Memory Lane – Business Plan Report

Company Overview

Memory Lane is a well known care service started their business in United States and expanding into the middle east as well. The current target of this business is to make a elder people care facility and community in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Memory Lane provides care services, advice, health checkups and supports to the older people and people with Dementia and motor disorder. The quality and consumer relation of Memory Lane is thir major strength ( 2018). One of the essential part of this facility is its age friendly environment. The business have both online and offline membership plan starting from various subscription plans of the members. Memory Lane Service care is currently working on their digital media based technological advancement that enables them to make contact ( 2018). The infrastructure and interior of the facility is built in a way that can provide a friendly and comfortable environment to older and retarded people. The company has also a good market reputation for its Corporate Social Activities, which includes developing special community based environment for older people and also for special community who are suffering from various mental disabilities like Alzheimer’s.  

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Memory lane will be a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care. The focus of this business is establish a sustainable facility to provide many alternative care service to the older people of the locality and regional areas ( 2018). The foundation of this company is based on a meals facility. It will also offer a day care centre for the elderly people to improve the quality of the life for older people and their families. Memory Lane already has a strong community base supported by local people and older communities. The head quarter of this company is Jumeirah area in a villa, Dubai.

In several healthcare principles, it is highlighted that the physical health of a person is highly dependent on his or her mental condition. However, the mortality rate and chronic problems of the older population is increasing day by day because of the social-isolation. The purpose of this business is to provide adequate physical and mental support to this older community to boost up their health condition and willingness to live (Lee and Porter 2013). Therefore, the mission of this Memory Lane can be segregated into two separate sections. The primary mission of this business is to increase the quality of the life amongst the older community through providing various products, services and events. The secondary mission of this business is to increase the value and profitability of the company in order to improve the service quality and market recognition (Abdallah 2014). The aim of this business is to provide an unique and innovative service that can improve the quality of lifestyle and the also can increase the value and profitability through increasing service range and diversity. Therefore the major mission statements of this business operation are:

  • Providing health supports and community services to the clients
  • Providing additional facilities such as classes for arts, craft, music exercise and healthy meals
  • Establishing effective communication with the potential consumer segment
  • Analyse the market and finding opportunity to improve and diversify the services and products
  • Establishing a sustainable infrastructure for effective business operations across the regional to national market
  • Increasing profit margin as well as variable and constant assets

Mission Statement

Operations segments defines the process of executing the business that includes the strategic implementation of plan, developing infrastructure and providing the services (Dobrzykowski et al. 2014). The operations segments of Memory Lane is divided into two main sections namely the market segmentation target strategy, Product price strategy and value chain model.

From last 10 years, United Arab Emirates is evolving significantly and has become of the fastest growing economy and sociological environment. Along with the economical development UAE is becoming more sophisticated place in the world. The increasing rate of GDP and per capita income are also changing the demographical trend and nationals and expatriates (Lunt et al. 2014). With the increasing level of diversity the life of older people specially in urban area is becoming socially isolated. The Memory Lane segmented the market and the potential consumer pool by demographic background of the population. As per the proposed goal of this business, the target population will be the people who are more than 60 years old. At the same time, the market has been also segmented by another parameter named mental health. People with several mental disorders such as depression, Anxiety, Dementia are also the target of this Memory Lane care business.

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Several government and Private organisations are working in Dubai while providing various services to the elderly people and to the people with special needs. Most of the government or public service organisations are non-profitable (Stamatakis Weiler and Ioannidis 2013). However some private organisations are profitable and have different quality of services including rehabilitation, primary healthcare services, training and development motor activities and others. Thukher Social Club, Weleef Program, Dubai Cares, Emirates Rehab and Homecare LLC, Eureka Home Health Care Center LLC some of the well known companies within the UAE that operate within the Abu Dhabi and Dubai (Lunt et al. 2014). Therefore, in order to make the business sustainable as well as profitable the quality of the services have to be the main focus of the Memory Lane care centre. Along with the quality of the services the price will be also reasonable and affordable by the most of the local community. Therefore, the pricing of this business will focus on the low to medium range of pricing band.

Memory lane will be a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care. Therefore the value chain model of this organisation will focus more on the infrastructure and the service rather than the physical product processing and delivery (Abdallah 2014). The value chain model of this company will be presented in two separate sections namely primary activities and support activities. Primary activities consists of all the major activities that take the major responsibilities of the value chain including logistics, process, service, marketing and sales. On the other hand, the Supportive activities will consist all the administrative business activities that holds the platform to operate the business successfully (Lee and Porter 2013). The components of supportive activities are the organisational structure, human resource, technology development and procurement.  

Operations Segment

The inbound logistics of this elderly care company will be the processed food materials, check-up equipments, primary care components and others. For this logistical operation the company will communicate with the local vendor companies and will negotiate with them. The target of the negotiation process will be ensuring the quality of the raw materials while aligning the estimated budget with the supply costs. The supply goods will be preserved in the local community centres and there will be no warehouse of buffer storage system since the quality of the goods will not be huge. Another essential vendor will be the IT service provides that will help to improve the quality of Memory Lane care mobile app and the online consumer helpline system.

The purpose of this business is to provide adequate physical and mental support to this older community to boost up their health condition and willingness to live. Memory lane will be a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care. Therefore the operation of this business will be associated with the local ender people and the required service providing. The following points are the major operations of the business.

  • The staff working at the centre are educated and skilled to look after older citizens.
  • The centre offers transportation operations including pick up and drop off service of its clients by company owned minibuses
  • Healthy meals are provided to the clients
  • Wide verity of classes are provided including arts, music, craft, exercise, play, reading and others
  • Several indoor and outdoor events are planed
  • Scheduled health checkups are provided
  • Providing flawless application based communication and client guidance system.

Memory lane will be a community based business organisation focused on alternative model older people care. Therefore, the organisation does not has any considerable amount of outbound logistics. However, as per the operation of the business the processed mills and  several care giving equipments such as wheelchair, clutches, advance walking  stick and others can be considered as the outbound logistics. Since the products will be delivered direct to the clients the quality and maintenance of the products are essential.

Being a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care Memory Lane has to develop very strategic marketing model to increase it reputation and market recognition. The marketing activities of this company can be divided into two sections namely event based promotional activities and  media based marketing activities. For event based promotional activities Memory Lane can take a part of several social events that would promote the health awareness for elderly people. At the same time, for media based promotion, Memory Lane can use social media based promotion as their main platform. Making social media based forums where elderly people and other supporting groups can willingly join and share their views will be beneficial in terms of promotion and the market research of the company.

Market Segmentation and Target

Being a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care Memory Lane has to focus on the consumer relationship as well. Through phone based, online and text based communication the business will develop a strong consumer relationship. Apart from that, the business will provided 25 hours helpline service which will communicate with the potential and existing client for any help regarding membership, enquiry, tertiary supports and others. The business will also provide minibus based pickup and drop services to their clients

The infrastructure of the Memory Lane care includes the physical operations and the organisational structure. Initially the business will develop a centre in Dubai at Jumeirah area. However, in next 5 years the business will extend its operating centre to Abu Dhabi as well. The organisational structure is currently formed in a centralised hierarchical manner.  The board of directors including the general managers, CEO, owner and shareholders will direct the business (  2018). The General Manager operates the whole business operation. in second level. Administrative, human resource, accounts, client communication,  transport, Information Technology Support  and Client care department will be the main operational departments. Each operational department is consists of several groups where each group have a leader. For every department a department manager is recruited. In the ground level of the organisation both permanent and part time staffs will be recruited. However, in the middle and upper section of the business only the full time staffs will be active.

The human resource of Memory Lane has to strong and strategically advanced that could help the workforce of the organisation to be motivated and well performed. To ensure the service quality and to make the workforce motivated the management will provide several incentives based on the performance of the employees. Apart from that, the operating equipments and transportation vehicles will also be maintained properly in order to make regular operations flawless (Grigoroudis Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis 2012). The hazard identification and health and security measures are also major concerns of the HRM of Memory Lane care service. The healthy work environment, work-life balance are considered as the most essential part or regular Human Resource operation. Special compensation systems have been  also planned to make the workforce happy and healthy. The care service department is further divided into the physical trainer groups, healthcare service provider groups, health check-up groups and psychological treatment providers.  

Being a community based business organization focused on alternative model older people care, Memory Lane has to focus on their technological development and quality in terms of communication system and transportation service. The management has to ensure that the client communication department has the advanced and flawless telecommunication system to handle the information regarding queries, ambiguities, membership, potential client details and others. At the same time, the minibuses of the company which will be used for transportation facility will be repaired and upgraded as  per the requirement of performance improvement. In training facility that includes various verbal and non verbal classes will also have enough equipments such as projectors, sound system, assessment tools, health measurement equipments and others.

The aim of this business is to provide an unique and innovative service that can improve the quality of lifestyle and the also can increase the value and profitability through increasing service range and diversity. For transportation system, the minibus will be purchased by prioritising the comfort level and the fuel performance. The purpose of this transportation service will be limited within elderly population. Hence, the procurement process will also ensure the comfort and interiors suitable form aged population. The information integration system of the organisation will be based on the third party cloud based SAAS service which will enable the operation to be quick, accurate and anomaly free (Abdallah 2014). The database management system of organisation should be consistent and integrated that will provide efficient online based service to the clients who will use the mobile application of Memory Lane Care.


Abdallah, A., 2014. Implementing quality initiatives in healthcare organizations: drivers and challenges. International journal of health care quality assurance, 27(3), pp.166-181.

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Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E. and Zopounidis, C., 2012. Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), pp.104-119.

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