Mental Health Assessment And Mental State Examination

Impact of Recent Life Events on Justin’s Health and Well-being

1.Justin is an Australian who is twenty years old. However, the demise of his Uncle by the name Reggie who was like his father and teacher too made him depressed in a manner that he stopped caring for his life. Uncle Reggie taught him the stories of his people, creation stories, spiritual and cultural responsibilities. Since his uncle died, he hardly comes out of his room and rarely does he go out to see friends. He stopped seeking for employment and has quitted his casual job. The situation of him not being able to provide for his parents also affects him since they have diabetes too (Bai, Lou, Jiang and Guo, 2017). Speculations are believed to be valid with social and some religious impacts. As shown by the solace hypothesis, the client is okay with the condition of satisfaction and not eager to do anything the entire day.

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 The bullying at school might also affect his health and well-being since he describes himself as not being smart. The other event that can impact his well-being is leaving school in year 11 because of lack concentrations due to his father’s admission in the hospital (Hunter, Weber, Shattell and Harris, 2015).

2.According to my opinion, the mental illness is an illness which results to insignificant or extreme personality unsettling influence, influencing the patient’s considerations and practices that can cause changing the patient’s demand (Bai et al., 2017). Anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression are some of particular mental illness. In that case, if we look at the past of Justin, who was active in most of the activity in school, but suddenly with the diabetics and passing of his uncle, his mental illness is more like depression, with the thought of suicidal. The symptoms after such views could be personality changes, staying away from social activities or could be moodiness (Pettit, Buitron and Green, 2018).

On the other hand, Justin might think that his illness is due to stress or a confused series of awkward occasions. However, he feels in the Aboriginal way that maybe he might have done something wrong and now he is being punished (Hunter et al., 2015).

3.Giving respect to the family values, culture and tradition of the patient who are from a diverse background assists in communicating with the patient effectively. In what manner can organizations with Justin and his quick as well as a more distant family be produced and kept up all through his excursion of care to improve recuperation (Bouvard, Fournet, Denis, Sixdenier and Clark, 2017). Every one of the general populations has the privilege to choose their way of life and be regarded by everybody and have ensured protection. One of the ways to help the patient with illness is showing the positive attitude to have their illness recovered. When we talk about the positive attitude, it means understanding what the patient’s belief, their feelings and the value they have (Hargreaves, 2017).

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Cultural Interpretation of Mental Illness for Justin and Own Perspective Differences

Considering the fact that Justin is an indigenous Australian who have close ties with family, his culture being more traditional needs someone who can understand these and deal with Justin’s illness. It was due to his respect to the tradition that was making him to communicate about his condition which was helping the medical team to diagnose and treat accordingly with the right medication (Tappen, 2015).

4.Justin has to be encouraged and be taught by any of the family members like how Uncle Reggie used to do. Additionally, Justin misses his family when undergoing treatments within the city and admits to be a lucky person as he enjoys family gathering and support from his mates. He had the motive to support his family although his illness has let him down (Sercu, Ayala and Bracke, 2015).

It’s an essential aspects for Justin’s family to recognize that Justin can be okay again. They have to acknowledge the impact of his sickness and belief that he will get well again. When his family supports him during his illness, he will understand the support he is receiving from his family. Justin need to show he is eager to get better and with that, he has a chance of speedy recovery (Bouvard et al., 2017). With a diabetic patient and psychological sickness at home are not going to be easy for his family, however, in any situation patient’s courage comes from the support he receives from his family, which should bolster Justin’s condition to show the signs of improvement.

5.It is the most significant part of the trauma being away from family and community Justin being an indigenous Australian and has bonded with this community. The City life along with the rural Australian indigenous life is different. Justin grew up in a remote area where he had the strong cultural background and lived with his extended family; he has cultural affiliation and beliefs which was handed down from generation to generation. In the midst of his youth, Uncle Reggie demonstrated his records of his family, supernatural quality and social he in like manner got some answers concerning fence medication and Tucker for recovering. He believed that the city treatment would not help him as his uncle passed down the knowledge of stories of his people, learned about the bush medicine, Tucker for recovering. He believed in the traditional healing process and thought that his traditional rights were taken away by going to the city.

Influence of Attitudes and Values on Communication with Justin

5.Justin was brought up in strong bonded cultural, spiritual and religious. However, he was in a different culture during the treatment and resisted the new way of religion. Studies show that people who socialize will presumably get recovered faster than they have a feeling of fortifying all through their healing process (Hargreaves, 2017).

Socially sheltered patients are all the more ready to share information about their wellbeing worries because of the home inclination; they feel tended to, and their way of life is regarded. Patients are additionally ready to return for treatment and take after suggested treatment given by their medicals. It is necessary to learn the patient’s way of life, and the procedure starts by knowing the foundation data of a patient misconceptions in the patient’s locale (Hargreaves, 2017).

 The wellbeing professionals who deal with Justin should know the way of life of where he originates from having as a main priority that he originates from a more remote zone. They ought to likewise esteem his way of life transparently and maintain a strategic distance from every single cliché hindrance between themselves. Culture mind hypothesis, for the most part, clarifies the familiarity with assorted variety between various societies and races which help in the medicinal services setting  

From the information in the Mental Health Assessment and Mental State

Examination, what are the identified areas of concern and the priorities of care planning for Justin?

As indicated by Justin’s psychological proclamation and examination, he talked through his discourse moderately; there was idleness in his reaction and monotone and without articulation. He regularly gave monosyllabic answers except if incited (Townsend and Morgan, 2017). His mindset was depicted low and needed vitality and inspiration; his craving diminished tremendously throughout the previous a half year and experienced issues in dozing and revealed that he woke up ahead of schedule.

There was confirmation of diurnal inclination variety expressing that he feels down toward the start of the day, hence, spending whatever is left of the day resting. The disposition is a patient’s relentless, passionate state, and when they seem discouraged, they create thinking of self-destructive because they believe they are turning into a try to the network (Scheid and Wright, 2017). Justin’s mental health assessment tells us that the helping part of the nursing theory is depicted in getting the reason for the examination which is the primary purpose of the evaluation.

8.As per the 1:1 intervention note, putting the first and seventh session into consideration, his thought about killing himself has not changed, his mood is low and still prefers to remain in his room as he is only aboriginal when there. However, he is also told the options to discharge him. Furthermore, at times when Justin is not willing to talk, they used to give him time until he deems it fit to speak. Some of the other skills which are allowing the professionals to communicate with Justin are showing respect, listening carefully, focusing on his situation and not on Justin, being flexible to his schedule and finally by using affirming responses (Mascayano, Armijo and Yang, 2015).

Partnerships with Justin and Family for Recovery Enhancement

9.Considering the 3-month review, it is evident that Justin is getting better and his suicidal thoughts are no longer there. It is crucial too to keep a close relation with the patient so that the likes of Justin can open up about their condition. As per the discharge plan, his trigger is his Uncle’s death, which he opens up with the nursing staff (Hayes, 2018). If possible, the family should help get him to get a job too after discharge which will help reduce his stress.

10.Justin trusts his religion, spirituality and likes his land where he grew up. Uncle Reggie taught him all the way an Indigenous Australian life for many centuries (Happell, Wilson and McNamara, 2015). His only contact was with his community where he lived and has no idea about the culture except his own. He has no concept of city life, and it is necessary that talking with people from a different culture to understand the cultural barriers among them and by researching on other cultures can help one to learn and appreciate the values of other culture (Hayes, 2018).

I have learned that despite going through a difficult situation, a person should not be quick on making decisions and coming to a conclusion. This is seen in Justin’s case where he thinks of committing suicide, but he was not ready at it because he was also thinking about what it might cause to his family.

Bai, X., Lou, T., Jiang, Z. and Guo, J., 2017. Construction of a theoretical model of nursing humanistic care based on Confucianism. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing, 33(20), pp.1563-1566.

Bouvard, M., Fournet, N., Denis, A., Sixdenier, A. and Clark, D., 2017. Intrusive thoughts in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and non-clinical participants: a comparison using the International Intrusive Thought Interview Schedule. Cognitive behavior therapy, 46(4), pp.287-299.

Hunter, L., Weber, T., Shattell, M., and Harris, B.A., 2015. Nursing students’ attitudes toward psychiatric mental health nursing. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 36(1), pp.29-34.

Happell, B., Wilson, R. and McNamara, P., 2015. Undergraduate mental health nursing education in Australia: more than Mental Health First Aid. Collegian, 22(4), pp.433-438.

Hargreaves, D.H., 2017. Interpersonal relations and education. Routledge.

Hayes, J., 2018. The theory and practice of change management.

Mascayano, F., Armijo, J.E. and Yang, L.H., 2015. Addressing stigma relating to mental illness in low-and-middle-income countries. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6, p.38.

Pettit, J.W., Buitron, V. and Green, K.L., 2018. Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk in Children and Adolescents. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

Scheid, T.L. and Wright, E.R. eds., 2017. A handbook for the study of mental health. Cambridge University Press.

Sercu, C., Ayala, R.A. and Bracke, P., 2015. How does stigma influence mental health nursing identities? An ethnographic study of the meaning of stigma for nursing role identities in two Belgian Psychiatric Hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), pp.307-316.

Tappen, R.M., 2015. Advanced nursing research. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Townsend, M.C. and Morgan, K.I., 2017. Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. FA Davis.

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