Media And Delinquency: An Annotated Bibliography

CCJS 350 Juvenile Delinquency

CCJS 350 Juvenile Delinquency

Framing the victim: Domestic violence, media, and social problems

Berns, N. S. (2017). Framing the victim: Domestic violence, media, and social problems. Routledge.

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Social media is responsible for transforming the social problems and they are then shaped into stories that can sell the magazines. The way things are portrayed over social media often lead to incidents of juvenile violence. In the context of mass media, the producers make use of the social problems in order to entertain the viewers. The article says that cyber bullying is the direct outcome of that of the impact of social media. Harassment is perpetrated on the teens and it occurs mostly to that of the older girls. Exposure to that of the pornographic material often leads the young people to commit acts that are not suitable for their age. Social networking can act as a great place in order to meet people who have got similar interest and it can prove to be a great technique for the writers and the entrepreneurs. Cyber bullying occurs to that of the older girls and the teens of both the gender who have got a strong online presence. These sources are of relevance to the topic because it shows how being exposed to the pornographic material can lead the youth to deviant acts.

Ruigrok, N., van Atteveldt, W., Gagestein, S., & Jacobi, C. (2017). Media and juvenile delinquency: A study into the relationship between journalists, politics, and public. Journalism, 18(7), 907-925.

This article studies the media coverage of that of youth crime and investigated the relationship between that of journalists and their sources. It discusses about the effect on public in relation to that of fear of crime. According to this article, overrepresentation of that of the youth crime within the news coverage influences the youth who involve themselves in delinquent behaviour. The media focuses on the powerful sources that lay emphasis on the factor of repressive framing. The media groups create fear in relation to crime within the society and that repressive measures can help in eliminating juvenile delinquency in the society. This article says that crime related fear occurs on account of news coverage. The journalists along with that of the politicians can take steps to be more responsible that can curb the incidence of violence in the society. This source is relevant as it shows how the repressive measures can add to the delinquent behaviour of the teenagers.

Siegel, L. J., & Welsh, B. C. (2014). Juvenile delinquency: Theory, practice, and law. Cengage Learning.

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This article says that a large number of youth are engaged in status offences and illegal acts like underage sex have become common in the present era of technology. The juvenile court intervenes with the kids who have been caught in some kind of routine teenage behaviour. According to this article these criminal youths can be reformed with the help of loving hand of the parent figure. This article highlights on the difference between status offender and that of delinquents. The status offenders can have prior arrest in relation to the delinquent acts and there were many delinquents who showed the behaviour of a status offender. This article throws light on the fact that episodic news focussed on that of the actual incident and did not mention the context. According to this article, thematic news on the other hand provided the context to that of the events by providing additional information like that of policy proposals and social developments. This article is relevant as it shows how underage sex is promoted with the help of technology.

Media and juvenile delinquency: A study into the relationship between journalists, politics, and public

Ferguson, C. J., & Olson, C. K. (2014). Video game violence use among “vulnerable” populations: The impact of violent games on delinquency and bullying among children with clinically elevated depression or attention deficit symptoms. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(1), 127-136.

This article says that juvenile delinquency can prove to be difficult to measure and that juvenile delinquency shares relationship with of institutions like family and media. Violent playing of video games is co-related with that of aggression. According to this article, anti-social behaviour within the realm of juvenile justice sample is to a large extent unknown. This article was based on data from that of the sample of institutionalized juvenile delinquent. It was found that violent playing of video game was associated with that of composite measure in relation to delinquency. It was found that violent playing of video games are associated with the factor of anti sociality even within the ambit of clinical sample. These effects can help in withstanding robust influence of that of multiple correlates in relation to juvenile delinquency. This article states that excessive playing of the video games can instil an aggressive instinct in an individual and this kind of aggression passes onto their real life. It paves the path for juvenile delinquency. These article shows the violent playing of the video game can instill aggressive instincts in an individual.

Aslam, S. (2015). Bollywood Movies: A Contributing Factor towards Juvenile Delinquency. International Journal of Research, 2(3), 503-517.

According to this article, media can excite violence in an individual in different manners. The movies that have violent acts can excite the spectators and it produces aggressive energy in the everyday life of an individual. It can push an individual to engage themselves in physical activity on that of the streets. Television often portrays the violence taking place in daily life that are committed by the parents and the peers. Imposing penalties on the occasion of failing to study or in relation to violation of the rules are often depicted on the television. This article states that viewer approval in relation to this kind of programming ensures the perpetuation of these kind of shows. Television results in a shift of that of the human values and leads the children to perceive of violence as being desirable. This article is important as it shows that violence is seen as a courageous method that can establish justice.

Goodkind, S., Wallace, J. M., Shook, J. J., Bachman, J., & O’Malley, P. (2009). Are girls really becoming more delinquent? Testing the gender convergence hypothesis by race and ethnicity, 1976–2005. Children and youth services review, 31(8), 885-895.

This article states that historically it is found that the girls are less delinquent as compared to that of the boys. The way girls are portrayed in that of the popular media suggests that the delinquency in relation to the girls are becoming similar to that of the boys. Evidence has show that girls in the present age are developing a compulsive internet habit. According to this article, the girls are developing compulsive internet habit and they replace that of real-life social interaction with that of online chat room. Royal Institution has said that the social net-working sites like that of Face book along with Twitter are changing the brains of children and making them more self-centered. Anonymity in relation to the social networking sites are employed by the unscrupulous people in order to target the young teens. This article shows how the development of compulsive internet habit can lead to delinwuent acts.

Juvenile delinquency: Theory, practice, and law

Ter Bogt, T. F., Keijsers, L., & Meeus, W. H. (2013). Early adolescent music preferences and minor delinquency. Pediatrics, 131(2), e380-e389.

According to this article, the early adolescents who prefer non mainstream popular music have a tendency of becoming delinquents in the later phase of their life. The teens who listened to punk and heavy metal showed traces of minor delinquency concurrently. This article states that most of the pop stars consume drug and alcohol and the teens become inspired after seeing their popular singer. Preferring that of conventional pop was found to be negatively related to that of minor delinquency. The choice of that of music strongly highlights the emergence of later problem behaviour. It is the sound of music that attracts the youth. The lyrics of the songs provide gratification to the teenaged boys and girls. The anti-social themes that are present in the rap lyrics often inspire the youth to commit crimes and show deviant behaviour. This source is important as it shows how being inspired by the pop stars can force the children to delinquent acts.

Ellison, N. B., & Boyd, D. M. (2013). Sociality through social network sites. In The Oxford handbook of internet studies.

According to this article, the teenagers become indulged in the computer games so that they can cheat other people for that of personal gain. They take recourse to social net working so that pursue the man or the woman whom they admire. Teens have a tendency of becoming target of that of the paedophiles. The predators pose to be like teens and entice children into that of the harmful real world. The social networking sites have that of privacy controls but teenagers hardly make use of them. Active monitoring of the profiles can help in catching the predators. This source is of crucial importance because it shows how the teenagers become target of that of the paedophiles.

Patton, D. U., Eschmann, R. D., & Butler, D. A. (2013). Internet banging: New trends in social media, gang violence, masculinity and hip hop. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), A54-A59.

  This article states that there are many video games that can help in satisfaction of the basic psychological needs. Players play because they get rewards. They often get money in return and they make use of the money in order to pursue the deviant acts. This article states that there are many children who become target of that of the internet blackmailer. There are many teenagers who make use of web cam and film themselves. These pictures are often leaked on the social media platform and the teenagers are blackmailed by saying that the pictures will be sent to that of their families. These source is important how the leaking of pictures make the teenagers to be black mailed.

Brake, D. R. (2014). Sharing our lives online: Risks and exposure in social media. Springer.

This article states that social media compels the viewers to compare the lives with that of other people. Social media for the teenagers becomes kind of a show where the teenagers can reveal about their life. Social media helps in nurturing embellishment and the teenagers develop a habit of creating fantasy instead of embracing that of the true self. It can stunt the maturity of the teenagers and force them to involve themselves in delinquent behaviour. Social media provides a wider audience to that of the teenagers and they often find themselves to be victims of the popular platform. These source is important as it shows how developing fantasy can force the children to involve themselves in delinquent acts.

Aslam, S. (2015). Bollywood Movies: A Contributing Factor towards Juvenile Delinquency. International Journal of Research, 2(3), 503-517.

Berns, N. S. (2017). Framing the victim: Domestic violence, media, and social problems. Routledge.

Brake, D. R. (2014). Sharing our lives online: Risks and exposure in social media. Springer

Ellison, N. B., & Boyd, D. M. (2013). Sociality through social network sites. In The Oxford handbook of internet studies.

Ferguson, C. J., & Olson, C. K. (2014). Video game violence use among “vulnerable” populations: The impact of violent games on delinquency and bullying among children with clinically elevated depression or attention deficit symptoms. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(1), 127-136.

Goodkind, S., Wallace, J. M., Shook, J. J., Bachman, J., & O’Malley, P. (2009). Are girls really becoming more delinquent? Testing the gender convergence hypothesis by race and ethnicity, 1976–2005. Children and youth services review, 31(8), 885-895.

Patton, D. U., Eschmann, R. D., & Butler, D. A. (2013). Internet banging: New trends in social media, gang violence, masculinity and hip hop. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), A54-A59.

Ruigrok, N., van Atteveldt, W., Gagestein, S., & Jacobi, C. (2017). Media and juvenile delinquency: A study into the relationship between journalists, politics, and public. Journalism, 18(7), 907-925.

Siegel, L. J., & Welsh, B. C. (2014). Juvenile delinquency: Theory, practice, and law. Cengage Learning.

Ter Bogt, T. F., Keijsers, L., & Meeus, W. H. (2013). Early adolescent music preferences and minor delinquency. Pediatrics, 131(2), e380-e389.

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