Measurable Organization Value: A Case Study

Project Scope

Measurable organization value is referred to as one of the project goal which is generally used in order to define the value that is brought with the help of team members within the project. The MOV generally assists in identifying different areas of impact within the project.

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Measurable value

Time frame



 With the development of online ticketing system within RALS, more number of customers gets attracted due to the facility that they are getting with the help of the online ticketing system.

Feedback and Suggestions

 15% Increase

1 month



 The money which is invested by the organization “Globlex” assists in boosting the entire organizational value.

NPV, Revenue, and Profit Calculation

10% Increase

2 months



 It is identified that the social media platform plays an important role in promoting the facilities that the organization is providing to the customers which further helps in influencing customers.

Social Sites

12% Increase

2 months



 The project manager utilizes appropriate management strategy in order to implement the online ticketing system within the project successfully.

Strategic Analysis Matrix

5% Increase

 3 months



 The organizational operations as well as functions can be managed quite easily due to the development of online ticketing system within the organization “RALS”.

Management Plan

10% Decrease

2 months

The value that is delivered by the project plan is elaborated below:

Cheaper: Operational cost of the organization “RALS” decreases due to the implementation of online ticketing system.

Faster: The operational speed of the organization increases which helps in decreasing the response time between the customers as well as the clients.

Better: Due to the implementation of online ticketing system within RALS, the customers can be able to get better services from the company which influences them. 

 The project scope is mainly categorized into in-scope as well as out-scope.

In-scope: The in-scope of the project is elaborated below:

  • Implementation of online ticketing system
  • Helps in enhancing the financial revenue of RALS
  • Helps in providing the facility of online booking and payment to the customers

Out-scope: The out-scope of the project are elaborated below:

  • Facility of training is not provided to the workers
  • Details about suppliers are not provided 

The scope management procedures are elaborated below:

Tracking signs of project creep: For managing the scope of the project, it is quite necessary to track the changes within the project effectively. It is analyzed that proper management of project helps in lowering the chances the scope creep within the project.

Changes within the project scope: If the changes that are needed to be done within the project assist in incurring cost of the project then it is the responsibility of the project manager to enhance the project budget in order to manage the scope of the project.

Understanding requirements of project: In order to manage the scope change within the project it is quite necessary to understand the project requirements properly. 

The project resources are as follows:

Human resources: The project stakeholders who are involved within the project are as follows:

Resource Name


Project manager

 The project manager is mainly responsible of initiating, planning, designing as well as executing the entire project successfully.

Project planner

The project manager mainly works with the management team  for planning as well as tracking the time as well as costs of the project

Project developer

 Project developer mainly engages in developing the online ticketing system for the organization “RALS”.

System tester

 The system tester mainly engages in performing number of system test in order to ensure that the project will function well.

Financial manager

 The financial manager is the person who is mainly responsible of developing strategies as well as plans in order to manage the financial goals of the organization.

Human resource manager

 Human resource manager is the person who is mainly responsible of recruitment as well as training the employees of the organization.

Technical engineer

 The technical engineer mainly engages in supervising as well as participating in implementing online ticketing system.

Risk analyst

 The risk analyst mainly engages in analyzing the challenges as well as risks that are associated with the project.

Software requirements: The software requirements of the project include workflow management tool, reporting tool, task scheduling tool as well as communication tool.

Hardware requirements: The hardware requirement of the project generally includes processor, data storage system, backup system and more.

Facility requirement: Proper team must be developed in order to complete the project in different phases successfully within the estimated budget as well as time.

Others: Proper training facility must be provided to the workers of the projects so that they can be able to work effectively within the project for completing it successfully. 

Task Name

 Completion date

      Milestone 1: Initiation phase completion

Fri 2/23/18

      Milestone 2: planning phase completion

Thu 3/15/18

      Milestone 3:Designining phase completion

Fri 4/6/18

      Milestone 4: Completion of system development phase

Thu 4/12/18

      Milestone 5: Testing phase completion

Fri 5/4/18

      Milestone 6: Completion of project implementation phase

Wed 6/6/18

      Milestone 7: Completion of closure phase

Mon 6/11/18

Time estimation

Task Name




Online ticket booking system in RALS

97 days

Mon 1/22/18

Tue 6/12/18

   Project initiation phase

24 days

Mon 1/22/18

Fri 2/23/18

      Business case development

5 days

Mon 1/22/18

Mon 1/29/18

      Analyzing requirements of project

4 days

Tue 1/30/18

Fri 2/2/18

      Feasibility study

6 days

Mon 2/5/18

Mon 2/12/18

      Development of project charter

4 days

Tue 2/13/18

Fri 2/16/18

      Appointment of team members

5 days

Mon 2/19/18

Fri 2/23/18

      Milestone 1: Initiation phase completion

0 days

Fri 2/23/18

Fri 2/23/18

   Project planning phase

30 days

Mon 2/26/18

Wed 4/11/18

      Project plan development

7 days

Mon 2/26/18

Tue 3/6/18

      Resource plan development

6 days

Mon 2/26/18

Mon 3/5/18

      Development of financial plan

5 days

Wed 3/7/18

Wed 3/14/18

      Development of management plan

6 days

Wed 3/7/18

Thu 3/15/18

      Creation of quality management plan

7 days

Fri 3/23/18

Wed 4/4/18

      Assigning tasks to the project team members

5 days

Thu 4/5/18

Wed 4/11/18

      Creation communication plan

6 days

Thu 3/15/18

Thu 3/22/18

      Milestone 2: planning phase completion

0 days

Thu 3/15/18

Thu 3/15/18

   Project design phase

37 days

Fri 3/16/18

Thu 5/10/18

      Project design development

8 days

Mon 4/9/18

Wed 4/18/18

      Use case development

7 days

Fri 3/16/18

Mon 3/26/18

      Class diagram development of the system

9 days

Thu 4/19/18

Wed 5/2/18

      Interface designing

7 days

Tue 3/27/18

Fri 4/6/18

      Phase contingency designing

6 days

Thu 5/3/18

Thu 5/10/18

      Development of project design

4 days

Thu 5/3/18

Tue 5/8/18

      Milestone 3:Designining phase completion

0 days

Fri 4/6/18

Fri 4/6/18

   System development phase

33 days

Mon 4/9/18

Thu 5/24/18


5 days

Fri 5/11/18

Thu 5/17/18

      Adding information within the database

5 days

Fri 5/18/18

Thu 5/24/18

      Re-estimation of the project

4 days

Mon 4/9/18

Thu 4/12/18

      Database connection with the system

6 days

Mon 4/9/18

Mon 4/16/18

      Milestone 4: Completion of system development phase

0 days

Thu 4/12/18

Thu 4/12/18

   Testing phase of the project

25 days

Fri 4/13/18

Fri 5/18/18

      Creation of development checklist

8 days

Fri 4/13/18

Tue 4/24/18

      Unit testing

9 days

Thu 4/26/18

Tue 5/8/18

      Integration testing

7 days

Thu 4/26/18

Fri 5/4/18

      User acceptance testing

4 days

Tue 5/15/18

Fri 5/18/18

      system testing

6 days

Wed 5/9/18

Wed 5/16/18

      Milestone 5: Testing phase completion

0 days

Fri 5/4/18

Fri 5/4/18

   Project implementation phase

23 days

Mon 5/7/18

Wed 6/6/18

      System installation

7 days

Thu 5/17/18

Fri 5/25/18

      Checking the system implementation

6 days

Thu 5/17/18

Thu 5/24/18

      User training

6 days

Mon 5/7/18

Mon 5/14/18

      Testing of user acceptance

8 days

Mon 5/28/18

Wed 6/6/18

      System handover

5 days

Tue 5/15/18

Mon 5/21/18

      Milestone 6: Completion of project implementation phase

0 days

Wed 6/6/18

Wed 6/6/18

   Project closure phase

16 days

Tue 5/22/18

Tue 6/12/18

      Post project review

5 days

Tue 5/22/18

Mon 5/28/18

      Reassigning resources

4 days

Thu 6/7/18

Tue 6/12/18

       Stakeholder sign off

3 days

Thu 6/7/18

Mon 6/11/18


4 days

Tue 5/29/18

Fri 6/1/18

      Milestone 7: Completion of closure phase

0 days

Mon 6/11/18

Mon 6/11/18

Budget calculation

Project budget as per Gantt chart


Fringe 20%

$16561. 40

Total project cost


 Project risk analysis and plan

The assumptions that are made within the project are as follows:

  • The project will be completed within the budget of around $73,640
  • The project will took 95 days around to in order to execute successfully
  • The system that will be implemented assists in providing proper facility of ticket booking as well as payment





Responsible person

Mitigation strategies

 Inappropriate estimation of budget

 If the budget that is needed for completing the budget is not estimated appropriately then the organization will face financial issues in completing the project.



Financial manager

 It is quite necessary to analyze the market prices appropriately before estimating the project budget so that the budget of the project will be estimated appropriately.

 Improper management of project

 If the project manager is not being able to manage the operation of the project effectively then the project manager will face number of issues as well as challenges in completing the project.



 Project manager

 It is quite necessary to hire experienced project managers in order to manage the project effectively.

 Inappropriate functioning of system

 If the technical engineer does not tests the system before implementation then the problem with the functioning of the system will grow.



IT team

 In order to mitigate this issue, it is quite necessary to tests the system before implementation so that any problem associated with the system can be easily resolved before the implementation of the system.

Absence of proper facility of training

 If proper training facility is not provided to the workers then they will face number of issues as well as challenges in working with the new system.



Human resource manager

 It is quite important to provide proper training facility to the workers so that they can be able to work with the system properly.

Inappropriate quality of materials

The qualities of materials that are generally utilized are of poor quality which generally creates number of quality issues within the project.



Quality analyst

In order to resolve this issue it is quite important to utilize proper quality of materials.

Scope Management Procedures

The project “implementation of online ticketing system” mainly uses numerous types of key elements in order to deliver quality services to the customers. It is identified that the key elements generally assists in providing proper online ticketing as well as payment services to the customers. Furthermore the service culture, engagement of the employees as well as customer experience within the organization got improved due to newly implemented online ticketing system. Proper service culture as per the mission of the organization is generally created within RALS in order to boost the yearly revenue. The system that is implemented is found to be very much effective in providing high quality of customer services so that they can get more influenced towards RALS. Additionally, it is found that the quality of service that is generally delivered to the customers is mainly dependent on the strategic plan in order to fulfill various objectives as well as goals of the organization “RALS”.

The project quality can be managed with the help of two testing procedures which are elaborated below:

Verification testing: Verification testing is used for elaborating that the system of online ticketing will be implemented if only it meets all the regulations as well as rules of the organization. After all the aspect of the organization is fulfilled by the system then only the system will be implemented within the organization.It is identified that verification procedure mainly includes all the activities that are mainly associated with producing high quality of software. In addition to this, verification testing is mainly done in order to ensure that the system that is implemented is generally capable of performing under the normal conditions and under all the possible abnormal conditions.

Validation testing: Validation testing is considered as one of the technique that is generally utilized for illustrating the system within the project development phase. It is analyzed that this testing procedure is used in order to meet both the requirements as well as needs of the project.It is considered as one of the most important needs of the project management. It is identified that the procedure of validation can be occurring either in one step or in multiple steps. The only aim of validation testing is to check whether the project can be helpful in meeting the specification or not.  In addition to this, it is also used in order to determine the accuracy of the final work by the team of development in context to the requirements of the user.

Task Name

Resource Names


      Feasibility study

Financial manager, Human resource manager, Project manager

      Project plan development

Project manager, Project planner

      Resource plan development

Human resource manager

      Creation of quality management plan

Project manager, Risk analyst

      Use case development

Technical engineer

      Class diagram development of the system

Project developer, Technical engineer

      Interface designing

Project developer, Technical engineer


Project developer

      Re-estimation of the project

Human resource manager, System tester

      Database connection with the system

Project developer, Technical engineer

      Unit testing

System tester

      Integration testing

Risk analyst

      system testing

System tester

      User training

Human resource manager, Project planner

      Testing of user acceptance

Project planner

      System handover

Project manager

       Stakeholder sign off

Human resource manager

 The MOV of the project must be evaluated with the help of the following processes:

  • Identifying various areas of the project
  • Determining project value
  • Developing proper metric within the project
  • Setting proper project timeframe
  • Identifying and getting proper agreement from the stakeholders 

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