Measurement Of Return On Investment In Social Media In The Healthcare Sector

The significance of the study

The return of investment of social media is to evaluate the efficacy of the investment as compared to the other investment. Healthcare organisations are responsible for the healthcare betterment forthe people suffering from healthcare issues (Grinchenko, 2015).  Presently, social media is a widespread online platform that can be used to communicate people in just one tough.  It has a significant role in the holistic development of the healthcare sector(Kunnavil, 2018).It is a platform where physicians can deliver different types of healthcare information to a large number of patients in a single forum (Challapalli, 2018). The social media like Facebook, Twitter, online health discussion forums and the official websites of the healthcare organisations are used in the healthcare context (Mostashari, 2014). The return of investment is a performance measurement system that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the number of the amounts invested in a certain context(Hino, 2014). Two major components of return of the return of investment are gain from investment and cost from the investment. The social media return signifies the value that is returned from the social media campaign. The investment on return from social media can be quantified by consumer insights and differentiation of estimation value. The return of investment in the healthcare system can be measured the value that is derived from the social media campaigning of the healthcare sector (Ludwig, 2014) The UK to satisfy the needs of the healthcare information (GOV.UK, 2018).  Thus, they have adopted social media to expand their target base. Moreover, social investment is a cost-effective area where the return on investment can be easily measured.It is important to deliver effective communication between the healthcare stakeholders and helps in developing a wide range of healthcare information (Codyre, 2014).The whole study has analysed the importance of social media in the healthcare sector and the importance of measuring the return on investment from social media in the healthcare sector.

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The return of investment on social media is helpful to calculate the cost and gain investment with more effectively. Social media plays important role in assisting patients to find the healthcare professional (Codyre, 2014). Apart from that, the medical practitioners can access the existing medical opportunity as the digital empowerment of the patients (Funnell, 2016).

Significance for choosing the UK

The healthcare sector is considered to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK. The healthcare sector in the UK is strongly dependant on social media in terms of developing healthcare relation with patients (GOV.UK, 2018).   The period 2011 to 2014, the UK has witnessed a constant growth in the use of social media by the healthcare sectors (GOV.UK, 2018). Thus, the return on investment should be most prominent for the UK healthcare in terms of measuring the investment on return and cost benefit from the healthcare sector(GOV.UK, 2018).

The significance of choosing profitable and non-profitable sectors

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The profitability of the healthcare setting can be clarified by analysing the investment capability of profitable and non-profitable healthcare organisations. Thus, depending on the return of investment, both the private and public healthcare sector organisations of the UK has expanded their value promotions through social media (GOV.UK, 2018). The reason for choosing the profitable organisations is to find out the investment efficacy and technological abilities of the UK’s profitable organisations to provide care facility to a large number of the audience (Koven, 2018). The reason for choosing the non-profitable organisation is to measure the acceptance of the non-profitable healthcare and to identify the reach of their care service and understand the demand of the target population (Funnell, 2016) the people of the UK. Additionally, the cost that has been invested for social media healthcare campaign can also be measured through return on investment.

Significance for choosing the UK

The healthcare sector is presumed to be a place where the demand for the independent flow of information is always high (Koven, 2018). The return of investment of return from social media is very high due to its wide range of diversity(Challapalli, 2018). The term return of investment can be beneficial to find out the complexity of the healthcare investment on social media Moreover, the patients also use several healthcare interventional terms on social media for healthcare betterment (Kunnavil, 2018). The reason for searching healthcare term is to satisfy their unmet need of the healthcare information (Challapalli, 2018).

Presently, most of the healthcare Organisations is using social media to connect the patients and the common public (Yu-Syuan, 2014). The perspective of healthcare Organisations has changed from unidirectional broadcasting to build a relationship with the patient’s using healthcare information (Challapalli, 2018). The use of the healthcare terms like the name of the medicines, the name of the disease or name of the intervention process provides sufficient information to the patient’s query (Koven, 2018).

The discussion of the return of investment is impactful in both public and private sector healthcare Organisations with the hope of high profitability and public interest (Wigzell, 2017). The widespread acceptance of the social media defines the indication of a great return of the due investment.  The consumers of the healthcare Organisations use to access the information where the profitable return is strongly attached (Wigzell, 2017). Moreover, to keep clarity in the investment on the social media, the healthcare The information is helpful in resolving a large number of healthcare complications in the healthcare setting of the UK (Yu-Syuan, 2014). Additionally, social media is considered to be the best way where the healthcare professionals and the patients can connect to each other personally (Hino, 2014). This is helpful for the patients to discuss his healthcare complications personally with the healthcare professionals and get healthcare advice. Social media is a widely reached and easily accessible et sufficient healthcare information (Hino, 2014). Thus, visiting various healthcare websites, Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter can be suitable options for them to know the possible intervention process of their healthcare issue (Hino, 2014).

The research objectives of this study are as follows:

  • To find out the importance of social media on measuring return on investment
  • To trace the importance of social media to develop effective healthcare communication to find accountability in the return of investment
  • To measure the return of investment as the parameter to create accountability in the in the investment of the healthcare Organisations on the social media
  • To locate the return of investment of social media to expand the branding of Healthcare Organisations

The research questions are developed to find the accountability of the topic and questions that be answered through further research work .The research question is as follows

  • Do a social media play any role in measuring the return in investment in the healthcare sectors?
  • Is there any importance of social media to improve the returns of investments to the healthcare sectors?
  • What is the rationality of social media in developing updated healthcare technology for the betterment of the patients?
  • Is there any role of social media to enhance the branding of healthcare Organisations?

The profitable sector uses to measure the return of investment with the efficacy of the investment return (Wigzell, 2017). On the contrary, the non-profitable sector uses to measure the investment on the return by comparing the cost and return of the profitable amount (Richter, Muhlestein and Wilks, 2014). For example- the return of investment can be measured on Facebook by counting the number of people the social media post reaches. However, in twitter, it is measured the number of times the online post has been retweeted (Wigzell, 2017).

In both private and public healthcare sector, the returns can be measured through the reaction the patients share on the social media. The more positive returns signify the acute efficacy of healthcare development which is absent in the NGO sector. (Wigzell, 2017).The private healthcare organization uses to measure their investment return by defining their typical paths and by defining their key measurement (GOV.UK, 2018). The return of investment on the healthcare organisations of the UK can be measured on the contexts of support health-related cause, to comment on the health experiences of others, to post on self-health experience, to track the share of health behaviour, to post reviews about the doctors, to post about medications and treatments, to share health information posts and videos and to post reviews on health insurers (GOV.UK, 2018). In both private and public sector hospitals, the ROI model is also used to measure the return in investments in the public sector hospitals (Mostashari, 2014). The model is used to make various improvement decisions regarding the hospital’s service provided to the public(Ludwig, 2014). Such as, increasing requirement for the number of beds is measured, the service fees are calculated, and the maintenance fees are monitored and so on.

The significance of choosing profitable and non-profitable sectors

The return of investment on the value of the healthcare Organisations depends on patients’ social media post of healthcare experiences. Positive feedback impacts in favour of the healthcare Organisations while the negative feedback opposes the aims and objectives of return of investment (Mostashari, 2014). 20% of the people prefer health discussion on an online forum which is also helpful to enhance the positivity of the return of investment (GOV.UK, 2018).

The use of social media would be beneficial for the patients to connect the healthcare personnel directly regarding any healthcare issues (Richter, Muhlestein and Wilks, 2014). Apart from that, the patients would get an opportunity to explore the efficiency of the return of investment healthcare Organisations on social media (Richter, Muhlestein and Wilks, 2014). This would make healthcare professionals more efficient in their professional field and they can provide more quality care to their patients. The development of work efficiency of the healthcare professionals and building healthcare information among the patients are considered to be the most beneficial outcome of using social media in the healthcare organisations (Ludwig, 2014).  

The return of investment on social media by the healthcare organisations can be evaluated the efficacy of the provided healthcare information via an online platform. The strategy to evaluate it should be measuring the amount of investment and the profit gained from the investment (Grinchenko, 2015). Moreover, the amount of post reach should also be measured for the effective start6egic outcome. The purpose of the study is to locate the effectiveness of the return of investment on social media. Social media is a large scope to gather healthcare information (Mostashari, 2014). Thus, the aim of the study is to analyse the role of social media to access healthcare information using a wide range of resources. Healthcare communication is essential to limit the gap between the intervention process (Partridge and Redfern, 2018).  The study is also helpful to find out the effectiveness of social media to address the use of updated technology and treatment process in healthcare in the healthcare services (Partridge and Redfern, 2018). The purpose of the study is also to find out the importance of social media to expand the brand value of healthcare organisations.

The development of a perfect research work depends on the proper source of literary resources and sufficiency of time. The availability of literature is very limited (Xu et al., 2017). The lack of literature is one of the key reasons for the limitation of the research work(Nam, 2017). Apart from that, the insufficient time is also a limitation for the successful development of the research work (Nam, 2017). Researchers do not have ample time to spend the day with field research and online research to gather supportive data and literature. Hence, the research work is developed having time and literature limitations.

The research approach is a plan of research assumption. Research approach can be divided into two parts; data collection and data analysis (Grinchenko, 2015). In terms of data collection, the study has adopted both qualitative and quantitative data (Grinchenko, 2015). In terms of data analysis, both the inductive and deductive approach has between observed in the research work for this research work.


The study has unfolded the use of social media in the healthcare sector. The social media enables to access to more healthcare information. The patients can communicate the healthcare personnel personally for their healthcare issues. The research questions, objectives and limitations are described to develop the overall argument of the literature. Both the qualitative and quantitative method is told to be used in the research method using both the inductive and deductive approaches. The effectiveness of social media in the healthcare sector lies in developing communication and healthcare information.


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