Meaning Of Socialization, Difficulties In Handling Racism At Workplace, And Impact Of Location On Health And Wellbeing

Health and Social Care: Socialization

  • Explain What Is Meant By Socialisation?
  • Why Is It Difficult To Address Racism In The Workplace?
  • In What Ways Does The Place Where People Live Impact Upon Their Health And Wellbeing?

The meaning of the term of ‘Socialization’

In every society, there is a need to make a responsible citizen when a child is born. The child must learn from the expectation of the society so that his behavior can be relied upon. The norms of the group must adhere. It is responsibility of the society to mold the behavior of each of the individual so that it becomes meaningful regarding the group characteristics. During the process of socialization, the individuals they learn about the responses that are reciprocated by the society. The process of socialization helps changing the living organism into a social being. This process helps the younger generation wherein they know what role to play once they are the adult. This continuous process continues from generation to generation (Stainton Rogers 2011).

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A newborn is a just an organism but with socialization, it helps him to become responsive to the society. He gets socially active. The culture he mingles affects the personality development of the child. This will help the child to get fit for the group and take up his social role.  Once as an adult, he fits into the group it would assist in adjusting to the new social order (Carl 2011).

The meaning of socialization is the development of the body, behavior, attitude and the human brain. The way of inducing the individual in the social world is done through the process of socialization. The individual with the interaction with the people learns about the values, attitudes, belief and habits of the different type of social group. From the perspective of the society, socialization is the process by which culture is transmitted from generations, and it maintains its characters. The individual behavior gets affected when he gets influenced by the society (Earnheardt, Haridakis and Hugenberg 2011).

The social values help in the preservation and the maintenance through the process of socialization. The basic disciplines are inculcated through the process of socialization. The impulses of the individual are controlled through the process of socialization.  Training and employee orientation is a way of socializing.

The ugly head of racial discrimination can take a variety of form while some are obvious. There are some cases when racial discrimination is very difficult to detect failure of the employer to promote the employee because of his race. There are the different state and federal laws help in prohibiting the racial discrimination at the workplace (Coates 2011).

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The concept of racism in the place of work is a very vague concept and is much hyped. The following are the guidelines will help in understanding what determines racism at the work place.

Difficulty in handling racism at workplace

•    When there are a vulgar, obscene and racist communication and the language that is used towards an employee or group of workers is based on the color differences.

•    The communication in the place of work may not be directed towards any individual, but a general discussion on the matter can affect the dignity of the person (DuRocher 2011).

The racism causes damage to both the individuals and the communities. The moral of the individual is always down as they need to face racism is every aspect. The experiences that they go through are a persistent feeling of aggression, anger, depression and sadness. The other thing that is noticed physically is sweating profusely, trembling, headaches and increase in the rate of heart beat. The employee when faces racism then he would be unwilling to go for work and take leave on a frequent basis. The individual also does not trust anyone in the organization apart from the members of the family.

Racism affects the person more intensely so the efficiency and the ability of the work reduces and the management cannot do anything so that his morals get enlightened (Buckley 2011).

In the workplace, the most common type of discrimination may be due to body color, the whites may be paid more. This should not be a criterion for judging a person rather a person should be given as per the effort made by him.

Health is a crucial concern for the society but issues related to health has risen over the years. This is mainly due to the extensive outbreak of the diseases, the spread of infectious diseases and evidence of health impacts due to industrialization and anxieties that are related to health care. It is critical for addressing the health-related questions as the environmental factors play a significant role in shaping human health. There are many types of place-based influences on social context, health, and economic conditions. There are different types of impact due to location, and there is a constant shift in this regard because people are moving around at an unprecedented rate. Comprehending the effects of the health of where people live is the challenging factor but is a problem geographically (Shartava 2011).

The global scenario shows a clear understanding of the influence of location on the health. The world scenario of the burden of diseases must be mitigated through providing access of clean water, rudimentary sanitation, and adequate nutrition. This basic need tends to differ from place to place. The access to immunization is a very important concern for health but the access to immunization depends on the circumstances in the society and the way the health care facilities are distributed.

There are studies in the past on the impact of geographical distance on health through the mapping of the spread of diseases, access to health care and prevention of illness. To keep up with the impact of the location on the health-related issues, there is a need for proper documentation, modeling and predicting the clinical outcomes at individual and population levels (Sim and McKee 2011).

The accounting must be made on for the human mobility like daily, weekly and seasonally. The socioeconomic circumstances include the income of the person, level of education, gender and age. The other factors are the behavioral risk, changing the environment, the time taken by the diseases and the genetics. There is a need of developing sophisticated theories, tools, and methods so that the challenge of the 21st century is addressed.


Buckley, A. 2011. Racism. Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub.

Carl, J. 2011. Think sociology 2011. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Coates, R. 2011. Covert Racism. Leiden: BRILL.

DuRocher, K. 2011. Raising racists. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.

Earnheardt, A., Haridakis, P. and Hugenberg, B. 2011. Sports fans, identity, and socialization exploring the fandemonium. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.

Shartava, T. 2011). Health issues, injuries, and diseases. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Sim, F. and McKee, M. 2011. Issues in public health. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.

Stainton Rogers, W. 2011. Social psychology. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: McGraw Hill Open University Press.

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