Mechanical Engineers’ Ability In Conquering Engineering Problems In Developing Cyber-Physical Systems: An Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Mechanical engineers are faced with many challenges today in their efforts of optimizing the functionally and efficacy of production systems. Today’s production systems are very complex constituting of a myriad of internodes and interconnected components that are mutualistically depend on each other for effective interaction, communication, and productions.
With the invention of information and digital technologies, mechanical engineers have been implored to boost the efficiency of the physical production systems through integration with the cyber system. The interrelation and interconnectedness of the cyber and physical systems created a cyber-physical system (CPS) in which many engineers depend on in their daily activities.
Mechanical engineers are keynote developers of the CPS, however, a key challenge in CPS development is the information gap between the different disciples involved in the development programs especially mechanical and software engineering. There are no clear nor definite boundaries between physical and cyber worlds making it more complex for engineers, therefore, this paper aims to evaluate how mechanical engineers can leverage their ability in conquering engineering problem when developing cyber-physical systems for improved physical production. The annotated bibliography below provides a list of key sources to be used in this paper that primary target mechanical engineers.
Annotated Bibliography
Achiche, S. & Tomiyama, T., 2015. Design of multidisciplinary cyber physical systems. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 19(3), pp. 1-3.
Achiche and Tomiyama note that cyber-physical system as a system that permits integration of computational attributes that interact and control physical entities can be considered as embedded systems and mechatronics. The mechatronic system in which mechanical engineers focus on allows linking of physical and computational elements enabling the control of computer science and engineering domains.
They discussed models that can be used to improve the cyber-physical system programs by minimizing prediction errors while increasing sensitivity to changes. The authors found that use of historical models provided better prediction values provided they are deployed in their respective trained regions while the current models had more prediction errors in those trained areas but equally less sensitive to alternations of the history of system dynamics. The paper’s discussion shall be meaningfully used to support the discussions of this paper by evaluating some of the discussed models by Achiche and Tomiyama.
Colombo, A. W. et al., 2016. Industrial cyber-physical systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5), pp. 899-903.
Colombo and colleagues point out that new disruptive technologies such as cyber-physical system have significantly transformed the industrial sector through the amalgamation of IT and control technologies. They discussed how industrial CPS application can be employed to solve various engineering problems in transportation, robotics, manufacturing, and smart grid sectors.
The paper outlined several issues regarding industrial cyber-physical systems focusing primarily on the architecture of the systems, its design, enabling and supporting technologies, and summed up by denoting the applications of the systems. The discussed how CPSs such as OKD-MES (open-knowledge-driven manufacturing execution system) can be used to enhance conveyor-driven transportation through controlling of robotic workstations. The paper provides an overview of some strategies mechanical engineers can use to overcome engineering problem in cyber-physical systems.
Design of Multidisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems
Fitgerald, J., Gamble, C., Larsen, P. G., Pierce, K., & Woodcock, J. 2015. Cyber-physical systems design: formal foundations, methods and integrated tool chains. Proceedings of the Third FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (pp. 40-46). IEEE Press
Fitzgerald et al. cited the importance of effective collaborative and cooperation between necessary disciplines more so for engineering processes dependent on cyber-physical system. they noted that quality current research is critical to developing implausible integrated tool chains for CPS designs with a capability of supporting co-modeling, co-simulation, analysis testing as well as the implementation of the system. They discussed formal methods for developing toolchain for the system as well as relevant challenges in addition to the need for deployment of rigorous approaches and techniques to the sematic heterogeneity. The authors aimed at breaching the engineering problems and effective cyber-physical system hence provided an invaluable basis for this research.
Harrison, R., Vera, D. & Ahmad, B., 2016. Engineering the smart factory. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 29(6), pp. 1046-1051.
Harrison, Vera, and Ahmad point out that the industrial processes are increasingly aligning to smart factories with the ability to screen and regulate the physical processes, making of distributed decision and converting the real-time physical world into virtual copies. The paper provided an overview of the smart factory from the automation standpoint showing how prospective automation system can be efficaciously supported and configured throughout their entire lifecycles. The authors equally noted how application modeling, integration, reuse as well visualization of the smart factory system can be achieved.
They further denoted the necessary limitations in the prevailing engineering models and methods as well as emerging approaches such as cyber-physical system. the authors outlined and described some of the common limitation in automation systems such as CPS which helped them to discussed the future engineering capabilities needed to improve the smart factory technologies. The authors’ arguments are critical to this paper providing literature greatly aligns with the discussion topic, it provides critical insights in supporting the thesis statement on how to use the CPS system to enhance the functionality of the physical industrial systems.
Herterich, M. M., Uebernickel, F. & Brenner, W., 2015. The impact of cyber-physical systems on industrial services in manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, Volume 30, pp. 323-328.
The authors assessed the paradigm shifts brought in the manufacturing sector by the increasing rise of cyber-physical system and other smart connected devices. Traditionally, manufacturing sector primarily dealt with physical things but over the last decade, they have embraced services that significantly require maintenance, repairment, and overhauling. The authors evaluated the impacts of CPS in different manufacturing industries and how the system can convert the service business elements in the tangible-based product manufacturing industry.
The authors indicated that cyber-physical systems have invaluable potential of transforming the service business in industrial and manufacturing sectors hence investigated the implications if the cyber-physical systems on the stakeholder’s interests in the ecosystem of industrial services. Herterich, Uebernickel, and Brenner’s paper deductions shall be used to shed more light on the relationship between CPS and engineering problem hence supporting this paper’s thesis.
Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Hozdi?, E. & Kendi?, S., 2015. Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, 2(3), pp. 135-141.
Hozdi?1 and Kendi?’s study implored by the intertwined complexities of production systems that resulted in the creation of CPS applications conducted a research to evaluate the success of the systems. They assess the achievements alongside opportunities and knowledge focusing on the communication efficacy between machines and the physical environment. Due to the electrophysiological interfaces, they noted dualistic communication paths were created between computers machines and people in the CPPS.
The authors noted that in order to develop an operative socio-technical production system, the designers and developers must ensure that the development, designing and implementation of the intelligent systems ensures it kinks the human attributes with the cybernetic and physical systems in a manner that is able to facilitate mutual interactions and understanding between the different components. This paper shed light on the interconnectedness of mechanical engineering and cyber systems and how the interfaces between the two can be improved hence shall providing key information to the discussions of this research.
Lee, E. A., 2008. Cyber physical systems: Design challenges. IEEE, pp. 363-369
Lee indicates that cyber-physical systems as embedded computers operate in a feedback loop where the computations components affects the physical processes. Lee points out the relationship between the processes ensue substantial challenges because the physical components require reliability and safety that are distinct from the computing purposes.
The author thus assessed the challenges in designing CPS aimed at improving the developer’s skills and knowledge and raising the abstraction levels so as to appreciate the real potential of cyber-physical systems. The abstraction concepts argued by Lee are fundamental to this paper because he pinpoints some ways in which the researcher shall support and argue out the strategies employed by mechanical engineers to overcome the engineering problems in cyber-physical system development.
Lou, S. et al., 2017. A cyber-physical system for product conceptual design based on an intelligent psycho-physiological approach. IEE Access, Volume 5, pp. 5378-5387.
The authors motivated by the vitality of conceptual designs in development of production processes proposed a cyber-physical system architecture for a conceptual design that promotes acquisition and use of immediate physiological data and information from physical worlds and cyber feedbacks of the psychological states. Lou et al. study aimed to develop a CPS system that shall promote the real-time acquisition of data and information from the physical environment and world in order to enhance the interactions and performance experiences between the designers and the customers as well as the CAD system.
They noted that conceptual designs permit the development of the system with the ability to meet the needs of the customers through the psycho-physiological techniques by incorporating electroencephalogram (EEG) in the models adopted by CPS. They conducted a study to test the feasibility of SampEn using Kano Models. The conceptual product designs argued by Lou et al. shall be used to validate and support this paper’s thesis in arguing the importance of obtaining quality real-time information and hoe it can be used to enhance the performance of the cyber-physical system and their application in the physical world.
Cyber-Physical Systems Design: Formal Foundations, Methods and Integrated Tool Chains
Ragulskis, M. et al., 2014. Mechatronics and mechanical engineering in cyber-physical systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, pp. 1-2.
Ragulskis et al.’s editorial paper form the basis of this research, the authors argued that mechanical engineering plays a vital role in developing and implementing real-time cyber-physical system applications and systems, however, they face many challenges due to the gap between the key involved disciplines; mechanical and software engineering. The paper focused on the latest revelations and advancements in mechanical engineering and mechatronics towards cyber-physical systems aimed at overcoming the relevant engineering problems in CPS development and deployment. Ragulskis et al.’s paper is the foundation of this research as it directly resonates with the statement of the problem, thesis, and expectations hence shall be used to state the problem and lay the basis for the entire discussion.
Thiede, S., Jurascheck, M. & Herrmann, C., 2016. Implementing cyber-physical production systems in learning factories. Procedia CIRP, Volume 54, pp. 7-12.
Thiede and colleagues noted that the integration of production engineering with ICT to create cyber-physical system processes require the incredible ability for the system developers to cope with ever arising new challenges when designing as well as applying the systems. The learning environments are noted to be crucial in enhancing the competencies of the system development, thus the authors presented a learning environment designs to enhance the competence of cyber-physical system processes.
They proposed an implementation framework in a case of real learning factory. They noted that in order to develop a cyber-physical system that meets the needs of the needs of the real-world industrial sector it is critical for both the mechanical and software engineers to ensure they approach the problems from a dynamic and big picture perspective. The ideas and concepts argued by the authors shall be used to support this paper’s objective on leveraging mechanical engineers’ capacity to overcome problems related to cyber-physical system development and applications.
Achiche, S. & Tomiyama, T., 2015. Design of multidisciplinary cyber physical systems. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 19(3), pp. 1-3.
Colombo, A. W. et al., 2016. Industrial cyber-physical systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5), pp. 899-903.
Fitgerald, J., Gamble, C., Larsen, P. G., Pierce, K., & Woodcock, J. 2015. Cyber-physical systems design: formal foundations, methods and integrated tool chains. Proceedings of the Third FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (pp. 40-46). IEEE Press.
Harrison, R., Vera, D. & Ahmad, B., 2016. Engineering the smart factory. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 29(6), pp. 1046-1051.
Herterich, M. M., Uebernickel, F. & Brenner, W., 2015. The impact of cyber-physical systems on industrial services in manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, Volume 30, pp. 323-328.
Hozdi?, E. & Kendi?, S., 2015. Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, 2(3), pp. 135-141.
Lee, E. A., 2008. Cyber physical systems: Design challenges. IEEE, pp. 363-369.
Lou, S. et al., 2017. A cyber-physical system for product conceptual design based on an intelligent psycho-physiological approach. IEE Access, Volume 5, pp. 5378-5387.
Ragulskis, M. et al., 2014. Mechatronics and mechanical engineering in cyber-physical systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, pp. 1-2.
Thiede, S., Jurascheck, M. & Herrmann, C., 2016. Implementing cyber-physical production systems in learning factories. Procedia CIRP, Volume 54, pp. 7-12.