to measure the delivery of quantity so that the issue of delivering the services to the less number of people is reduces and the large number of patient receives the issue (Gjolaj, Campos, Olier-Pino, and Fernandez, 2015).
From the above analysis, it has been concluded that the health issue is a major reason of death rate. It is also harmful for the human health as well as the society. The government of Australia take the initiative to reduce this issue by making the mental health policy. The main aim of policy is to promote the mental health of Australia. It has the positive impact on the society due to its positive impact Australia is known for its mental health treatment. But it has some issues which is resolve by taking some actions such as measuring of quality and delivering process. Although, the policy is appropriately applied in the country but it takes some improvement to reduce these issues.
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