Meeting Preparation And Requirements


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List 5 reasons why a company might need to hold a meeting.

· To provides information.

· Strategic planning.

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· To provide employees an opportunity to give feedback.

· To give positive or negative news associated with work.

· To launch a new project (Lauby, 2015).


What is a Formal meeting?

Formal meetings are held to exchange information, solve issues, to set goals and take decisions for a department. In such kind of meeting every employee is invited to participate.


What is an Informal meeting?

These are unorganised meetings that have no restrictions for participation and they target to solve problems, exchange information, make decisions or set goals for a department or section.


List 5 meeting requirements?

· Fixed purpose

· Requirements of the participants

· Planned meeting structure

· Notepad/laptop/I pad

· Equipment’s such as video projectors


In your own words, explain the following terms:

5.1. Chairperson

The person who is given the responsibility and power conduct a meeting, preserve order and ensure that all members are provided the opportunity to express themselves liberally.

5.2. Secretary

The Person who is in charge of administration and paperwork is the secretary

5.3. Treasurer

The person who is in charge of finance and financial reporting is called the treasurer

5.4. Abstention

To Refrain from voting either or against an issue although qualified for voting.

5.5. Adjournment

The chairperson has the power along with consent of members to adjourn a

Meeting in order to postpone further discussion due to shortage of time.

5.6. Agenda

Agenda is a list of business items that are to be discussed at a meeting.

5.7. Motion

It is a formal proposal made by a member to that are to be discussed and voted on

At a meeting.

5.8. Casting vote

It is a second vote that can be granted by the chairman in events when equal numbers of votes are casted in each side of the argument.

5.9. Proxy

A person who is appointed to act in place of another (Jain, 2018).

5.10. Tabled

Issue is up for dialogue or authorization.

5.11. Quorum

 Minimum number of people required to be present for a meeting to proceed.

5.12. General Business

It is a regular and formal meeting that can be conducted by any authorised member and might include both voting and non-voting members. In such meeting the agenda is created by the committee of the meeting. The voting paper in such meeting must contain each motion being discussed and the person proposing it .

5.13. Standing orders

The Rules of Debate, the Agenda concerned with the conduct of the meeting are referred to as Standing Orders.

5.14. Constitution

Fundamental and fixed set of rules, for the governing the functioning of an

Institution is called a constitution. It is mostly in written documented from (BuisnessDictionary, 2018).


 Explain the role of the minute taker.

· Prepares agenda

· Makes record of meeting happenings

· Writes event in form of minutes

· Knows the voting process.


a) What modifications or allowances would you need to make for a meeting with a culturally diverse audience?

· Arrange for a translator

· Provide liberty to ask quarries at any time

· Provide liberty in timing if a person is travelling to attend the meeting

· Friendly negotiation

b) Describe three appropriate communication techniques you can use for the diverse audience.

· Use different easier words to elaborate the same idea

· Speak clearly and slowly

· Speak in normal moderate volume


What are some methods we can use to circulate / distribute the minutes?

· Distribute according to time.

· Distribute according to sub events inside the meeting.


When preparing the minutes what do we need to check them for?

· Communication style and Suitability of tone.

· Grammar, spelling, easy language.

· Construction of paragraph and sentence.

· Structure and order

·  Requirements  of the Organisation

· Jargon

· Discriminatory language


What is written in a meeting agenda?

· Meeting Agenda

· Date, time and location of meeting

· Welcome to participants

· Apologies received  

· Minutes of the earlier meeting  

· Problems or business that have arisen from the minutes (Examples, 2018)

· Correspondence

· Required Reports

· Major agenda items

· General business or other business

· Date for following meeting

  List two key provisions of the following legislation that affect business operations regarding    organising meetings.


Equal Opportunity Act 2010

· Abolished discrimination against race, class, gender, pregnancy etc.

· Legal action against discrimination (Commision, 2018)


               Corporations Act 2001

· Regulates  formation and regulation of companies

· Regulated duties of officer (Sheehan & Fenwick, 2008)


               Privacy laws

· Disables the disclosing of confidential or personal information without any prior written consent of the particular individual or organisation that is involved. (DeYoung, Garg, Jia, Kaynar, & Datta, 2010). The Australian Privacy Laws were revamped in the year 2013.

· Action against any violation of law.


              Workplace/ occupational health and safety laws

· Provides guidelines for the employer to ensure safe and hazards free environment at a workplace

· Provides guidelines for rights of workers (Goetsch, 2011)

Student Name: ______________________________________________________________

Student ID No: ______________________________________________________________

 Meeting Name:

 Prevent delay in target completion.

 Meeting type and Purpose:

Formal meeting to encourage employees to complete targets on time.

 Participant Name:

 Reason For Participation:

 John William

 Head office In charge – Provide instructions.

 Ruby Gilbert

 Minute taker

 Ashley Wilson

 Branch Manager- Provide guidelines to follow instructions.

 Mark Johnson

 Department head – Take notes to Instruct employees to follow instructions.

Meeting Format

What Format has you chosen for this meeting & why?

Formal meeting format was chosen because this meeting includes the involvement of the head office in charge of the.


How did you advise participants of this meeting and why did you choose this format?

Participants were advices through presentation and a formal format was chosen because of the involvement of head office in charge.

Meeting papers

Describe the meeting papers you were required to prepare and the distribution method you used to provide those papers to participants. What was the timeframe given and why?  

We were required to prepare task reports and the papers were distributed to the participants through email. A time frame of 2 days was given because of the high number of employees whose task reports were to be created.


Identify and describe the legal and ethical compliance requirements as they apply to your meeting.

Safeguarding professional confidential details of the participants and the company discussed in the meeting.

Describe culturally appropriate communication techniques for your audience.

Verbal communication in English because all participants are well versed in the language and the number of participants is low.


 Ashley Wilson



Minute Taker:

 Ruby Gilbert



Meeting Details




 10:00 am


 Sydney branch office


 100 $

Meeting Format    


encourage employees to complete targets on time


 Punctuality in target completion





Seating arrangements


 Audio / Video or teleconference requirements

 Projector,  Presenter, Laptops

Supporting Materials


 Target completion guidelines

Meeting Documentation (spares)

 Task reports

 Equipment requirements

 Note pads and pens

Hospitality Requirements

Catering requirements


 Other Requirements   

Special Needs Requirements

 Room arrangement for head office in charge.

Other Specific requirements

Balanced lighting

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Name

 Prevent delay in target completion.




 10:00 pm


 Sydney branch office

Dial in Information:

 Telephone no.

Purpose Statement:

 Task punctuality

Welcome Statement:

 Welcome to the meeting we will here make plans to ensure maximum efficient results.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Meeting Name:

Infrastructural improvement




 11:00 am


 Whitney Thomson

 Jack Johnson

 Sandra Rose

 George William

 Lilly Singh





Agenda Item

Pre-read material





 Prevent delay in target completion.

 Task report

 Head office In charge

10:00 am 

 30 minutes


Make a new stricter set of rules to ensure task completion on time.


Company set rule book for task completion.


10:30 am

15 minutes


 Rules should be documented

Department head

10:45 am 

 15 minutes


 Rule book to be sent to employees.


 11:00 am

 10 minutes

Other General Business


 Ensuring employee


 Employee rights rule book.


 11:10 am

 15 minutes

 Next Meeting




11:00 am


 Sydney Branch office

Company Name, Day, Date, Time

Meeting Name:   

 Prevent delay in target completion.

Meeting Location:   

 Sydney Branch office


 Ashley Wilson

Minute Taker

 Ruby Gilbert

Welcome Statement and purpose

Welcome to the meeting we will here make plans to ensure maximum efficient results.

Encourage employees to complete targets on time







By Who and When

Name of Agenda Item  

Name of Presenter

 Summary of discussion

 resulting actions and required follow up

Prevent delay in target completion

 John William

 Delay in deadline submission must be avoided.

More controlled supervision and strict actions.

Head office In charge

10:00 am

Make a new stricter set of rules to   ensure task completion on time  

Ashley Wilson

 New rule book for penalties associated with deadline completion.


10:30 am

 Rules should be documented

Mark Johnson

 Proper draft of rulebook.

Department head


 Rule book to be sent to employees

Ruby Gilbert

 Distribution of rulebook.


11:00 am

What strategies did you use to review documents and meeting minutes to ensure the information presented was a true and accurate record of the discussions that occurred during the meeting?  

By crosschecking and matching information with the participants and the documentation.

Detail the outcomes of the accuracy of information – spelling, grammar and correct use of templates.


Review Summary

Correctness of information

Very clear as well as helpful

Spelling & Grammar


Correct use of Template


Check for accuracy

 Who in your organisation is required to check for accuracy and approve the minutes prior to distribution?


Distributing meeting minutes

 Describe how and when you will distribute the meeting minutes and why have you chosen this method

The minutes will be distributed at least an hour before the meeting by listing the agendas, presenters and times in which they are presenting. This method is used because it is easier for later referencing while giving orders and implementing the decision.

Storing meeting minutes

 Describe how you will store the meeting minutes and why have you chosen this method?

The minutes will be documented within a report form in the computer and this method is chosen so that it can be used when necessary and can be transferred conveniently to employees.


BuisnessDictionary. (2018). constitution. Retrieved December 1, 2018, from BuisnessDictionary:

Commision, V. E. (2018). The Equal Opportunity Act 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2018, from Human Rights Commision:

DeYoung, H., Garg, D., Jia, L., Kaynar, D., & Datta, A. (2010). Experiences in the logical specification of the HIPAA and GLBA privacy laws. Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic society , 73-82.

Examples. (2018). How to Write an Agenda. Retrieved December 1, 2018, from Examples:

Goetsch, D. L. (2011). Occupational Safety For Technologists, Engineers, and Managers. New York: Pearson.

Jain, A. (2018). Role of Proxy in a Meeting. Retrieved December 1, 2018, from yourarticlelibrary:

Lauby, S. (2015, May 8). The Only 3 Reasons to Hold a Business Meeting. Retrieved December 1, 2018, from SHRM Blog:

Sheehan, K., & Fenwick, C. (2008). Seven: The Corporations Act 2001 (CTH), Corporate Governance and Termination Payments to Senior Employees . Retrieved December 1, 2018, from Heinonline:

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