Meeting Management: What, Why And How

What is an agenda and how is it used?

An agenda is used to give control to the individual conducting the meeting over the flow of info as well as discussions at the meeting. This is used as a notice of meeting to the attendees so that they can come with already prepared (Garcia, Kunz, & Fischer, 2008).

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Items to be included on a meeting agenda can be determined with the help of a checklist covering all below things:

  • Creating agenda before time
  • Apparently defining the meeting’s objective
  • Allowing adequate time for all agenda items

There are five major items of standard meeting agendas:

  • The meeting’sobjective
  • The work plan of the meeting
  • The strategies
  • Goals and values
  • Results

Factors considered while deciding over the structure of a meeting, are as follows:

  • Meeting’s invitation to the appropriate peoples
  • Utilising time efficiently
  • Designating an apparent purpose
  • Closing with the action plan

Meeting style and structure (formal or informal)

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  • To develop business plans: Decision making formal meeting
  • To announce company profits to shareholders: Information sharing informal meeting
  • To check the progress of a project with one member of the project team: Project status update formal meeting
  • To confirm daily work objectives: Information sharing formal meeting
  • To plan the organization’s next social club function: Team building informal meeting
  • To elect new board members: Team management formal meeting
  • To inform team members of planned maintenance to the building’s fire safety system: Information sharing informal meeting
  • To hear a staff grievance: Problem solving formal meeting

The following participants’ quality factors may help the meeting coordinator while identifying participants to conduct effective meetings:

  • Knowledge of required expertise
  • Time availability
  • Commitment
  • Open minded
  • Viewpoints
  • Authority of making decisions (Garcia, Kunz, & Fischer, 2008).

The ways, through which participants can be notified for an impending meeting, are as follows:

  • Words from mouth
  • Email, invitation or memo
  • SMS or phone
  • Advertisement or newspaper
  • Fax or poster on a noticeboard

Answer 7

Checklist to confirm needed arrangements of a standard meeting (Evoma, 2017):

Have you:

  • Formed a proper agenda?
  • Identified the main purpose of the meeting?
  • Chosen the appropriate participants as well as their roles?
  • Decided when and where to conduct the meeting?
  • Sent the meeting invitation to all participants?
  • Ensured availability of the meeting venue?
  • Sent the meeting agenda to main participants as well as stakeholders?
  • Taken follow up with the invitees in person?
  • Selected the decision-making way which will be used (majority votes or leader’s choice)?
  • Arranged and tested any needed equipment?
  • Finalized meeting’s agenda as well as distributed to all participants?
  • Prepared and done with the PPTs and printed handouts etc.?
  • Ensured that all participants are going to attend and aware of their roles?

5 types of meeting documents that might be sent to the participants prior to a meeting:

  • Notice of meeting, time, date and venue of meeting is essential
  • Meeting’s agenda, so that participants can be aware of what the meeting will cover
  • For some instances, minutes of meeting of previous meeting
  • Info related to a motion on notice
  • Itemized meeting documents, if a number of items need to be discussed in a predefined order

Meeting papers must be dispatched within designated time lines because the organisation’s policy as well as procedures have be followed for sending out the meeting notice as well as other documents, which takes time. If we will not dispatch within time lines then the purpose of sending the documents may not get fulfilled due to their late arrivals or may be post meeting arrivals (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015).

The role of a meeting chairperson is well-defined as the person who is selected to supervise over a meeting so that the meeting is piloted properly and fairly. The responsibilities of the meeting chairperson is same, be it a general meeting or meeting of directors (Skillmaker, 2013).

Meetings’ participants must be aware of what their duties are related to codes of practice. Most of the organisations have their codes of practice communicated through ground rules.

Moreover, legislation related to companies also requires to be considered while organising public meetings. All ethical aspects of administrative activities and issues also apply to meetings.

Chairperson should follow below mentioned practices to ensure meetings are focused, time efficient and achieve the desired outcomes:

  • Chairperson should review the variety of conventions enclosed under organisational policy as well as legislation before holding on the role of chair (Rothwell, 2010).
  • To feel self-confident about piloting a meeting, expressly when other peoples know the protocols better than you.
  • Chairperson should manage control of a meeting; otherwise the desired outcomes may not be attained.
  • Control over meeting can be maintained through the agenda as well as through communication and interpersonal skills for encouraging participation (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015).
  • Keeping meeting flow on track of the time, ensuring discussion is apparent and suitable, summarising proceedings whenever required, arranging voting whenever required as well as identifying follow-up actions, will be suggested practices.
  • He or she behave professionally all the time and be tactful, impartial and patient.

When discussion is underway and if the time line allotted for a specific agenda item has been surpassed then it is the responsibility of chairperson to confirm that meeting continues with the flow well through involving all participants available. To stop allowing 1 or 2 people for dominating the meeting, chairperson can take the decision and ask the person about concluding their point and let the others speak.

How to determine the items to be included on a meeting agenda

Chairperson is having main role in conducting efficient as well as effective management meetings. As the chairperson ensures that the Management Committee of the meeting functions properly, there is complete participation by the invitees during meetings, all necessary as well as relevant matters are discussed and effective decisions have been made and will be carried out. Thus, they are essential to bring the meetings to a close (Skillmaker, 2013).

There are ways through which a chairperson can encourage active participation from attendees at the meetings:

  • Smart preparation of the meeting can help, such as time of day, meeting length, setting rules of engagement, and prohibited mobile devices will encourage attendees’ participation (Burke, Koyuncu, Wolpin, Yiriks., & Koyuncu, 2015).
  • By using tools of engagement for getting spark from peoples for participating in a meeting can help.
  • Using chairperson’s powers of persuasion for making participants feel agreeable and excited is also helpful.
  • Driving to the final action plan smoothly will help so that meeting participants can board whenever they want to interact with each other (Burke, Koyuncu, Wolpin, Yiriks., & Koyuncu, 2015).

The well-suited defences to resolve conflicts between meetings’ participants involve organizing thoroughly prior the meeting, as well as chairing strongly thru the meeting. Because developing a reputation for managing structured meetings firmly, then there is less chance that attendees of the meetings will attempt to chase their own agendas during the meeting (Leist, 2011).

Minutes of meeting hold the purpose of the meeting as well as agreed outcomes on record which can be referred back in the future. These can be used for follow-up drives and effective minutes of meeting are usually clear as well as straight forward along with all important information. We can summarize the meeting in this form of document and refer it back whenever needed (Richards, 2018).

Following info should be covered while briefing the minute-taker:

  • Name of the organization
  • Time, date of meeting
  • Attendance including board members, absent, as well as excused
  • Motions given and the names by whom
  • Meeting end time
  • Voting result
  • documents as well as reports introduced
  • Brief of any debate if applicable
  • Future action plans
  • Signature of chair as well as secretary (Garcia, Kunz, & Fischer, 2008).

Accurate recordings of minutes of meetings provide following benefits:

  • Recording of the minutes makes the distribution of info among participants possible regarding the meeting outcomes.
  • The above helps in acknowledging the participants that their voices what they raised during the meeting were heard
  • Minutes will be useful for all participants while they need to refer the information discussed during the meeting
  • Moreover, if no info will be missed by the minute taker while recording minutes then absentees and excused people can get the whole meeting’s agenda as well as plan with the help of minutes of meeting (Evoma, 2017).
  • During next meeting, by referring the previous minutes, chairpersons can do the reviews of previously performed tasks easily.

While checking transcribed meeting notes, meeting conveners should focus on following:

  • Make seat his or her self within easy hearing of the chairperson.
  • Writing down decisions taken, action plan, responsible person names as well as due dates.
  • Begin typing the transcribed meeting noteswithin 24 hours after the meeting that helps in keeping the content fresh in mind.
  • After every topic, mention what action took place, resolutions, decisions, as well as follow-up, with due dates and individuals responsible (Get on board australia, 2016).

Minutes of meetings and other follow-up documentation should be distributed immediately or within the day post meeting to all of the participants, invitees as well as chairperson of the meeting (Free Management eBooks, 2018). Distribution of meetings later than that will cause problems like minutes of meeting taker may forget details as the rest attendees do.

Storing the minutes electronically on computer at the similar lace where the meeting has been conducted and naming it with the date, will make easier to locate the particular file whenever needed in the future (Free Management eBooks, 2018).

Moreover, printing out a hard copy of the meeting minutes as well as maintaining a proper file through putting divider labelled with the year, month and date of the meetings in a file binder is a recommended practice. Maintaining a hard copy make it easy to insert the new minutes copy into the right month as well as year section. Besides, keeping 2 hard copies of minutes of meeting stored at two places is also recommendable so that if something happens to 1 of them then other can be used.

Standard items found on most meeting agendas

There is a huge difference between minutes of meetings and reports of outcomes of the meetings because both comprise of different elements. Minutes of meeting contain each and everything about the meeting in a précised form where outcomes of the meetings also listed. Future action plans are also a part of minutes of meeting. On the other hand, outcomes report only contain the result part of the meeting rather than meeting agenda, attendance, vote results, debate topics, meeting timings as well as discussions (Siegfried, 2012).

Therefore as per the name suggesting, minutes of meeting is a whole draft of a meeting conducted for referring again in future while report of outcomes only contains the end result as well as future action plans of the meeting.

5 tips for giving verbal reports of meeting outcomes are as follows:

  • Keep it always positive
  • Prepare advance
  • Get straight to the point
  • Obtain agreement about how performance is going to improve
  • Effective Communication (DE Monfort University, 2018)

5 common features of written reports are as follows:

  • Writing style as well as structure
  • Correct and adequate referencing
  • Answering the main question
  • A well-defined purpose
  • A greatly drawn conclusion (DE Monfort University, 2018).

Formal meeting: a formal meeting heavily planned as well as regulated. Formal business meetings usually have set attributes like minutes of meeting, a chairperson as well as a set agenda (Kriete & Davis, 2014).

Ad hoc meeting:  is either called for any one specific purpose, or unplanned in a last-minute way. For an example, when we call an ad hoc meeting of the knitting buddies, then it means that the meeting was an ad hoc one, because it has called for a particular reason to knit (Meeting Sift, 2018).

Minutes: a draft of meeting containing each detail about meeting briefly.

Agenda: An agenda is used to give control to the individual conducting the meeting over the flow of info as well as discussions at the meeting.

Reports: A document which contains info organized in a graphic, narrative, or tabular form, prepared on periodic, ad hoc, recurring, required or as regular basis.

Chairperson or chair: the person who is selected to supervise over a meeting so that the meeting is piloted properly and fairly. 

Minute taker: an individual who records the minutes of meeting is the minute taker (Free Management eBooks, 2018).

Dear all,

Please be informed about a business meeting of management has been scheduled for 12 section managers is going to be held on Tuesday, 24 November 2018 commencing at 9.30 am and concluding at 4.00 pm. The auspicious presence of the CEO of the company will be there.

We all shall meet at business conference room of XYZ Hotel at 9.30 am sharp. The following peoples are requested to attend: _____________. Besides, the meeting will be joined by two of the managers coming from interstate purposely to attend in person, and 3 managers will be participating via Skype. Additionally, we all will be blessed with a guest speaker who will address on technological changes for the new financial year with the help of audio-visual way.

The below listed points as well as meeting plan is to be noted down:

Date: 24 November, 2018

Place: XYZ Hotel-Business conference room

S. No.

Meeting activity

Type of action

Time schedule


Meeting welcome speech

Information sharing

9.30 am


Last meeting’s minutes approval

Information sharing

9.45 am


Vote for new secretary


10.15 am


Progress report of old business

Information sharing

10.30 am


Tea break


11.00 am


New Business


11.15 am


Vote on proposal and budget


12.30 pm


Rewards giving activity

Interaction  and appreciation

1.00 pm


Lunch at restaurant


1.30 pm



Information sharing

2.15 pm


3 group discussion activity


2.30 pm


Meeting evaluation and adjournment


3.15 pm


Future action plans


3.30 pm


High-Tea break


4.00 pm

Two tea breaks and lunch will be catered for all the participants on the meeting premises. During afternoon, all participants will be divided into 3 groups for developing ideas and considering their strategic requirements for the coming year. Afterwards, they will be reunited and share their ideas with rest of the groups.

In this way, above meeting plan will be heading to develop a future work strategy as well as action plan in order to implement team-effectiveness, leadership, team-building and co-ordination among all the employees of the company and the management.


Austin, E., & Pinkleton, B. (2015). Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns. London: Routledge.

Burke, R., Koyuncu, M., Wolpin, J., Yiriks., & Koyuncu, K. (2015). Organizational Empowerment Practices, Psychological Empowerment and Work Outcomes Among Frontline Service Employees in Five-Star Turkish Hotels. Effective Executive, 18(1), 42.

DE Monfort University. (2018). Basic report structure. Retrieved from De Montfort University:

Evoma. (2017, 04 15). HOW TO CONDUCT AN EFFECTIVE BUSINESS MEETING. Retrieved from Evoma:

Free Management eBooks. (2018). Responsibilities of the Minute Taker. Retrieved from Free management eBooks:

Garcia, A., Kunz, J., & Fischer, M. (2008). Meeting Details: Methods to instrument meetings and use agenda voting to make them more effective. Meeting of the Center for integrated Facility Engineering Stanford, TR147.

Get on board australia. (2016, 10 21). Role of the Chair. Retrieved from Get on board australia:

Kriete, R., & Davis, C. (2014). The morning meeting book. London: Center for Responsive schools Inc.

Leist, L. (2011). 20 Ways to Have Effective Business Meetings. Retrieved from Monster:

Meeting Sift. (2018). Identify your meeting type to plan for success. Retrieved from Meeting Sift:

Richards, F. (2018). How to Be a Successful Meeting Minute Taker. Retrieved from Chron:

Rothwell, W. (2010). Effective succession planning: Ensuring leadership continuity and building talent from within. UK: Amacom.

Siegfried, J. (2012). Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago. American Economic Review, 102(3), 645-52.

Skillmaker. (2013, 08). Chairperson for a meeting. Retrieved from Skillmaker:

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